3,034 research outputs found

    Analysis of Drydock Use in Ship Repairing

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    Drydocking a ship is essential to the routine maintenance process during its service/operational life. During the drydocking time, various surveys/inspections are carried out per requirements of the classification society, flag administration, and statutory bodies, particularly the underwater items. For shipyards, optimum utilization of drydock capacity (deadweight) is the most considered factor to optimize the physical performance indicators like drydock occupancy rate, capacity utilization rate, and drydock utilization. However, in real life, even after mobilizing all available resources to achieve the optimum usage rate, the overall physical performance could be higher or lower or not up to the expectation. The average size (deadweight) of ships calling to the drydock is observed to be far below the expected capacity, resulting in under-utilization of installed capacity. However, although the drydock occupancy rate is satisfactory, even 100%. For a substantial amount of time, the drydock has been under-utilized in terms of capacity utilization and drydock utilization rate. Drydocking activities of ships in two (2) drydocks of a shipyard are collected and analyzed. Various physical performance indicators (PPIs) are calculated. They are diagnosed year-wise and presented in tabular and graphical form to demonstrate their behavior over the operating period. Authors have investigated the behavior of the above-mentioned physical performance indicators to justify, technically, the selection of capacity of a drydock. A further attempt has been made to propose some recommendations and guidelines from technical viewpoints for the selection criteria of a drydock capacity based on available resources

    Formulation and Evaluation of Chitosan-Based Ampicillin Trihydrate Nanoparticles

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    Purpose: To develop ampicillin trihydrate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles by modified ionic gelation method and evaluate their antimicrobial activity. Methods: Ampicillin trihydrate-loaded chitosan nanoparticles were prepared by ionic gelation method with the aid of sonication. Parameters such as the zeta potential, polydispersity, particle size, entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release of the nanoparticles were assessed for optimization. The antibacterial properties of the nanoparticle formulation were evaluated and compared with that of a commercial formulation (reference). Results: Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the nanoparticles were in the nanosize range but irregular in shape. Concentrations of 0.35 %w/v of chitosan and 0.40 %w/v sodium tripolyphosphate (TPP) and a sonication time of 20 min constituted the optimum conditions for the preparation of the nanoparticles. In vitro release data showed an initial burst followed by slow sustained drug release. The nanoparticles demonstrated superior antimicrobial activity to plain nanoparticles and the reference, due probably to the synergistic effect of chitosan and ampicillin trihydrate. Conclusion: Modified ionic gelation method can be utilized for the development of chitosan nanoparticles of ampicillin trihydrate. Polymer and crosslinking agent concentrations and sonication time are rate-limiting factors for the development of the optimized formulation. The chitosan nanoparticles developed would be capable of sustained delivery of ampicillin trihydrate.Keywords: Ampicillin trihydrate; Chitosan; Nanoparticles; Ionic gelation method; Antibacterial activit

    Effective and Economically Viable Organic Agriculture under Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology – A Potential Alternative to Support India Organic Movement

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    Organic farming has been identified as the road map for food sovereignty, economic security, and alleviation of food toxicity. And, with changing climatic patterns it has become more of a necessity for harnessing both mitigation and adaptation potentials. For sustainable agriculture qualitative developments of soil has been prioritized. But it has been a time taking process, moreover; component wise redressal has not provided much relief considering that still now not even 1% of total agricultural production world over is organic. To reach the objective in a time bound manner, besides healthy soil, healthy plant system has become pre-requisite, as also supported by ‘Trophobiosis theory’ of French scientist F. Chabassou (1985) that depicts ‘Healthy Plants’ as the trump card for successful agriculture. There has been need for a method/ practice/ technology which can etch out the scientific road map towards the objective, at the same time should be Safe, Effective, Complete, Convenient and Economical; i.e., the five foundation pillars for ensuring large scale adoptability. Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology a comprehensive organic package of practice (POP) was developed by Indian Scientist Dr. P. Das Biswas, and has been ensuring sustainable agriculture for more than a decade now. Production of approximately 2.0 million kg certified organic teas annually in a cost- effective manner substantiates its efficacy while recognition of West Jalinga as ‘World’s 1st Carbon Neutral, Organic Tea Garden’ evidences its GHG mitigation and carbon sequestration potentials. FAO-CFC-TBI Project entitled ‘Development, Production and Trade of Organic Tea’ (at Maud Tea Estate, Assam; period: 2008-2013) provided opportunity to test IRF Technology in terms of yield, soil development and economics as compared to all other available organic methods/ POP. Highest yield, speedy soil quality rejuvenation was recorded under IRF Technology at lowest economics and under all growth phases of tea plant viz. mature, young, newly planted and nursery. The comprehensive process of soil and plant energization i.e. invigorating the native soil microflora as well infusion of deficient energy for plant metabolic functions has ensured the universality of IRF Technology. Projects undertaken in collaboration of State/ Central Agricultural Universities and Krishi Vigyan Kendra in a wide variety of field crops viz. cereals (rain fed and winter paddy, baby corn), pulses (green/ black gram), vegetables (tomato, potato, okra, cauliflower, cabbage, chilli, radish etc.) and exotic vegetables (horse radish, celery, Chinese cabbage, pak choi, broccoli, parsley etc.); have substantiated technological effectiveness. These field trials in diverse ecological regions of West Bengal indicated that yield sustenance/ hike is possible under organic, even from the very first year, and can ensure economic security even without any support price for organic. To evaluate the status of developments proposed under IRF Technology and standardize various components of crop production, several tools have also been developed viz. Compost Quality Index, Soil Quality/ Development Index, SWOT Study, Crop Pesticide Pollution Index, Pesticide Load on Crop, Soil Pesticide Pollution Index, etc. The initiatives and experience under IRF Technology indicate that it can be used as a potent weapon for economically viable, large scale and energy efficient organic farming; especially relevant with India’s commitment towards climate change and GHG mitigation and for tapping the growing export potentials

