7 research outputs found

    Antimicrobial Activity of Silver-Treated Bacteria against other Multi-Drug Resistant Pathogens in Their Environment

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    Silver is a potent antimicrobial agent against a variety of microorganisms and once the element has entered the bacterial cell, it accumulates as silver nanoparticles with large surface area causing cell death. At the same time, the bacterial cell becomes a reservoir for silver. This study aims to test the microcidal effect of silver-killed E. coli O104: H4 and its supernatant against fresh viable cells of the same bacterium and some other species, including E. coli O157: H7, Multidrug Resistant (MDR) Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Silver-killed bacteria were examined by Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). Agar well diffusion assay was used to test the antimicrobial efficacy and durability of both pellet suspension and supernatant of silver-killed E. coli O104:H4 against other bacteria. Both silver-killed bacteria and supernatant showed prolonged antimicrobial activity against the tested strains that extended to 40 days. The presence of adsorbed silver nanoparticles on the bacterial cell and inside the cells was verified by TEM. Silver-killed bacteria serve as an efficient sustained release reservoir for exporting the lethal silver cations. This promotes its use as a powerful disinfectant for polluted water and as an effective antibacterial which can be included in wound and burn dressings to overcome the problem of wound contamination

    Virulence profiles of some Pseudomonas aeruginosa clinical isolates and their association with the suppression of Candida growth in polymicrobial infections.

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    Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause a variety of diseases especially in the hospital environment. However, this pathogen also exhibits antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive bacteria and fungi. This study aimed to characterize different virulence factors, secreted metabolites and to study their role in the suppression of Candida growth. Fifteen P. aeruginosa isolates were tested for their anticandidal activity against 3 different Candida spp. by the cross-streak method. The effect on hyphae production was tested microscopically using light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Polymerase chain reaction was used in the detection of some virulence genes. Lipopolysaccharide profile was performed using SDS-polyacrylamide gel stained with silver. Fatty acids were analyzed by GC-MS as methyl ester derivatives. It was found that 5 P. aeruginosa isolates inhibited all tested Candida spp. (50-100% inhibition), one isolate inhibited C. glabrata only and 3 isolates showed no activity against the tested Candida spp. The P. aeruginosa isolates inhibiting all Candida spp. were positive for all virulence genes. GC-Ms analysis revealed that isolates with high anticandidal activity showed spectra for several compounds, each known for their antifungal activity in comparison to those with low or no anticandidal activity. Hence, clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa showed Candida species-specific interactions by different means, giving rise to the importance of studying microbial interaction in polymicrobial infections and their contribution to causing disease

    Evidence of a Link between Hepatitis E Virus Exposure and Glomerulonephritis Development

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    Viruses can trigger glomerulonephritis (GN) development. Hepatitis viruses, especially Hepatitis C virus and Hepatitis B viruses, are examples of the viruses that trigger GN initiation or progression. However, the proof of a correlation between GN and Hepatitis E virus infection is not clear. Some studies confirmed the development of GN during acute or chronic HEV infections, mainly caused by genotype 3. While others reported that there is no relation between HEV exposure and GN development. A recent study showed that a reduced glomerular filtration rate was developed in 16% of acute HEV genotype 1 (HEV-1) infections that returned to normal during recovery. HEV-1 is endemic in Egypt with a high seroprevalence among villagers and pregnant women. There is no available data about a link between HEV and GN in Egypt. Methods: GN patients (n = 43) and matched healthy subjects (n = 36) enrolled in Assiut University hospitals were included in this study. Blood samples were screened for hepatotropic pathogens. Tests for HEV markers such as HEV RNA and anti-HEV antibodies (IgM and IgG) were performed. Laboratory parameters were compared in HEV-seropositive and HEV-seronegative GN patients. Results: Anti-HEV IgG was detected in 26 (60.5%) out of 43 GN patients. HEV seroprevalence was significantly higher in GN than in healthy controls, suggesting that HEV exposure is a risk factor for GN development. None of the GN patients nor the healthy subjects were positive for anti-HEV IgM or HEV RNA. There was no significant difference between seropositive and seronegative GN patients in terms of age, gender, albumin, kidney function profiles, or liver transaminases. However, anti-HEV IgG positive GN patients had higher bilirubin levels than anti-HEV IgG negative GN patients. HEV-seropositive GN patients had a significantly elevated AST level compared to HEV-seropositive healthy subjects. Conclusion: exposure to HEV infection could be complicated by the development of GN

