279 research outputs found

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    NEED: Practice expressing ideas orally and functioning in a collaborative setting NEED: Practice preparing and delivering oral presentationshttps://digitalscholarship.unlv.edu/btp_expo/1040/thumbnail.jp

    The Crooked frame

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    Every weekend when I was growing up, I could be found glued to the television set in my Spider-Man pajamas, inhaling my favorite frosted covered cereal, basking in the glow of the Saturday morning cartoons. My favorites were the reruns of the classic Looney Tunes shorts, featuring the famous chases between that long eared hare Bugs Bunny and the egg-headed hunter, Elmer Fudd. Even as a child I was in awe of their timeless sense of humor and their limitless ability to parody any subject matter. Twenty years later, I strove to capture the same style and spirit that the Warner Bros. Studio made famous during the golden age of animation with my thesis film, The Crooked Frame. During my graduate studies of 2D animation, I developed a knack for using the chase as a theme; both of my first two animation projects dealt with similar stories. However, my initial efforts were rather simple, without much development beyond the initial chase structure. With my thesis, I wanted to develop a more complex chase sequence that played with different humorous situations. The animation would challenge both my narrative and comedic skills, which made it an overly ambitious undertaking, as I tend to bite off more than I can chew. I decided to use the history of art as the vehicle to drive the film because of its potential for great visual humor and compelling imagery. Having studied fine art in my undergraduate career, I understood how its rich history and context could be used to create humor. Individual pieces of artwork provided inspiration based on its design and composition, while the contrast of two different paintings hanging side by side offered another comedic outlet. Through careful planning I was able to use my fine arts background to parody the world of fine art

    Social Work Services and Social Work Training for African Americans in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 1900-1930

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    The longstanding presence of African Americans in Philadelphia explains the establishment of social welfare institutions and agencies by more affluent African Americans in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The Armstrong Association of Philadelphia and Women\u27s Christian Alliance are two of the more prominent and enduring efforts initiated by African Americans to serve their own. Both also provided a vehicle for training for African Americans who desired to join the new profession of social work

    Challenges facing public procurement information in some African countries namely: South Africa, Uganda, Zimbabwe and Tanzania.

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    This article seeks to find out challenges facing the procurement laws in Africa. The article examines the meaning and purpose of public procurement, drawing parallels between its essential elements, and stages with the need and requirement to enhance transparency and accountability to attain its objectives. It also seeks to provide analysis of traditional procurement reform objectives and identifies the importance of transparency and accountability as well as value for money in procurement to their achievement of joint goals. The article then examines broadly the access to information provisions of the procurement laws in a number of African countries namely -South Africa, Zimbabwe, Uganda and Tanzania and concludes that these laws contribute to improving access to information across Africa, particularly where an access to information law is absent, but are not robust enough to sufficiently provide comprehensive access to information. It examines the level of constraint posed by administrative charges for access to information. Also the article concludes based on the Tanzanian experience that limited access to information, laws already exist may be more as a result of; limited capacities in both the citizens sector and public sector to capture and maintain information in a retrievable format; deliberate delays by public officers to frustrate applications for access; poor information management practices and half hearted efforts within the citizens sector to apply existing law, than any application of administrative fee or other limiting provisions of the law, WITTING, W.A (2002)

    A phenomenological criticism: A phenomenologically based methodology for analyzing theatrical works

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    The thesis, using Husserlian phenomenology, presents a descriptive, analytical approach for theatrical works. The methodology consists of two parts: feeling and meaning. Feeling covers the reader/viewer\u27s experience of the work; meaning covers the source of that experience in the work. An introductory portion asks the analyzer to describe the autonomous aspects of the work. The evaluative conclusion asks the reader/viewer to describe change or lack thereof in the personal perspective; Abraham Maslow\u27s hierarchy of needs, Edith Stein\u27s treatment of empathy, and Ernst Cassirer\u27s paradigms of cultural expression are all used to enrich the analytical approach. Two plays, Caryl Churchill and David Lan\u27s A Mouthful of Birds, and Jean Genet\u27s The Screens, and one performance piece, Holly Hughes\u27 Dress Suits for Hire, demonstrate the approach

