87 research outputs found

    Identification of HRM Improvement Strategy Using Artificial Intelligence in Modern Economic Development

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    Purpose: This literature review study aims to identify HRM improvement strategies using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Theoretical framework: The study will review existing literature and synthesize the findings to identify best practices and key strategies for implementing AI in HRM. The study will focus on the role of AI in HRM improvement and explore how AI can be used to enhance recruitment, training, performance management, and employee engagement.   Design/methodology/approach: Literature review, the search approach will include keywords and Boolean operators to guarantee that relevant research is located. The study questions and goals will define the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The study will also look at the hurdles of implementing AI in HRM and recommend overcoming them.   Findings: The findings of this study will be helpful for organizations seeking to improve their HRM practices using AI and for researchers interested in the intersection of AI and HRM in modern economic development.   Research, Practical & Social implications: The results of the study are useful for policymakers in identifying strategies to improve human resource management using artificial intelligence (AI) in modern economic development.   Originality/value: The research value of this text is its suggestions for conducting more research on how AI affects HRM processes and employee engagement, for creating clear rules and standards for the ethical use of AI in HRM, for teaching HR professionals how to use AI-powered HRM tools and strategies effectively, for fostering collaboration between academic researchers, business leaders, government officials, and other stakeholders, and for overseeing the effects of AI

    The Effect of Packaging, Satisfaction and Image on Customer Loyalty of the El Rayhan Company

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    This study is aimed at investigating the effect of packaging, satisfaction, and image on customer loyalty to The El Rayhan Company, Libya. The questionnaires are employed to collect the data. The resultreveals that packaging has a positive effect on customer loyalty. Moreover, satisfaction and image affect directly on customer loyalty. However, the highest effect in this study is the packaging effect on customer loyalty

    Sustainable Mosque Designs from the Perspectives of Social Inclusion: Comparisons of Four Mosques in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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    One of the major conflicts continuously occurring in Malaysia is the issue of race and religious relationships. Today, houses of worship in Malaysia have always been seen as isolated entities that can add to race relations and nation-building conflicts. This issue has led to the planning of houses of worship as nation-building elements in forging social inclusion among the different religious buildings of other faiths. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate mosques' social inclusion characteristics, which can contribute to the more extensive framing of Malaysian planning policy on the sustainable design of houses of worship. To reflect the ideal of SDG 11, Sustainable cities and communities and SDG 16, Peace, justice and strong institutions, it is essential to identify social inclusivity as one of the primary design approaches for any Islamic institutions and mosques designs. Should the mosques be part of the nation-building entities and not just community centres for each faith? This research covers selected case studies mainly in Kuala Lumpur, representing the city with the most educated and diverse multi-faith context. Four significant mosques were selected and studied through observations and interviews data collection approach. The research findings indicate that elements such as scale, massing, permeability, visibility, territoriality, and iconic imagery are essential to design criteria for mosques. Significantly, this research provides suggestions and guidelines for designers and committee leaders of all religions in Malaysia to re-look at the activities and planning aspects of their houses of worship. Furthermore, it helps to promote inclusive elements such as social interaction, tolerance, and understanding of different religious beliefs. Hence, accepting these multi-faith centres will create a more integrated, harmonious and sustainable community.

    The application of photogrammetry in architecture historical documentation: the measured drawing of Tanjung Sembrong Mosque and Teratak Selari Bonda

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    Architectural measured drawings refer to the process of on-site constructed building documentation in the form of presentable set architectural drawings. The drawings are produced by executing the on-site measurement before converting it into an appropriate architectural drawing scheme. Traditionally, the process begins by obtaining the measurement of the building wholly with the aid of standard measurement tools. With this method, there are issues and challenges identified in obtaining accurate measurement. The process is complicated due to human limitations in getting the measurement on the highest peak of the building. With the assistance of geomatics tools, the photogrammetry method assisting in obtaining such measurements, specifically the roof of the building. This publication explains the integration process of the traditional measurement method and photogrammetry through the measured drawing exercise of Tanjung Sembrong Mosque and Teratak Selari Bonda located at Parit Raja, Johore. The procedure involves the common measurement technique using standard measurement tools integrated with the photogrammetry methods with UAV usage to capture the coordinated aerial image of both buildings

    Generation Y employees and their perceptions of work-life balance practices

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    The objective of this study is to identify the perceptions of Generation Y employees regarding work-life balance practices. As increasing numbers of Generation Y enter the workforce, questions regarding how they perceive work, family and self-related issues, challenges and coping strategies in balancing personal and professional commitments became issues of interests for employers. This study uses interviews to collect data from six informants in Generation Y and the data were analyzed through content analysis. The results indicate that Generation Y employees do indeed have issues and challenges with balancing work and family. However, unlike the older generation of employees, Generation Y employees perceive managing work-life balance only through segmentation or separation strategies. This particular finding indicates that if organizations want to attract and retain these employees they should adapt a strategy specifically designed to target this employee group

    Equilibrium conditions for semi-clathrate hydrates formed with CO2, N2 or CH4 in the presence of tri-n-butylphosphine oxide

