8 research outputs found

    Relationship between functional movement screening and static balance scores: Increasing the educational level of elite female wrestlers

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    The importance of balance is considerably high in many sports that require struggle and close contact such as wrestling. Some losses in maintaining the balance due to the movements requiring high intensity during competitions and increase in the risk of injury due to these losses may occur in wrestling athletes. The aim of this study is to Increase the educational level of elite female wrestlers by examining the relationship between Functional Movement Screening Test Scores and static balance performance scores of elite young female wrestlers. 19 elite female wrestlers having average age of 22.94 ± 2.67 years, body weight 61.63 ± 7.25 kg, height 165.37 ± 5.17 cm and BMI 22.46 ± 1.60kg / m2 participated in the study. Functional Movement Screen Test ™ (FMST™) battery was used in determining the functional movements of the participants, while Tecnobody Prokin 200 Bergamo/Italy was used to determine the total postural stability index values. All static balance measurements were evaluated as standing Double-Leg Eyes Open (DLEO), Eyes Open Single-Leg Dominant Non-Dominant (EOSL-DM and EOSL-ND). Since higher stability index values indicate lower stability, the participants were found to have a negative correlation between non-dominant leg static balance and HS. SM. and TSPU, and between dominant leg static balance and HS. SM. and TSPU. In addition, it was found out that, there was a negative correlation between non-dominant leg static balance, dominant leg static balance and double leg static balance and the FMST™ scores of the participants. The results of this research can be very effective in improving the educational process in the field of wrestling


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    Duration of static stretching is the most crucial factor associated with static stretch-induced impairments in explosive muscular performances. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute residual effects of lower body short (S-SS) and long duration static stretching protocols (L-SS) on counter movement jump (CMJ) performances in skilled female combat athletes. Twelve well-trained female combat athletes (training experience: 11.5 ∓ 3.6 years) performed S-SS (6 min of total stretch duration) and L-SS (12 min of total stretch duration) separated by 48 hours in a randomized, balanced order. After each protocol, participants performed, respectively, counter movement jump with arm swing (CMJAS) and with hands on hip (CMJHH) separated by 30-second rest interval at the 15th second and 1st, 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th minute of the 20-minute recovery period. An insignificant interaction effect was found for Protocol × Time in CMJ heights (p = 0.722) indicating that both S-SS and L-SS reduced CMJ heights to a similar extent over the course of 20 min recovery period. S-SS and L-SS led to a mean CMJ height reduction of 6.29% (p < 0.05, d = 0.603) and 6.74% (p < 0.05, d = 0.610), respectively. Greater than 50% of participants experienced a reduction in CMJAS height exceeding minimum detectable change score with 90% confidence at each time point during the recovery period without exception. Use of static stretching protocols ≥ 6 minutes prior to competitions and/or training sessions may lead to impairment in lower body explosive strength of well-trained female combat athletes that persists at least 20 minutes. This impairment may also indirectly hinder their sport-specific performance since combat sports include a great deal of movement patterns related to lower body explosive strength.   Article visualizations

    Effect of plyometric training on vertical jump hight and anaerobic performance in young basketball players