    Challenges Facing People with Disabilities and Possible Solutions in Tanzania

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    The first ever World report on disability, produced jointly by World Health Organization and the World Bank, suggests that more than a billion people in the world today experience disability Therefore, about 10 per cent of the world’s populations are PWDs. Out of the number said above, 80 per cent of PWDs live in developing countries. As for Tanzania in particular, the World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO)’s reports of 2007 estimated that there were more than 3 million people in Tanzania who have disability. Probably the number is still the same. The number includes both physical and mental disabilities. Reports and experience show that people with disabilities often face mistreatments in a number of ways and because of various reasons. In addition the World Bank has estimated that, 20 per cent of the most impoverished individuals are disabled. Evidently, women and children with disabilities are more susceptible to abuse, including physical and sexual violence as they may not receive sexual education and may be less able to defend themselves against sexual abuse and rape. Other reports indicate that, the mortality rates for people with disabilities are higher than persons without disabilities. Worse enough Tanzania Human Rights Report of 2010 which quotes the Disability Survey Report of the Government of Tanzania of 2008 confirms that, the current illiteracy rate for disabled persons in Tanzania is 47.6 per cent compared to 25.3 per cent of the people without a disability. That means almost half of the PWDs are not educated. Key words: The civil, political, social, economic, charity and cultural rights to all people

    Modalités de socialisation et représentations didactiques de maîtres de l’enseignement professionnel au Québec

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    Cet article présente le cadre d'analyse et la méthodologie d'une recherche qu'allie une approche didactique à une perspective sociologique retenus pour étudier les représentations des enseignants qui oeuvrent auprès d'élèves postulant un diplôme d'études professionnelles (DEP) en secrétariat ou en usinage. Il traite ensuite des caractéristiques socioprofessionnelles des enseignants et de leurs modalités de socialisation en scrutant la représentation des types de savoir qu'ils relient au métier enseigné et au monde du travail, et leur représentation de leurs élèves et de leur rôle vis-à-vis d'eux. Ces représentations valorisent le savoir-être centré sur les capacités de participation au milieu de travail. L'étude des représentations didactiques met en évidence la cohabitation des orientations humaniste et cognitiviste chez les maîtres de l'enseignement professionnel. Les observations sociologiques et didactiques révèlent une même préoccupation des enseignants devant les changements du milieu de travail et le développement des aptitudes de leurs élèves à participer et à s'adapter à ces changements.This article presents the analytic frame and the methodology related to a didactic approach within a sociological perspective which was used to analyze teachers' reprensentations. These teachers work with students enrolled in a diploma program of professional studies (DEP) in machinery or in secretarial services. The authors describe the socio-professional characteristics of these teachers and their methods for developing socialization processes. These processes are examined from information about teachers' representations of the types of knowledge related to content area taught and to the workplace, as well as teachers' perception of their students and of their own role towards students. The analysis shows that teachers promote social skills, specifically those related to developing capacities to participate more fully in the workplace. The study of didactic representations shows the presence of both humanistic and cognitive objectives. Observations from both sociological and didactic perspectives show that teachers are preoccupied with the need to develop students' participatory skills as well as their abilities to adapt to a changing workplace environment.Este artfculo présenta el marco de anâlisis y la metodologia de un enfoque didàctico aliado a una perspectiva sociolôgica para analizar las representaciones de maestros que trabajan con alumnos inscritos en un diploma de estudios profesionales en secretariado o en fabricacion industrial. A continuaciôn se discuten las caracteristicas socioprofesionales de los maestros y sus modalidades de socialization, a través del estudio de la representation de tipos de conocimientos que ellos relacionan con la profesion docente y con el medio de trabajo, asi como del estudio de sus representaciones de sus propios alumnos y de sus relaciones con ellos. Estas representaciones valorizan el saber-ser centrado en la capacidad de participacion en el medio de trabajo. El estudio de las representaciones didàcticas pone en evidencia la cohabitacion de las orientaciones humanista y cognoscitiva en los maestros de ensenanza profesional. Las observaciones sociologicas y didàcticas revelan una misma preocupaciôn de los maestros frente a los cambios en el medio de trabajo y al desarrollo de aptitudes de sus alumnos para participar y adaptarse a estos cambios.Dieser Artikel stellt den Rahmen und die Methodik einer soziologisch orientierten didaktischen Erforschung der Auffassungen von Lehrern dar, die mit Schiilern arbeiten, die ein Fachschuldiplom (DEP) als Sekretârln oder als Maschinistln anstreben. Er behandelt anschlietèend das sozialberufliche Profil der Lehrer und deren Sozialisierungs- modalitàten, wobei untersucht wird, wie die Typen der Kenntnisse betrachtet werden, die sie mit dem gelehrten Beruf und mit der Arbeit verbinden, und wie sie die Schiller und deren Rolle ihnen gegeniiber sehen. Dièse Auffassungen valorisieren die personengebunde Gewandtheit, vor allem aber die Fàhigkeit, am Arbeitsmilieu teilzuhaben. Die Analyse der didaktischen Auffassungen bringt dieTatsache in den Vordergrund, daf? die humanistische und die kognitivistische Richtungen bei den Fachschullehrern gleichermafSen vertreten sind. Bei der soziologischen und didaktischen Untersuchung kommt zum Vorschein, daf? sich die Lehrer sehr mit dem Umstand befassen, daf? das Arbeitsmilieu sich veràndert und ihre Schiller neue Fàhigkeiten entwickeln miissen, um mit diesen Verànderungen fertigzuwerden