    Evaluation of On- farm produced Novcom Compost Quality and its Post Soil Application Effectivity in Acid Tea Soils – A Case Study from West Jalinga Tea Estate, the Largest Organic Tea Estate in Assam, India.

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    A new composting process known as Novcom composting method is being used for on-farm production of compost at West Jalinga Tea Estate (presently largest certified organic tea estate in Assam, India). The method has been developed by Dr. P. Das Biswas, an Indian Scientist who has been associated with organic research for the last decade. Novcom compost produced under this method is being used for soil management in the garden. The composting process enables production of mature compost within a period of 21 days. Quality of Novcom compost and its post soil application effectivity in terms of soil development were studied during the period 2006-7 to 2012-13. The samples were analyzed for physicochemical properties, nutrient content, ready nutrient supplying potential, microbial status, stability, maturity and phytotoxicity status; and the values obtained for the different parameters were within the standard suggested reference range. Soil microbial population increased by 1,000 to 10,000 times, apart from significant increase recorded in case of soil organic carbon (49.4%) and soil fertility (Available-N: 13.6%, P2O5: 5.8% and K2O: 9.5%). Post soil application effectivity of Novcom compost was documented both in terms of significant soil quality development as well as yield sustenance at West Jalinga T.E. which had been applying the compost @ 3 ton/ha/year; over a period of seven years. The study revealed that Novcom composting method could serve as an alternate option for production of good quality on-farm compost in order to enable effective soil management

    Pengaruh Karakteristik Tujuan Anggaran Terhadap Kinerja Aparat Pemerintah Daerah Studi Empiris Satuan Kerja Perangkat Daerah Kabupaten Karanganyar

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    The aim of this study was to examine the Articles of Interest Characteristics Influence on Performance of Local Government Officials in Karanganyar. The sampling technique in this study using purposive sampling method . This method was chosen because the sample is selected based on criteria that local government officials who menududuki positions at the middle to lower level officials as well as the manufacturer's commitment means officials who have activities in budgeting as well as implementing the budget and staff handling in the preparation of the budget . Samples were treated in this study as many as 90 samples and processed using SPSS program to test the hypothesis . The results showed that R2 values obtained 0.272 27.2 % , which means that the performance of local government officials is affected by the variable budget participation , budget goal clarity , the evaluation of the budget , the budget and the difficulty feedback budget goals . While the remaining 72.8 % is explained by other factors outside the model studied. The results of T test showed that of the five variables Characteristics Purpose Budget , four variables ( clarity of purpose , participation , feedback and difficulty achieving goals ) significantly affect the performance of the regional government officers in Karanganyar , being variable budget evaluation does not affect the performance of the regional government officers in the District Karanganyar . Keywords : Characteristics Purpose Budget , Performance, local government officials

    Lectins as possible candidates towards anti-microbial defense in silkworm, Bombyx mori L

