6,550 research outputs found

    Radioresistance in Prostate Cancer: Focus on the Interplay between NF-κB and SOD

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    Prostate cancer occurs frequently in men and can often lead to death. Many cancers, including prostate cancer, can be initiated by oxidative insult caused by free radicals and reactive oxygen species. The superoxide dismutase family removes the oxygen-derived reactive oxygen species, and increased superoxide dismutase activity can often be protective against prostate cancer. Prostate cancer can be treated in a variety of ways, including surgery, androgen deprivation therapy, radiation therapy, and chemotherapy. The clinical trajectory of prostate cancer varies from patient to patient, but more aggressive tumors often tend to be radioresistant. This is often due to the free-radical and reactive-oxygen-species-neutralizing effects of the superoxide dismutase family. Superoxide dismutase 2, which is especially important in this regard, can be induced by the NF-κB pathway, which is an important mechanism in radioresistance. This information has enabled the development of interventions that manipulate the NF-κB mechanism to treat prostate cancer

    Investigating The Correlation Between Socioeconomic Factors and The Prevalence of Childhood Dental Problems

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    Background: This study investigates the relationship between socioeconomic factors and the prevalence of childhood dental problems in the Indian context. Recognizing the importance of oral health in pediatric populations and the potential impact of socioeconomic disparities, the study aims to identify correlations between demographic and socioeconomic indicators and the occurrence of dental issues among children aged 5 to 12 years. Methods: A total of 150 children were recruited, representing various socioeconomic backgrounds. Demographic information, including age and gender, and socioeconomic indicators such as parental education, household income, and dental insurance access, were collected. Clinical examinations assessed the prevalence of childhood dental problems, including dental caries, gingivitis, malocclusions, and other conditions. Socioeconomic indicators were categorized for analysis, and statistical methods, including logistic regression, were employed to explore correlations. Results: In the Indian scenario, the study cohort exhibited diverse characteristics.  Result outlines the prevalence of dental problems, with dental caries being the most prominent issue. Gingivitis and malocclusions also contribute to the overall burden of pediatric oral health issues in the Indian context. The study reveals significant correlations between specific socioeconomic factors and the prevalence of childhood dental problems. Notable associations include lower parental education levels correlating with higher rates of dental caries. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study provides valuable insights into the correlation between socioeconomic factors and the prevalence of childhood dental problems in India. The multifaceted nature of this relationship underscores the need for targeted interventions that consider the unique socio-economic dynamics of the Indian population, ultimately contributing to improved pediatric oral health outcomes

    Examining The Relationship Between Children's Dietary Patterns and The Development of Dental Problems

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    Background: This cross-sectional study explores the relationship between children's dietary patterns and the development of dental problems in a sample of 200 participants aged 6 to 12 years. Recognizing the critical role of nutrition in pediatric oral health, the study aims to identify associations between dietary habits, nutrient intake, and prevalent dental issues. Methods: Dietary patterns were assessed using a Food Frequency Questionnaire (FFQ), and nutrient intake was analyzed. Clinical examinations by trained dental professionals evaluated dental problems, including caries, enamel erosion, and malocclusions. Statistical analyses, including logistic regression, were employed to examine associations between dietary patterns and dental outcomes. Results: Demographic characteristics indicated a balanced sample with equal gender distribution and representation across age groups. Analysis of dietary patterns revealed mean values within recommended ranges for caloric intake, protein, carbohydrates, fat, and calcium. Significant associations were found between high sugar consumption and dental caries, low calcium intake and enamel erosion, and irregular snacking habits and malocclusions Conclusion: This study underscores the importance of understanding the intricate relationship between children's dietary patterns and dental health. The identified associations provide insights for targeted interventions aimed at reducing sugar consumption, promoting adequate calcium intake, and addressing irregular snacking habits to enhance pediatric oral health

    Adaptive resistance is not responsible for long-term drug resistance in a cellular model of triple negative breast cancer

