19 research outputs found

    A contribution to the study of the influence of the energy of solar wind upon the atmospheric processes

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    According to the satellite observing of solar wind, and as well according the development of certain weather conditions it is realized that their interactive connections could have important role on the development of atmospheric processes. In this paper is given several of such situations. We have tried to point to a very important significance of new methodological approach in understanding development of meteorological conditions. Researching the influence of the solar wind on the changes of conditions in the atmosphere could develop in several ways but in any case for the further steps a multidiscipline approach is needed. Karen Labitske in Germany has done a lot of research in this area. "The physics is still highly speculative at this point though"

    Prvi izveštaj o rasprostranjenosti i kliničkoj slici infekcije mačaka sa Bartonella henselae na području Novog Sada

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    Cat Scratch Disease (CSD) is an infective disease of animals and humans caused with Bartonella henselae. Prevalence of infection varies between 0 and 68% depending on different population of cats and geographical region. Naturally infected cats are often clinically healthy and are inapparent germ carriers. In this investigation 40 cats from the area of Novi Sad were analyzed. After the epidemiological questionnaire was made, all cats were clinically investigated. To determine the presence of specific antibodies of class G on Bartonella henselae the method of indirect immunofluorescence was used. For the first time in Serbia, in the area of Novi Sad municipality the infection caused by Bartonella henselae in the population of cats was detected. Prevalence of specific antibodies of class IgG on Bartonella henselae antigen in the population of cats was 57%. The most common clinical manifestations in seropositive cats were gingivitis and lymphoadenopathy.Bolest mačijeg ogreba (BMO) je infektivno oboljenje životinja i ljudi izazvano sa Bartonella henselae. Prevalencija infekcije varira u zavisnosti od populacije mačaka i geografskog regiona i kreće se od 0 do 68%. Prirodno inficirane mačke su često klinički zdrave, inaparentne kliconoše. U istraživanje je bilo uključeno 40 mačaka sa područja Novog Sada. Nakon uzimanja epidemiološke ankete, sve mačke su klinički pregledane. Za utvrđivanje prisustva specifičnih antitela klase G na antigene Bartonella henselae korišćen je test indirektne imunofluorescencije. Na geografskom području grada Novog Sada i okoline, po prvi put je u Republici Srbiji, utvrđeno prisustvo infekcije izazvane uzročnikom Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka. Prevalencija specifičnih antitela klase IgG na antigen Bartonella henselae u populaciji mačaka iznosila je 57%. Najčešće kliničke manifestacije kod seropozitivnih mačaka bile su gingivitis i limfadenopatija

    Procena energetskog statusa krava na osnovu telesne kondicije i parametara metaboličkog profila

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    The aim of this study was to assess the significance of body condition scoring and metabolic profile test for estimation of energy status of healthy high-yielding dairy cows. Twenty one healthy cows (primiparous and secundiparous) were divided into three groups: dry cows, early puerperal cows and early lactating cows. Cow's energy status was estimated by the analysis of blood samples for beta-hydroxybutirate (BHBA) and glucose. Additionally, urea, total bilirubine and total protein were measured in blood serum samples. According to body condition scores (BCS) results dry cows were overweight (4.03±0.29 points). Immediately after calving, cows lost their weight significantly, since BCS was 2.85±0.46 points at puerperal period and 3.12±0.33 points at day 60 of lactation (p lt 0.001 compared to dry period, respectively). Glucose concentration did not change significantly between dry and puerperal period, while BHBA increased significantly (0.46±0.14 mmol/l at dry period to 1.08±0.21 mmol/l at puerperal period; p lt 0.001). Urea concentration did not change significantly during examined period. Total bilirubin concentration significantly increased from dry (6.31±0.37 mmol/l) to puerperal period (7.63±2.52 mmol/l; p lt 0.001 compared to dry period) and remained high until day 60 of lactation (7.62±0.13 mmol/l; p lt 0.001 compared to dry period). Total protein concentration decreased from dry to puerperal period (69.59±6.14 g/l to 58.87±3.29 g/l; p lt 0.001). According to obtained results it can be concluded that cows were not in adequate energy status during transition period. Our results also indicate that, body condition scoring, BHBA and total bilirubin concentrations can be used as reliable indicators of cow's energy status even when there are not clinically visible health disorders.Cilj istraživanja bio je da se ukaže na značaj metaboličkog profila i telesne kondicije u oceni energetskog statusa visoko-mlečnih krava holštajn rase. Za ispitivanje su odabrane tri grupe po sedam krava. Uzorci krvi uzimani su u zasušenju (15 dana pre očekivanog teljenja), ranom puerperijumu (7 dana nakon teljenja) i 60. dana laktacije. U uzorcima sveže krvi određivana je koncentracija glukoze i beta hidroksi-buterne kiseline (BHBA), a u uzorcima krvnog seruma koncentracija ukupnih proteina, ureje i ukupnog bilirubina. Rezultati ocene telesne kondicije pokazuju da su krave u periodu zasušenja preuhranjene (X=4,03±0,29 poena), dok su u puerperijumu (X=2,85±0,46 poena) i 60. dana laktacije (X=3,12±0,33 poena) u značajno slabijoj telesnoj kondiciji (p lt 0,001 u odnosu na zasušenje). Rezultati ispitivanja parametara metaboličkog profila ukazuju da je koncentracija proteina jedino u periodu ranog puerperijuma bila niža od fiziološke vrednosti (X=56,87±3,29 g/l). Koncentracija glukoze nije se statistički značajno menjala tokom ispitivanih perioda, dok je neposredno posle teljenja došlo do značajnog povećanja koncentracije BHBA (p lt 0,001 u odnosu na zasušenje). Uremija u periodu zasušenja (X=7,73±2,34 mmol/l), ranom puerperijumu (X=8,07±3,09 mmol/l) i 60. dana laktacije (X=7,41±2,03 mmol/l) bila je veća od gornje fiziološke granice. Koncentracija ukupnog bilirubina u periodu zasušenja je bila značajno niža (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na oba ispitivana perioda nakon teljenja. Na osnovu dobijenih rezultata može se zaključiti da krave nisu adekvatno pripremljene za nastupajuću laktaciju, zbog čega je kod njih došlo do značajnog odstupanja u telesnoj kondiciji i vrednostima parametara metaboličkog profila. Ova odstupanja ukazuju na nedovoljnu sposobnost životinja da se prilagode u uslovima negativnog bilansa energije na početku laktacije