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    Unlike vertebrates, insects do not have acquired immunity and therefore rely totally on innate immunity towards defense against invading microorganisms. Insect innate immunity consists of cellular and humoral reactions and both reactions work in concert in preventing insects acquiring infections. The most likely candidates for recognizing foreign material in insects are the lectins, which have already been shown to be important in mammalian innate immunity. Several reports of endogenous serum lectins having opsonic activity for invading pathogens have been circumstantiated in several insect specimens and therefore have been continuously explored for binding to wide range of microorganisms, obviating the necessity of antibodies in these animals. Silkworm, Bombyx mori L. is an important economic insect with unparalleled significance to the prosperity of weaker sections of the society and also has been promoted as a powerful laboratory model involving basic research in biology. It therefore merits immediate attention towards proper understanding of host-pathogen interactions, defensive mechanisms evolved in the host body in response to infection, anti-defensive molecules released by pathogen to suppress host immunity before reflecting on aspects of disease control. In this regard, lectins have been implicated as pattern recognition molecules serving as biosensors for detecting carbohydrate components on the microbial cells, thus triggering signaling cascade for immune activation. Understanding of such silkworm agglutinins, most specifically their binding specificities and pattern of recognition with identifiable gene families have been discussed towards establishment of its candidate role as immune defense molecules.Key words: Bombyx mori, lectins, innate immunity, carbohydrate-binding domains

    Comparative Study of Clonidine versus Lignocaine for Attenuation of Hemodynamic Responses during Laparoscopic Hysterectomy

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    Background: Hemodynamic changes due to reflex sympathetic discharge are of great concern in laparoscopic surgeries.Aim: To compare hemodynamic changes following premedication with lignocaine or clonidine during laparoscopic hysterectomy.Subjects and Methods: This prospective cross‑sectional randomized double blinded controlled trial was conducted one year in a tertiary care hospital in West Bengal. After taking institutional ethical clearance and consent of patients, hundred subjects of ASA Grade I and II undergoing elective laparoscopic hysterectomy were included in the study. Patients were allocated into two groups. Group A received clonidine and Group B received lignocaine. Baseline clinical parameters were recorded. Patients received clonidine or lignocaine as a bolus over a period of 15 minutes before induction and as continuous intravenous infusion throughout the surgical procedure. The dose of clonidine was 2.25 μg/kg bolus and 0.9 μg/kg/hr infusion while that of lignocaine was 1.5 mg/kg bolus and 0.6 mg/kg/hr infusion. Patients were given 1 μg/kg of fentanyl citrate intravenously. Following inductionwith intravenous propofol, endotracheal intubation was facilitated by atracurium. Anaesthesia was maintained by nitrous oxideIN and oxygen and along with propofol infusion. Muscle relaxation was achieved by intermittent bolus doses of atracurium. The patients were mechanically ventilated to keep EtCO2 between 35 and 40 mm Hg. Residual neuromuscular block was reversed by an appropriate dose of neostigmine and glycopyrrolate. All patients were shifted to PACU/POCU. Ramsay Sedation Score was assessed. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 16. Results: In comparison to group B, attenuation of heart rate, Systolic blood pressure, diastolic blood pressures were significantly more in group A. There was no difference in sedation score between the two groups. Conclusion: In an attempt to attenuate both the effects of layngoscopy and insufflations with carbon dioxide in laparoscopic surgery infusions of clonidine and lignocaine were run all through the procedures in the present study and it was found that use of clonidine and lignocaine attenuated the haemodynamic responses. However clonidine being found to be more effective.Keyword: Clonidine, hemodynamic responses, hysterectomy, lignocain

    Role of Magnesium Sulfate in Prolonging the Analgesic Effect of Spinal Bupivacaine for Cesarean Section in Severe Preeclamptics