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    Bu araştırmanın amacı, yarışma sezonu içerisinde iki farklı antrenman sıklığında yapılan pliyometrik egzersizinin dikey sıçrama yüksekliği, anaerobik kapasite ve bacak kuvveti değerleri üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Bu nedenle Vestel Spor Kulübü' nün yaşları 15 ile 17 arasında değişen genç erkek basketbol takımı oyuncuları çalışmaya alınmıştır. Toplam 18 sporcu tarafsız ve eşit sayıda (n=6) iki deney ve bir kontrol grubu olmak üzere üç gruba ayrılmıştır. Deney gruplarından biri haftada bir gün diğeri ise haftada üç gün süreyle rutin basketbol antrenmanını takiben drop jump pliyometrik egzersizi uygulamış ve ardından gerdirme egzersizi yaparak çalışmayı tamamlamıştır. Kontrol grubu ise rutin basketbol antrenmanı sonrası gerdirme egzersizini yaparak çalışmayı sonlandırmıştır. Çalışma sekiz hafta boyunca devam etmiştir. Sekiz haftalık egzersiz öncesinde ve sonrasında ölçümler yapılmıştır. Dikey sıçrama yüksekliği statik jump test yöntemiyle belirlenmiştir. Anaerobik güç ve kapasite Wingate anaerobik test ile kaydedilmiştir. Esneklik otur-uzan esneklik testi ile bulunmuştur. Bacak kuvveti izokinetik kuvvet testi yapılarak elde edilmiştir. Denge ölçümü SporKat denge ölçüm prosedürü ile değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmada üç grup arasındaki istatistiksel karşılaştırmalar, KruskalWallis test yöntemine göre bağımlı değişkenlerin ortalama değerleri alınarak hesaplanmış ve bağımlı değişkenlerin anlamlı etkileri için Mann-Whitney U testi ile Wilcoxon Eşleştirilmiş İki Örnek testi yapılmıştır. Anlamlılık düzeyi p Çalışmalar sonunda pliyometrik egzersiz gruplarının dikey sıçrama, anaerobik güç ve kapasite ile bacak kuvveti değerleri çalışmalar öncesine göre istatistiksel olarak anlamlı gelişme göstermiştir (p The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of plyometric training, in two different training frequency, within competition season on vertical jump performance, anaerobic capability and leg force values. 15-17 years old young male basketball players of Vestel Sport Club participated to this training. A total of 18 basketball players has been divided into three groups as unbiased and in equal number (n=6): two experimental and one control group. One of the experimental groups applied the drop jump plyometric exercise following the routine basketball training, once a week, while the other group had done three times a week, and then the training had been completed with a stretching exercise. The study of the control group had been completed with the stretching exercise after the routine basketball training. The training had continued 8 weeks. Some measurements were taken before and after 8 weeks training session. Vertical jump height had been determined by using the static jump test method. Anaerobic power and capacity had been recorded by the Wingate anaerobic test. Flexibility had measured by using a sit and reach flexibility test. Leg force had obtained by using isokinetic force test. Balance measurement had been evaluated by using the SporKat balance measurement procedure. Statistical comparisons among three groups in this study were calculated by taking mean values of dependent variables, and Mann-Whitney U test and Wilcoxon signed rank test had been used for significance effects of dependent variables. Significance level has been determined as p At the end of the training, it has been observed that the values of the vertical jump, anaerobic power and capacity and also leg force values of plyometric exercise groups has shown statistically significant improvements (

