756 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT EDIATI. S891302018. 2016. Improving Students’ Competence in Constructing Noun Phrases Through Roundtable Technique (A Classroom Action Research of SMA at the Tenth Grade Students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar in the Academic Year 2013/2014). The first consultant: Prof. Dr. Joko Nurkamto, M.Pd. The second consultant : Dr. Sumardi, M.Hum. Department of English Education Department of Graduate Program, Sebelas Maret University. This research investigated the implementation of Roundtable Technique in improving students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. The main objectives of research are: (1) to identify whether Roundtable Technique can improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar; (2) to know whether Round Table technique can improve the quality of learning process at tenth grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar. The Research was carried out at SMA Negeri 1 Karanganyar, Central Java, from July to December 2014. The subjects of the research are 36 students of grade X MIA 2 consisting of 10 boys and 26 girls. The research was conducted in three cycles in which there were four meetings in each cycle. Every cycle consists of four steps: planning, acting, observing and reflecting. The data collections were collected by using observation, interview, diary review, document analysis, questionnaire, and test. The data are analyzed through interactive model which consists of data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion for the qualitative data and descriptive statistics for the quantitative data. The results of the data were: (1) Roundtable Technique can improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. The improvements include (a) the students were able to construct (Determiner) / (Quantifier) + Premodifier + Head with two elements, three elements, four or more elements, (b) (D/Q) + Head + Post modifier(PM) and (c) (D/Q) + Pre Modifier + Head + Post Modifier. (2) Round Table technique can improve the quality of learning process which includes the increase of (a) the students’ motivation, (b) the class situation, (c) the students’ content mastery, and (d) communication/interpersonal skills. Based on the result of the research, it can be concluded that applying Round Table Technique can improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases and the quality of learning process. Therefore, it is recommended that the teachers can use Roundtable Technique as an effective technique to improve students’ competence in constructing noun phrases. Keywords: Classroom Action Research, noun phrases, Round Table techniqu

    Kontrol Fuzzy Logic Dalam Menentukan Produksi Air Demin Pada PLTU

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    Demineralized water production that is not in accordance with the supplies needed in a power plant results in less effective and efficient operation of the power plant. This requires careful control. The control system can use a fuzzy logic-based control system. In this article, we describe the trial of controlling the production of demin water with the aim of determining the production of electricity for consumer needs. The method used is fuzzy logic control. The result can adjust the supply of demin water according to the available stock and the number of requests. The electricity production resulting from fuzzy calculations in generating electricity production is the Tsukamoto method of 698.3 MW/day, the Mamdani method of 254.16 MW/day, and the Sugeno method of 537.3 MW/day

    Bright betatron x-ray radiation from a laser-driven-clustering gas target

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    Hard X-ray sources from femtosecond (fs) laser-produced plasmas, including the betatron X-rays from laser wakefield-accelerated electrons, have compact sizes, fs pulse duration and fs pump-probe capability, making it promising for wide use in material and biological sciences. Currently the main problem with such betatron X-ray sources is the limited average flux even with ultra-intense laser pulses. Here, we report ultra-bright betatron X-rays can be generated using a clustering gas jet target irradiated with a small size laser, where a ten-fold enhancement of the X-ray yield is achieved compared to the results obtained using a gas target. We suggest the increased X-ray photon is due to the existence of clusters in the gas, which results in increased total electron charge trapped for acceleration and larger wiggling amplitudes during the acceleration. This observation opens a route to produce high betatron average flux using small but high repetition rate laser facilities for applications


