819 research outputs found

    Screening of DUB activity and specificity by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry

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    Deubiquitylases (DUBs) are key regulators of the ubiquitin system which cleave ubiquitin moieties from proteins and polyubiquitin chains. Several DUBs have been implicated in various diseases and are attractive drug targets. We have developed a sensitive and fast assay to quantify in vitro DUB enzyme activity using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectrometry. Unlike other current assays, this method uses unmodified substrates, such as diubiquitin topoisomers. By analyzing 42 human DUBs against all diubiquitin topoisomers we provide an extensive characterization of DUB activity and specificity. Our results confirm the high specificity of many members of the OTU and JAMM DUB families and highlight that all USPs tested display low linkage selectivity. We also demonstrate that this assay can be deployed to assess the potency and specificity of DUB inhibitors by profiling 11 compounds against a panel of 32 DUBs

    The human Piwi protein Hiwi2 associates with tRNA-derived piRNAs in somatic cells

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    The Piwi-piRNA pathway is active in animal germ cells where its functions are required for germ cell maintenance and gamete differentiation. Piwi proteins and piRNAs have been detected outside germline tissue in multiple phyla, but activity of the pathway in mammalian somatic cells has been little explored. In particular, Piwi expression has been observed in cancer cells, but nothing is known about the piRNA partners or the function of the system in these cells. We have surveyed the expression of the three human Piwi genes, Hiwi, Hili and Hiwi2, in multiple normal tissues and cancer cell lines. We find that Hiwi2 is ubiquitously expressed; in cancer cells the protein is largely restricted to the cytoplasm and is associated with translating ribosomes. Immunoprecipitation of Hiwi2 from MDAMB231 cancer cells enriches for piRNAs that are predominantly derived from processed tRNAs and expressed genes, species which can also be found in adult human testis. Our studies indicate that a Piwi-piRNA pathway is present in human somatic cells, with an uncharacterised function linked to translation. Taking this evidence together with evidence from primitive organisms, we propose that this somatic function of the pathway predates the germline functions of the pathway in modern animals. © The Author(s) 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research

    Flexible network reconstruction from relational databases with Cytoscape and CytoSQL

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Molecular interaction networks can be efficiently studied using network visualization software such as Cytoscape. The relevant nodes, edges and their attributes can be imported in Cytoscape in various file formats, or directly from external databases through specialized third party plugins. However, molecular data are often stored in relational databases with their own specific structure, for which dedicated plugins do not exist. Therefore, a more generic solution is presented.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A new Cytoscape plugin 'CytoSQL' is developed to connect Cytoscape to any relational database. It allows to launch SQL ('Structured Query Language') queries from within Cytoscape, with the option to inject node or edge features of an existing network as SQL arguments, and to convert the retrieved data to Cytoscape network components. Supported by a set of case studies we demonstrate the flexibility and the power of the CytoSQL plugin in converting specific data subsets into meaningful network representations.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>CytoSQL offers a unified approach to let Cytoscape interact with relational databases. Thanks to the power of the SQL syntax, this tool can rapidly generate and enrich networks according to very complex criteria. The plugin is available at <url>http://www.ptools.ua.ac.be/CytoSQL</url>.</p

    The Role of Medical Interpretation on Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening Among Asian American and Pacific Islander Women

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    We examined whether the impact of medical interpretation services was associated with the receipt of a mammogram, clinical breast exam, and Pap smear. We conducted a large cross-sectional study involving four Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) communities with high proportions of individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP). Participants were recruited from community clinics, churches and temples, supermarkets, and other community gathering sites in Northern and Southern California. Among those that responded, 98% completed the survey rendering a total of 1,708 AAPI women. In a series of multivariate logistic regression models, it was found that women who typically used a medical interpreter had a greater odds of having received a mammogram (odds ratio [OR] = 1.85; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 1.21, 2.83), clinical breast exam (OR = 3.03; 95% CI = 1.82, 5.03), and a Pap smear (OR = 2.34; 95% CI = 1.38, 3.97) than those who did not usually use an interpreter. The study provides support for increasing language access in healthcare settings. In particular, medical interpreters may help increase the utilization of breast and cervical cancer screening among LEP AAPI women