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    Resistance to cancer therapeutics represents a leading cause of mortality and is particularly important in cancers, such as triple negative breast cancer, for which no targeted therapy is available, as these are only treated with traditional chemotherapeutics. Cancer, as well as bacterial, drug resistance can be intrinsic, acquired or adaptive. Adaptive cancer drug resistance is gaining attention as a mechanism for the generation of long-term drug resistance as is the case with bacterial antibiotic resistance. We have used a cellular model of triple negative breast cancer (CAL51) and its drug resistance derivative (CALDOX) to gain insight into genome-wide expression changes associated with long-term doxorubicin (a widely used anthracycline for cancer treatment) resistance and doxorubicin-induced stress. Previous work indicates that both naïve and resistance cells have a functional p53-p21 axis controlling cell cycle at G1, although this is not a driver for drug resistance, but down-regulation of TOP2A (topoisomerase IIα). As expected, CALDOX cells have a signature characterized, in addition to down-regulation of TOP2A, by genes and pathways associated with drug resistance, metastasis and stemness. Both CAL51 and CALDOX stress signatures share 12 common genes (TRIM22, FAS, SPATA18, SULF2, CDKN1A, GDF15, MYO6, CXCL5, CROT, EPPK1, ZMAT3 and CD44), with roles in the above-mentioned pathways, indicating that these cells have similar functional responses to doxorubicin relaying on the p53 control of apoptosis. Eight genes are shared by both drug stress signatures (in CAL51 and CALDOX cells) and CALDOX resistant cells (FAS, SULF2, CDKN1A, CXCL5, CD44, SPATA18, TRIM22 and CROT), many of them targets of p53. This corroborates experimental data indicating that CALDOX cells, even in the absence of drug, have activated, at least partially, the p53-p21 axis and DNA damage response. Although this eight-gene signature might be an indicator of adaptive resistance, as this transient phenomenon due to short-term stress may not revert to its original state upon withdrawal of the stressor, previous experimental data indicates that the p53-p21 axis is not responsible for doxorubicin resistance. Importantly, TOP2A is not responsive to doxorubicin treatment and thus absent in both drug stress signatures. This indicates that during the generation of doxorubicin resistance, cells acquire genetic changes likely to be random, leading to down regulation of TOP2A, but selected during the generation of cells due to the presence of drug in the culture medium. This poses a considerable constraint for the development of strategies aimed at avoiding the emergence of drug resistance in the clinic

    Inverse problems for semilinear Schr\"odinger equations at large frequency via polynomial resolvent estimates on manifolds

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    We study inverse boundary problems for semilinear Schr\"odinger equations on smooth compact Riemannian manifolds of dimensions 2\ge 2 with smooth boundary, at a large fixed frequency. We show that certain classes of cubic nonlinearities are determined uniquely from the knowledge of the nonlinear Dirichlet--to--Neumann map at a large fixed frequency on quite general Riemannian manifolds. In particular, in contrast to the previous results available, here the manifolds need not satisfy any product structure, may have trapped geodesics, and the geodesic ray transform need not be injective. Only a mild assumption about the geometry of intersecting geodesics is required. We also establish a polynomial resolvent estimate for the Laplacian on an arbitrary smooth compact Riemannian manifold without boundary, valid for most frequencies. This estimate, along with the invariant construction of Gaussian beam quasimodes with uniform bounds for underlying constants and a stationary phase lemma with explicit control over all involved constants, constitutes the key elements in proving the uniqueness results for the considered inverse problems

    GIS Applications

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    This roundtable discusses various GIS applications in different fields. Purdue\u27s Center for Regional Development presents harmonized space-time data and measures: a study of race, ethnicity and poverty . Prof. Darrell Schulze from Agronomy and Purdue Center for Environmental and Regulatory Information Systems showcase SoilExplorer, a soil map application for teaching and learning soil science. Mark Ehle, Tippcanoe County GIS administrator, introduces the county\u27s GIS services and maps

    Nuclear Factor 90, a cellular dsRNA binding protein inhibits the HIV Rev-export function

