6 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan media evaluasi labirin untuk pembelajaran Sharaf 1 menggunakan aplikasi construct 2 di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menciptakan Media Evaluasi yang menyenangkan, inovatif, interaktif, dan menarik serta memotivasi mahasiswa. Penelitian Pengembangan ini menggunakan metode pengembangan R&D dengan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari 5 tahapan, yaitu 1) Analisis, 2) Desain, 3) Pengembangan, 4) Implementasi, dan 5) Evaluasi. Teknik pengambilan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini dengan Kuesioner, Wawancara, dan Observasi. Data kuantitatif dan kualitatif di analisis menggunakan skala Likert. Berdasarkan kesimpulan data penelitian, peneliti memperoleh : 1) Analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa dari 25 mahasiswa angkatan 2021 program studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Negeri Jakarta, menyatakan bahwa mahasiswa menyetujui jika dikembangkan media evaluasi sharaf 1 berbasis permainan labirin. Maka dari itu diperlukan adanya pengembangan media evaluasi labirin untuk pembelajaran sharaf 1 menggunakan aplikasi construct 2. 2) Desain media evaluasi labirin dimulai dari menentukan materi sharaf 1 yang akan di evaluasi sampai membuat desain layar media evaluasi labirin. 3) Pengembangan media evaluasi labirin mulai dari menyiapkan pertanyaan di Powerpoint sampai merancang desain permainan labirin langsung di aplikasi Construct 2. 4) Implementasi Media Evaluasi Labirin oleh 25 Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab angkatan 2021 dengan cara tidak langsung. 5) Evaluasi media evaluasi labirin berdasarkan validasi yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli materi memperoleh hasil 87,5% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Validasi yang telah dilakukan oleh ahli media memperoleh hasil 86,25% dengan kategori “sangat baik” sedangkan penilaian siswa terhadap media evaluasi labirin memperoleh hasil 90% dengan kategori “sangat baik”. Dengan demikian, produk media evaluasi labirin dengan menggunakan aplikasi construct 2 yang telah dikembangkan oleh peneliti layak untuk digunakan dalam proses pembelajaran Sharaf 1. ***** This study aims to develop a labyrinth evaluation media for learning Sharaf 1 using construct 2 application in the Arabic Language Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta. This research was conducted to create an evaluation media that is fun, innovative, interactive, interesting as well as motivating students. This development research uses the R&D with ADDIE model which consists of 5 stages, namely 1) analysis, 2) design, 3) development, 4) Implementation, and 5) evaluation. Data collection techniques used by questionnaires, interviews, and observations. Quantitative and qualitative data were analyzed using a Likert scale. Based on the conclusions of the research data, the researches obtained : 1) An analysis of student needs from 25 students of the 2021 batch of Arabic language education study programs at the Jakarta State University, showing that the student agrees if developing an evaluation media of sharaf 1 learning based on labyrinth game. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a labyrinth evaluation media for learning Sharaf 1 using construct 2 application. 2) The design of the labyrinth evaluation media starts from determining the material for sharaf 1 to be evaluated to making the design of the labyrinth eevaluation media screen. 3) The development of labyrinth evaluation media starts from preparing questions in powerpoint to designing labyrinth game designs directly in the construct 2 application. 4) The Implementation of labyrinth evaluation media by 25 students of the Arabic language education study program in force 2021 in an indirect way. 5) The evaluation of labyrinth evaluation media based on validation that has been done by material experts get results 87,5% in the “very good” category. And the validation that has been done by media experts get results 86,25% in the “very good” category. While the student’s assessment of the labyrinth evaluation media obtained 90% results in the “very good” category. Therefore, the labyrinth evaluation media for learning Sharaf 1 using construct 2 application that has been developed by researches is suitable for use in the Sharaf 1 learning process

    Komunikasi Antarbudaya pada Mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi X (Studi pada Mahasiswa Angkatan 2017)

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    Komunikasi antarbudaya memiliki peran penting dalam proses adaptasi mahasiswa sehingga menciptakan suatu hubungan yang harmonis antara mahasiswa satu sama lain. Contohnya perilaku mahasiswa luar Pulau Jawa yang memiliki semangat untuk berinteraksi dengan mahasiswa yang berasal dari Pulau Jawa hanya karena ingin membangun relasi serta berusaha mendapatkan informasi atau pemahaman yang sesuai dengan budaya maupun bahasa yang ada di Pulau Jawa. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pesan komunikasi verbal dan hambatan-hambatan yang ditemui dalam komunikasi antarbudaya di kalangan mahasiswa Perguruan Tinggi X angkatan 2017. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Surabaya dengan mahasiswa yang memiliki latar belakang budaya yang berbeda. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan teknik pengumpulan data berupa wawancara. Adapun informan adalah mahasiswa angkatan 2017 dari luar Pulau Jawa karena mahasiswa angkatan 2017 memiliki ragam asal yang berbeda paling banyak dibandingkan dengan angkatan lainnya. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa adaptasi dapat lebih cepat terjadi dikarenakan terdapat persamaan peran atau status dalam proses perkuliahan yaitu sama-sama sebagai seorang mahasiswa serta dorongan dari berbagai pihak. Kata kunci: komunikasi antarbudaya, adaptasi, deskripti

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved

    Application of VR in Furniture Connection Learning for Interior Design Students

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    This study aims to provide information about virtual reality media that can be used as information about interior learning, especially furniture joints. This project uses an experimental method to create a prototype in the form of virtual reality in which there will be several furniture connections that can be used as learning media. This study uses the main software, namely Unity, which is used as the basic software in virtual reality, as well as additional software that is used as a furniture connection modelling application. Its implementation will later use additional hardware, namely oculus. The results obtained from this study are that student’s interest in the learning process using new media, is more interesting because it can create different alternative learning media than before, by using virtual reality facilities. The use of virtual reality in furniture connections provides significant benefits to students in the learning process. It removes the physical barrier of choosing a good joint to use and helps users make better decisions. As virtual reality technology continues to evolve, it is hoped that a more realistic and immersive furniture joinery learning experience will become more accessible and provide greater benefits to all involved


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    Background Food service has the basic principles of hygiene and health in the provision of food, the food served must be free from all kinds of contamination. The canteen is a crucial type of place where food is served. The purpose of the activity is to provide food safety education to canteen managers. Methods this activity uses an outreach method with poster media and questions and answers, then pre-test before education and post-test after education is carried out followed by statistical analysis with paired samples test. Result there is an increase in the knowledge of workers after education as evidenced by the results of statistical analysis, a significance value of 0.044. Conclusion there is an effect of education on increasing the knowledge of UNIDA Gontor canteen managers on the female campus

    Edukasi Keamanan Pangan Di Kantin Kampus Putri Unida Gontor

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    Latar belakang penyelenggaraan makanan memiliki prinsip dasar hygiene dan sehat dalam penyediaan makanan, makanan yang disajikan harus terbebas dari segala macam jenis cemaran. Kantin merupakan salah satu jenis tempat penyelenggaraan makanan yang krusial.  Tujuan kegiatan untuk memberikan edukasi keamanan pangan kepada pengelola kantin. Metode kegiatan ini menggunakan metode penyuluhan dengan media poster dan tanya jawab, kemudian dilakukan pre test sebelum edukasi dan post test setelah edukasi dilanjutkan dengan analisis statistic dengan uji paired samples test. Hasil yang didapatkan ada peningkatan pengetahuan setelah edukasi dibuktikan dengan hasil analisis statistik didapatkan nilai signifikansi yaitu sebesar 0,044. Simpulan ada pengaruh edukasi terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan pengelola kantin UNIDA Gontor kampus putri