48 research outputs found
Editorial: Institutionelle Differenzierung und Profilbildung im Hochschulbereich
Mit der Expansion der postsekundären Bildung (sog. "Massification") stellen sich für das Hochschulsystem insgesamt, aber auch für einzelne Hochschulen neue Her-ausforderungen im Spannungsfeld von Differenzierung und Profilbildung (ALT-BACH et al., 2017). Mit der Bologna-Reform verlieren tradierte Unterscheidungen etwa zwischen Fachhochschulen und Universitäten und ihren Studienabschlüssen an Einfluss. Zugleich zeigt sich eine zunehmende Heterogenität in der Studieren-denschaft. Nicht allein der Ur-Typ des 19-jährigen inländischen Abiturienten geht heute in eine Hochschule, sondern auch beruflich Qualifizierte mit beruflichen Erfahrungen, die alleinerziehende Mutter, die internationalen Gaststudierenden sowie Migrantinnen und Migranten mit unterschiedlichen sozialen und kulturellen Verankerungen.
Wie reagiert das Hochschulsystem als Ganzes auf diese Entwicklungen? Wie ge-hen unterschiedliche Hochschultypen mit dieser wachsenden Heterogenität um? Kommt es zu äußeren Differenzierungen mit unterschiedlichen Hochschultypen, oder vollziehen sich die Reaktionsmuster primär im Rahmen einer verstärkten Profilbildung innerhalb und zwischen Hochschulen? Innerhalb des skizzierten Rahmens sind drei Entwicklungen von besonderem Interesse:
1. Ausdehnung von privaten Hochschulen
2. Verbindung von akademischer und beruflicher Bildung
3. Profilbildung im Bereich von Studium und Lehre
Leaving the Ivory Tower: Universities' Third Mission and the Search for Legitimacy
In this paper, we investigate how third mission strategies relate to changing legitimacy of universities. The work is based on a literature review and a case study of the largest business university in the EU (WU Vienna). First, we describe relevant trends and pressures for higher education institutions towards responsibility, accountability, and third mission. Second, we introduce the case in order to substantiate these trends, driven also by Austrian politics and international networks, some of them also emerging with a more socially oriented mission. Finally, we discuss isomorphic trends in higher education
The Effects of Organizational Culture on Strategic Marketing Planning at Universities
Universities face an increasing complexity in their social and economic environment. Student demand is growing while state resources are shrinking. Marketing a university in order to attract students and running fund-raising campaigns is becoming more and more important. An external focus of the university members is necessary to adapt to these changes. The concept of university culture used in this work emphasizes the values and beliefs of university members, which are developed in a historical process and transmitted by language or symbols (Deal and Kennedy, 1992). They strongly influence the decision making in universities (Sporn, 1992). Strategic marketing planning is the process of defining the direction of an institution by focusing on goals, resources, markets and changing opportunities (Kotler and Fox, 1985). From a management perspective, strategic marketing can be seen as leadership concentrated on external exchange of services (Raffee, 1989; Bruhn and Tilmes, 1989). Organizational culture is essential in the process of setting goals and defining a mission. Achieving a fit between strategy and culture is a key to the successful implementation of a marketing perspective inside universities
Steuerung autonomer Universitäten: Erfahrungen mit der österreichischen Universitätsreform
Das Ende der Gründungsphase der Fakultät Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften mit der Integration der bis dahin selbstständigen Hamburger Universität für Wirtschaft und Politik (HWP) sowie der bisherigen Fachbereiche Wirtschaftswissenschaften und Sozialwissenschaften der Universität Hamburg war Anlass zu einem wissenschaftlichen Symposium zur Hochschulgovernance mit hochkarätiger Besetzung. Ziel war es, unterschiedliche Management-Modelle, vor allem aus dem europäischen Ausland, einander gegenüberzustellen und diese sowohl aus einer erfahrungsbasierten Leitungsperspektive als auch unter wissenschaftlich-analytischen Sichtweisen zu analysieren und zu bewerten. Ein besonderer Aspekt lag auf dem für alle Universitäten relevanten Spannungsverhältnis von Zentralität und Dezentralität. Die gehaltenen Vorträge werden in diesem Band dokumentiert.On occation of the end of the founding phase of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences with the integration of the formerly independent Hamburg University of Economics and Politics (HWP) as well as the former Faculties of Economics and Social Sciences of the University of Hamburg, a scientific symposium on university governance with a top-class cast was held. The aim was to compare different management models, especially from other European countries, and to analyse and evaluate them from an experience-based management perspective as well as from a scientific-analytical point of view. A special aspect was the tension between centrality and decentralisation, which is relevant for all universities. The lectures are documented in this volume