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    BACKGROUND: The HIV Rev protein is known to facilitate export of incompletely spliced and unspliced viral transcripts to the cytoplasm, a necessary step in virus life cycle. The Rev-mediated nucleo-cytoplasmic transport of nascent viral transcripts, dependents on interaction of Rev with the RRE RNA structural element present in the target RNAs. The C-terminal variant of dsRNA-binding nuclear protein 90 (NF90ctv) has been shown to markedly attenuate viral replication in stably transduced HIV-1 target cell line. Here we examined a mechanism of interference of viral life cycle involving Rev-NF90ctv interaction. RESULTS: Since Rev:RRE complex formations depend on protein:RNA and protein:protein interactions, we investigated whether the expression of NF90ctv might interfere with Rev-mediated export of RRE-containing transcripts. When HeLa cells expressed both NF90ctv and Rev protein, we observed that NF90ctv inhibited the Rev-mediated RNA transport. In particular, three regions of NF90ctv protein are involved in blocking Rev function. Moreover, interaction of NF90ctv with the RRE RNA resulted in the expression of a reporter protein coding sequences linked to the RRE structure. Moreover, Rev influenced the subcellular localization of NF90ctv, and this process is leptomycin B sensitive. CONCLUSION: The dsRNA binding protein, NF90ctv competes with HIV Rev function at two levels, by competitive protein:protein interaction involving Rev binding to specific domains of NF90ctv, as well as by its binding to the RRE-RNA structure. Our results are consistent with a model of Rev-mediated HIV-1 RNA export that envisions Rev-multimerization, a process interrupted by NF90ctv

    An Assessment of the Workforce and Occupations in the Highway, Street, and Bridge Construction Industries in Indiana

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    This project explores workforce and occupations within the highway, street, and bridge construction industries (NAICS 237310) in Indiana. There are five specific deliverable comprised of three data reports, one policy document, and a website. The first data report includes an assessment of the workforce based on the eight-part framework, which are industry, occupations, job postings, hard-to-fill jobs, Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP), GAP Analysis, compatibility, and automation. The report defines a cluster followed by a detailed analysis of the occupations, skills, job postings, etc., in the NAICS 237310 industry in Indiana. The report makes use of specialized labor market databases, such as the Economic Modeling Specialists International (EMSI), CHMURA JobsEQ, etc. The analysis is based only on the jobs covered under the unemployment insurance or the Quarterly Census of Employment and Wages (QCEW) data. The second data report analyzes jobs to jobs flows to and from the construction industry in Indiana, with a particular emphasis on the Great Recession, by utilizing the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data. The third data report looks into the equal employment opportunity or Section 1391 and 1392 data for Indiana and analyzes specific characteristics of that data. The policy report includes a set of recommendations for workforce development for INDOT and a summary of the three data reports. The key data on occupations within the NAICS 237310 are provided in an interactive website. The website provides a data dashboard for individual INDOT Districts. The policy document recommends steps for development of the highways, streets and bridges construction workforce in INDOT Districts

    Probing ultrafast carrier dynamics and nonlinear absorption and refraction in core-shell silicon nanowires

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    We investigate the relaxation dynamics of photogenerated carriers in silicon nanowires consisting of a crystalline core and a surrounding amorphous shell, using femtosecond time-resolved differential reflectivity and transmission spectroscopy at photon energies of 3.15 eV and 1.57 eV. The complex behavior of the differential transmission and reflectivity transients is the mixed contributions from the crystalline core and the amorphous silicon on the nanowire surface and the substrate where competing effects of state filling and photoinduced absorption govern the carrier dynamics. Faster relaxation rates are observed on increasing the photo-generated carrier density. Independent experimental results on crystalline silicon-on-sapphire help us in separating the contributions from the carrier dynamics in crystalline core and the amorphous regions in the nanowire samples. Further, single beam z-scan nonlinear transmission experiments at 1.57 eV in both open and close aperture configurations yield two-photon absorption coefficient \betabeta (~3 cm/GW) and nonlinear refraction coefficient \gammagamma (-2.5x10^-4 cm2/GW).Comment: 6 pages, 6 figure