3,311 research outputs found

    Internet recruiting power: Opportunities and effectiveness

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    Recruiting via the Internet, or e-Recruitment, is a phenomenon that has led to the appearance of a new market in which there is an unprecedented level of interaction between employers and potential employees. In this paper we describe the actual and emergent models in the e-Recruitment market, assess the changes this new recruitment tool is bringing about in companies' practices and strategies, and analyse the risks and opportunities of e-Recruitment for companies and for job candidates.Internet; e-Recruiting

    Enforcing the ADA and Stopping Serial Litigants: How the Commercial Real Estate Industry Can Play This Key Role

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    This comment explores the evolution of Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”) and argues for a new and more effective implementation of this important anti-discrimination law through the real estate industry. First, this comment discusses the intricacies of the ADA, including its revisions over time and impactful legislation it has spawned. Second, this comment addresses current practical and legal challenges to enforcement of Title III of the ADA, including commercial property owners’ lack of understanding ADA responsibilities, serial litigation, and standing in courts. Finally, this comment proposes a new emphasis on ADA enforcement within the real estate industry. Such focus would obviate the need for many private lawsuits, place responsibility for ADA enforcement on parties involved in commercial real estate transactions and result in more effective implementation of both the spirit and letter of the ADA

    A simple parameter-free one-center model potential for an effective one-electron description of molecular hydrogen

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    For the description of an H2 molecule an effective one-electron model potential is proposed which is fully determined by the exact ionization potential of the H2 molecule. In order to test the model potential and examine its properties it is employed to determine excitation energies, transition moments, and oscillator strengths in a range of the internuclear distances, 0.8 < R < 2.5 a.u. In addition, it is used as a description of an H2 target in calculations of the cross sections for photoionization and for partial excitation in collisions with singly-charged ions. The comparison of the results obtained with the model potential with literature data for H2 molecules yields a good agreement and encourages therefore an extended usage of the potential in various other applications or in order to consider the importance of two-electron and anisotropy effects.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Utilizing Art Therapy to overcome Cumulative Trauma experienced by Adolescents admitted into the Foster Care system

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    This research studied the effects of art therapy on a foster care child whom experienced multiple cumulative traumas in her biological household and is struggling to assimilate with her current foster family. This research consists of a qualitative secondary analysis of a previous case study conducted by Meghan J. Krikorian (2008). While Krikorian designed an ABA format study measuring self-concept before and after receiving individual art therapy sessions, this study focuses on maladaptive behavior and the transformation it undergoes with a stable and intimate therapeutic relationship. Two African American children participated in Krikorian’s study, an eight-year-old female and a nine-year-old male, this study analyzed the process and art work of the eight year old child, Tanya. Throughout this treatment, Tanya is working on coping with her worries, anxieties, and frustrations. The results of this study suggest that individual art therapy had some positive effects on Tanya’s ability to cope in treatment foster care, which may increase with a larger number of sessions

    Accurate photoionisation cross section for He at non-resonant photon energies

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    The total single-photon ionisation cross section was calculated for helium atoms in their ground state. Using a full configuration-interaction approach the photoionisation cross section was extracted from the complex-scaled resolvent. In the energy range from ionisation threshold to 59\,eV our results agree with an earlier BB-spline based calculation in which the continuum is box discretised within a relative error of 0.01%0.01\% in the non-resonant part of the spectrum. Above the \He^{++} threshold our results agree on the other hand very well to a recent Floquet calculation. Thus our calculation confirms the previously reported deviations from the experimental reference data outside the claimed error estimate. In order to extend the calculated spectrum to very high energies, an analytical hydrogenic-type model tail is introduced that should become asymptotically exact for infinite photon energies. Its universality is investigated considering also H−^-, Li+^+, and HeH+^+. With the aid of the tail corrections to the dipole approximation are estimated.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Frustrated collisions and unconventional pairing on a quantum superlattice

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    We solve the problem of scattering and binding of two spin-1/2 fermions on a one-dimensional superlattice with a period of twice the lattice spacing analytically. We find the exact bound states and the scattering states, consisting of a generalized Bethe ansatz augmented with an extra scattering product due to "asymptotic" degeneracy. If a Bloch band is doubly occupied, the extra wave can be a bound state in the continuum corresponding to a single-particle interband transition. In all other cases, it corresponds to a quasi-momentum changing, frustrated collision.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Brewster quasi bound states in the continuum in all-dielectric metasurfaces from single magnetic-dipole resonance meta-atoms

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    Bound states in the continuum (BICs) are ubiquitous in many areas of physics, attracting especial interest for their ability to confine waves with infinite lifetimes. Metasurfaces provide a suitable platform to realize them in photonics; such BICs are remarkably robust, being however complex to tune in frequency-wavevector space.Here we propose a scheme to engineer BICs and quasi-BICs with single magnetic-dipole resonance meta-atoms. Upon changing the orientation of the magnetic-dipole resonances, we show that the resulting quasi-BICs,emerging from the symmetry-protected BIC at normal incidence, become transparent for plane-wave illumination exactly at the magnetic-dipole angle, due to a Brewster-like effect. While yielding infinite Q-factors at normalincidence(canonical BIC), these are termed Brewster quasi-BICs since a transmission channel is always allowed that slightly widens resonances at oblique incidences. This is demonstrated experimentally through reflectance measurements in the microwave regime with high-refractive-index mm-disk metasurfaces. Such Brewster-inspired configuration is a plausible scenario to achieve quasi-BICs throughout the electromagnetic spectrum inaccessible through plane-wave illumination at given angles, which could be extrapolated to other kind of waves.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures; typos corrected, Figs. 3 & 5 modified, new Fig. 7 & references adde

    An unusually large number of eggs laid by a breeding red-cockaded woodpecker female

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    The Red-cockaded Woodpecker (Picoides borealis) is a cooperatively breeding species that typically uses a single cavity for nesting (Ligon 1970, Walters et al. 1988). A single tree, or aggregation of cavity trees, termed the cluster, is inhabited by a group of woodpeckers that includes a single breeding pair and up to several helpers, which are typically male offspring of previous breeding seasons (Ligon 1970, Lennartz et al. 1987). Each group of Red-cockaded Woodpeckers usually produces one nest per breeding season, but will often nest again during the same breeding season if the first nest fails. Double clutching and double brooding (where both nests are successful) are known to occur in Red-cockaded Woodpeckers in the southern and northern portion of the species\u27 range (LaBranche et al. 1994, Franzreb 1997, Phillips et al. 1998)