    Influence of body condition score and ultrasound-determined thickness of body fat deposit in holstein-friesian cows on the risk of lameness developing

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    The aim of this study was to examine the correlations between ultrasound measurement of thickness of fat over the tuber ischiadicum (TFT), body condition scoring (BCS) and the risk of lameness developing in Holstein-Friesian dairy cows. The 100 cows were enrolled from a population of dry cows on one farm. TFT was measured with ultrasound, and BCS and locomotion score were determined during lactation. Of the 100 cows, 31% developed lameness during lactation. The highest proportion of lame cows was in cows with BCS≥4.25 (66.7%). The risk of lameness developing was higher in cows with BCS≥4.25 (OR=7) and ≤3.25 (OR=2) than in cows with optimal BCS=3.75. Cows in the lower TFT quartile had a higher proportion of lameness, but not those in the upper quartile. TFT may have some value as a predictor of lameness in thin cows. The best prediction of lameness in both fat and thin cows (ROCAUC=0.8725, P<0.01) occurred when both BCS and TFT values were used together. The risk of developing lameness was positively correlated with BCS, negatively correlated with TFT and negatively correlated with their interaction. For fat cows, BCS assessment is a suitably strong predictor of lameness. In normal or thin cows, lameness prediction required the combination of both BCS and TFT measurements


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    Upravljanje animalnim otpadom iz stočarske proizvodnje prehrambene industrijezahteva bezbedna, ekonomski opravdana i praktična rešenja, koje su usaglašenasa propisima EU. Prema direktivi EC br. 17

    Концептуальное моделирование вспышек лесных пожаров на основе онтологического подхода DataMining. Часть 1

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    Протестовано геліоцентричну гіпотезу причин спалахів лісових пожеж. Знайдено докази кореляції між раптовим надходженням заряджених частинок з боку сонця і виникненням лісових пожеж із затримкою від одного до чотирьох днів. Проведено порівняльний аналіз методів ANFIS та нейронних мереж у задачі пошуку функціональної залежності між виникненням лісових пожеж і факторами, що характеризують сонячну активність. Використано декілька методів аналізу (методи усунення сезонності, R/S-аналіз, DataMining) для встановлення потенційних зв’язків між коливаннями певних параметрів, що характеризують сонячну активність, і виникненням лісових пожеж з урахуванням затримки в часі. Знайдено наявність взаємозв’язку і розроблено прогностичний сценарій, який засновано на ANFIS та нейромережевих технологіях. Ці методи, в деяких випадках, дозволяють досягнути точності прогнозування до 93%.The heliocentric hypothesis of causes of forest fires outbreaks has been tested. We found evidence of correlation between the sudden arrival of charged particles from the Sun and the occurrence of forest fires with a delay of one to four days. In this research, the comparative analysis was made between ANFIS and Neuron Networks in the task of searching a functional dependence between the occurrence of forest fires and the factors which characterize the solar activity. For this purpose, we used several methods (R/S analysis, Hurst index, DataMining) for establishing potential links between the influx of some parameters from the Sun and the occurrence of forest fires with lag of several days. We found an evidence for a connection and developed a forecasting scenario based on the ANFIS and Neuron Network techniques. This scenario, in some cases, allows to predict occurrences of forest fires with up to 93% accuracy.Протестирована гелиоцентрическая гипотеза причин вспышек лесных пожаров. Найдены доказательства корреляции между внезапным поступлением заряженных частиц от солнца и возникновением лесных пожаров с задержкой от одного до четырех дней. Проведен сравнительный анализ методов ANFIS и нейронных сетей в задаче поиска функциональной зависимости между возникновением лесных пожаров и факторами, характеризующими солнечную активность. Использованы несколько методов анализа (методы устранения сезонности, R/S анализ, DataMining) для установления возможных связей между колебаниями определенных параметров, характеризующих солнечную активность, и возникновением лесных пожаров с учетом задержки во времени. Обнаружено наличие взаимосвязи и разработан прогностический сценарий, основанный на ANFIS и нейросетевых технологиях. Эти методы, в некоторых случаях, позволяют достичь точности прогнозирования до 93%

    The role and significance of veterinary service in international trade of animals and animals products

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    International trade of animals and animals products occasionally leads to spread of infectious diseases and causes high economic losses in economies of endangered countries. That is the reason why correlation between international trade, animal health and epidemiologic situation got significant place in conclusions of Uruguay round of GATT multilateral international trade negotiations and during establishment of World Trade Organization (WTO). One of WTO establishing documents is Agreement of use of sanitary and phitosanitary measures (SPS), which sets basic rules of food safety and of animal health and animal-related products standards. The main purpose of SPS agreement is to allow free trade of agriculture products while recognizing right of each country to protect human, animal and plant health on its territory. This paper analyzes mutual relationship between animal trade and epidemiology, influence of veterinary service on animal health risk analysis, regionalization and need for harmonization of our veterinary regulation with EC standards