584 research outputs found

    Schr\"odinger Holography with and without Hyperscaling Violation

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    We study the properties of the Schr\"odinger-type non-relativistic holography for general dynamical exponent z with and without hyperscaling violation exponent \theta. The scalar correlation function has a more general form due to general z as well as the presence of \theta, whose effects also modify the scaling dimension of the scalar operator. We propose a prescription for minimal surfaces of this "codimension 2 holography," and demonstrate the (d-1) dimensional area law for the entanglement entropy from (d+3) dimensional Schr\"odinger backgrounds. Surprisingly, the area law is violated for d+1 < z < d+2, even without hyperscaling violation, which interpolates between the logarithmic violation and extensive volume dependence of entanglement entropy. Similar violations are also found in the presence of the hyperscaling violation. Their dual field theories are expected to have novel phases for the parameter range, including Fermi surface. We also analyze string theory embeddings using non-relativistic branes.Comment: 62 pages and 6 figures, v2: several typos in section 5 corrected, references added, v3: typos corrected, references added, published versio

    Oncoprotein HCCR-1 expression in breast cancer is well correlated with known breast cancer prognostic factors including the HER2 overexpression, p53 mutation, and ER/PR status

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Oncoprotein HCCR-1 functions as a negative regulator of the p53 and contributes breast tumorigenesis. The serum HCCR-1 assay is useful in diagnosing breast cancer and mice transgenic for HCCR developed breast cancers. But it is unknown how <it>HCCR-1 </it>contributes to human breast tumorigenesis.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Oncogene HCCR-1 expression levels were determined in normal breast tissues, breast cancer tissues and cancer cell lines. We examined whether HCCR-1 protein expression in breast cancer is related to different biological characteristics, including ER, PR, p53 genotype, and HER2 status in 104 primary breast cancer tissues using immunohistochemical analyses.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>HCCR-1 was upregulated in breast cancer cells and tissues compared with normal breast tissues. In this study, overexpression of HCCR-1 was well correlated with known breast cancer prognostic markers including the presence of steroid receptors (ER and PR), p53 mutation and high HER2 overexpression. HCCR-1 was not detected in the ER-negative, PR-negative, p53 negative and low HER2 breast cancer tissues. These data indicate that the level of HCCR-1 in breast cancer tissues is relatively well correlated with known breast cancer factors, including the HER2 overexpression, p53 mutation, and ER/PR status.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Determination of HCCR-1 levels as options for HER2 testing is promising although it needs further evaluation.</p

    New perspectives in human stem cell therapeutic research

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    Human stem cells are in evaluation in clinical stem cell trials, primarily as autologous bone marrow studies, autologous and allogenic mesenchymal stem cell trials, and some allogenic neural stem cell transplantation projects. Safety and efficacy are being addressed for a number of disease state applications. There is considerable data supporting safety of bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cell transplants but the efficacy data are variable and of mixed benefit. Mechanisms of action of many of these cells are unknown and this raises the concern of unpredictable results in the future. Nevertheless there is considerable optimism that immune suppression and anti-inflammatory properties of mesenchymal stem cells will be of benefit for many conditions such as graft versus host disease, solid organ transplants and pulmonary fibrosis. Where bone marrow and mesenchymal stem cells are being studied for heart disease, stroke and other neurodegenerative disorders, again progress is mixed and mostly without significant benefit. However, correction of multiple sclerosis, at least in the short term is encouraging. Clinical trials on the use of embryonic stem cell derivatives for spinal injury and macular degeneration are beginning and a raft of other clinical trials can be expected soon, for example, the use of neural stem cells for killing inoperable glioma and embryonic stem cells for regenerating Ξ² islet cells for diabetes. The change in attitude to embryonic stem cell research with the incoming Obama administration heralds a new co-operative environment for study and evaluation of stem cell therapies. The Californian stem cell initiative (California Institute for Regenerative Medicine) has engendered global collaboration for this new medicine that will now also be supported by the US Federal Government. The active participation of governments, academia, biotechnology, pharmaceutical companies, and private investment is a powerful consortium for advances in health

    Gene expression profiling reveals different pathways related to Abl and other genes that cooperate with c-Myc in a model of plasma cell neoplasia