    Hepatitis E Virus Mediates Renal Injury via the Interaction between the Immune Cells and Renal Epithelium

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    Renal disorders are associated with Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection. Progression to end-stage renal disease and acute kidney injury are complications associated with HEV infection. The mechanisms by which HEV mediates the glomerular diseases remain unclear. CD10+/CD13+ primary proximal tubular (PT) epithelial cells, isolated from healthy donors, were infected with HEV. Inflammatory markers and kidney injury markers were assessed in the presence or absence of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from the same donors. HEV replicated efficiently in the PT cells as shown by the increase in HEV load over time and the expression of capsid Ag. In the absence of PBMCs, HEV was not nephrotoxic, with no direct effect on the transcription of chemokines (Cxcl-9, Cxcl-10, and Cxcl-11) nor the kidney injury markers (kidney injury molecule 1 (KIM-1), neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL), and interleukin 18 (lL-18)). While higher inflammatory responses, upregulation of chemokines and kidney injury markers expression, and signs of nephrotoxicity were recorded in HEV-infected PT cells cocultured with PBMCs. Interestingly, a significantly higher level of IFN-γ was released in the PBMCs-PT coculture compared to PT alone during HEV infection. In conclusion: The crosstalk between immune cells and renal epithelium and the signal axes IFN-γ/chemokines and IL-18 could be the immune-mediated mechanisms of HEV-induced renal disorder

    Inborn errors of metabolism detectable by tandem mass spectrometry in Egypt: The first newborn screening pilot study

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    To estimate the burden of metabolic disorders detectable by tandem mass spectrometry in Egypt, through a pilot expanded newborn screening programme at Cairo University Children's Hospital in 2008, and examining the results of 3,900 clinically at-risk children, investigated at Cairo University Children's Hospital for the same disorders over the past 7 years using the same technology.status: publishe

    Enhanced interpretation of newborn screening results without analyte cutoff values

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    A collaboration among 157 newborn screening programs in 47 countries has lead to the creation of a database of 705,333 discrete analyte concentrations from 11,462 cases affected with 57 metabolic disorders, and from 631 heterozygotes for 12 conditions. This evidence was first applied to establish disease ranges for amino acids and acylcarnitines, and clinically validate 114 cutoff target ranges. Objective: To improve quality and performance with an evidence-based approach, multivariate pattern recognition software has been developed to aid in the interpretation of complex analyte profiles. The software generates tools that convert multiple clinically significant results into a single numerical score based on overlap between normal and disease ranges, penetration within the disease range, differences between specific conditions, and weighted correction factors. Design: Eighty-five on-line tools target either a single condition or the differential diagnosis between two or more conditions. Scores are expressed as a numerical value and as the percentile rank among all cases with the condition chosen as primary target, and are compared to interpretation guidelines. Tools are updated automatically after any new data submission (2009- 2011: 5.2 new cases added per day on average). Main outcome measures: Retrospective evaluation of past cases suggest that these tools could have avoided at least half of 277 false positive outcomes caused by carrier status for fatty acid oxidation disorders, and could have prevented 88% of false negative events caused by cutoff 7 values set inappropriately. In Minnesota, their prospective application has been a major contributing factor to the sustained achievement of a false positive rate below 0.1% and a positive predictive value above 60%. Conclusions: Application of this computational approach to raw data could make cutoff values for single analytes effectively obsolete. This paradigm is not limited to newborn screening and is applicable to the interpretation of diverse multi-analyte profiles utilized in laboratory medicine. Abstract wor