217 research outputs found

    Fourier Series Expansions of Powers of the Trigonometric Sine and Cosine Functions

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    In this paper, Fourier series expansions of powers of sine and cosine functions are established for any possible power real or complex or positive integer. Recurrence relations are established to facilities the computations of the coefficients of expansions formulae. Numerical applications for real and complex powers are also included , the accuracy of the computed values are at least of order . While the applications for positive integer powers are given as exact analytical expressions

    Isolation, Identification Bacteria and Bioremediation of Soil Contaminate Crude Oil from Specific Area (Baiji_Iraq)

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    In this paper new eight types of bacteria that degrading crude oil were isolated. The isolated were from Baiji, near Tikrit, the center of Salah al-Din Governorate, IRAQ. The nucleotide sequences of the 16rRNA gene revealed that these isolates belong to the genus Bacillus, Cytobacillus and Staphylococcus. These isolated bacteria proved their ability to degradation petroleum hydrocarbons with varying effectiveness, as Cytobacillus firmus IBMA1 bacteria proved 98% effective in degrading hydrocarbons among the mineral salts in petroleum, Bacillus cereus IBMA3 showed a capacity to crack oil compounds by 92% in the medium of SMS mineral salts agar and Bacillus zhangzhouensis IBMA4 showed a cracking ability of 90% for the compounds present in crude oil. The other bacteria degraded petroleum compound with different rates. Based on it, three species that are big destroyers were taken to bioremediate crude oil containment soil from the same polluted site. The capacity of each basin is 10 kg. Each basin was treated with one type of bacteria over a period of two months.  Then also, gas chromatography (GC) was used for soil samples after one and two months of treatment. The experiment was conducted from 17/2/2022 to 17/4/2022. The biological treatment was done using bacteria and contaminated soil. The results showed that IBMA1 bacteria have a great ability to consume PAHs with a consumption rate of 60.365% and that the lowest concentration of the remaining aromatic hydrocarbons was (6.5ppm), while IBMA3 bacteria showed their ability to consume PAHs with an average of 52.217% within two months. From the treatment, the lowest concentration of the remaining aromatic hydrocarbons was (9ppm) and IBMA4 bacteria showed the minimum ability to consume polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, with a consumption rate of 44.65% as an average consumption, and the lowest remaining concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons were by (12ppm), while the average consumption of compounds during the two-month treatment period was 39.280%, and the results of the statistical analysis show the superiority of soil treatment with IBMA1 bacteria over IBMA3 bacteria and IBMA4 bacteria at the probability of  P≤0.01

    Improved synchronous production of Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes in vitro.

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    The sexual stages of the Plasmodium falciparum life cycle are attractive targets for vaccines and transmission blocking drugs. Difficulties in culturing and obtaining large amounts of sexual stage P. falciparum parasites, particularly early stages, have often limited research progress in this area. We present a new protocol which simplifies the process of stimulating gametocytogenesis leading to improved synchronous gametocyte production. This new method can be adapted to enrich for early stage gametocytes (I and II) with a higher degree of purity than has previously been achieved, using MACS magnetic affinity columns. The protocol described lends itself to large scale culturing and harvesting of synchronous parasites suitable for biochemical assays, northern blots, flow cytometry, microarrays and proteomic analysis

    A Five-Year Study on the Profile of Acute Poisoning Cases Admitted to Poison Center, Alexandria, Egypt

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    Background: Poisoning remains one of the health problems that causes significant patient mortality and morbidity worldwide regardless of a country's development or culture. It can occur secondary to exposure to natural ingredient or chemical substance.Methods: This study was conducted to evaluate Alexandria Poison Center (APC) data for trends and modes of poisoning exposure over a 5-year period and to evaluate the characteristics of human exposure based on the cases received by APC. The data was collected retrospectively from 1st of January   2017 to 31st of December 2021 and all patients admitted through this time (36853 cases) were included.Results: The study revealed that poisoning occurs significantly more in females than males and the highest incidence of poisoning occurred in adult category. Pesticides were accountable for the highest number of poisoning cases; also, pesticides were responsible for more than 70% of deaths. So, Pesticides were selected as a model to be analyzed in detail. On the side of the study, the effect of COVID-19 was studied and revealed no significant changes in profile of acute poisoning cases, however, suicidal tendency remarkably increased in 2020 and 2021 in comparison to other studied years

    The Metaphorical Character in the Poetry of Abdullah Al-Bardouni: A Semiotic Study