    Iterations of One: The Shema as Polemic Trope in the Synoptic Gospels and Qur\u27an

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    A panel of scholars ostensibly addressed “Shema in the Synoptic Gospels” at the 2017 Boston meeting of the National Association of Professors of Hebrew. “Ostensibly” because while all the essays acknowledge the significance of the keystone of both Jewish theology and liturgy for the authors of the New Testament, every essay focused on something larger than the narrow announced topic. Each, following the lead of Dr. Roberta Sabbath of the University of Nevada at Las Vegas, who describes the polemical nature of the Shema, notes how the statement of God\u27s unity (whether or not followed by the Love and Tzitzit Commands) functions within the theological and cultural argument among Jews, Christians and Muslim, and within the Jewish and Christian communities as well

    Romancing Visual Women: From Canon to Console

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    This dissertation juxtaposes the romantic modal treatment of powerful, admired women which canonical male authors and feminist authors and critics construct with those constructed by contemporary women for the visual mass media of video, broadcast television, and computer. The discourse of the former produces the figure of a fragmented woman who is rare, supernatural, marginalized, and impossible. The discourse of the latter produces the figure of a psychologized woman who is typical, natural, mainstream, and possible. To examine the discourse of impossibility, I use three canonical works: Augustine\u27s Confessions; Chretien de Troyes\u27 Perceval; and Dante\u27s Divine Comedy. I also survey feminist critics and artists and discover a cultural positioning by the critics and a construction of the feminine by the artists analogous to that of the canonical fathers--marginal, utopic, fragmented, and impossible. To examine the discourse of possibility, I analyze four works by women produced for the video, television, and computer, all of which narrativize the psychologized inner life of the female hero: Candida Royalle\u27 s erotic videos, Revelations and Three Daughters; Neema Barnette\u27s made-fortelevision movie, Scattered Dreams; and Jane Jensen\u27s novelized computer game, Gabriel Knight. All the women authors covered in this dissertation assume that women viewers and players enjoy a variety of specular pleasures traditionally considered male privilege: erotica, recognition, narrative, action, and power. Their work women/technology, women/power. It also breaches the traditional boundaries between art and politics and science and art
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