    Comparison of Leisure Attitude Levels of Oil Wrestling Athletes

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    Bu çalışmanın amacı, yağlı güreş sporcularının serbest zaman tutum düzeylerinin incelenmesi ve bazı demografik özelliklere göre karşılaştırılmasıdır. Çalışmanın evrenini, Türkiye Güreş Federasyonu’nun “baş”,“başaltı”,“büyük orta” ve “küçük orta büyük” yağlı güreşlerinde lisanslı olarak aktif olan yağlı güreş sporcuları oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubunu ise 2019 yılında yapılan “658. Tarihi Kırkpınar Yağlı Güreşleri”ne katılan sporculardan kolayda örneklem yöntemi ile seçilen 226 güreşçi arasından bilgi ve ölçek formlarını eksiksiz olarak dolduran, 18- 45 yaşları arasında değişen (Ortyaş=27.90 ± 7.05), 218 gönüllü oluşturmuştur. Çalışmada kullanılan veri toplama araçları 2 bölümden oluşmaktadır. Birinci bölüm, yağlı güreş katılımcılarının demografik bilgilerini tanımlamaya yönelik oluşturulan kişisel bilgi formu, ikinci bölümde ise araştırmanın amacına yönelik Boş Zaman Tutum Ölçeği (BZTÖ)’dir.Verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, tanımlayıcı istatistiklerle birlikte bağımsız örneklemler için MANOVA ve ANOVAanalizleri kullanılmıştır. Çalışma bulgularına göre yağlı güreş sporcularının serbest zaman tutumlarının yüksek olduğu ve “bilişsel” tutum alt boyutunun tüm boyutlar içerisinde en yüksek ortalama puanda olduğu, demografik değişkenlere göre; gelir,haftalık serbest zaman süresi ve serbest zamanları değerlendirmede güçlük çekme durum değişkenlerine göre farklılaştığı tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç olarak, ülkemizde asırlardır geleneksel olarak düzenlenen festivalin en önemli öğesi olan yağlı güreşçilerin, serbest zamanları değerlendirmeye ilişkin olarak spor federasyonları ve spor kulüpleri tarafından eğitimler ve çeşitli serbest zaman organizasyonları ile davranışsal tutumlarının yükseltilmesi için çalışmaların yapması önerilebilir.The aim of this study is to examine the leisure attitude levels of oil wrestling athletes and compare them according to some demographic features. The subject of the study is constituted by oil wrestling athletes who actively licensed in oil wrestling in Turkey Wrestling Federation's different catagories. The study group is constituted from 226 wrestlers who are ranging from 18-27 (apprx. =27.90 ± 7.05) years old and selected by the sampling method by filling accurately all the survey forms, which athletes participated in 2019's " 658. Historical Kırkpınar Oil Wrestling Competition". The data collection tools that are used in the study is formed by 2 parts. The first part is the personal information form to identify the demographic information of the oil wrestling participants. The second part is the Leisure Attitude Scale (LAS) according to the purpose of the study. Besides identifying statistics, MANOVA and ANOVA analyzes were used for independent samples and evaluation of the data. According to the findings of the study, it can be concluded that the leisure attitudes of the participants of the oil wrestling sports are high. The “cognitive” attitude subscale was the highest between the average score. According to the demographic variables, the income, weekly leisure period and the difficulty in assessing leisure are varied between the participants. As a result, regarding the evaluation of leisure time, it may be recommended for the sport federations and sport clubs to conduct studies to increase their behavioral attitudes through trainings and various leisure time organizations. The reason is that, this traditional oil wrestling competition in our country, which is organized for the centuries, is the most important element of the festiva

    Efficiency of different pheromone compounds on trapping of some Sesiidae (Lepidoptera) species in Hatay province

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    Hatay ilinde bulunan Sesiidae familyasına ait bazı türlerin, farklı feromon bileşimleri kullanılarak belirlenmesi amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmada, araştırmalar 2008–2009 yıllarında yürütülmüştür. Örneklemeler Hatay iline bağlı Kırıkhan (Delibekirli), Serinyol (Alahan) ve Samandağ (Vakıflı) ilçelerinde farklı yükseklik, bitki örtüsü ve yüzey özellikleri gösteren alanlarda feromon tuzakları kullanılarak yapılmıştır. Sonuç olarak çalışma ile, Hatay ilinde Sesiidae familyasına ait Sesiinae ve Tinthiinae alt familyalarından Synanthedon Hübner, [1819], Bembecia Hübner, [1819] ve Tinthia Walker, [1865] cinslerine giren Synanthedon syriaca Spatenka, 2001, Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli, 1763) ve Tinthia brosiformis (Hübner, [1813]) türleri tespit edilmiştir. Belirlenen türlerin, kullanılan farklı feromonIn this study, in order to determine some species belonging to Sesiidae family in Hatay province, surveys were conducted using different pheromone compounds in 2008-2009. Samples were collected using pheromone traps at different height, vegetation and surface characteristics of Kırıkhan (Delibekirli), Serinyol (Alahan) and Samandağ (Vakıflı) districts in Hatay province. As a result of this study, three species Synanthedon syriaca Spatenka, 2001, Bembecia scopigera (Scopoli, 1763) and Tinthia brosiformis (Hübner, [1813])belonging to 3 genera Synanthedon Hübner [1819], Bembecia Hübner, [1819] and Tinthia Walker, [1865] of Sesiinae and Tinthiinae subfamilies from Sesiidae family were determined in Hatay province. An effectiveness of different pheromones on Sesiidae species were evaluated and S. syriaca was found the most common species in the research field

