25 research outputs found
Masalah-masalah yang Dialami Siswa SMP N XIII Koto Kampar T.p 2015/2016
The objectives of this research are 1) to analyze personal problems of male and female students, 2) to analyze emotional problems of male and female students, 3) to analyze learning problems, 4) to analyze family problem of male and female students, 5) to analyze social problems of male and female students, 6) to analyze the problems that experienced by male and female students in general, 7) to analyze the category of the students' problems in general. The instrument of collecting data is a questioner. The using of this questioner is in order to obtain data regarding the preference of students' problems based on personal, emotional, learning, family and social aspects. The subject of this research is all of the students of Junior High School Number 1 Kampar Koto Kampar class VII, VIII and IX that consist of 0f 210 students. Sampling is determined by applying total sampling, that all of the population members are the samples. The result shows that 53 male students (58%) and 52 female students (44%) experienced personal problems especially for self confident, they are included in the middle category, 2) 43 male students (58%) and 63 female students (53%) female students experienced emotional problem especially for sadness, they are included in the middle category, 3) 49 (53%) male students experienced learning problem especially about learning motivation and 63 (53%) female students experienced learning problem especially about learning achievement both of them included in middle category, 4) 66 (72%) male students and 81 (69)% female students experienced family problem especially about the relationship with their parents, they are included in the few category, 5) 66 (72%) male students experienced social problem related to students and teachers relationship and 78 (70%) female students experienced the same problem but related to relationship with friends at the same age, both of them included in few category, 6) The problems of personal, emotional, learning, family and social aspects experienced by male and female students is the family aspect especially in learning motivation, it is included in the middle category. 7) the problem experienced by male and female students that included in the many category is the emotional problem (15%), especially about the sadness
Pengembangan Materi Penyesuaian Diri Siswa
One of attempts to be carried out in order to build good, health and dynamicrelationship is the how someone can adjust himself to his surrounding. Adjusting oneselfinfluences students much in classroom not only for self-acceptance in classroom environmentbut also in learning process. Hence, the material services needs to be develop to be a materialregarding students' self –adjustment that is expected to applied by guidance and counselingteachers to be taught to their students. The objectives of this research are This study aims at (1)to arrange the material for students' character building based on the clarity, the systematic, thesupporting pictures, the instruments, the novelty of material, and the supporting of game andvideo, (2) to know the result of the students' character building quality. The material isarranged by using research and development method, then it is experimented to the studentswith the time allocated is 4 lesson hours (4 x 45'). This material is validated by first and secondguidance lectures, guidance and counseling teacher,and the students of SMA 14 Pekanbaru.The materials consist of the definition of self-adjustment, the factors of self adjustment, thekinds of self adjustment and the tips to have good self-adjustment. The result of the materialdevelopment is the arrangement a self-adjustment module with the material quality is in “VeryGood” category with the score obtained 4,22 for the whole aspects of assessment
Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Etika Pergaulan Siswa Kelas XI Mipa di SMA Negeri 12 Pekanbaru Tahun Ajaran 2015/2016
This study aims at bertujan to find out the influence of group guidance services to increased ethical guidelines for students. This research was conducted from June to August 2016 2016. Research methods used are real methods of experimental with pretest-posttest pattern control group design. The subjects in this research is research grade XI with the ethical guidelines for a low total of 10 students. Data collection instrument used was the now are open. Data analysis technique used was statistics nonparametric techniques. Based on hhasil test of wilcoxon research hypothesis turns out to be accepted IE there is a difference of ethical guidelines for students before and after the implementation of the experimental group guidance and group control based on the test results of the mann-withneyy there is a significant difference of ethical guidelines for students on the Group\u27s experiments with a group control. Spearman Rank test based on the influence of group guidance services against the ethics guidelines for students that is 46.1%
Pengaruh Layanan Bimbingan Kelompok terhadap Peningkatan Leadership Ranting Ipm di Smk Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru Periode 2014/2015
The tittle of this research is the effect of guidance group towards the increasing of leadership of IPM branch. Purpose of this research is: 1. To know the leadership of IPM branch before implementing the guidance group services. 2. To know the process of implementation of guidance group services in order to increase the leadership of IPM branch. 3. To know the leadership of IPM branch after implementing the guidance group services. 4. To know the difference between before and after implementing the guidance group services to the leadership of IPM branch. 5. To know is there any influence in the implementation of the guidance group services to increase the leadership of IPM branch. This research used the quasi experiment method, by using one group pretest-posttest design. The subject of this research was members of the IPM branch at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru, about to 30 peoples, by using random sampling techniques. To know the level of students' leaders by using the questionnaires. Analysis of data using statistical techniques percentage, to distinguish the leadership of students' between before and after implementing guidance services group t-test was used obtained tgreater bigger than ttable (10.92> 2.0) to the significant level of 5%. So Ho rejected and Ha accepted which means that in this research there is a difference to the improvement of the leadership before and after implementing guidance group services. And then from the product moment coefficient r = 0.53 determinant that is r2 = 0.28. Based on the results of research, it can be concluded that there is a significant increase after the implementation of the guidance group services of the leadership of IPM branch at SMK Muhammadiyah 2 Pekanbaru 2014/2015 period
