21 research outputs found

    Expression of claudin-1, -3, -4, -5 and -7 proteins in low grade colorectal carcinoma of canines

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    The aim of the present study was to characterise the expression pattern of claudin-1, -3, -4, -5 and -7 tight junction proteins in canine normal colorectum and in the low-grade, tubulopapillary colorectal carcinoma in canines. Methods and results: The biopsy samples included 10 canine normal colorectal tissues and 20 canine low grade colorectal carcinomas (CLGCCs). The canine normal colorectal mucosa was negative for claudin-1. Claudin-1 was detected as a non-diffuse intense membrane labelling of neoplastic epithelial cells in low grade colorectal cancer in canines. Fifty five per cent of all tumours showed a weak cytoplasmic pattern of staining for claudin-1 protein. The normal colorectal mucosa showed diffuse punctate positivity for claudin-3. Claudin-3 was detected as an intense lateral membrane labelling of tumour cells in CLGCCs. Claudin-4 expression in surface and crypt epithelial cells of the intact colorectal mucosa in canines was punctate. Claudin-4 molecule was detected as a lateral membrane labelling of neoplastic cells in CLGCCs. The epithelium of the CLGCCs and the low grade colorectal carcinoma were negative for claudin-5. The surface and crypt epithlial cells of the canine normal colorectal mucosa showed a diffuse lateral membranous pattern of staining for claudin-7. Claudin-7 molecule was detected as an intense membrane labelling of neoplastic cells in CLGCCs. Seventy per cent of all tumours showed weak cytoplasmic positivity for claudin-7. Conclusion: Consequently, we hypothesize that claudin-1 plays a role in the progression of CLGCCs. Further functional studies are needed to clarify the biological role of the mislocalization of the claudin-1 molecule from cell membrane to the cytoplasm in CLGCCs. Lower claudin-4 expression suggests that reduced expression of claudin-4 molecule may lead to cellular disorientation, detachment and invasion of CLGCCs. Further functional studies are needed to clarify the biological role of overexpression and mislocalisation of claudin-7 in CLGCCs

    Prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in cattle farms in Hungary

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    A study was performed to survey the virological prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) virus (BVDV) in cattle herds in Hungary between 2008 and 2012. A total of 40,413 samples for BVDV detection and 24,547 samples for antibody testing were collected from 3,247 herds (570,524 animals), thus representing approximately 75% of the cattle population in Hungary. Retrospective Bayesian analysis demonstrated that (1) the herd-level true virus prevalence was 12.4%, (2) the mean individual (within-herd) true virus prevalence was 7.2% in the herds having at least one virus-positive animal and 0.89% for all investigated herds with a mean apparent prevalence of 1.15% for the same population. This is the first study about BVDV prevalence in Hungary

    Alfa-simaizom actin (α-SMA) pozitív kontrollok szarvasmarha szövetekben

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    A szerzők munkájuk során α-simaizom actin (α-SMA)-antitestet teszteltek, szarvasmarhákból származó, elváltozásmentes: bőr, nyirokcsomó, vérnyirokcsomó, lép, nyelv, nyelőcső, előgyomrok, oltógyomor, vékonybél, vastagbél, máj, vese, húgyhólyag, méh, petefészek, tüdő, szívizom, aorta szöveteken. A munkájuk célja, a megbízható α-SMA-pozitív kontroll szövetek kidolgozása volt. A szerzők javasolják, az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálat során validált, α-SMA-pozitív szarvasmarha szöveteket megbízható, külső, vagy belső kontrollként való felhasználásra, a különböző immunhisztokémia, patológiai vizsgálatok során

    Seroprevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus in Hungary — situation before launching an eradication campaign