    Relationship between functional movement screening and static balance scores: Increasing the educational level of elite female wrestlers

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    The importance of balance is considerably high in many sports that require struggle and close contact such as wrestling. Some losses in maintaining the balance due to the movements requiring high intensity during competitions and increase in the risk of injury due to these losses may occur in wrestling athletes. The aim of this study is to Increase the educational level of elite female wrestlers by examining the relationship between Functional Movement Screening Test Scores and static balance performance scores of elite young female wrestlers. 19 elite female wrestlers having average age of 22.94 ± 2.67 years, body weight 61.63 ± 7.25 kg, height 165.37 ± 5.17 cm and BMI 22.46 ± 1.60kg / m2 participated in the study. Functional Movement Screen Test ™ (FMST™) battery was used in determining the functional movements of the participants, while Tecnobody Prokin 200 Bergamo/Italy was used to determine the total postural stability index values. All static balance measurements were evaluated as standing Double-Leg Eyes Open (DLEO), Eyes Open Single-Leg Dominant Non-Dominant (EOSL-DM and EOSL-ND). Since higher stability index values indicate lower stability, the participants were found to have a negative correlation between non-dominant leg static balance and HS. SM. and TSPU, and between dominant leg static balance and HS. SM. and TSPU. In addition, it was found out that, there was a negative correlation between non-dominant leg static balance, dominant leg static balance and double leg static balance and the FMST™ scores of the participants. The results of this research can be very effective in improving the educational process in the field of wrestling.La importancia del equilibrio es considerablemente alta en muchos deportes que requieren lucha y contacto cercano, como la lucha libre. Algunas pérdidas en el mantenimiento del equilibrio debido a los movimientos que requieren alta intensidad durante las competiciones y un aumento en el riesgo de lesiones debido a estas pérdidas pueden ocurrir en los atletas de lucha libre. El objetivo de este estudio es aumentar el nivel educativo de las luchadoras de élite examinando la relación entre las puntuaciones de las pruebas de detección de movimiento funcional y las puntuaciones de rendimiento del equilibrio estático de las luchadoras jóvenes de élite. Participaron en el estudio 19 luchadoras de élite con una edad promedio de 22,94 ± 2,67 años, un peso corporal de 61,63 ± 7,25 kg, una altura de 165,37 ± 5,17 cm y un IMC de 22,46 ± 1,60 kg / m2. La batería Functional Movement Screen Test ™ (FMST ™) se utilizó para determinar los movimientos funcionales de los participantes, mientras que Tecnobody Prokin 200 Bergamo / Italia se utilizó para determinar los valores del índice de estabilidad postural total. Todas las medidas de equilibrio estático se evaluaron como ojos abiertos con dos piernas de pie (DLEO), ojos abiertos con una sola pierna, dominante, no dominante (EOSL-DM y EOSL-ND). Dado que los valores más altos del índice de estabilidad indican una estabilidad más baja, se encontró que los participantes tenían una correlación negativa entre el equilibrio estático de la pierna no dominante y la HS. SM. y TSPU, y entre el equilibrio estático de la pierna dominante y HS. SM. y TSPU. Además, se descubrió que había una correlación negativa entre el equilibrio estático de la pierna no dominante, el equilibrio estático de la pierna dominante y el equilibrio estático de las dos piernas y las puntuaciones FMST ™ de los participantes. Los resultados de esta investigación pueden ser muy efectivos para mejorar el proceso educativo en el campo de la lucha libre