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    Background: Magnesium sulfate, N‑methyl‑d‑aspartate receptor antagonist, has both analgesic and sedative properties. Aim: The aim was to evaluate the analgesic efficacy of perioperative intravenous (i.v) magnesium sulfate in severe preeclamptic patients scheduled for cesarean section under spinal anesthesia. Subjects and Methods: A double blind prospective randomized controlled study was designed conducted on 80 patients randomly allocated into two equal groups (n = 40) to receive either bupivacaine heavy intrathecally – Group B (control group) or bupivacaine heavy intrathecally along with i.v magnesium sulfate – Group BM (study group). Magnesium sulfate 40 mg/kg diluted in 100 ml of normal saline was administered over 15 min about 30 min prior to surgery followed by continuous infusion at the rate of 10 mg/kg/h for the next 24 h while the other group received similar volume of normal saline in the same manner. Intraoperatively, patients were monitored for hemodynamic perturbations, respiratory rate, urine output, Apgar score, uterine tonicity, and any other adverse effects. Postoperatively, duration of analgesia, number of rescue analgesics, signs of any magnesium toxicity, and incidence of postpartum eclampsia in the first 24 h were recorded. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 16. Results: At different time intervals, patients in Group BM had less pain than Group B when compared on visual analog scale. Patients in Group BM were significantly more sedated as compared to Group B patients. None of the patients demonstrated bradycardia, hypotensive episodes, hypoxia, or hypoventilation in the postoperative period in the recovery room. There was no significant respiratory depression, Apgar score was comparable, and uterine tonicity was adequate in both the groups. Postoperatively, time required for first analgesic dose was significantly more in Group BM 270 (35.1) min than Group B 223 (31.4) min. There was a significant decrease in total rescue analgesic requirement in Group BM 2.5 (0.4) compared to Group B 3.6 (0.4). Incidence of postpartum eclampsia in study group (one patient) was less than the control group (four patients). Conclusion: Preoperative i.v magnesium sulfate, in severe preeclampsia not only reduces the probability of developing peripartum eclampsia, but also significantly prolongs the duration of analgesia and reduces postoperative analgesic consumption without any significant side effects.Keywords: Intravenous magnesium sulphate, preecclempsia, spinal anaesthesi

    Soil Microbial Rejuvenation through Soil Resource Recycling as a part of Sustainable Management Programme: A Case Study from Lakhipara Tea Estate, Dooars, West Bengal, India

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    Quest for sustainability in the Indian tea industry starts on a serious note in the backdrop of several key issues such as impact of climate change on crop productivity, higher intensity of pest and diseases, rampant use of agrochemicals, issue of pesticide residues, increasing mandays cost etc. In this difficult time when most of the tea producers are looking for areas for cost curtailment, Goodricke Group Ltd., initiated the Sustainable Management Programme with the objectivity of producing sustainable teas with low pesticide footprint from the year 2014 onwards. The present study was conducted as a part of the above programme, to evaluate the effectiveness of on-farm generated compost towards soil microbial enrichment. Large-scale composting was done using Novcom composting method and end product quality was analyzed as per International Standards. Total N, P, K in the mature compost was 1.97%, 0.75%, and 0.87%, respectively but most important was the presence of self-generated microbial population in the order of 1014–1016 c.f.u. The rate of CO2 evolution, nitrification index and phytotoxicity bioassay value confirmed end product maturity and absence of any toxicity towards root growth. Assessment of Soil development Index (SDI), one year post compost application showed maximum soil development under organic soil management followed by soils receiving integrated soil management whereas nominal variation was documented under conventional soil management. Biological properties of soil were found to play a major contributory role towards variation of SDI value indicating the importance of microbial rejuvenation towards soil quality development

    Adoption of Rational Farming Technology for Development of a Model for Exploring Sustainable Farming Practice in Farmer’s Field

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    The effectivity of Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology was critically evaluated as a model of Sustainable Farming Practice in farmers’ field using okra (variety : Shakti - F1 hybrid) as test crop. The stusy was conducted at Binuria village in Birbhum District of West Bengal during February to October (2013). The village is in close vicinity of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan. The study area lies in 23.660 N and 87.630E at about 179 ft. above MSL, with level to nearly level landscape. The experiment was laid down as per randomized block design (RBD) with 7 treatments replicated 3 times. The treatments included local farming practice with chemical inputs, organic farming practice (Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology’ developed by Dr. P. Das Biswas, Founder, Inhana Biosciences, Kolkata) as well as integrated farming practice (combination of chemical and organic inputs for both soil and plant management). The most significant finding was that 100% reduction of chemical pesticide can be economically viable in the very first year with adoption of IRF Organic Package of Practice, under which 13.6% yield increase was recorded as compared to conventional farmer’s practice. Also when IRF was adopted for integrated cultivation model, higher yield as well as higher net income was obtained in comparison to conventional Farmer’s practice. Upto 144.5% higher Nitrogen Utilization efficiency and 32.8 % higher partial factor productivity was recorded under treatments with IRF Package. This higher response might be due to increased uptake and utilization of indigenous nutrients under the influence of high quality Novcom compost containing huge population (in order of 1016 c.f.u per gm moist compost) of self- generated microbes, which led to better nutrient (both macro and micro) mineralization in soil for plant uptake. This was also complimented by IRF Plant Management Package, which perhaps enhanced plant physiological functioning in terms of better N uptake and its utilization within plants
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