21 research outputs found

    Insulin Concentration Modulates Hepatic Lipid Accumulation in Mice in Part via Transcriptional Regulation of Fatty Acid Transport Proteins

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    Fatty liver disease (FLD) is commonly associated with insulin resistance and obesity, but interestingly it is also observed at low insulin states, such as prolonged fasting. Thus, we asked whether insulin is an independent modulator of hepatic lipid accumulation.In mice we induced, hypo- and hyperinsulinemia associated FLD by diet induced obesity and streptozotocin treatment, respectively. The mechanism of free fatty acid induced steatosis was studied in cell culture with mouse liver cells under different insulin concentrations, pharmacological phosphoinositol-3-kinase (PI3K) inhibition and siRNA targeted gene knock-down. We found with in vivo and in vitro models that lipid storage is increased, as expected, in both hypo- and hyperinsulinemic states, and that it is mediated by signaling through either insulin receptor substrate (IRS) 1 or 2. As previously reported, IRS-1 was up-regulated at high insulin concentrations, while IRS-2 was increased at low levels of insulin concentration. Relative increase in either of these insulin substrates, was associated with an increase in liver-specific fatty acid transport proteins (FATP) 2&5, and increased lipid storage. Furthermore, utilizing pharmacological PI3K inhibition we found that the IRS-PI3K pathway was necessary for lipogenesis, while FATP responses were mediated via IRS signaling. Data from additional siRNA experiments showed that knock-down of IRSs impacted FATP levels.States of perturbed insulin signaling (low-insulin or high-insulin) both lead to increased hepatic lipid storage via FATP and IRS signaling. These novel findings offer a common mechanism of FLD pathogenesis in states of both inadequate (prolonged fasting) and ineffective (obesity) insulin signaling

    Study protocol: EXERcise and Cognition In Sedentary adults with Early-ONset dementia (EXERCISE-ON)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although the development of early-onset dementia is a radical and invalidating experience for both patient and family there are hardly any non-pharmacological studies that focus on this group of patients. One type of a non-pharmacological intervention that appears to have a beneficial effect on cognition in older persons without dementia and older persons at risk for dementia is exercise. In view of their younger age early-onset dementia patients may be well able to participate in an exercise program. The main aim of the EXERCISE-ON study is to assess whether exercise slows down the progressive course of the symptoms of dementia.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>One hundred and fifty patients with early-onset dementia are recruited. After completion of the baseline measurements, participants living within a 50 kilometre radius to one of the rehabilitation centres are randomly assigned to either an <it>aerobic exercise program in a rehabilitation centre</it> or a <it>flexibility and relaxation program in a rehabilitation centre</it>. Both programs are applied three times a week during 3 months. Participants living outside the 50 kilometre radius are included in a feasibility study where participants join in a <it>daily physical activity program set at home making use of pedometers</it>. Measurements take place at baseline (entry of the study), after three months (end of the exercise program) and after six months (follow-up). Primary outcomes are cognitive functioning; psychomotor speed and executive functioning; (instrumental) activities of daily living, and quality of life. Secondary outcomes include physical, neuropsychological, and rest-activity rhythm measures.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The EXERCISE-ON study is the first study to offer exercise programs to patients with early-onset dementia. We expect this study to supply evidence regarding the effects of exercise on the symptoms of early-onset dementia, influencing quality of life.</p> <p>Trial registration</p> <p>The present study is registered within The Netherlands National Trial Register (ref: NTR2124)</p


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    A scientific evaluation was made of functional aspects of developmental toxicity of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) in experimental animals and in human infants. Persistent neurobehavioral, reproductive and endocrine alterations were observed in experimental animals, following in utero and lactational exposure to PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs. The lowest observable adverse effect levels (LOAELs) for developmental neurobehavioral and reproduction endpoints, based on body burden of TCDD-toxic equivalents (TEQs) in animals, are within the range of current background human body burdens. Relatively subtle adverse effects on neurobehavioral development and thyroid hormone alterations have also been observed in infants and children exposed to background levels. Exclusive use of the toxic equivalency factor (TEF) approach may underestimate the risk of neurodevelopmental effects, because both Ah receptor dependent and independent mechanisms may be involved in these effects. The use of marker congeners and/or bioassays based on Ah receptor mediated mechanisms are rapid, low cost pre-screening alternatives for expensive and time consuming gas chromatographic-mass spectrometric analysis

    Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 enhances immunotherapy against experimental brain tumors.

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    Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common and aggressive malignant brain tumor in humans, and the prognosis is very poor despite conventional therapy. Immunotherapy represents a novel treatment approach, but the effect is often weakened by release of immune-suppressive molecules such as prostaglandins. In the current study, we investigated the effect of immunotherapy with irradiated interferon-γ (IFN-γ)-secreting tumor cells and administration of the selective cyclooxygease-2 (COX-2) inhibitor parecoxib as treatment of established rat brain tumors. COX-2 inhibition and immunotherapy significantly enhanced the long-term cure rate (81% survival) compared with immunotherapy alone (19% survival), and there was a significant increase in plasma IFN-γ levels in animals treated with the combined therapy, suggesting a systemic T helper 1 immune response. COX-2 inhibition alone, however, did neither induce cure nor prolonged survival. The tumor cells were identified as the major source of COX-2 both in vivo and in vitro, and unmodified tumor cells produced prostaglandin E(2) in vitro, while the IFN-γ expressing tumor cells secreted significantly lower levels. In conclusion, we show that immunotherapy of experimental brain tumors is greatly potentiated when combined with COX-2 inhibition. Based on our results, the clinically available drug parecoxib may be added to immunotherapy against human brain tumors. Furthermore, the discovery that IFN-γ plasma levels can be used to determine the ongoing in vivo immune response has translational potential