    Low copy numbers of complement C4 and C4A deficiency are risk factors for myositis, its subgroups and autoantibodies

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    Background Idiopathic inflammatory myopathies (IIM) are a group of autoimmune diseases characterised by myositis-related autoantibodies plus infiltration of leucocytes into muscles and/or the skin, leading to the destruction of blood vessels and muscle fibres, chronic weakness and fatigue. While complement-mediated destruction of capillary endothelia is implicated in paediatric and adult dermatomyositis, the complex diversity of complement C4 in IIM pathology was unknown. Methods We elucidated the gene copy number (GCN) variations of total C4, C4A and C4B, long and short genes in 1644 Caucasian patients with IIM, plus 3526 matched healthy controls using real-time PCR or Southern blot analyses. Plasma complement levels were determined by single radial immunodiffusion. Results The large study populations helped establish the distribution patterns of various C4 GCN groups. Low GCNs of C4T (C4T=2+3) and C4A deficiency (C4A=0+1) were strongly correlated with increased risk of IIM with OR equalled to 2.58 (2.28-2.91), p=5.0×10 -53 for C4T, and 2.82 (2.48-3.21), p=7.0×10 -57 for C4A deficiency. Contingency and regression analyses showed that among patients with C4A deficiency, the presence of HLA-DR3 became insignificant as a risk factor in IIM except for inclusion body myositis (IBM), by which 98.2% had HLA-DR3 with an OR of 11.02 (1.44-84.4). Intragroup analyses of patients with IIM for C4 protein levels and IIM-related autoantibodies showed that those with anti-Jo-1 or with anti-PM/Scl had significantly lower C4 plasma concentrations than those without these autoantibodies. Conclusions C4A deficiency is relevant in dermatomyositis, HLA-DRB1∗03 is important in IBM and both C4A deficiency and HLA-DRB1∗03 contribute interactively to risk of polymyositis

    Expression profile of genes regulated by activity of the Na-H exchanger NHE1

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    BACKGROUND: In mammalian cells changes in intracellular pH (pH(i)), which are predominantly controlled by activity of plasma membrane ion exchangers, regulate a diverse range of normal and pathological cellular processes. How changes in pH(i )affect distinct cellular processes has primarily been determined by evaluating protein activities and we know little about how pH(i )regulates gene expression. RESULTS: A global profile of genes regulated in mammalian fibroblasts by decreased pH(i )induced by impaired activity of the plasma membrane Na-H exchanger NHE1 was characterized by using cDNA microarrays. Analysis of selected genes by quantitative RT-PCR, TaqMan, and immunoblot analyses confirmed results obtained from cDNA arrays. Consistent with established roles of pH(i )and NHE1 activity in cell proliferation and oncogenic transformation, grouping regulated genes into functional categories and biological pathways indicated a predominant number of genes with altered expression were associated with growth factor signaling, oncogenesis, and cell cycle progression. CONCLUSION: A comprehensive analysis of genes selectively regulated by pH(i )provides insight on candidate targets that might mediate established effects of pH(i )on a number of normal and pathological cell functions

    Identification of ORC1/CDC6-Interacting Factors in Trypanosoma brucei Reveals Critical Features of Origin Recognition Complex Architecture

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    DNA Replication initiates by formation of a pre-replication complex on sequences termed origins. In eukaryotes, the pre-replication complex is composed of the Origin Recognition Complex (ORC), Cdc6 and the MCM replicative helicase in conjunction with Cdt1. Eukaryotic ORC is considered to be composed of six subunits, named Orc1–6, and monomeric Cdc6 is closely related in sequence to Orc1. However, ORC has been little explored in protists, and only a single ORC protein, related to both Orc1 and Cdc6, has been shown to act in DNA replication in Trypanosoma brucei. Here we identify three highly diverged putative T. brucei ORC components that interact with ORC1/CDC6 and contribute to cell division. Two of these factors are so diverged that we cannot determine if they are eukaryotic ORC subunit orthologues, or are parasite-specific replication factors. The other we show to be a highly diverged Orc4 orthologue, demonstrating that this is one of the most widely conserved ORC subunits in protists and revealing it to be a key element of eukaryotic ORC architecture. Additionally, we have examined interactions amongst the T. brucei MCM subunits and show that this has the conventional eukaryotic heterohexameric structure, suggesting that divergence in the T. brucei replication machinery is limited to the earliest steps in origin licensing

