94 research outputs found

    Universal Toda brackets of ring spectra

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    We construct and examine the universal Toda bracket of a highly structured ring spectrum R. This invariant of R is a cohomology class in the Mac Lane cohomology of the graded ring of homotopy groups of R which carries information about R and the category of R-module spectra. It determines for example all triple Toda brackets of R and the first obstruction to realizing a module over the homotopy groups of R by an R-module spectrum. For periodic ring spectra, we study the corresponding theory of higher universal Toda brackets. The real and complex K-theory spectra serve as our main examples.Comment: 38 pages; a few typos corrected, to appear in Trans. Amer. Math. So

    Topological Hochschild homology and the cyclic bar construction in symmetric spectra

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    The cyclic bar construction in symmetric spectra and B\"okstedt's original construction are two possible ways to define the topological Hochschild homology of a symmetric ring spectrum. In this short note we explain how to correct an error in Shipley's original comparison of these two approaches.Comment: v2: 7 pages; exposition improved, accepted for publication in Proceedings of the AM

    Presentably symmetric monoidal infinity-categories are represented by symmetric monoidal model categories

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    We prove the theorem stated in the title. More precisely, we show the stronger statement that every symmetric monoidal left adjoint functor between presentably symmetric monoidal infinity-categories is represented by a strong symmetric monoidal left Quillen functor between simplicial, combinatorial and left proper symmetric monoidal model categories.Comment: v3: 17 pages, references updated and exposition improved, accepted for publication in Algebraic and Geometric Topolog

    Localization sequences for logarithmic topological Hochschild homology

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    We study the logarithmic topological Hochschild homology of ring spectra with logarithmic structures and establish localization sequences for this theory. Our results apply, for example, to connective covers of periodic ring spectra like real and complex topological K-theory.Comment: v3: 40 pages; minor changes, accepted for publication in Mathematische Annale

    Homotopy invariance of convolution products

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    The purpose of this paper is to show that various convolution products are fully homotopical, meaning that they preserve weak equivalences in both variables without any cofibrancy hypothesis. We establish this property for diagrams of simplicial sets indexed by the category of finite sets and injections and for tame MM-simplicial sets, with MM the monoid of injective self-maps of the positive natural numbers. We also show that a certain convolution product studied by Nikolaus and the first author is fully homotopical. This implies that every presentably symmetric monoidal ∞\infty-category can be represented by a symmetric monoidal model category with a fully homotopical monoidal product.Comment: v2: 31 pages, exposition improve

    A strictly commutative model for the cochain algebra of a space

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    The commutative differential graded algebra APL(X)A_{\mathrm{PL}}(X) of polynomial forms on a simplicial set XX is a crucial tool in rational homotopy theory. In this note, we construct an integral version AI(X)A^{\mathcal{I}}(X) of APL(X)A_{\mathrm{PL}}(X). Our approach uses diagrams of chain complexes indexed by the category of finite sets and injections I\mathcal{I} to model E∞E_{\infty} differential graded algebras by strictly commutative objects, called commutative I\mathcal{I}-dgas. We define a functor AIA^{\mathcal{I}} from simplicial sets to commutative I\mathcal{I}-dgas and show that it is a commutative lift of the usual cochain algebra functor. In particular, it gives rise to a new construction of the E∞E_{\infty} dga of cochains. The functor AIA^{\mathcal{I}} shares many properties of APLA_{\mathrm{PL}}, and can be viewed as a generalization of APLA_{\mathrm{PL}} that works over arbitrary commutative ground rings. Working over the integers, a theorem by Mandell implies that AI(X)A^{\mathcal{I}}(X) determines the homotopy type of XX when XX is a nilpotent space of finite type.Comment: v3: 23 pages; corrected an error in Lemma 3.7, adjusted some model structures accordingly and made various other small improvement

    Virtual vector bundles and graded Thom spectra

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    We introduce a convenient framework for constructing and analyzing orthogonal Thom spectra arising from virtual vector bundles. This framework enables us to set up a theory of orientations and graded Thom isomorphisms with good multiplicative properties. The theory is applied to the analysis of logarithmic structures on commutative ring spectra.Comment: v3: 39 pages, minor revision. Accepted for publication in Mathematische Zeitschrif

    Logarithmic topological Hochschild homology of topological K-theory spectra

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    In this paper we continue our study of logarithmic topological Hochschild homology. We show that the inclusion of the connective Adams summand into the p-local complex connective K-theory spectrum, equipped with suitable log structures, is a formally log THH-etale map, and compute the V(1)-homotopy of their logarithmic topological Hochschild homology spectra. As an application, we recover Ausoni's computation of the V(1)-homotopy of the ordinary THH of ku.Comment: v3: 32 pages; slightly revised. Accepted for publication in J. Eur. Math. Soc. (JEMS
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