16 research outputs found

    Explore, Exploit or Listen: Combining Human Feedback and Policy Model to Speed up Deep Reinforcement Learning in 3D Worlds

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    We describe a method to use discrete human feedback to enhance the performance of deep learning agents in virtual three-dimensional environments by extending deep-reinforcement learning to model the confidence and consistency of human feedback. This enables deep reinforcement learning algorithms to determine the most appropriate time to listen to the human feedback, exploit the current policy model, or explore the agent's environment. Managing the trade-off between these three strategies allows DRL agents to be robust to inconsistent or intermittent human feedback. Through experimentation using a synthetic oracle, we show that our technique improves the training speed and overall performance of deep reinforcement learning in navigating three-dimensional environments using Minecraft. We further show that our technique is robust to highly innacurate human feedback and can also operate when no human feedback is given

    Reforming the Welfare State: Camden 1965-73

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    The housing projects built by the London Borough of Camden in the years 1965-73 belong arguably to the most substantial investigations into the architecture of social housing undertaken in the past half-century. Under borough architect Sydney Cook, Camden aimed to establish a new kind of housing architecture based, not on the Corbusian tabula rasa, but on a radical reinterpretation of traditional English urbanism. The outcome was a series of projects, including Fleet Road, Alexandra Road, Highgate New Town, Branch Hill and Maiden Lane, designed by members of Cook’s team, including Neave Brown, Peter Tábori and Gordon Benson and Alan Forsyth, as well as projects designed by up-and-coming private architects like Colquhoun & Miller, Edward Cullinan and Farrell Grimshaw. While it began in what Hobsbawm called the ‘golden age’ of postwar capitalism, the Cook years (1965-73) saw the onset of the crisis of the 1970s and with it the rise of the New Right and the Hard Left, both of which viewed the Camden housing projects as a legitimate target for attack. Based on archival research and interviews, the paper explores the ways in which the Cook projects both mediated and articulated the emergence of these fissures within the British welfare state

    Housing Atlas - Europe 20th Century

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    In Housing Atlas, beautifully drawn plans, sections and elevations document 87 of the most important European housing schemes of the 20th century. This was the period when architects addressed the multiple challenges of modern urban living and responded with an array of innovative solutions. Today, architects are revisiting these designs as they seek answers to the housing crisis. Chronologically ordered, this is an essential survey of these key housing projects, produced by a pan-European team of leading scholars. Complete with contextual essays, the studies each include a history and analysis of the projects and the drawings are presented in a way that makes them all readily comparable

    Scanning Electron Microscopy of Vertebrate Cerebellar Cortex

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    In this study, the Golgi method for light microscopy, transmission and conventional scanning electron microscopy, the ethanol-cryofracturing technique, the freeze-fracture method for SEM, and the freeze-etching method have been used in conjunction to analyze the three-dimensional cytoarchitectonic arrangement and intracortical circuits of vertebrate cerebellar cortex. Approximately more than 100 specimens of mice, rat, teleost fishes and human cerebelli were processed by the above mentioned techniques. A chronological review of other methods for studying hidden surfaces of cerebellar nerve cell has been also described. The three-dimensional morphology, outer and inner surfaces of granule, Golgi, Purkinje and stellate cells were reviewed by means of a correlative and comparative study. The cerebellar circuits formed by mossy and climbing fibers with granule cell dendrites and Purkinje cell-granule cell synapses have been traced by ethanol-cryofracturing technique, freeze-fracture method for SEM and freeze-etching technique. These findings have been correlated with previous light and electron microscope findings published in the last century. Some advantages and limitations of each method are pointed out. The review emphasizes the paramount importance of correlating light microscope Golgi method with ethanol-cryofracturing and slicing techniques for SEM. The correlation between freeze-fracture method for SEM and freeze-etching technique provides a new approach for studying three-dimensional morphology of nerve cells at cellular and macromolecular levels. This modern methodology of three-dimensional analysis offers new potential areas for future experimental investigation in embryology and pathology of the central nervous system

    American lobster Recapture data- LIS - Epizootic shell disease

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    Data on recaptures only from American lobsters tagged and recaptured by the Millstone Environmental Lab in Millstone, CT. Data file includes: tag_num: unique tag identifier, rel_month: month of tagging, rel_day: day of tagging, rel_year: year of tagging, sex, rel_carapace_length: carapace length at tagging, male:1 if male, ovig: 1 if ovigerous female at tagging, female: 1 if non-ovigerous female at tagging, dal: days at large between tagging and release, disease_status: disease status at tagging (0 is healthy, 1 is mildly diseased (<10% of carapace with lesions), 2 is moderately diseased (10-50% of carapace with lesions), 3 is severely diseased (>50% of carapace with lesions)), recap_date: date a recapture. Data on animals that were tagged and not recaptured or were recaptured in other locations are not included in this dataset

    Snow crab recapture data 2006-2008, Conception Bay

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    Snow crabs from Conception Bay that were recaptured after a tagging study initiated in 2006. DAL= days at large, M= disease status at tagging (0=healthy, 1=diseased), disease (bitter crab disease) was diagnosed by visual assessment of the carapace. Data on crabs that were not recaptured is excluded