769 research outputs found

    Los osos pardos fósiles de Eslovaquia

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    [Abstract] The fossil remains of bears are very frequently found in the karst sediments of the Western Carpathians. Besides cave bears, two taxa of fossil brown bears (Ursus tauba -chensis, Ursus arctos priscus) have been present in the Slovak territory during the Late Pleistocene Period too. Recent European brown bear (Ursus arctos arctos) is appearing in the Western Carpathians Mountains at the beginning of the Holocene or already at the end of the Pleistocene Period respectively. So far, osteological remains of arctoid bears have been described from 23 Slovak localities. The most frequently, these remains belong to the taxon Ursus arctos ssp. or to the recent subspecies Ursus arctos arctos. The fossil findings of brown bears from the Late Pleistocene are less frequent

    Separation and Recovery of Intracellular Beta-Carotene Using a Process Synthesis Framework with Targeted Experiments

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    Systematic process synthesis approaches are widely applied to traditional chemical process industries, but have seen limited use in the bioprocessing industry due to the limited or non-existent availability of thermodynamic or kinetic data. In this work, the process synthesis problem for the bio-manufacturing of high-value intracellular compounds is addressed using a systematic framework that allows for the user to input key process parameters from literature or experiments. The framework is based on a superstructure optimization approach and integrates various methods and tools, including a generic model and a database for data management. We propose the following five steps: (1) problem formulation, (2) data collection and superstructure generation, (3) solution of the optimization problem, and (4) process parameter analysis and (5) experimentation with informed design and then determination of the optimal process design. The framework is implemented in Super-O, software which guides the user through the formulation and solution of synthesis problems. This thesis demonstrates the proposed framework though an illustrative case study on the production of beta-carotene from recombinant Saccharomyces cerevisiae (SM14) via continuous cultivation using experimental, simulation and literature values

    Quantifying the Tibiofemoral Joint Space Using X-ray Tomosynthesis

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    Purpose: Digital x-ray tomosynthesis (DTS) has the potential to provide 3D information about the knee joint in a load-bearing posture, which may improve diagnosis and monitoring of knee osteoarthritis compared with projection radiography, the current standard of care. Manually quantifying and visualizing the joint space width (JSW) from 3D tomosynthesis datasets may be challenging. This work developed a semiautomated algorithm for quantifying the 3D tibiofemoral JSW from reconstructed DTS images. The algorithm was validated through anthropomorphic phantom experiments and applied to three clinical datasets. Methods: A user-selected volume of interest within the reconstructed DTS volume was enhanced with 1D multiscale gradient kernels. The edge-enhanced volumes were divided by polarity into tibial and femoral edge maps and combined across kernel scales. A 2D connected components algorithm was performed to determine candidate tibial and femoral edges. A 2D joint space width map (JSW) was constructed to represent the 3D tibiofemoral joint space. To quantify the algorithm accuracy, an adjustable knee phantom was constructed, and eleven posterior–anterior (PA) and lateral DTS scans were acquired with the medial minimum JSW of the phantom set to 0–5 mm in 0.5 mm increments (VolumeRadTM, GE Healthcare, Chalfont St. Giles, United Kingdom). The accuracy of the algorithm was quantified by comparing the minimum JSW in a region of interest in the medial compartment of the JSW map to the measured phantom setting for each trial. In addition, the algorithm was applied to DTS scans of a static knee phantom and the JSW map compared to values estimated from a manually segmented computed tomography (CT) dataset. The algorithm was also applied to three clinical DTS datasets of osteoarthritic patients. Results: The algorithm segmented the JSW and generated a JSW map for all phantom and clinical datasets. For the adjustable phantom, the estimated minimum JSW values were plotted against the measured values for all trials. A linear fit estimated a slope of 0.887 (R2¼0.962) and a mean error across all trials of 0.34 mm for the PA phantom data. The estimated minimum JSW values for the lateral adjustable phantom acquisitions were found to have low correlation to the measured values (R2¼0.377), with a mean error of 2.13 mm. The error in the lateral adjustable-phantom datasets appeared to be caused by artifacts due to unrealistic features in the phantom bones. JSW maps generated by DTS and CT varied by a mean of 0.6 mm and 0.8 mm across the knee joint, for PA and lateral scans. The tibial and femoral edges were successfully segmented and JSW maps determined for PA and lateral clinical DTS datasets. Conclusions: A semiautomated method is presented for quantifying the 3D joint space in a 2D JSW map using tomosynthesis images. The proposed algorithm quantified the JSW across the knee joint to sub-millimeter accuracy for PA tomosynthesis acquisitions. Overall, the results suggest that x-ray tomosynthesis may be beneficial for diagnosing and monitoring disease progression or treatment of osteoarthritis by providing quantitative images of JSW in the load-bearing knee