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    Bovine viral diarrhoea (BVD) is a viral disease appearing in various forms and causing high economic losses in the cattle stocks of Hungary. The aim of the present study was to determine the prevalence of bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) in Hungary through a monitoring survey carried out on samples collected in cattle-keeping units throughout the country. Since no such survey had been carried out in Hungary during the last thirty years, our study may serve as a basis for later monitoring investigations aimed at following the progress of an expected eradication campaign of BVD. The tests were carried out using an ELISA method, on a total of 1200 blood samples submitted from 54 cattle herds. The herds had not been vaccinated against BVDV before the sampling. Out of the 1200 samples, 521 proved to be positive (43.4%), 40 gave doubtful result (3.3%) and 639 were negative (53.3%). In some stocks the samples were collected from cows having completed several lactation periods, and therefore the seronegativity indicates the BVDV-free status of the given stock. Moreover, among the positive herds we found a few where the seropositivity rate was rather low (< 5%). According to the results of the survey, a rather high portion (about one third) of the cattle-keeping units of Hungary can be regarded as BVDV free, which ratio is much higher than had been expected on the basis of surveys carried out on a lower number of samples and in smaller regions of the country. Hence, the chances of an eradication campaign launched in the near future, or carried out parallel to the IBR eradication programme, are better than previously expected

    Ectopia cordis cervicalis esete Holstein fríz borjúban Esetismertetés

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    A szerzők esetleírásukban bemutatják egy, ectopia cordis cervicalis fejlődési rendellenességben szenvedő, majd két napos korban elhullott, 36 kg testtömegű, Holstein Fríz fajtájú bika borjú rendellenesen helyeződő szívének kamra és pitvar falainak, a megnyúlt aortájának és truncus pulmonalisának, valamint a tüdő lebenyeinek patológiai, kórszövettani vizsgálatát. A jobb és bal pitvarban a szívizomsejtek hypertrophiáját és multifocalis degeneratióját, lysisét; multiplex interstitialis, ill. intramuscularis acut vérzést; enyhefokú lympho(histio)cytás gyulladást; interstitialis vizenyőt, valamint a jobb pitvarban interstitialis fibrosis jeleit észlelték. A kamrai szabad falakban, ill. a septumban szívizomsejtek hypertrophiáját, enyhefokú perinuclearis lipofuscin felhalmozódást, valamint cardiomyocyták multifocalis vacuolisatióját, lysisét; multiplex interstitialis, ill. intramuscularis acut vérzést; interstitialis vizenyőt (lymphoedemát); enyhefokú lympho(histio)cytás gyulladást; lymphangiectasiát tapasztaltak. Az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatok során valamennyi szívizommintában, ill. a pericardiumban CD3-pozitív T-lymphocytákat figyeltek meg. Az anti-claudin-5 ellenanyaggal végzett immunhisztokémiai vizsgálat során intenzív, linearis membrán-pozitivitást észleltek az intramyocardialis erek endotheliumában, defectusok jelei nélkül. A megnyúlt aorta- és truncus pulmonalis falakban nem tapasztaltunk a kórszövettani és az immunhisztokémiai vizsgálatokkal elváltozást. A tüdőben multiplex thrombosist, heveny vénás pangást, haemostasist; heveny multifocalis, confluáló interstitialis és intraalveolaris vérzést; multifocalis meconiumaspiratiót, ill. aspiratiós-pneumoniát figyeltek meg. A qRT-PCR technikával, BVD-, IBR-, Bluetongue-, ill. Schmallenberg vírus nukleinsavának kimutatására irányuló vizsgálatok negatív eredménnyel zárultak

    Claudin-7 protein differentiates canine cholangiocarcinoma from hepatocellular carcinoma

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    The aim of the present study was to characterise the expression pattern of claudin-7 tight junction protein in canine normal liver, hyperplastic and primary neoplastic lesions of the canine liver and whether this tight junction protein can help differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from canine hepatocellular carcinomas. Methods and results: Necropsy samples included 15 canine normal liver tissue samples, 10 hepatocellular nodular hyperplasias, 6 hepatocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated hepatocellular carcinomas, 6 cholangiocellular hyperplasias, 10 cholangiocellular adenomas, 15 well-differentiated and 6 poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, 6 normal extrahepatic bile ducts, 8 normal gall bladder tissue samples, and 5 cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder. In all canine normal liver tissue samples the hepatocytes were negative for claudin-7 and the normal biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane claudin-7 positivity. In all cholangiocellular hyperplasia samples and in all cholangiocellular adenoma samples the benign cholangiocytes showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. In all samples of the well-differentiated and poorly differentiated cholangiocarcinomas, the malignant neoplastic biliary epithelial cells showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Neither the hyperplastic nodules of the liver cells nor the hepatocellular adenomas reacted with claudin-7. The well-differentiated and poorly differentiated hepatocellular cancers were negative for claudin-7. The epithelial cells of canine normal extrahepatic bile ducts, gall bladder and cystic mucinous hyperplasias of the gall bladder showed intense basolateral membrane positivity for claudin-7. Differences in the intensity of claudin-7 reaction were not apparent among different types of proliferative lesions of cholangiocytes or degrees of cellular differentiation of neoplastic biliary epithelial cells. Conclusion: Consequently, we hypothesize that claudin-7 is an excellent immunohistochemical marker of the cholangiocellular differentiation in canines and can be used to detect benign and malignant proliferative lesions of the canine biliary tract. It can also help to differentiate canine cholangiocarcinomas from hepatocellular carcinomas

