14,635 research outputs found

    Kubbemizde sönen son "Hoş Sada"

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    Taha Toros Arşivi, Dosya Adı: İbnülemin Mahmut Kemal İnal. Not: Gazetenin "Köşemden" köşesinde yayımlanmıştır.İstanbul Kalkınma Ajansı (TR10/14/YEN/0033) İstanbul Development Agency (TR10/14/YEN/0033

    Suggestopedic mobile language learning

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    The use of suggestopedic teaching methods has been shown to be effective in the domain of language learning. Suggestopaedia is a classroom teaching method that employs certain strategies to enable learners to relax in order to enable more effective learning both consciously and subconsciously. The use of mobile technologies to support language learning has also become very useful and popular. This paper proposes the amalgamation of the two approaches to enable a mobile suggestopedic platform and demonstrates empirical evidence linked to the success of this approach on languge learning. The design of a Suggestopedic mobile language learning app is discussed together with different target groups of learners that can benefit from this type of teaching. Design, development and evaluation of this app forms our future work

    User Interface for Activity Tracking

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    Práce obsahuje popis tvorby aplikace a grafického uživatelského rozhraní určené k~zaznamenávání aktivit. První kapitola pojednává o~spravování času a k~tomu určeným technikám. Kapitola také uvede existující aplikace, které k~spravování času slouží. Následující kapitola rozebírá návrh projektu. Předposlední kapitola popíše implementační fázi a vybrané implementační techniky. Na závěr autor ukáže fázi testování a její výsledky.The thesis contains description of the implementation process of the application and graphical user interface for activity tracking. The first chapter deals with time management and time management techniques. The chapter also shows existing applications that are used to manage time. The following chapter analyzes design phase of project. The penultimate chapter describes implementation phase and chosen implementation techniques. In conclusion author shows testing phase and its results.

    Teaching Descriptive Text Writing By Using Attribute Listing To Smk

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    The aim of this research is to investigate the effectiveness of teaching descriptive text writing by using attribute listing technique to the tenth grade students of Marketing program of SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak in academic year 2014/2015. This research was done by conducting a pre experimental study which consists of pretest, posttest and three times of treatments. The sample of this research is class X Marketing 2 and the total of the students is 34. The data had been collected by measurements techniques. The tool of data collecting was writing test. The finding of the research showed that the mean score of students' pretest was 51.12 while the posttest was 76.18. The students' achievement was increased by the different score between pretest and posttest was 25.03. The was higher than the (16.69>2.042 at α 5%). The result of the effect size (ES) was 2.86. It means that teaching descriptive text writing by using attribute listing technique to the tenth grade students of Marketing Program of SMK Negeri 3 Pontianak is categorized as highly effective with the Effect Size (ES) > 0.8 (2.86 > 0.8)

    The Application of Taguchi Technique in Mild Steel Weld Prediction and Optimization

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    Welding is a key joining operation in many production and manufacturing industries, and it requires a scientific approach in obtaining a weld of high quality. This study focuses on the prediction and optimization of the weld parameters of a mild steel plate using Taguchi technique. For experimental examination, a mild steel plate of 10mm thickness, along with input process parameters such as weld current, arc voltage, gas flow rate, and output process parameter such as hardness were studied.  With the statistical tool, ANOVA, further analysis performed to determine the significance of the data obtained shows that for all the responses, a Model F-value of between 64 and 129.85 was obtained, along with a P-value less than 0.05, implying that the model is significant. Furthermore, based on statistical evidence using P-values, all the model terms; welding current, arc voltage and gas flow rate recorded significant contribution to the outcome of the welding experiment, with the weld current having the most significant effect. The optimal result for the responses was obtained 192BHN for the hardness, at a combined process parameters as follows; 200amps, 20v and 20lt/min for the weld current, arc voltage and gas flow rate respectively

    Does Participation in Extracurricular Theatre Productions Influence Emotional Wellbeing?

