8,579 research outputs found

    Thermal management of the through silicon vias in 3-D integrated circuits

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    The through silicon via technology is a promising and preferred way to realize the reliable interconnection for 3-D integrated circuit integration. However, its size and the property of the filled-materials are two factors affecting the thermal behavior of the integrated circuits. In this paper, we design 3-D integrated circuits with different through silicon via models and analyze the effect of different material-filled through silicon vias, aspect ratio and thermal conductivity of the dielectric on the steady-state temperature profiles. The results presented in this paper are expected to aid in the development of thermal design guidelines for through silicon vias in 3-D integrated circuits

    Vibration signal analysis of main coolant pump flywheel based on Hilbert–Huang transform

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    AbstractIn this paper, a three-dimensional model for the dynamic analysis of a flywheel based on the finite element method is presented.The static structure analysis for the model provides stress and strain distribution cloud charts. The modal analysis provides the basis of dynamic analysis due to its ability to obtain the natural frequencies and the vibration–made vectors of the first 10 orders.The results show the main faults are attrition and cracks, while also indicating the locations and patterns of faults. The harmonic response simulation was performed to gain the vibration response of the flywheel under operation.In this paper, we present a Hilbert–Huang transform (HHT) algorithm for flywheel vibration analysis. The simulation indicated that the proposed flywheel vibration signal analysis method performs well, which means that the method can lay the foundation for the detection and diagnosis in a reactor main coolant pump

    Study on Complex Products Job-shop Scheduling System Based on MES

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    Various random disturbances that happen in the process of complex products (ship) production cannot feedback timely, and the plans of job-shop operation are too rough to instruct job-shop production. The purpose of this study is to solve the problems above, help the course of complex products (ship) job-shop production runs orderly and efficiently, and improve the job-shop on-site management level. In this paper, we proposed complex products job-shop scheduling system based on MES. The system adopts six-level, refined plan and scheduling mechanism. Its key part is the job-shop scheduling model with man-machine coordinated mechanism. What’s more, an improved Genetic Algorithm based on TOC is proposed to make the optimized algorithm module of the system more scientific and effective. Key words: Complex Products; MES; Job-shop Scheduling System; Man-machine Coordinated Mechanism; Genetic Algorithm Résumé: Diverses perturbations qui se produisent au hasard dans le processus de production des produits complexes (navire) ne peuvent pas être apperçues en temps opportun, et les plans de l'opération des ateliers sont trop approximatifs pour guider la production. Le but de cette étude consiste à résoudre les problèmes ci-dessus, rendre le cours de la production des produits complexes (ship) dans les ateliers ordonné et efficace et améliorer le niveau de gestion sur place. Dans cet article, nous avons proposé le système de planning des ateliers de produits complexes basé sur MES. Le système contient six niveaux de programmation raffinée et de mécanismes de planning. Son élément essentiel est le modèle de programmation avec les mécanismes de coordination homme-machine. De plus, un algorithme génétique amélioré basé sur TOC est également proposé de rendre le module de l'algorithme du système optimisé plus scientifique et efficace. Mots-clés: produits complexes; MES; système de planning des ateliers; mécanismes de coordination homme-machine; algorithme génétique 摘要:針對目前複雜產品(船舶)生產過程中所出現的各種隨機擾動不能得到及時回饋,以及車間作業計畫粗略難以直接指導車間生產的現狀,本文提出基於 MES的複雜產品車間作業調度系統。該系統採用逐層細化的五級計畫與調度機制,以人機協同的車間作業調度模型為核心,通過改進基於 TOC的遺傳演算法,使系統的演算法模組優化性能更具有科學性和操作性。該系統有助於實現複雜產品(船舶)車間生產過程的有序運作,從而提高生產車間的現場管理水準。 關鍵字:複雜產品; MES;車間作業調度;人機協同;遺傳演算

    Research on BOM Mapping transformation for Ship Construction Process

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    Abstract: Due to the problem about the core departmental "information isolated island" with BOM, various stages of ship product design section are convergence off and impeded the construction of agile ship the product. In this paper, first, establish the various stages of the ship product BOM structure model, based on a comparison of the structural model analysis, design a more practical conversion method, and then describe the conversion process about the ship product life cycle BOM view in order to quickly build a variety of BOM view. Keywords: BOM; BOM tectonic model; BOM view of conversio