    The practical consequences of immunosuppressive effect of BVD virus

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    Summary Background: Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV) is an important endemic infection worldwide. Acute infections with BVDV, a major pathogen of cattle, are often asymptomatic or produce only mild clinical symptoms. The BVDV causes several clinical signs but these are changed by other infectious agents which can colonize and proliferate due to immunosuppressive effect of BVDV. Objectives: In that study the authors summarize the pathogens associated with BVDV. Although the direct economic losses caused by this virus have not been well quantified, the role it plays as an immunosuppressive agent and as a potentiater for other diseases, most notably bovine respiratory disease, have been well documented. Material and Methods: The etiological role of BVDV is known in the Bovine respiratory disease complex. BVDV has synergistic effect on many viral and bacterial pathogens that cause respiratory illnesses: Bovine respiratory syncytial virus, Parainfluenza virus-3, Pasteurella multocida, Mycoplasma bovis, M. arginini, M. bovirhinis, M. bovigenitalium, Histophilus somni and Mannheimia haemolytica. The most often occurring mixed infections with BVDV in the digestive system are salmonellosis and rotavirus infection. The synergistic effect of BVDV also proved in mixed infection with Neospora caninum, Anaplasma marginale, Bovine herpesvirus-1, Bovine herpesvirus-5, Bovine leukaemia virus and Bovine immunodeficiency virus which cause the illness of reproductive system and other organs. Results and Discussion: Results of the coinfection are that the clinical signs are more serious, the efficiency of treatment is decreased and the economic losses further increases. Although occasionally the primary pathogen, BVDv’s impact on cattle health is through the immunosuppressive effects of the virus and its synergism with other pathogens

    Internal positive controls of alpha-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA) in bovine tissues - Immunohistochemical study

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    SUMMARY The aim of the present study was to analyse the immunoreactivity of α-smooth muscle actin (α-SMA), smooth muscle marker on bovine intact tissues. The following tissues showed diffuse, homogenous, intense, cytoplasmic, α-SMApositivity: skin: arrector pili muscle, tunica media cells of the dermal vessels, myoepthelial cells around the apocrin glands, and ducts; lymph node (Figs 1. and 2.), haemolymph node, spleen (Figs 3. and 4.): capsule, trabecules, extra- and intraparenchymal vessels; tongue: vessels, myoepithelial cells of the intermuscular glands; oesophagus: lamina muscularis mucosae, vessels, myoepithelial cells of the glands, tunica muscularis (Figs 5. and 6.); proventricules, abomasum: lamina muscularis mucosae, vessels, tunica muscularis (Fig 7.); small intestine, large intestine: lamina muscularis mucosae, pericryptal myofibroblasts, vessels, tunica muscularis (Figs 8. and 9.); liver: perisinusoidal myofibroblasts, portal (periductal) myofibroblasts, tunica media cells of the intrahepatic vessels (Figs 10.); kidney: smooth muscle cells of the intrareanal arteries and veins, subepithelial smooth muscle cells around the pelvis renalis, myofibroblasts of the capsule (Figs 11. and 12.); urinary bladder: lamina muscularis mucosae, vessels, tunica muscularis (Figs 13. and 14.); uterus: myometrium, smooth muscle cells of the vessels (Figs 15. and 16.); ovary gland: myofibroblast cells of the theca externa layer, vessels; lung: tunica media cells of the intrapulmonary vessels, smooth muscle cells in the wall of the micro-, macrobronchus; myocardium: tunica media cells of the coronary vessels; aorta: intramural smooth muscle cells, -small vessels. The authors propose the immunohistochemicaly validated, α-SMA-positive bovine tissues for reliable external or internal positive controls in a variety of immunohistochemical pathology studies