63 research outputs found

    Comparative analysis of machine learning versus traditional method for early detection of parental depression symptoms in the NICU

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    IntroductionNeonatal intensive care unit (NICU) admission is a stressful experience for parents. NICU parents are twice at risk of depression symptoms compared to the general birthing population. Parental mental health problems have harmful long-term effects on both parents and infants. Timely screening and treatment can reduce these negative consequences.ObjectiveOur objective is to compare the performance of the traditional logistic regression with other machine learning (ML) models in identifying parents who are more likely to have depression symptoms to prioritize screening of at-risk parents. We used data obtained from parents of infants discharged from the NICU at Children’s National Hospital (n = 300) from 2016 to 2017. This dataset includes a comprehensive list of demographic characteristics, depression and stress symptoms, social support, and parent/infant factors.Study designOur study design optimized eight ML algorithms – Logistic Regression, Support Vector Machine, Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost, Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor, and Artificial Neural Network – to identify the main risk factors associated with parental depression. We compared models based on the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), positive predicted value (PPV), sensitivity, and F-score.ResultsThe results showed that all eight models achieved an AUC above 0.8, suggesting that the logistic regression-based model’s performance is comparable to other common ML models.ConclusionLogistic regression is effective in identifying parents at risk of depression for targeted screening with a performance comparable to common ML-based models

    Granular flow down a rough inclined plane: transition between thin and thick piles

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    The rheology of granular particles in an inclined plane geometry is studied using molecular dynamics simulations. The flow--no-flow boundary is determined for piles of varying heights over a range of inclination angles θ\theta. Three angles determine the phase diagram: θr\theta_{r}, the angle of repose, is the angle at which a flowing system comes to rest; θm\theta_{m}, the maximum angle of stability, is the inclination required to induce flow in a static system; and θmax\theta_{max} is the maximum angle for which stable, steady state flow is observed. In the stable flow region θr<θ<θmax\theta_{r}<\theta<\theta_{max}, three flow regimes can be distinguished that depend on how close θ\theta is to θr\theta_{r}: i) θ>>θr\theta>>\theta_{r}: Bagnold rheology, characterized by a mean particle velocity vxv_{x} in the direction of flow that scales as vxh3/2v_{x}\propto h^{3/2}, for a pile of height hh, ii) θθr\theta\gtrsim\theta_{r}: the slow flow regime, characterized by a linear velocity profile with depth, and iii) θθr\theta\approx\theta_{r}: avalanche flow characterized by a slow underlying creep motion combined with occasional free surface events and large energy fluctuations. We also probe the physics of the initiation and cessation of flow. The results are compared to several recent experimental studies on chute flows and suggest that differences between measured velocity profiles in these experiments may simply be a consequence of how far the system is from jamming.Comment: 19 pages, 14 figs, submitted to Physics of Fluid

    HIV-1 escapes from N332-directed antibody neutralization in an elite neutralizer by envelope glycoprotein elongation and introduction of unusual disulfide bonds

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    A két magyarországnyi területű Baltikum középső országa, Lettország a sokoldalúságáról híres. Gyakran emlegetik Kelet Svájcaként, elsősorban a kurföldi régió jellegzetes domborzata és építészete miatt. A hajdani szovjet utódállam 2004 óta az Európai Unió tagja. Ma még igen kevés magyar fejében fordul meg a balti országok bejárásának igénye, sokan nem gondolják, ezen a hegyektől teljesen mentes területen mennyi minden látnivalót fedezhetnének fel. Emellett az elmúlt másfél évtizedben hatalmas fejlődésen ment át a térség, mára megállapíthatjuk, felzárkózott a hazánk által is képviselt kelet-közép-eurói szinthez mind az életszínvonalat, mind a gazdagságot tekintve. E vadonatúj útikönyv kifejezetten a magyar turisták számára, az ő igényeiknek megfelelően készült. Praktikus, pontos, friss és nélkülözhetetlen tudnivalókat, kitűnően eligazító ismereteket, információt nyújt, melyeket a nagy mennyiségű új látványos fotó és számos térkép-illusztráció tesz teljessé

    Garcia-Luna-Aceves, “Making ad hoc networks scale using mobility and multi-Copy forwarding

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    Abstract — Multiuser diversity has been shown to increase the throughput of mobile ad hoc wireless networks (MANET) when compared to fixed networks. We present a different multiuser diversity strategy for packet relaying, which permits more than one-copy (multi-copies) of a packet being received by relay nodes, thus allowing to decrease the delay on such networks for a fixed number of total users ¢. We show that the £¥¤§¦© ¨ throughput is preserved by our multi-copy technique when ¢ goes to infinity. In addition, we find that the average delay and variance scale like £¥¤�¢� ¨ and £¥¤�¢��� ¨ respectively for both one-copy and multi-copies techniques. We also show that for a fixed ¢ and by multi-copy forwarding, a maximum bounded delay value can be guaranteed. I