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To elucidate the genes involved in the neoplastic transformation of B cells, global gene expression profiles were generated using Affymetrix U74Av2 microarrays, containing 12,488 genes, for four different groups of mouse B-cell lymphomas and six subtypes of pristane-induced mouse plasma cell tumors, three of which developed much earlier than the others.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Unsupervised hierarchical cluster analysis exhibited two main sub-clusters of samples: a B-cell lymphoma cluster and a plasma cell tumor cluster with subclusters reflecting mechanism of induction. This report represents the first step in using global gene expression to investigate molecular signatures related to the role of cooperating oncogenes in a model of Myc-induced carcinogenesis. Within a single subgroup, e.g., ABPCs, plasma cell tumors that contained typical T(12;15) chromosomal translocations did not display gene expression patterns distinct from those with variant T(6;15) translocations, in which the breakpoint was in the <it>Pvt-1 </it>locus, 230 kb 3' of c-<it>Myc</it>, suggesting that c-<it>Myc </it>activation was the initiating factor in both. When integrated with previously published Affymetrix array data from human multiple myelomas, the IL-6-transgenic subset of mouse plasma cell tumors clustered more closely with MM1 subsets of human myelomas, slow-appearing plasma cell tumors clustered together with MM2, while plasma cell tumors accelerated by v-Abl clustered with the more aggressive MM3-MM4 myeloma subsets. Slow-appearing plasma cell tumors expressed <it>Socs1 </it>and <it>Socs2 </it>but v-<it>Abl</it>-accelerated plasma cell tumors expressed 4–5 times as much. Both v-<it>Abl</it>-accelerated and non-v-<it>Ab</it>l-associated tumors exhibited phosphorylated STAT 1 and 3, but only v-Abl-accelerated plasma cell tumors lost viability and STAT 1 and 3 phosphorylation when cultured in the presence of the v-Abl kinase inhibitor, STI-571. These data suggest that the Jak/Stat pathway was critical in the transformation acceleration by v-Abl and that v-Abl activity remained essential throughout the life of the tumors, not just in their acceleration. A different pathway appears to predominate in the more slowly arising plasma cell tumors.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Gene expression profiling differentiates not only B-cell lymphomas from plasma cell tumors but also distinguishes slow from accelerated plasma cell tumors. These data and those obtained from the sensitivity of v-Abl-accelerated plasma cell tumors and their phosphorylated STAT proteins indicate that these similar tumors utilize different signaling pathways but share a common initiating genetic lesion, a c-<it>Myc</it>-activating chromosome translocation.</p

    Modulatory Communication Signal Performance Is Associated with a Distinct Neurogenomic State in Honey Bees

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    Studies of animal communication systems have revealed that the perception of a salient signal can cause large-scale changes in brain gene expression, but little is known about how communication affects the neurogenomic state of the sender. We explored this issue by studying honey bees that produce a vibratory modulatory signal. We chose this system because it represents an extreme case of animal communication; some bees perform this behavior intensively, effectively acting as communication specialists. We show large differences in patterns of brain gene expression between individuals producing vibratory signal as compared with carefully matched non-senders. Some of the differentially regulated genes have previously been implicated in the performance of other motor activities, including courtship behavior in Drosophila melanogaster and Parkinson's Disease in humans. Our results demonstrate for the first time a neurogenomic brain state associated with sending a communication signal and provide suggestive glimpses of molecular roots for motor control

    Where It’s at Really Matters: In Situ In Vivo Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor Spatially Correlates with Electron Paramagnetic Resonance pO2 Images in Tumors of Living Mice

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    Purpose: Tumor microenvironments show remarkable tumor pO_{2} heterogeneity, as seen in prior EPR pO_{2} images (EPROI). pO_{2} correlation with hypoxia response proteins is frustrated by large rapid pO2 changes with position. Procedures: To overcome this limitation, biopsies stereotactically located in the EPROI were used to explore the relationship between vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF) concentrations in living mouse tumors and the local EPROI pO_{2}. Results: Quantitative ELISA VEGF concentrations correlated (p = 0.0068 to 0.019) with mean pO_{2}, median pO_{2}, and the fraction of voxels in the biopsy volume with pO_{2} less than 3, 6, and 10 Torr. Conclusions: This validates EPROI hypoxic fractions at the molecular level and provides a new paradigm for the assessment of the relationship, in vivo, between hypoxia and hypoxia response proteins. When translated to human subjects, this will enhance understanding of human tumor pathophysiology and cancer response to therapy

    Dynamics of Multiple Trafficking Behaviors of Individual Synaptic Vesicles Revealed by Quantum-Dot Based Presynaptic Probe

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    Although quantum dots (QDs) have provided invaluable information regarding the diffusive behaviors of postsynaptic receptors, their application in presynaptic terminals has been rather limited. In addition, the diffraction-limited nature of the presynaptic bouton has hampered detailed analyses of the behaviors of synaptic vesicles (SVs) at synapses. Here, we created a quantum-dot based presynaptic probe and characterized the dynamic behaviors of individual SVs. As previously reported, the SVs exhibited multiple exchanges between neighboring boutons. Actin disruption induced a dramatic decrease in the diffusive behaviors of SVs at synapses while microtubule disruption only reduced extrasynaptic mobility. Glycine-induced synaptic potentiation produced significant increases in synaptic and inter-boutonal trafficking of SVs, which were NMDA receptor- and actin-dependent while NMDA-induced synaptic depression decreased the mobility of the SVs at synapses. Together, our results show that sPH-AP-QD revealed previously unobserved trafficking properties of SVs around synapses, and the dynamic modulation of SV mobility could regulate presynaptic efficacy during synaptic activity
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