25 research outputs found

    Boron application in red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) seed production

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    peer-reviewedThis work is part of the research project TR-31016, funded by the Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbia.A field trial with four red clover cultivars was established on acid soil in order to evaluate the effect of foliar boron application on seed yield. The crop received foliar boron treatment during the second growth of the second year at two applications. Although seed yield showed a significant increase in boron-treated plants in 2011 compared with control (26.0%), its relative increase was far higher in 2010 (43.2%), which had increased total rainfall amounts during flowering. Sufficient level of boron supply to red clover plants for seed production has a remarkably positive effect under conditions hampering pollination and fertilisation.Ministry of Science and Technological Development, Republic of Serbi


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    Yield and quality of forage mainly depend on the floristic composition, ie the share of higher quality grasses and legumes, soil fertility, amount and distribution of precipitation and light. Natural meadows and pastures are the most important resource in the forage production in the hilly and mountainous area of Republic of Serbia. Despite the large areas, the forage production on natural grasslands is relatively low. Limited application of a small number of agrotechnical measures is the main reason for low and unstable yields and poor forage quality. Only by appropriate fertilization of meadows and pastures with mineral and organic fertilizers, their rational exploitation, it is possible to achieve an increase in hay yield by several times and improvement in forage quality, simultaneously.Publishe

    Uticaj folijarne primene organskog đubriva „Sinergon 2000“ i prihrane mineralnim azotom na prinos i kvalitet silokrme kukuruza

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    Low temperatures, even the frost appearance at the beginning and at the end of maize vegetation are often phenomenon in the mountainous region of the Republic of Srpska. Field experiment with maize hybrid NS 3014 (FAO 300) was set up in the area of Mokro settlement in Pale Municipality (43°52’34.03” (N) 18°36’28.56”(E) i 905mnv) with two treatments (untreated and foliar treatment with “Sinergon 2000”) combined with adding different quantities of nitrogen (N) fertilizer (0,40,80 and 120kg/ha). The paper aims at analyzing their impact on yield and quality of maize forage. Foliar treatment with “Sinergon 2000” did not significantly increase the yield of maize silage, dry matter and proteins. One of the reasons for getting such result could be the absence of low temperatures (including the appearance of frost too) which is prerequisite for maize growth and its development during vegetation period. Increase of proteins content in dry matter using “Sinergon 2000” in all treatments can indicate its positive impact on the protein synthesis which should be further tested in the future researches. Taking into consideration that maize has high demand for N, positive influence of N fertilizers on maize silage yield, dry matter and proteins - which is only visible when the content is very high- could be result of a difficult absorption of mineral fertilizers in the drought period in the maize fields due to small quantities of rainfalls in June and July.Niske temperature, čak i pojava mraza na početku i pri kraju vegetacije kukuruza, česta su pojava u planinskoj regiji Republike Srpske. Poljski ogled sa hibridom kukuruza NS 3014 (FAO 300) postavljen je na području Mokrog (43°52’34.03” (N) 18°36’28.56”(E) i 905mnv) sa dve varijante folijarne prihrane (netretirano i „Sinergon 2000“) u kombinaciji sa različitim količinama mineralnog azota u prihrani (0, 40, 80 i 120 kg ha-1), sa ciljem da se analizira njihov uticaj na prinos i kvalitet silokrme. Folijarna primena „Sinergon 2000“ nije uticala na značajno povećanje prinosa silokrme, suve materije i proteina. Jedan od razloga može biti izostanak pojave ograničavajućih niskih temperatura za rast i razvoj kukuruza (uključujući i pojavu mraza) u periodu vegetacije. Povećanje sadržaja proteina u suvoj materiji pri tretmanu ovim preparatom na svim varijantama prihraneazotom može ukazati na njegov pozitivan uticaj na sintezu proteina, koji bi trebalo proveriti u narednim istraživanjima. S obzirom da je kukuruz biljka visokih zahteva prema azotnoj ishrani, pozitivan uticaj azotnih đubriva na prinos silokrme, suve materije i proteina koji je uočljiv samo pri najvećoj količini, može biti posledica otežanog usvajanja mineralnih hraniva pri nedostatku vode u zemljištu, zbog malih količina padavina u junu i julu