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    Pelaksanaan pengapdian masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk menghasilkan (1) Produk kreatif kerajinan tangan yang berbahan dasar limbah plastik rumah tangga menjadi produk kreatif kerajinan tangan seperti, tas, tempat pensil, tempat sepatu, dompet, bros, dan lain-lain produk yang kreatif dan inovatif supaya limbah plastik tersebut bisa lebih bermanfaat untuk kehidupan. (2) Kaum difabel yang mandiri, percaya diri, dan mempunyai lifeskill khusus sehingga mampu mandiri secara finansial. (3) Proses jual beli produk secara nyata dan on line. (4)) Lingkungan yang bersih, sehat dan menjadi go green area. Program pengapdian masyarakat ini dilaksanakan dalam 3 tahap, yaitu; Tahap I, kegiatan observasi, meliputi mengobservasi kegiatan belajar siswa, jumlah dan kondisi siswa, pemerolehan bahan baku dan penyususnan pola produk. Tahap 2, menyusun jadwal kegiatan dan kelompok siswa berdasarkan karakteristik siswa, motivasi dan interes siswa karena hal ini berkaitan dengan pembentukan kelompok kerja siswa. Tahap 3, pelaksanaan pelatihan dan proses. Kegiatan pengapdian masyarakat dilapangan berjalan sesuai dengan program yang disusun berdasarkan koordinasi tim dan pihak sekolah dalam hal ini, kepala sekolah, guru dan siswa. Kendala yang muncul selama proses berasal dari kendala teknis yang meliputi jadwal kegiatan yang sering berganti serta bahan baku yang sering rusak karena siswa difabel tidak mampu mengontrol tenaga yang dimiliki pada saat proses pembuatan. Sedangkan kendala non teknis berasal dari sumber daya manusia yang terkait dalam kegiatan tersebut. Yaitu siswa difabel yang sulit untuk fokus pada satu kegiatan, kontrol diri yang sangat kurang serta faktor psikologis yang cepat berubah-ubah. Kendala yang dialami tim abdimas adalah dalam hal berkomunikasi. Untuk mengatasi kendala tersebut pihak sekolah dan tim abdimas memperkuat koordinasi, dan pihak seklah menyediakan guru pendamping sehingga kalau ada masalah sewaktu-waktu dilapangan pada saat kegiatan bisa segera diatasi

    Braveness As Self Defence Act Against Crime Reflected In The Crazies Movie (2010) Directed By Breck Eisner: A Psychoanalytic Approach

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    The major problem of this study is how the braveness as Self defence is reflected in the major character’s personality. The aim of this study is to analyze The Crazies Confidence Movie based on the structural element and the development of the personality of the major characters based on an psychoanalytic approach perspective. The study focuses on the major characters, namely David. The method of data collecting is qualitative method. This study uses two data sources, namely primary and secondary data source. The primary data source is the Movie; while secondary data source is include books and other data that have relation with the research. Technique of the data collecting is taking note. The technique of data analysis is descriptive study. Based on the structural analysis, The Crazies wants to deliver a message that sometimes people do kindness to overcome the braveness as self defense. Based on an Psychoanalytic analysis, it is clearly that The Crazies describes the psychoanalytic approach phenomena in which the characters (David) of this Movie have different goals of life with different problems to be solved

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Cerebral Palsy Spastik Quadriplegi Tipe Ekstensi Di Yayasan Sayab Ibu Yogyakarta

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    Background : spastic quadriplegia cerebral palsy is a disorder of body posture disorders that are non- progressive movement that is caused by a lesion or abnormal development of the brain that are growing or unfinished growth characterized by increased tendon reflexes, hiperkontraktilitas of all four limbs and clonus which occurs in lower limbs. modalities are given on the condition of passive exercise therapy exercise, exercise rolled, and Nebulizer. Objective : To determine the benefits of exercise therapy modalities in reducing spasticity, improve gross motor skills, as well as the benefits nebulizeruntuk reduce sputum. Methods : The method used Physiotherapy in the case that the modalities of exercise, as well as the nebulizer and evaluation by the method of measurement of spasticity with Asworth scale, gross motor ( GMFM ), and the evaluation of sputum discharge. Results : After 6 treatments showed no decrease spasticity, not good increase functional ability, and the release of sputum. Conclusion : In the case of passive exercise modality therapy and exercise training has not been able to reduce spasticity roll and improve gross motor skills and improve functional ability . But the results obtained in the form of discharge sputum with nebulizer therapy