    Исследование уровня эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов учреждений дошкольного образования

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    The objective of this study was to find out the level of emotional intelligence of preschool teachersmethodologists with the purpose of further professional advancement (enhancing their emotional competence). Tools applied for collecting and processing statistics were the following: survey results, methodologist’s checklists of observation of conducting classes by the teacher, N. Hall’s Emotional Intelligence Test, questionnaires for parents. There was also a survey of training participants followed by written feedback. STATA software was used for data processing, and the online TextAnalyzer utility was used to process free responses from the parent questionnaires. It is found that the system of formation of emotional intelligence, based on the training we have developed, has a positive impact on the development of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists. The above approach enhances the knowledge of preschool teachers about their emotions, senses and feelings, contributing to the development of their ability to understand their own emotions. After the training, 7.14% of the participants showed a low level as opposed to the initial level of 33.33%. The medium level rose significantly, from 60.0% to 78.6%. And the high level of awareness of emotional intelligence in teachers has increased more than twice - from 6.67% to 14.29%. The arithmetical mean for raw scores also increased - from 43.87 to 57.54, thus confirming that the system used in training allows developing strategies for modulation of their emotions, introducing the training participants to the techniques of expression of their emotions and developing a range of emotional competency skills aimed at overcoming emotive situations. Since during the analysis of the lessons by the methodologist the teacher had to respect both the positive and negative response of the methodologist and since respect is a component of leadership, we can say that the feedback contributed to the development of leadership qualities of teachers. Regarding pedagogical skills, provided that the teacher constantly works on self-improvement of emotional intelligence, we state that the level of the teacher’s pedagogical skills also improves. We consider it reasonable to further explore the possibilities of developing the competence of emotional intelligence in future teachers during their study in higher educational institutions and preschool teachers.Метою даного дослідження було визначено з’ясування рівня емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти з ціллю їх подальшого професійного апгрейду (підвищення рівня їх емоційної компетентності). Для збору та обробки статистичних даних використовувалися такі інструменти, як: результати анкетувань, чек-листи спостереження методистом ведення занять педагогом/вихователем, діагностичний тест Н. Холла «Діагностика емоційного інтелекту», опитувальники для батьків. Також проводилось анкетування учасників тренінгу і письмовий зворотній зв’язок. Для обробки даних було використано програмне забезпечення STATA Software та для обробки відкритих відповідей з питальників для батьків було використано онлайн утиліту TextAnalyzer. З’ясовано, що система формування емоційного інтелекту, яка базується на розробленому нами тренінгу, позитивно впливає на розвиток емоційного інтелекту вихователів-методистів закладів дошкільної освіти. Вищеописаний підхід поглиблює знання педагогів закладів дошкільної освіти про власні емоції, відчуття та почуття, що сприяє розвитку їх здатності до розуміння власних емоцій. Після проведеного навчання у тренінгах низький рівень показали 7,14% учасників на відміну від початкового рівня, показник якого сягав 33,33%. Середній рівень значно піднявся, з 60,0% до 78,6%. А показник високого рівня обізнаності емоційному інтелекту у педагогів зріс з 6,67% до 14,29%, більше, ніж у двічі. Показник середнього арифметичного по сирим балам теж змінився у сторону збільшення – з 43,87 до 57,54, що підтверджує, що система навчання, застосована у тренінгу, дозволяє виробити стратегії управління власними емоціями, ознайомити учасників тренінгу із техніками екологічного вираження своїх емоцій й сформувати спектр навичок з емоційної компетентності спрямованих на подолання емоціогенних ситуацій. Вважаємо доцільним у подальшому дослідити можливості формування компетентності з емоційного інтелекту у майбутніх педагогів під час їх навчання у закладах вищої освіти та у вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти.Целью данного исследования было выяснить уровень эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений с целью дальнейшего профессионального роста (повышения их эмоциональной компетентности). Для сбора и обработки статистики использовались следующие инструменты: результаты опросов, контрольные списки методистов наблюдения за проведением занятий воспитателем, тест эмоционального интеллекта Н. Холла, анкеты для родителей. Был также опрос участников тренинга с последующим письменным отзывом. Программное обеспечение STATA было использовано для данных обработки, онлайн-утилита TextAnalyzer использовалась для обработки бесплатных ответов анкет родителей. Установлено, что система формирования эмоционального интеллекта, основанная на разработанном нами тренинге, имеет положительный влияние на развитие эмоционального интеллекта воспитателей-методистов дошкольных учреждений. Вышеуказанный подход расширяет знания дошкольных педагогов об их эмоциях и чувствах, способствуя развитию их способности понимать свои эмоции. После тренинга 7,14% участников показали низкий уровень по сравнению с начальным уровнем 33,33%. Средний уровень значительно вырос, с 60,0% до 78,6%. И высокий уровень осознания эмоционального интеллекта у методистов возрос более чем в два раза - с 6,67% до 14,29%. Среднее арифметическое для необработанных оценок также увеличилось - с 43,87 до 57,54, что подтверждает, что система, используемая в обучении позволяет разрабатывать стратегии модуляции своих эмоций, знакомить участников тренинга с методиками выражения своих эмоций и развития ряда навыков эмоциональной компетентности, направленных на преодоление эмоциогенных ситуаций. Мы считаем целесообразным продолжить изучение возможности формирования эмоционального интеллекта у будущих воспитателей при обучении их в высших учебных заведениях