Effects of Activin and TGFβ on p21 in Colon Cancer
Activin and TGFβ share SMAD signaling and colon cancers can inactivate either pathway alone or simultaneously. The differential effects of activin and TGFβ signaling in colon cancer have not been previously dissected. A key downstream target of TGFβ signaling is the cdk2 inhibitor p21 (p21cip1/waf1). Here, we evaluate activin-specific effects on p21 regulation and resulting functions. We find that TGFβ is a more potent inducer of growth suppression, while activin is a more potent inducer of apoptosis. Further, growth suppression and apoptosis by both ligands are dependent on SMAD4. However, activin downregulates p21 protein in a SMAD4-independent fashion in conjunction with increased ubiquitination and proteasomal degradation to enhance migration, while TGFβ upregulates p21 in a SMAD4-dependent fashion to affect growth arrest. Activin-induced growth suppression and cell death are dependent on p21, while activin-induced migration is counteracted by p21. Further, primary colon cancers show differential p21 expression consistent with their ACVR2/TGFBR2 receptor status. In summary, we report p21 as a differentially affected activin/TGFβ target and mediator of ligand-specific functions in colon cancer, which may be exploited for future risk stratification and therapeutic intervention
Activin Signaling in Microsatellite Stable Colon Cancers Is Disrupted by a Combination of Genetic and Epigenetic Mechanisms
Activin receptor 2 (ACVR2) is commonly mutated in microsatellite unstable (MSI) colon cancers, leading to protein loss, signaling disruption, and larger tumors. Here, we examined activin signaling disruption in microsatellite stable (MSS) colon cancers.Fifty-one population-based MSS colon cancers were assessed for ACVR1, ACVR2 and pSMAD2 protein. Consensus mutation-prone portions of ACVR2 were sequenced in primary cancers and all exons in colon cancer cell lines. Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) was evaluated for ACVR2 and ACVR1, and ACVR2 promoter methylation by methylation-specific PCR and bisulfite sequencing and chromosomal instability (CIN) phenotype via fluorescent LOH analysis of 3 duplicate markers. ACVR2 promoter methylation and ACVR2 expression were assessed in colon cancer cell lines via qPCR and IP-Western blots. Re-expression of ACVR2 after demethylation with 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidine (5-Aza) was determined. An additional 26 MSS colon cancers were assessed for ACVR2 loss and its mechanism, and ACVR2 loss in all tested cancers correlated with clinicopathological criteria.Of 51 MSS colon tumors, 7 (14%) lost ACVR2, 2 (4%) ACVR1, and 5 (10%) pSMAD2 expression. No somatic ACVR2 mutations were detected. Loss of ACVR2 expression was associated with LOH at ACVR2 (p<0.001) and ACVR2 promoter hypermethylation (p<0.05). ACVR2 LOH, but not promoter hypermethylation, correlated with CIN status. In colon cancer cell lines with fully methylated ACVR2 promoter, loss of ACVR2 mRNA and protein expression was restored with 5-Aza treatment. Loss of ACVR2 was associated with an increase in primary colon cancer volume (p<0.05).Only a small percentage of MSS colon cancers lose expression of activin signaling members. ACVR2 loss occurs through LOH and ACVR2 promoter hypermethylation, revealing distinct mechanisms for ACVR2 inactivation in both MSI and MSS subtypes of colon cancer
Análisis sincrónico de la gobernanza universitaria: una mirada teórica a los años sesenta y setenta
Resumen Estudiar las perspectivas en el campo del gobierno de las universidades tiene cada día mayor preeminencia, especialmente si se toma en cuenta la incuestionable necesidad de avanzar hacía organizaciones más eficientes, conectadas con las expectativas que sobre ellas tiene la sociedad. Considerando este escenario, el trabajo se ha planteado como propósito central realizar un análisis de carácter sincrónico del concepto de gobernanza y la constitución de los gobiernos universitarios. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se utilizaron fuentes secundarias: una revisión de papers publicados esencialmente en revistas de habla inglesa. El estudio comprende las décadas del sesenta y el setenta. Se centra en las raíces del concepto de gobernanza universitaria, en la delineación de los actores que participan en sus gobiernos y en las relaciones de poder que fluyen entre ellos.Entre las principales conclusiones, se pueden destacar como el estamento académico desde el principio de las universidades ha ocupado el rol casi plenipotenciario en su respectivo gobierno, producto de esto, en el correr del desarrollo y mientras la complejidad organizacional se incrementaba, es que fue necesario incorporar nuevos actores a los sistemas de gestión; todo lo anterior, teniendo en cuenta que dos elementos han sido fundamentales para la sobrevivencia de este tipo de instituciones, la legitimidad otorgada por la sociedad y los principios de estrategias del ámbito de la gestión