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    THE RELATION OF STATUS CARIES WITH BODY MASS INDEX INPRE SCHOOLCHILDREN *Lita Adina, Ta’adi, EttyYuniarly Dental Nursing Department Polytechnic Ministry of Health Yogyakarta Jl. Kyai Mojo No.54, Bener, Tegalrejo, Yogyakarta 55244 *Email :[email protected] ABSTRACT Background: Dental caries is a disease of the tooth tissue that is characterized by tissue damage that can cause pain and disruption of the digestive system, resulting in reduced food intake so that it can affect growth which affects the body mass index of children. Research purposes: To determine the relation of caries status with body mass index in preschool children. Research methods: This researched is a cross sectional analytic survey approach. Collected data in this study by direct dental examination and measurement of body weight and height. This research was conducted in preschool children of TK Negeri 04 Yogyakarta students at October - November 2019. Samples were taken used purposive sampling technique with the criteria of respondents aged 4-6 years and conducted an analysis test with Kendall's tau. Research result: Status caries of students in the very high category (70.9%) and the status of the Body Mass Index of students in the normal category (49.1%). Students with very high caries status in the normal Body Mass Index category (34.6%). Kendall's analysis test knowed the significance level of 0.63 and the value of α is 0.05. Conclusion :Status carieswas not related to Body Mass Index in preschool children of TK Negeri 04 Yogyakarta students. Keywords: Caries Status, Body Mass Index, Preschooler

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Osteoarthritis Knee Dextra Dengan Modalitas Infra Red, Transcutaneus Electrical Nerve Stimulation Dan Exercise Di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Ir. Soekarno Sukoharjo

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    Knee osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease that results in knee pain caused by softening and destruction of joints and subcodal bone compaction, osteofit growth and joint stiffness, resulting in impaired function and knee joint motion. To know the benefits of Infra Red, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), and exercise in handling cases of osteoarthritis knee. After therapy 6 times, there was a decrease of pain. Pain as measured by VAS, silent pain FT 1 = 2,1 to FT 6 = 1.5. Tenderness FT 1 = 3.1 to FT 6 = 2. FT motion pains 1 = 7.2 to FT 6 = 4.2. The increase of flexor and extensor muscle strength values for FT flexor muscles = 3.5 to FT 6 = 4, and for muscle - extensor FT 1 = 4 to FT 6 = 5. Increased LGS flexi knee FT 1 = 115o to FT 6 = 125o. Infra Red, Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS), and exercise can reduce pain, increase muscle strength, and increase the strength of the scope of motion in the case of osteoarthritis knee

    Penatalaksanaan Fisioterapi Pada Kasus Cervical Root Syndrome Dengan Modalitas Tens Dan Terapi Latihan Di Rsud Saras Husada Purworejo

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    Background: Cervical Root Syndrome is a collection of symptoms that are very disturbing patients usually bigger activity caused by muscle work habits at the wrong moment can also be caused by age (degenerative) of joint disease. so that appropriate treatment can be given usually in the form of non opratif handling very heavy and if the complaint can be done surgically to improved patient's condition. Symptoms such as neck pain that spreads to the shoulders, upper arms and lower, parasthesis and weakness or muscle spasm. Pain that arises often they are due oeleh the injury at or near the root of the nerve spina. Objective: To determine the management of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) can reduce pain in conditions Root Cervical Syndrome and to determine containment procedures Exercise therapy can increase the area of motion and spasm of the neck on condition Root Cervical Syndrome. Results: Reduction of motion pain becomes Lt = 6.5 T6 = 2.7 and tenderness T1 = 5 to T6 = 2.7 Increased LGS flexi T1 = 6 cm into T6 = 9.5 cm, the extension T1 = 4cm into T6 = 5cm, lateral right flexsi T1 = 7cm be T6 = 9 cm, lateral left flexi T1 = 6 cm into T6 = 7 cm, right rotation T1 = 11cm into T6 = 11,5cm, left rotation T1 = 6 cm to T6 = 10 cm and decrease in spasm spasm ie T1 = still exist, T2 = still exist, T3 = reduced, T4 = reduced, T5 and T6 = there = no. Methods: A case study in which patients studied and observed progress during therapy six times. Conclusion: Various problems that arise on condition of cervical root of this syndrome are pain, limitation of LGS (range of motion) and spasm. Physiotherapy modalities are used to address the problem that TENS and exercise therapy. In addition patients were given education to do the exercises at home as it has been taught by the therapist. With the implementation modalities of therapy using the results obtained show a positive development which is evidenced by the decrease in pain (tenderness and pain motion) increase in LGS (range of motion), drop in spasm
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