    Quantitative Proteomics Identifies the Myb-Binding Protein p160 as a Novel Target of the von Hippel-Lindau Tumor Suppressor

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    Background: The von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) tumor suppressor gene encodes a component of a ubiquitin ligase complex, which is best understood as a negative regulator of hypoxia inducible factor (HIF). VHL ubiquitinates and degrades the a subunits of HIF, and this is proposed to suppress tumorigenesis and tumor angiogenesis. However, several lines of evidence suggest that there are unidentified substrates or targets for VHL that play important roles in tumor suppression. Methodology/Principal Findings: Employing quantitative proteomics, we developed an approach to systematically identify the substrates of ubiquitin ligases and using this method, we identified the Myb-binding protein p160 as a novel substrate of VHL. Conclusions/Significance: A major barrier to understanding the functions of ubiquitin ligases has been the difficulty in pinpointing their ubiquitination substrates. The quantitative proteomics approach we devised for the identification of VHL substrates will be widely applicable to other ubiquitin ligases

    Repeated cycles of Clostridium-directed enzyme prodrug therapy result in sustained antitumour effects in vivo

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    The unique properties of the tumour microenvironment can be exploited by using recombinant anaerobic clostridial spores as highly selective gene delivery vectors. Although several recombinant Clostridium species have been generated during the past decade, their efficacy has been limited. Our goal was to substantially improve the prospects of clostridia as a gene delivery vector. Therefore, we have assessed a series of nitroreductase (NTR) enzymes for their capacity to convert the innocuous CB1954 prodrug to its toxic derivative. Among the enzymes tested, one showed superior prodrug turnover characteristics. In addition, we established an efficient gene transfer procedure, based on conjugation, which allows for the first time genetic engineering of Clostridium strains with superior tumour colonisation properties with high success rates. This conjugation procedure was subsequently used to create a recombinant C. sporogenes overexpressing the isolated NTR enzyme. Finally, analogous to a clinical setting situation, we have tested the effect of multiple consecutive treatment cycles, with antibiotic bacterial clearance between cycles. Importantly, this regimen demonstrated that intravenously administered spores of NTR-recombinant C. sporogenes produced significant antitumour efficacy when combined with prodrug administration

    Screening of protein kinase inhibitors identifies PKC inhibitors as inhibitors of osteoclastic acid secretion and bone resorption

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Bone resorption is initiated by osteoclastic acidification of the resorption lacunae. This process is mediated by secretion of protons through the V-ATPase and chloride through the chloride antiporter ClC-7. To shed light on the intracellular signalling controlling extracellular acidification, we screened a protein kinase inhibitor library in human osteoclasts.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Human osteoclasts were generated from CD14+ monocytes. The effect of different kinase inhibitors on lysosomal acidification in human osteoclasts was investigated using acridine orange for different incubation times (45 minutes, 4 and 24 hours). The inhibitors were tested in an acid influx assay using microsomes isolated from human osteoclasts. Bone resorption by human osteoclasts on bone slices was measured by calcium release. Cell viability was measured using AlamarBlue.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 51 compounds investigated only few inhibitors were positive in both acidification and resorption assays. Rottlerin, GF109203X, Hypericin and Ro31-8220 inhibited acid influx in microsomes and bone resorption, while Sphingosine and Palmitoyl-DL-carnitine-Cl showed low levels of inhibition. Rottlerin inhibited lysosomal acidification in human osteoclasts potently.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>In conclusion, a group of inhibitors all indicated to inhibit PKC reduced acidification in human osteoclasts, and thereby bone resorption, indicating that acid secretion by osteoclasts may be specifically regulated by PKC in osteoclasts.</p
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