7 research outputs found

    Commoning of territorial heritage and tools of participated sustainability for the production and enhancement of agro-environmental public goods

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze how the commoning heritage processes find application for the production of agro-environmental public goods in contexts of high socio-economic marginality and environmental vulnerability, characterized by abandonment and from the consumption of agricultural land for food use. The purpose is to understand how these processes are able to influence, at local level, the governance processes for the implementation of environmental protection strategies. The survey made it possible to verify how the commoning processes aimed at the production of agro-environmental goods generate territorial resilience, understood as a community competence able to structure specific forms of social learning based on priorities identified and defined by the communities. The followed theoretical framework and the methodological approach have allowed on the one hand to draw up a taxonomy of the different territorial dynamics and on the other to identify a mixed indicator system, applicable and replicable also in other contexts, able to describe its dimensions analytically. The assessment of the cognitive elements related to the territorial fabric carried out through the proposed approach has allowed to demonstrate how the knowledge of the territorial capital contributes to the activation of forms of collective intelligence necessary for decision-making processes

    Territori locali. L’efficacia degli strumenti di governo dei paesaggi in transizione

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    Si spopolano alcune delle aree deboli nel Paese. Le strumentazioni disponibili per la comprensione dei fenomeni di declino non sembrano in grado di cogliere appieno le specificità territoriali. Le attenzioni dei decisori alle tematiche sociali ed economiche sono proposte come prioritarie mentre la cura delle caratteristiche ambientali e culturali sono ancora oggi percepite come vincoli. Economia e sostenibilità culturale ed ambientale restano separate nella prevalenza dei casi e ciò determina l’inefficacia delle politiche di tutela e valorizzazione delle risorse in gioco. Le discipline economiche e quelle paesaggistiche dal punto di vista della ricerca possono essere integrate, mentre l’analisi delle pratiche e l’inefficienza delle politiche dimostra che molto lavoro deve ancora essere fatto. La rigenerazione in chiave territoriale può consentire l’affiancamento delle discipline alle politiche anche settorializzate. Il confronto tra analisi economiche applicate ai sistemi rurali e le esperienze di pianificazione paesaggistica può mostrare l’opportunità di nuove strumentazioni intese come geografie interpretative funzionali alla integrazione operativa delle tensioni potenzialità/criticità e delle eccellenze/minacce. Tali strumentazioni utilizzano in modo nuovo dataset già disponibili e, se ben inserite nel sistema delle politiche soprattutto al fine di contrasto del continuo ricorso alle logiche emergenziali (acqua, rifiuti, dissesto idrogeologico, rischio sismico, ecc.), potrebbero contribuire ad una maggiore efficacia delle politiche pubbliche e ad attirare risorse private in modo più immediato e responsabile.Some of the weak areas in the country are becoming depopulated. The tools available for understanding the phenomena of decline do not seem able to fully grasp the territorial specificities. The attention of decision-makers to social and economic issues are proposed as priorities while the care of environmental and cultural characteristics are still perceived as constraints. Economics and cultural and environmental sustainability remain separate in the prevalence of cases and this determines the ineffectiveness of policies to protect and enhance the resources involved. The economic and landscape disciplines from the research point of view can be integrated, while the analysis of the practices and the inefficiency of the policies shows that a lot of work has yet to be done. The regeneration in the territorial key can allow the disciplines to be flanked to the policies also sectionalized. The comparison between economic analyzes applied to rural systems and the experiences of landscape planning can show the opportunity of new instruments intended as interpretative geographies functional to the operational integration of potential / critical tensions and excellence/threats. Such instruments use in a new way already available datasets and, if well inserted in the system of the politics above all in order to contrast the continuous recourse to the emergency logics (water, waste, hydrogeological instability, seismic risk, etc.), could contribute to a greater effectiveness of public policies and to attract private resources in a more immediate and responsible way

    Regionalization processes in agricultural and environmental policies. A Regional Typologies Comparative Analysis to identifying fragile areas

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    This paper, affecting an analysis comparative of the different regional typologies, it analyzes the concept of weakness, with reference to the phenomena of degrade and disarrangement of the grounds, inside the processes of identification of functional territorial articulations to the statistical analysis and the decisions of policy, showing as despite the existence of a fed together of interpretations none of the examined typologies both indeed able to furnish a representation suitable of the phenomenon, since the different procedures of regionalization introduce not suitable discriminatory methodologies

    A Territorial Approach to the Production of Urban and Rural Landscape.

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    The authors, starting from the examination of the historic data of Palermo landscapes on the south-east side, draws up an analysis of the landscape by illustrating the environmental characteristics and the intervention of man in its transformations. Therefore, determined by a certain point to refer to, the author, on the basis of archival, literary, and existing graphic documentation, has therefore sought to illustrate the evolution of the landscape in the geographical area of Maredolce while still presenting relations with the territory of Palermo. Examining the diaries at the end of the eighteenth century with the help of the water colored planks of the sites taking into account the great patrimony left by landscape painters of the period brought a great deal of information. In this sense it is possible to evaluate the transformation of Maredolce from swampy and abandoned land of the last seventeenth century (end of sugary activity) to that of new irrigation agriculture. Transformation that is common to the entire territory of Palermo, with which numerous comparisons are also carried out on the basis of archival documentation. With the introduction of the industrial economy of the citrus which has wiped out any past historical stratification; before being swept by the cementation of the ‘Conca d’Oro’ which still lasts and of which Maredolce (historic palace and its garden) is the last environmental and cultural heritage as a holistic ecosystem that should absolutely be saved by using integrated urban planning with responsible architectonic restoration approaches

    A Territorial Approach to the Production of Urban and Rural Landscape.

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    The authors, starting from the examination of the historic data of Palermo landscapes on the south-east side, draws up an analysis of the landscape by illustrating the environmental characteristics and the intervention of man in its transformations. Therefore, determined by a certain point to refer to, the author, on the basis of archival, literary, and existing graphic documentation, has therefore sought to illustrate the evolution of the landscape in the geographical area of Maredolce while still presenting relations with the territory of Palermo. Examining the diaries at the end of the eighteenth century with the help of the water colored planks of the sites taking into account the great patrimony left by landscape painters of the period brought a great deal of information. In this sense it is possible to evaluate the transformation of Maredolce from swampy and abandoned land of the last seventeenth century (end of sugary activity) to that of new irrigation agriculture. Transformation that is common to the entire territory of Palermo, with which numerous comparisons are also carried out on the basis of archival documentation. With the introduction of the industrial economy of the citrus which has wiped out any past historical stratification; before being swept by the cementation of the ‘Conca d’Oro’ which still lasts and of which Maredolce (historic palace and its garden) is the last environmental and cultural heritage as a holistic ecosystem that should absolutely be saved by using integrated urban planning with responsible architectonic restoration approaches

    Acknowledgement to reviewers of social sciences in 2019

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