110 research outputs found

    Central limit theorem for reducible and irreducible open quantum walks

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    In this work we aim at proving central limit theorems for open quantum walks on Zd\mathbb{Z}^d. We study the case when there are various classes of vertices in the network. Furthermore, we investigate two ways of distributing the vertex classes in the network. First we assign the classes in a regular pattern. Secondly, we assign each vertex a random class with a uniform distribution. For each way of distributing vertex classes, we obtain an appropriate central limit theorem, illustrated by numerical examples. These theorems may have application in the study of complex systems in quantum biology and dissipative quantum computation.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure

    Contemporary revitalization of public spaces in Łódź. The role of squares, streets and courtyards in creating the genius loci based on the historical heritage

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    The city of Lodz (Łódź), despite its medieval origins (1423), is a young city. It was established as an important industrial center in the 19th century. In the 20th century it was the second largest city in Poland. The unusual and unique in Poland, "American" plan of the city (one main street and districts developing around the factories) resulted in a lack of city squares and a small amount of public space. Since the beginning of the 20th century, Lodz has been trying to create common spaces. Unfortunately, after the systemic transformation of 1989 and in connection with the economic crisis of the 1990s, they underwent far-reaching degradation. Nowadays they are undergoing a revitalization process. There are many competitions and projects concerning both the rehabilitation of existing city squares and the creation of new ones. However, the term "city square" has largely lost its original, traditional meaning and the name "square" now covers a variety of open spaces - pedestrian streets, courtyards.  We propose to pay attention to a few selected, diverse examples of municipal and private investments like squares, streets, parks. Despite the positive reception of the changes made and the "renewal" of the city the process is criticized by many specialists and considered controversial. The presentation is an attempt to analyze these solutions in terms of urban planning, city landscape and ecology. And also whether such solutions can be considered modern and adequate to the requirements of planning in the 21st century

    Non-destructive evaluation of the pull-off adhesion of concrete floor layers using rbf neural network

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    The interlayer bond is one of the primary qualities assessed during an inspection of floor concrete workmanship. The measure of this bond is the value of pull-off adhesion f b determined in practice by the pull-off method. The drawback of this method is that the tested floor is damaged in each of the test points and then needs to be repaired. This drawback can be overcome by developing a way which will make it possible to test floors in any point without damaging them locally. In this paper it is proposed to evaluate the pull-off adhesion of the top layer to the base layer in concrete floors by means of the radial basis function (RBF) artificial neural network using the parameters evaluated by the non-destructive acoustic impulse response technique and the non-destructive optical laser triangulation method. Presented RBF neural network model is useful tool in the non-destructive evaluation of the pull-off adhesion of concrete floor layers without the need to damage the top layer fragment from the base


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    In the civil engineering industry the durability of concrete floors is to a large characterized by the pull-off adhesion of the topping to the base. It is highly essential to properly prepare the interlayer bonding surface while making or repairing concrete floors. The measure of the interlayer bond is the pull-off adhesion value. The latter is determined by means of semidestructive pull-off tests. In the following paper the nondestructive optical method and the semidestructive pull-off method were employed to test the interlayer pull-off adhesion in concrete floor model specimens. The surface of the base layer had been prepared in four ways: by mechanical grinding + dust removal + bonding layer application, mechanical grinding + dust removal, no preparation (raw post-concreting surface), and no preparation + bonding layer application, respectively. The intend of the investigations was to find out whether it is possible to determine reliable relationships between the particular surface roughness parameters obtained from optical tests and the pulloff adhesion obtained from semidestructive pull-off tests for different ways of preparing the surface of the concrete base.W praktyce budowlanej o trwałości podłóg betonowych w dużym stopniu decyduje odpowiednia przyczepność na odrywanie warstwy wierzchniej do podkładu betonowego. Zarówno przy wykonywaniu i naprawie podłóg betonowych bardzo ważne jest przygotowanie powierzchni zespolenia warstw, którego miarą jest wartość przyczepności na odrywanie. Wartość ta jest uzyskiwana na drodze badawczej za pomocą seminiszczącej metody pull-off. W niniejszym artykule zastosowano nieniszczącą metodę optyczną i seminieniszczącą metodę pull-off w badaniach przyczepności na odrywanie warstw w modelowych elementach próbnych stanowiących podłogę betonową. W elementach tych powierzchnia podkładu betonowego została przygotowana czterowariantowo: szlifowanie mechaniczne powierzchni podkładu betonowego wraz z odpyleniem powierzchni i naniesienie na powierzchnię preparatu gruntującego, szlifowanie mechaniczne powierzchni podkładu betonowego wraz z odpyleniem powierzchni, brak przygotowania powierzchni podkładu betonowego, pozostanie powierzchnia otrzymana bezpośrednio po betonowaniu oraz brak przygotowania powierzchni podkładu betonowego i naniesienie na powierzchnię preparatu gruntującego. Celem badań było sprawdzenie na ile możliwe jest uzyskanie wiarygodnych zależności między wartościami poszczególnych parametrów chropowatości powierzchni betonowej warstwy konstrukcyjnej otrzymanymi z wykorzystaniem nieniszczącej metody optycznej a wartością przyczepności na odrywanie uzyskaną seminieniszczącą metodą pull-off przy różnych sposobach przygotowania powierzchni warstwy konstrukcyjnej

    Bariery i ograniczenia w logistyce miejskiej

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    The purpose of this article is to identify and analyse barriers in the implementation of urban logistics. Because of the scope of the underlying empirical research, the presented examples of barriers mainly concern the Polish circumstances. Even so, the analysis of various cases and projects within urban logistics allowed identifying a kind of „common” barriers impeding effcient implementation of logistics solutions in urban areas. The knowledge of these barriers can help develop comprehensive implementation plans for urban logistics solutions.Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i analiza barier w realizacji logistyki miejskiej. Ze względu na zakres podstawowych badań empirycznych przedstawione przykłady barier dotyczą głównie polskich warunków. Mimo to analiza poszczególnych przypadków i projektów w ramach logistyki miejskiej pozwala na identyfikację „wspólnych” barier utrudniających skuteczne wdrażanie rozwiązań logistycznych w obszarach miejskich. Znajomość tych barier może pomóc opracować kompleksowe plany wdrożeniowe dla rozwiązań logistycznych w miastach

    New nondestructive way of identifying the values of pull-off adhesion between concrete layers in floors

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    This paper presents a new nondestructive way of identifying the values of pull-off adhesion between the concrete layers in concrete floors. It based on the roughness parameters of the base layer surface, using the nondestructive optical technique, and on the floor surface, using the nondestructive acoustic techniques and employing artificial neural networks (ANNs) for this purpose. The new way has a potential for being widely used in practice, whereby it may become possible to employ previously trained ANNs to identify the pull-off adhesion, without impairing the surface of the tested concrete floor