    The Fracture Toughness of Ice in Contact with Salt Water

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    Experiments have established that the fracture toughness of fresh-water, bubbly ice is not affected by the presence of salt water. THIS note considers whether the resistance of ice to fast crack propagation, or the fracture toughness, is affected by water. The question arises because ice frequently breaks in the presence of water (icebergs, ice covers, and salt-water ice which contains brine-filled pores) and because surface energy, which is reduced upon wetting, is the primary barrier (Gold, 1963; Nixon and Schulson, 1987) to fast crack propagation. Earlier work along these Lines (Liu and Miller, 1979) was characterized by scatter and thus did not permit a firm conclusion. To explore this point, doubly notched cylindrical specimens of isotropic ice were employed. The double-notched configuration eliminates scatter caused by specimen-to-specimen variations. The ice from which the specimens were made was produced by flooding snow with Hanover tap water and allowing the mixture to freeze in uninsulated tubs situated within a cold room at -10 QC. The snow had been harvested after a fresh fall during the winter of 1988. The ice was finely grained (1-3 mm) and bubbly. The latter characteristic was manifested by an opaque appearance and by a relatively low density (880 ± 20 kg / m 3 vs 917 kg / m 3 for bubble-free, fresh-water ice). The specimens were prepared by coring cylinders (102 mm diameter by 250 mm) from the snow ice. Carpet-backed, phenolic end caps were bonded to the cylinders (see Lee, 1986) to allow attachment to the test machine. The specimens were then circumferentially notched to a depth of 9. 91 mm and sharpened to an additional depth of 0.254 mm. The sharpening was performed with a fresh razor blade held in the tool post of a lathe. The cutting was performed at -2 QC, once the ice and the tools had reached this temperature, after which thin (0.22 mm) rubber sleeves were slipped over each notch. The spacing of the notches was lOO mm for all specimens (see Fig. I). Subsequently, the specimens were mounted in the testing machine (a servohydraulic MTS housed within a cold-room) and lightly pre-loaded (~l 00 N) for about 10 s. Salt (NaCl) water of salinity 35 ppt, brought into equilibrium with ice at -2 QC by holding in its container until a thin layer of ice formed, was then injected using a squeegy bottle to fill the space behind one of the sleeves. The specimens were immediately loaded in tension at a constant stress-intensity rate of either 10 kPa mt S- 1 or 1000 kPa mt S-1 until fracture. The loading times depended on the fracture toughness, but were of the order of 10 s at the lower rate and 0.1 s at the higher rate. To reduce any possible effects of time on notch acuity, sharpening was performed immediately after notching and testing was performed within a few minutes (-3-4) of sharpening. The sequence was completed before the next specimen was notched. Table I summarizes the results. Of the ten specimens fractured at the lower rate, seven broke at the wet notch and three broke at the dry notc\ The fracture toughnfsses, respectively, were 136 ± 25 kPa m and 134 ± 35 kPa m. Of a b Fig. 1. Photographs showillg doubly Ilo/ched specim en XCB ( a ) loaded ill tellsioll alld ( b) brokell. Fra c/ure oc curred a/ the dry Ilo/ch. Th e Ic oa/ioll 0/ the Ilo/che s ill this specimell is typical of the locatioll in every specimen. the ten specimens fractured at the higher rate, five broke at the wet notch and five broke at the dry notch. In these cases the fra¥ture toughnesses were 82 ± 10 kPa m t and lOO ± 9 kPa m , respectively. The reduction in toughness at the higher rate reflects the behavior of bubble-free, fresh-water granular ice (Nixon and Schulson, 1987) and, as discussed in that reference, is attributed to the suppression of crack-tip creep deformation. Examination of broken specimens under a stereographic microscope revealed little , if any, rounding of the wet notches. This observation thus renders improbable the possibility that blunting through dissolution within the notch may have compensated for a lowered toughness in :he presence of the water. Observations by eye revealed a transgranular or cleavage mode of fracture. It is concluded, therefore, that fast crack propagation through ice is not significantly affected by the presence of salt water, when the ice and the water are in equilibrium. Wetting must thus act as a post-cracking phenomenon in that the speed of its occurrence is insufficient to lower the energy barrier to propagation