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    We measured the thermodynamic stability conditions for the N, CO, or CH semiclathrate hydrate formed from the aqueous solution of tri-n-butylphosphine oxide (TBPO) at 26 wt %, corresponding to the stoichiometric composition for TBPO·34.5HO. The measurements were performed in the temperature range 283.71-300.34 K and pressure range 0.35-19.43 MPa with the use of an isochoric equilibrium step-heating pressure-search method. The results showed that the presence of TBPO made these semiclathrate hydrates much more stable than the corresponding pure N , CO, and CH hydrates. At a given temperature, the semiclathrate hydrate of 26 wt % TBPO solution + CH was more stable than that of 26 wt % TBPO solution + CO, which in turn was more stable than that of 26 wt % TBPO solution + N. We analyzed the phase equilibrium data using the Clausius-Clapeyron equation and found that, in the pressure range 0-20 MPa, the mean dissociation enthalpies for the semiclathrate hydrate systems of 26 wt % TBPO solution + N, 26 wt % TBPO solution + CO, and 26 wt % TBPO solution + CH were 177.75, 206.23, and 159.00 kJ·mol, respectively

    The impact of type 2 diabetes on health related quality of life in Bangladesh: results from a matched study comparing treated cases with non-diabetic controls

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    Background Little is known about the association between diabetes and health related quality of life (HRQL) in lower-middle income countries. This study aimed to investigate HRQL among individuals with and without diabetes in Bangladesh. Methods The analysis is based on data of a case-control study, including 591 patients with type 2 diabetes (cases) who attended an outpatient unit of a hospital in Dhaka and 591 age -and sex-matched individuals without diabetes (controls). Information about socio-demographic characteristics, health conditions, and HRQL were assessed in a structured interview. HRQL was measured with the EuroQol (EQ) visual analogue scale (VAS) and the EQ five-dimensional (5D) descriptive system. The association between diabetes status and quality of life was examined using multiple linear and logistic regression models. Results Mean EQ-VAS score of patients with diabetes was 11.5 points lower (95 %-CI: −13.5, −9.6) compared to controls without diabetes. Patients with diabetes were more likely to report problems in all EQ-5D dimensions than controls, with the largest effect observed in the dimensions ‘self-care’ (OR = 5.9; 95 %-CI: 2.9, 11.8) and ‘mobility’ (OR = 4.5; 95 %-CI: 3.0, −6.6). In patients with diabetes, male gender, high education, and high-income were associated with higher VAS score and diabetes duration and foot ulcer associated with lower VAS scores. Other diabetes-related complications were not significantly associated with HRQL. Conclusions Our findings suggest that the impact of diabetes on HRQL in the Bangladeshi population is much higher than what is known from western populations and that unlike in western populations comorbidities/complications are not the driving factor for this effect

    Semisynthetic and Natural Garcinoic Acid Isoforms as New mPGES-1 Inhibitors

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    Over the last twenty years, tocotrienol analogues raised great interest because of their higher level and larger domain of biological activities when compared with tocopherols. Amongst the most promising therapeutic application, anti-inflammatory potency has been evaluated through the inhibition of various mediators of inflammation. Here, we worked on the isolation of two natural isoforms of garcinoic acid (i.e., δ and γ) from two different sources, respectively, Garcinia kola seeds and Garcinia amplexicaulis bark. We also developed semisynthetic strategies to access the other two non-natural α- and β-garcinoic acid isoforms. In the next stage of our work, microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase was defined as a target to evaluate the anti-inflammatory potential of the four garcinoic acid isomers. Both dimethylated isoforms, β- and γ-garcinoic acid, exhibited the lowest IC50, 2.8 µM and 2.0 µM, respectively. These results showed that the affinity of tocotrienol analogues to microsomal prostaglandin E2 synthase-1 most probably contributes to the anti-inflammatory potential of this class of derivatives

    Ready for O4 II: GRANDMA Observations of Swift GRBs during eight-weeks of Spring 2022

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    We present a campaign designed to train the GRANDMA network and its infrastructure to follow up on transient alerts and detect their early afterglows. In preparation for O4 II campaign, we focused on GRB alerts as they are expected to be an electromagnetic counterpart of gravitational-wave events. Our goal was to improve our response to the alerts and start prompt observations as soon as possible to better prepare the GRANDMA network for the fourth observational run of LIGO-Virgo-Kagra (which started at the end of May 2023), and future missions such as SM. To receive, manage and send out observational plans to our partner telescopes we set up dedicated infrastructure and a rota of follow-up adcates were organized to guarantee round-the-clock assistance to our telescope teams. To ensure a great number of observations, we focused on Swift GRBs whose localization errors were generally smaller than the GRANDMA telescopes' field of view. This allowed us to bypass the transient identification process and focus on the reaction time and efficiency of the network. During 'Ready for O4 II', 11 Swift/INTEGRAL GRB triggers were selected, nine fields had been observed, and three afterglows were detected (GRB 220403B, GRB 220427A, GRB 220514A), with 17 GRANDMA telescopes and 17 amateur astronomers from the citizen science project Kilonova-Catcher. Here we highlight the GRB 220427A analysis where our long-term follow-up of the host galaxy allowed us to obtain a photometric redshift of z=0.82±0.09z=0.82\pm0.09, its lightcurve elution, fit the decay slope of the afterglows, and study the properties of the host galaxy