3 research outputs found

    Mutations in pepQ Confer Low-Level Resistance to Bedaquiline and Clofazimine in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    The novel ATP synthase inhibitor bedaquiline recently received accelerated approval for treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and is currently being studied as a component of novel treatment-shortening regimens for drug-susceptible and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. In a limited number of bedaquiline-treated patients reported to date, ≥4-fold upward shifts in bedaquiline MIC during treatment have been attributed to non-target-based mutations in Rv0678 that putatively increase bedaquiline efflux through the MmpS5-MmpL5 pump. These mutations also confer low-level clofazimine resistance, presumably by a similar mechanism. Here, we describe a new non-target-based determinant of low-level bedaquiline and clofazimine cross-resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: loss-of-function mutations in pepQ (Rv2535c), which corresponds to a putative Xaa-Pro aminopeptidase. pepQ mutants were selected in mice by treatment with clinically relevant doses of bedaquiline, with or without clofazimine, and were shown to have bedaquiline and clofazimine MICs 4 times higher than those for the parental H37Rv strain. Coincubation with efflux inhibitors verapamil and reserpine lowered bedaquiline MICs against both mutant and parent strains to a level below the MIC against H37Rv in the absence of efflux pump inhibitors. However, quantitative PCR (qPCR) revealed no significant differences in expression of Rv0678, mmpS5, or mmpL5 between mutant and parent strains. Complementation of a pepQ mutant with the wild-type gene restored susceptibility, indicating that loss of PepQ function is sufficient for reduced susceptibility both in vitro and in mice. Although the mechanism by which mutations in pepQ confer bedaquiline and clofazimine cross-resistance remains unclear, these results may have clinical implications and warrant further evaluation of clinical isolates with reduced susceptibility to either drug for mutations in this gene

    2-Mercapto-Quinazolinones as Inhibitors of Type II NADH Dehydrogenase and Mycobacterium tuberculosis:Structure-Activity Relationships, Mechanism of Action and Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism, and Excretion Characterization

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    <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> (<i>MTb</i>) possesses two nonproton pumping type II NADH dehydrogenase (NDH-2) enzymes which are predicted to be jointly essential for respiratory metabolism. Furthermore, the structure of a closely related bacterial NDH-2 has been reported recently, allowing for the structure-based design of small-molecule inhibitors. Herein, we disclose <i>MTb</i> whole-cell structure–activity relationships (SARs) for a series of 2-mercapto-quinazolinones which target the <i>ndh</i> encoded NDH-2 with nanomolar potencies. The compounds were inactivated by glutathione-dependent adduct formation as well as quinazolinone oxidation in microsomes. Pharmacokinetic studies demonstrated modest bioavailability and compound exposures. Resistance to the compounds in <i>MTb</i> was conferred by promoter mutations in the alternative nonessential NDH-2 encoded by <i>ndhA</i> in <i>MTb</i>. Bioenergetic analyses revealed a decrease in oxygen consumption rates in response to inhibitor in cells in which membrane potential was uncoupled from ATP production, while inverted membrane vesicles showed mercapto-quinazolinone-dependent inhibition of ATP production when NADH was the electron donor to the respiratory chain. Enzyme kinetic studies further demonstrated noncompetitive inhibition, suggesting binding of this scaffold to an allosteric site. In summary, while the initial <i>MTb</i> SAR showed limited improvement in potency, these results, combined with structural information on the bacterial protein, will aid in the future discovery of new and improved NDH-2 inhibitors