    Operating characteristics of the Langley Mach 7 Scramjet Test Facility

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    Operating characteristics of the Langley Mach 7 Scramjet Test Facility are described. The facility is designed for testing airframe integrated scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engine models. Features include duplication of the flight Mach number total enthalpy, flight altitude simulation, and simulation of engine airframe integration effects such a bow shock wave precompression and boundary layer ingestion by the engine. Data obtained from facility calibration and from tests of a hydrogen burning, airframe integrated scramjet are discussed. An adverse interaction between the facility flow and the scramjet engine flow during combustion of the fuel is described

    The optimization of the process of vibration of a string

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    У статті досліджується лінійно-квадратична задача оптимального керування процесом коливань струни. Актуальність цієї задачі не викликає сумнівів. На противовагу найбільш поширеним методам дослідження цієї задачі (принцип максимума Понтрягіна, метод динамічного програмування Беллмана), в статті використано метод множників Лагранжа. В результаті отримані необхідні умови оптимальності. Встановлені умови, що забезпечують єдиність оптимального керування. Отримано систему інтегро-диференціальних рівнянь Ріккаті та додаткові умови для неї. Розв'язок цієї системи дає можливість представити оптимальне керування в явній формі. Розглянуто конкретний приклад та графічну ілюстрацію основних результатів. В подальшому перспективним є дослідження систем функцій (14) та (16). Також цікаво розглянути аналогічну математичну модель із стохастичними параметрами.The article investigates the linear-quadratic problem of optimal control for the process of the vibrating string. The urgency of this problem is not in doubt. In contrast, the most common methods of investigation of this problem (the Pontryagin maximum principle, dynamic programming Bellman method), in the article the method of Lagrange is implemented. As a result, necessary optimality conditions received. The conditions identified to ensure the uniqueness of the optimal control. A system of integral-differential Riccati equations and additional conditions for it obtained. The solution of this system gives the opportunity to provide optimal control as explicit form. The concrete examples and graphic illustration of the main results observed. In the future, it is promising to study the resulting functions of systems (14) and (16). Also the analysis of a similar mathematical model with stochastic parameters represents an interest for investigation.В статье исследуется линейно-квадратичная задача оптимального управления процессом колебаний струны. Актуальность этой задачи не вызывает сомнений. В противоположность наиболее распространенным методам исследования этой задачи (принцип максимума Понтрягина, метод динамического программирования Беллмана), в статье использован метод множителей Лагранжа. В результате получены необходимые условия оптимальности. Установлены условия, обеспечивающие единственность оптимального управления. Получена система интегро-дифференциальных уравнений Риккати и дополнительные условия для нее. Решение этой системы дает возможность представить оптимальное управление в явной форме. Рассмотрены конкретный пример и графическую иллюстрацию основных результатов. В дальнейшем перспективным является исследование систем полученых функций (14) и (16). Также представляет интерес анализ аналогичной математической модели со стохастическими параметрами