    Agrohemijske osobine mladog karbonatnog fluvisola u slivu reke Ljig

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    Morphological study of several open profiles different depths and their analysis showed that land in the Ljig River belongs to the type of young alluvial soil (fluvisol) and subtype young carbonate alluvial soil. Based on the agrochemical analysis, can be concluded that this land is mostly poor and poorly supplied with humus, weakly to moderately alkaline, poor available phosphorus and mostly medium provided available potassium. The total content of Cu, Zn, Pb and Cd within the maximum allowable concentration, while the content of Ni and Cr above these values.Morfološkim proučavanjem nekoliko otvorenih profila i poluprofila različite dubine i njihovom analizom utvrđeno je da zemljište u slivu reke Ljig pripada tipu mladog aluvijalnog zemljišta (fluvisola) i to podtipu mladog karbonatnog aluvijalnog zemljišta. Na osnovu urađenih agrohemijskih analiza može se zaključiti da je ovo zemljište uglavnom siromašno do slabo obezbeđeno humusom, slabo do srednje alkalne reakcije, siromašno lakopristupačnim fosforom i uglavnom srednje obezbeđeno lakopristupačnim kalijumom. Ukupni sadržaj Cu, Zn, Pb i Cd je u okviru maksimalno dozvoljenih koncentracija, dok je sadržaj Ni i Cr iznad ovih vrednosti

    Effect of Nitrogen Fertiliser and Lime on the Floristic Composition, Soil Microbes and Dry Matter Yield of Danthonietum calycinae Grassland

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    Natural grasslands are significant resources for forage production, which is not exploited enough, mostly because of low production, as a result of bad grasslands management. The research has been carried out on the association Danthonietum calycinae to evaluate the effects of different nitrogen application rates (N20, N80 and N140) and lime (1 tha-1) on the floristic composition, soil microbes and dry matter yield. Botanic composition was strongly influenced by the treatments, especially by N applications. Nitrogen fertilisation led to significant increase of grass species in the association (from 57% to 82%), while higher rate of nitrogen caused a significant decrease of plants from other families (especially legumes). Application of low and medium rate of nitrogen positively effect on microbial abundant in soil, but the highest dose (140 kg N) reduced all microbial count, except fungi. Mineral nitrogen fertilisation had a favourable effect on dry matter yield in all treatments. The highest increase in dry matter yield relative to the control was in N140 treatments (6.66 t ha-1). Results indicated that optimal applications of nutrients for this association is application of PK and lime and 80 kg of nitrogen which enable high yield (6.38 t ha-1) in comparison with control (3.16 t ha-1) and preserving soil fertility and the environment at the same time

    Uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta na prinos krme i semena Žutog zvezdana (Lotus corniculatus L.)

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    A prerequisite for improving birdsfoot trefoil cultivation is the production of sufficient quantities of quality seeds. The field experiment was set 2012th in Čačak on alluvium soil type, acid reaction (pHH2O 4.8). Varieties birdsfoot trefoil (K-37 and Rocco) were sown at a interrow spacing of 20 cm and 10 kg ha-1 seed. The aim of the experiment was to analyze the impact of the application of limestone soil (without CaO and treatment with 3 t ha-1 CaO) on forage yield, seed yield and yield components of birdsfoot trefoil. The results indicate that birdsfoot trefoil was largely tolerant on acidity. The positive influence of liming on number of stems m-2 and number of seeds per pod in the variety Rocco contributed to its greater seed yield in relation to the variety of K-37.Preduslov za unapređenje gajenja žutog zvezdana je proizvodnja dovoljne količine kvalitetnog semena. Poljski ekseriment je postavljen 2012. godine u Čačku na zemljištu tipa aluvijum, kisele reakcije (pHH2O 4,8). Sorte žutog zvezdana (K-37 i Rocco) posejane su na rastojanju 20 cm međuredno sa 10 kg ha-1 semena. Cilj ogleda bio je da se analizira uticaj kalcizacije zemljišta (kontrola - bez CaO i tretman sa 3 t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu na prinos krme, prinos i komponente prinosa semena sorti žutog zvezdana. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da je žuti zvezdan u velikoj meri tolerantan na uslove kiselog zemljišta. Kalcizacija zemljišta je ispoljila jači uticaj na broj izdanaka m-2 i broj zrna po mahuni kod sorte Rocco, što se odrazilo i na njen značajno veći prinos semena u odnosu na sortu K-37

    Mobilna aplikacija za izračunavanje količine semena za setvu

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    The purpose of mobile applications, designed to run on mobile devices such as smart phones, implies their availability to users while on the move, so that they are increasingly used in many areas of human activities. The aim of the study was development of mobile applications for quickly and easily calculation of the required quantity of seed for sowing of field and forage crops. Mobile application allows end users to enter the required input data about the quality of the seed and the field conditions. After that users immediately and efficiently get result which represens the calculated the optimal seed amount for sowing. This mobile application was set on the assumption that its integration into a wider information system is possible, so further research could take place in order to realize service support over the Internet and Cloud system that would provide to users other professional information.Namena mobilnih aplikacija, koje se izvršavaju na mobilnim uređajima kao što su pametni telefonimi, podrazumeva njihovu dostupnost korisnicima dok su u pokretu, tako da se one sve više koriste u mnogim oblastima ljudske delatnosti. Cilj rada je bio izrada mobilne aplikacije za brzo i jednostavno izračunavanje potrebne količine semena za setvu ratarskih i krmnih kultura. Mobilna aplikacija omogućuje krajnjim korisnicima da brzo i efikasno nakon unošenja potrebnih podataka o kvalitetu semena i uslovima na terenu dobiju preciznu uslugu, odnosno izračunatu optimalnu količinu semena za setvu. Navedena aplikacija je postavljena uz pretpostavku da je moguća njena integracija u širi informacioni sistem, tako da bi se dalja istraživanja mogla odvijati u pravcu realizacije servisne podrške preko Interneta odnosno Cloud sistema koja bi korisnicima pružala i druge stručne informacije