Analisis Faktor-faktor Kesulitan Belajar Siswa yang Remedial pada Mata Pelajaran Ujian Nasional Siswa Kelas VIII SMP Negeri 3 Tanah Putih
Observations and experiences during this teacher to know the average class VIII studentis always less than the value that has been set in the school(KKM), especially on subjects in the UN. based on that researchers try to do a sudy title and alysis of the factors that cause remedial students in the national examination subjects eighth grade students of SMP 3 Tanah Putih.This study aims 1.What factors cause learning difficulties from internal remedial students. 2. The causes of learning difficulties remedia lstudents from ekstern. metode used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative approach which aims to provide an overview of the factors that cause learning difficulties students. SMP study site is located on land putih. subjek 3 in this study were students of class VIII in the capture with satu rated sample technique. data and data collection tools in the form of a questionnaire was created by the researchers based on the lattice problem with alternative answers very of ten (SS), of ten(S), occasionally(KD), rarely(J), and never (TP). data analysis techniques using benchmarks persentase formula (Anas Sudiyono, 2001:40).Conclusion Theresultsof this study of internal students lack motivation of students (63.81%) students of emotional disorders (61.90%), the physical state of the students (65.27%). the external environment of students from families of (54.79%), in the school environment by (50.10%) and then from the aspect of teachers (58.54%). As a follow up of this study can researchers recommend that in terested parties can provide pasilitas student learning that can motivate students in the learning process. to parents supervise their children are expected to be more submarines are at home. so that the teacher can make a more attractive pembelajaran methods and creative
Analisis Tentang Nilai – Nilai Karakter Siswa yang Menonton Televisi di SD N 012 Simpang Kanan T.p. 2013/2014
This study aimed toanalyze thecharactervaluesof studentswhowatch televisionviewsofthe symptomsfoundinthe rightSDNSimpang0122013-2014school yearmost studentsspeakdisrespectfultoa friend, anystudentwhohas alwaysdemonstratedthe style ofthe artistintelevision, there arestudentswhodemonstrate thescene-withhisaction scenes, there arestudentswhoover actingwhilestudying, there aresomestudents who are sleepy henstudying, there arestudents who take thewordsthatare notin accordancewith mannerslikeweveIpikirin, lebay, verystupidandmasbulo, inschoolthe student\u27s responsibilityis very low. It canbe seenfrom thelazy to dopicketdutyclassanddo notdo their homework, there arestudentswhoviolatedisciplinein schoolattendance, for example,cametoo late. The formulationmasalah bagaimana idea ofthe character ofthe studentswhowatchTVinSDNegeri012Simpang Kanan, howthe value ofthe character ofthe studentswhowatchTVinSDNegeri012Simpang Kananditinjaubackgroundofthe parents: a.This type of workparents. b. The education levelof parents. The purposeof this studyto describethe value ofthe character ofthe studentswhowatchTVinSDNegeri012Simpang Kanan, todeterminethe value ofthe character ofthe studentswhowatchTVinSDNegeri012Simpang Kananditinjaubackgroundofthe parents : a.This type of workparents. b. The education levelof parents. Inthis study using63samplesat012SDNSimpang Kanan. Of the63samplesthatexistwith28statementconsistsoftwocategories : yeswitha score of1anddid not score0thenobtainedan idea ofthe value ofthe character ofthe studentswhowatch televisioninSDN012Simpang Kanan. Self-control (45.4%), discipline (52.4%), Responsible and honest (76%), hard work and tenacious (67.9%), to defend the truth (76.2%) and the courtesy and politeness (65.5%)
Pengaruh Terapi Spiritual Emotional Freedom Technique (Seft) Melalui Konseling Individu Terhadap Kecanduan Rokok Pada Siswa Pondok Pesantren Darul Qur\u27an Kampar Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015
Smoking dipsomania in the students\u27 environment of course really constrains the achievement of education goal. This research purposes are 1) to know the description of smoking addicted level of student before given the SEFT therapies. 2) To know theraphy applying process of SEFT via individual counselling in decreasing smoking addicted level of the students. 3) To know the description of students smoking addicted level after given the SEFT theraphies. This research uses pre-experimental method designed one group pretest posttest design. The sample of this research are 5 students which experience smoking dipsomania. The dipsomnia level of konseli F before given the theraphy is 70%, decreases until 0% after given the therapy and increases back on post test both of as 66,6%. On konseli D, before given the therapy, the addicted level is as big as 80%, decrease until 0% and increases back on post test both of as 63,3 %. On konseli H before given the theraphy is 73,3%, decreases until 0% after given the therapy and increases back to 46,6 %. On konseli R before given the theraphy is 66,6%, increases bbecome 70 % after given the therapy. But, on post test researcher could not find out how the level of smoking dipsomnia of R since R move to SMK. On konseli A, before given the theraphy is 50%, the pretest result is unknowledgeable because he goes home and never back to the boarding school since the first test, but he returns to the Pesantren Darul Qur\u27an Boarding School on post test and if it was compared with pre- test result,the addicted level of the smoking dipsomnia decrease to 46,6%