    Результаты симультанных операций у пациентов с атеросклеротическим поражением сонных и коронарных артерий

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    Research of the Level of Emotional Intelligence of Preschool Teachers-Methodologists

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    The objective of this study was to find out the level of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists with the purpose of further professional advancement (enhancing their emotional competence). Tools applied for collecting and processing statistics were the following: survey results, methodologist's checklists of observation of conducting classes by the teacher, N. Hall's Emotional Intelligence Test, questionnaires for parents. There was also a survey of training participants followed by written feedback. STATA software was used for data processing, and the online TextAnalyzer utility was used to process free responses from the parent questionnaires. It is found that the system of formation of emotional intelligence, based on the training we have developed, has a positive impact on the development of emotional intelligence of preschool teachers-methodologists. The above approach enhances the knowledge of preschool teachers about their emotions, senses and feelings, contributing to the development of their ability to understand their own emotions. After the training, 7.14% of the participants showed a low level as opposed to the initial level of 33.33%. The medium level rose significantly, from 60.0% to 78.6%. And the high level of awareness of emotional intelligence in teachers has increased more than twice - from 6.67% to 14.29%. The arithmetical mean for raw scores also increased - from 43.87 to 57.54, thus confirming that the system used in training allows developing strategies for modulation of their emotions, introducing the training participants to the techniques of expression of their emotions and developing a range of emotional competency skills aimed at overcoming emotive situations. Since during the analysis of the lessons by the methodologist the teacher had to respect both the positive and negative response of the methodologist and since respect is a component of leadership, we can say that the feedback contributed to the development of leadership qualities of teachers. Regarding pedagogical skills, provided that the teacher constantly works on self-improvement of emotional intelligence, we state that the level of the teacher's pedagogical skills also improves. We consider it reasonable to further explore the possibilities of developing the competence of emotional intelligence in future teachers during their study in higher educational institutions and preschool teachers

    Does an Interactive Health Promotion Website Facilitate Workplace Peer-to-Peer Substance Abuse Prevention?

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    Operation RedBlock, a substance abuse prevention and early intervention program at Amtrak, implemented an interactive health promotion website (On The Right Track, OTRT) for its volunteers, other employees and their families. OTRT was customized from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) -sponsored [email protected] website and implemented with the purpose of facilitating the peer-to-peer substance abuse prevention efforts of Operation RedBlock volunteers. SAMHSA’s GetFit website combines broad health and wellness messages with current substance abuse prevention resources. The OTRT customization adds Amtrak relevant and specific content concerning substance abuse prevention resources and treatment options, drug and alcohol use policies, health care coverage, support group meeting locations and dates, and local Operation RedBlock and Employee Assistance Program contact information. Using a retrospective pretest-posttest design this study evaluates whether and how OTRT facilitated peer-to-peer efforts in substance abuse prevention and early intervention. The evaluation revealed that the website significantly improved access to information and resources that helped Operation RedBlock volunteers’ in their peer-to-peer efforts. Volunteers valued the ready availability of reliable information, the confidential nature, and the ease of use of OTRT. Facilitated access to information and resources may help reduce substance abuse among employees at high risk