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    The purpose of this study was to research whether or not participating in extracurricular theatre productions had an impact on the emotional wellbeing of students in middle and high school. Students involved in extracurricular theatre productions during the 2021-2022 school year were surveyed and asked to rate their level of confidence, self-esteem, among others. They were also asked open-ended questions regarding their experience in the theatre department and the learnings or benefits they perceived to have gained as a result. The multiple-choice questions showed data ranging from students claiming they were very confident to not confident at all, but the most valuable information came from the open-ended questions. Students compared their participation in the theatre to being in a family and many of them shared personal gainings from being in extracurricular theatre productions, such as feeling more confident, meeting new people, making friends, taking a break from the stress of school, etc

    Document retrieval on repetitive string collections

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    Most of the fastest-growing string collections today are repetitive, that is, most of the constituent documents are similar to many others. As these collections keep growing, a key approach to handling them is to exploit their repetitiveness, which can reduce their space usage by orders of magnitude. We study the problem of indexing repetitive string collections in order to perform efficient document retrieval operations on them. Document retrieval problems are routinely solved by search engines on large natural language collections, but the techniques are less developed on generic string collections. The case of repetitive string collections is even less understood, and there are very few existing solutions. We develop two novel ideas, interleaved LCPs and precomputed document lists, that yield highly compressed indexes solving the problem of document listing (find all the documents where a string appears), top-k document retrieval (find the k documents where a string appears most often), and document counting (count the number of documents where a string appears). We also show that a classical data structure supporting the latter query becomes highly compressible on repetitive data. Finally, we show how the tools we developed can be combined to solve ranked conjunctive and disjunctive multi-term queries under the simple model of relevance. We thoroughly evaluate the resulting techniques in various real-life repetitiveness scenarios, and recommend the best choices for each case.Peer reviewe

    Classifiaction algorithms for face-based identification systems

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    Práce se zabývá rešerší klasifikačních algoritmů pro identifikaci osob podle obličeje. Cílem práce je implementace algoritmů do existujícího systému pro rozpoznávání obličejů a vyhodnocení vlivu jednotlivých klasifikátorů. Na základě provedené rešerše byly k implementaci vybrány následující klasifikátory: algoritmus k - nejbližších sousedů (K-NN), metoda podpůrných vektorů (SVM) a neuronové sítě (NN). Tyto klasifikační algoritmy byly implementovány v jazyce C++ s využitím open source knihovny OpenCV. Dále byla představena snímková databáze IFaVID a testovací metodologie implementovaných algoritmů.The thesis deals with the research of classification algorithms for face-based identification. The aim is to implement algorithms into an existing system for face recognition and the evaluation of the impect of individual classifiers. According to the survey of face recognition methods the following classifiers were chosen for implementation: K - Nearest Neighbours (K-NN), Support Vector Machines (SVM) and the Neural Networks. These classification algorithms were implemented in C++ (Microsoft Visual Studio 2010) using the open source library OpenCV. Furthermore, the IFaVID database and the methodology used to test the implemented algorithms were introduced.

    Combining extension services with agricultural credit

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    India has nearly 90 million farm households. More than 80 percent of these farmers operate on a small or marginal scale, farming less than two hectares of land. They also usually have one or two buffaloes or cows, reared for milk and dung. Most of these small and marginal farmers fall below the poverty line. To reduce overall poverty in India, it is important to enhance the incomes of small and marginal farmers. One way to do that is to provide credit so they can get access to yield-enhancing inputs like seed, fertilizer, and cattle feed, as well as acquire irrigation pumps and crossbred cattle. But these kinds of investments alone will not raise farmers’ incomes. Agricultural and livestock development services are also crucial to give farmers knowledge of improved practices and strengthen their links to markets. BASIX is an Indian livelihood promotion institution working with more than a million poor households. Its mission is to promote sustainable livelihoods for a large number of rural poor people and women. When it started in 1996, BASIX’s primary focus was delivering microcredit to its customers. In 2001, however, BASIX asked the Indian Market Research Bureau to carry out an impact assessment, and the results were rather disappointing. Only 52 percent of the customers, who had received at least three rounds of microcredit from BASIX, showed a significant increase in their income (compared with a control group); 25 percent reported no change in income level; and 23 percent reported a decline in their income level. BASIX then carried out a detailed study of those who had experienced no increase or a decline in income and found that the reasons for these results could be grouped into three factors: 1. unmanaged risk; 2. low productivity; and 3. unfavorable terms in input and output market transactions.agricultural extension, BASIX, Rural poverty, Sustainable livelihoods,