    Mobilna aplikacija za proračun inteziteta sunčevog zračenja i njena primena u poljoprivredi

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    If agriecologycal factors, such as nutrients and water, were present in sufficient amounts, the intensity of the light can be a limiting factor in obtaining a high quality and yield crops. This paper presents the model of mobile application for smart phones that have the ability to perform calculation of solar radiation intensity for any location on the surface of the earth. The mobile application allows estimation of the sunlight intensity for a selected time period, based on the GPS coordinates and orientation of terrain, and depending on the weather conditions.Kada su ostali agroekološki činioci kao što su hranljive materije i voda prisutni u dovoljnim količinama, intenzitet sunčeve svetlosti može biti ograničavajući faktor za dobijanje visokog kvaliteta i prinosa useva. U radu je predstavljen princip primene mobilnih aplikacija za pametne telefone koje imaju mogućnost da izvrše proračun intenziteta sunčevog zračenja na bilo kom lokalitetu. Aplikacija omogućava određivanje vrednosti inteziteta sunčeve svetlosti za odabrani vremenski period na osnovu GPS koordinata i u zavisnosti od položaja terena pri različitim meteorološkim uslovima


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    Field experiments with 11 native maize hybrids for grain production FAO maturity group 400-600 were set up over two years at two sites (near the villages of Brzan and Lužnice, Kragujevac municipality) with the aim of, based on the yield over years, recommending hybrids for specific agroecological conditions. The average maize grain yield for all hybrids in 2017 was 4.2 t ha-1, and in 2018 11.1 t ha-1. Hybrids ZP 548 and NS 5051 had the highest average grain yield in 2017, and in 2018 ZP 560 and NS 4051. Higher yields in 2018 are mainly the result of a larger amount and a more favorable distribution of precipitation in the vegetation period. In both years, which differed in agrometeorological conditions during the vegetation period, especially in the amount and distribution of precipitation in the second part of the vegetation, in which the critical phases of maize development take place, the highest yields were recorded mainly in FAO 500 hybrids.Publishe

    Uticaj kalcizacije na proizvodnju krme crvene deteline i italijanskog ljulja gajenih u smeši

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    This paper examines the influence of liming (control - without CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) on acidic soil pH of 4.8 to forage, hay yield, the share of red clover, Italian ryegrass and weeds in the total hay yield of mixture crop. The experiment was a set up by randomized complete block design with three replications, with the size of the experimental plots of 5m2 (5x1m). Sowing was done on 20 cm interrow. Soil liming was resulted in a significant increase of yields forage and hay of crops only the first cut in 2012. In all growth during 2011 and 2012, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of Italian ryegrass at the expense of reduction of red clover share, while the share of weeds was not significantly changed. In the third year of production, there was only one growth of red clover, which was very sparse and exhausted, and Italian ryegrass was not. In such conditions, liming is influenced significantly increase the share of red clover at the expense of a significant reduction in the share of weeds.U radu je ispitivan uticaj primene kalcizacije (kontrola – bez CaO; 3t ha-1 CaO) na kiselom zemljištu pH 4,8 na prinos krme, prinos sena, udeo crvene deteline, italijanskog ljulja i korova u ukupnom prinosu sena zdrzuženog useva. Ogled je postavljen po potpuno slučajnom blok sistemu u tri ponavljanja, sa veličinom eksperimentalne parcele od 5m2 (5x1m). Setva je obavljena na međurednom rastojanju od 20cm. Primena kalcizacije značajno je uticala na povećanje prinosa krme i prinosa sena združenog useva jedino u prvom porastu 2012. godine. U svim porastima tokom 2011. i 2012. godine, kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela italijanskog ljulja na račun smanjenja udela crvene deteline, dok se udeo korova nije značajno menjao. U trećoj godini proizvodnje, postojao je samo jedan porast crvene deteline, koji je bio jako proređen i iscrpljen, a italijanskog ljulja nije bilo. U takvim uslovima kalcizacija je uticala na značajno povećanje udela crvene deteline na račun značajnog smanjenja udela korova