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    تقف هذه الدراسة على مدونة الشاعر عبد الله البردوني الشعرية عبر زاوية محددة، تنظر إلى تجربته وواقعه الذي جسده في النص على أسس إنسانية يستمدها من استعارة الشاعر للشخصيات الإنسانية؛ والشاعر حين يقيم نصه على أسس إنسانية لا يختلقها من العدم، وإنما هو يستمدها من تجربته الإنسانية ومن واقعه بوصفه مصدرا يستدعي منه مادته الإنسانية والاستدعاء ليس غاية في ذاته، والشاعر حين يستدعي شخصية من التراث مثلا لا يستهدف مجرد الاستدعاء؛ فالاستدعاء هنا يكون بمثابة تغيير للسياق حيث ينقل الشاعر الشخصية من سياقها السابق لسياق جديد مستهدفا تخصيب دلالة جديدة تنضاف إلى الدلالة القائمة في السياق السابق.  الشخصيات المستعارة شخصيات جاهزة الوجود فالشاعر لم يبتكرها الشاعر من العدم، وإنما هي شخصيات حققت وجودها في الواقع واستقرت في الذهن الجمعي لذا فالشاعر ليس في حاجة  إلى تعريفها أو تقديم بطاقة تعريف بها إذ هو يستعيرها من منطقة الشهرة، وجاهزية الشخصية سلاح ذو حدين، فليست هي المجهولة التي يتشوق المتلقي لمعرفتها، وهو ما يحسب للمتلقي، وإنما هي المعروفة التي قد تجعل المتلقي يحجم عن معرفتها فاقدا التشوق لما يطرحه الشاعر لها من سمات فنية تجعلها في صورة قابلة للتشوق، أي إن الشاعر يقاوم  جاهزية الشخصية بتقديم جاهزية جديدة. ولكون الإنسان موضوعاً للخطاب الأدبي، وكونه منتجاً للخطاب بوظيفته الجمالية التي يؤديها وتوظيفها عبر آلية محددة تتقدم هذه الدراسة لتحقيق أهدافها في ثلاث خطوات أساسية: الكشف عن مفهوم الاستعارة وكيف تحققت لدى الشاعر. أنماط الشخصيات المستعارة، واختيار ثلاث شخصيات تبيانا لمساحة ظهورها. الوقوف على أربعة وظائف حققتها استعارة الشخصية: اللغوية، البلاغية، السردية، الدلالية.    This study deals with the poetic blog of the poet Abdullah Al Bardony from a certain perspective. It deals with his experience and the reality he embodied in the text based on human bases which the poet extracts from recalling previous human characters. Upon doing that, the poet does not create these human bases from the beginning but he extracts them from his human experience and from his reality which he considers a source from which he recalls his human material. Recalling that is not an end. The poet does not intend only such recall such as when he recalls a character from heritage. The recall here is a change of context where the poet removes the character from a context to another with the intention to target the enrichment of a new meaning to be added to the outstanding meaning in the previous context. Recalling previous characters is like borrowing characters that were ready in existence. The poet did not create them from nothing. They are characters that were realized in reality and felt by the minds of the people. The poet does not need to define such characters or to identify them to the society. He borrows these characters as they are famous everywhere. The preparation of characters is a double-edged weapon. They are not unknown so that recipients are eager to know them but they are already known so that recipients may be reluctant to know them as they are losing passion to what artistic features the poet may cover them with to make these characters appear appalling. In short, the poet resists the preparedness of characters with the presentation of a new preparedness. Since man is the main theme of the art work, and since man is producing the dialogue through its whole function that he may perform and employ through a certain mechanism, this study aims at achieving its objectives through three main steps: Defining the term of borrowing (recalling previous characters) and how did the poet realize it. Types of recalled (borrowed) characters and choosing three of them to identify the size of their presence. Identifying four functions realized by recalling (borrowing) characters: linguistic, rhetoric, narrative and semantic functions. &nbsp

    Ya Quds Academic Cultural News Letter, Issue No. 4

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    This issue of Ya Quds! comes at a time when the Centre for Jerusalem Studies has appointed a new director, Arnan Bashir. We would like to wish him all the best in his endeavours to promote the vision and goals of the Centre. We would like to send out a call for the fifth issue of Ya Quds!, Articles may be in Arabic or English and should not exceed 1200 words. The deadline for submission is September 25, 2018

    Plasmodium falciparum Antigens on the Surface of the Gametocyte-Infected Erythrocyte

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    BACKGROUND: The asexual blood stages of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum produce highly immunogenic polymorphic antigens that are expressed on the surface of the host cell. In contrast, few studies have examined the surface of the gametocyte-infected erythrocyte. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: We used flow cytometry to detect antibodies recognising the surface of live cultured erythrocytes infected with gametocytes of P. falciparum strain 3D7 in the plasma of 200 Gambian children. The majority of children had been identified as carrying gametocytes after treatment for malaria, and each donated blood for mosquito-feeding experiments. None of the plasma recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with developmental stages of gametocytes (I-IV), but 66 of 194 (34.0%) plasma contained IgG that recognised the surface of erythrocytes infected with mature (stage V) gametocytes. Thirty-four (17.0%) of 200 plasma tested recognised erythrocytes infected with trophozoites and schizonts, but there was no association with recognition of the surface of gametocyte-infected erythrocytes (odds ratio 1.08, 95% C.I. 0.434-2.57; P = 0.851). Plasma antibodies with the ability to recognise gametocyte surface antigens (GSA) were associated with the presence of antibodies that recognise the gamete antigen Pfs 230, but not Pfs48/45. Antibodies recognising GSA were associated with donors having lower gametocyte densities 4 weeks after antimalarial treatment. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: We provide evidence that GSA are distinct from antigens detected on the surface of asexual 3D7 parasites. Our findings suggest a novel strategy for the development of transmission-blocking vaccines