2,204 research outputs found

    A racionalidade substantiva das práticas de autogestão: uma análise sobre as dinâmicas organizativas de mulheres na economia solidária sob a perspectiva da história oral

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    Purpose  – The research aims to discuss substantive rationality in the context of Solidarity Economy (SE) and women's self-management practices in the Solidarity and Feminist Economy Network [SFEN], based on the voices of women themselves.Design/methodology/approach – The research uses an exploratory and qualitative, from the perspective of thematic oral history. It is a search for representativeness of other forms of organization through otherness and a post-colonial view of the Administration.Findings - The productive groups of women of the SFEN are configured as substantive organizations. Under the self-management paradigm, reveal an alternative way of producing and commercialization, bringing together the dimensions of work and life in order to allow the construction of an inclusive economy, which could be alignment with the enclave “isonomy” of Guerreiro Ramos.Research limitations/implications – As an exploratory study, it was not possible in this article go deepen the gender issue in the daily practice of women in the productive group.Practical implications – The use of the self-management paradigm in an inclusive economy situation presents these production groups with a real alternative to understanding themselves as active participants in the economy.Social implications - The study brings the reflection of the participants of the productive groups about their active position in society, generates a self-assessment of their activities, serving the analysis also as an opening for reassessments and reapplications of the self-knowledge process of such groups.Originality/value – There is a gap in management research discussing solidarity economy, self-management, feminist organizations and substantive organizations by Guerreiro Ramos.Objetivo - A pesquisa tem o objetivo de discutir a racionalidade substantiva no contexto da Economia Solidária (ES), e  das práticas de autogestão de mulheres da Rede Economia Solidária e Feminista [RESF], a partir das vozes das próprias mulheres.Design/metodologia/abordagem - A pesquisa exploratória qualitativa, a partir da perspectiva da história oral temática, em uma busca por representatividade de outras formas de organização por meio da alteridade e de uma visão pós-colonial da Administração.Achados - Os grupos produtivos de mulheres da RESF configuram-se como organizações substantivas. Suas dinâmicas organizativas, sob o paradigma da autogestão, permitem a construção de uma economia inclusiva, que se baseia em valores, pratica a democracia, compartilha os processos de tomada de decisão, e, por conseguinte, os processos de aprendizagem, seguindo o enclave “Isonomia” de Guerreiro Ramos.Limitações da pesquisa– como um estudo exploratório não foi possível neste artigo aprofundar a questão gênero na pratica cotidiana das mulheres no grupo produtivo.Implicações práticas– O uso do paradigma da autogestão em uma situação de economia inclusiva expõe a esses grupos produtivos uma alternativa real de se compreenderam como participantes ativos da economia.Implicações sociais – O estudo traz a reflexão das participantes dos grupos produtivos sobre sua posição ativa na sociedade gera uma auto valoração de suas atividades, servindo a análise também como uma abertura para reavaliações e reaplicações do processo de autoconhecimento de tais grupos.Originalidade  – Há uma lacuna de pesquisas em administração discutindo economia solidária, autogestão, organizações feministas  e organizações substantivas de Guerreiro Ramo

    Об использовании элементов метода ветвей и границ в схемах динамического программирования

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    Рассматривается возможный способ повышения эффективности алгоритмов по методу динамического программирования при решении условных экстремальных задач с аддитивными целевыми функциями, заданными на дискретных множествах. Основной идеей рассматриваемого способа является сокращение областей определения экстремума при решении рекуррентных уравнений Беллмана путем сравнения текущих значений функции Беллмана с рекордом, аналогично схеме метода ветвей и границ

    Direct resin composite restoration of endodontically-treated permanent molars in adolescents: bite force and patient-specific finite element analysis

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    Objective: To evaluate the influence of three levels of dental structure loss on stress distribution and bite load in root canal-treated young molar teeth that were filled with bulk-fill resin composite, using finite element analysis (FEA) to predict clinical failure. Methodology: Three first mandibular molars with extensive caries lesions were selected in teenager patients. The habitual occlusion bite force was measured using gnathodynamometer before and after endodontic/restoration procedures. The recorded bite forces were used as input for patient-specific FEA models, generated from cone-beam computed tomographic (CT) scans of the teeth before and after treatment. Loads were simulated using the contact loading of the antagonist molars selected based on the CT scans and clinical evaluation. Pre and post treatment bite forces (N) in the 3 patients were 30.1/136.6, 34.3/133.4, and 47.9/124.1. Results: Bite force increased 260% (from 36.7±11.6 to 131.9±17.8 N) after endodontic and direct restoration. Before endodontic intervention, the stress concentration was located in coronal tooth structure; after rehabilitation, the stresses were located in root dentin, regardless of the level of tooth structure loss. The bite force used on molar teeth after pulp removal during endodontic treatment resulted in high stress concentrations in weakened tooth areas and at the furcation. Conclusion: Extensive caries negatively affected the bite force. After pulp removal and endodontic treatment, stress and strain concentrations were higher in the weakened dental structure. Root canal treatment associated with direct resin composite restorative procedure could restore the stress-strain conditions in permanent young molar teeth

    Uma Revisão dos Fatores Determinantes para Proatividade Ambiental: O Caso da Indústria Calçadista

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    This paper reviews literature in order to identify the determinant factors of companies’ environmental proactivity. According to Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006), environmental proactivity demands three practices: planning and organization, operation, and communication. Environmental strategies go on to comment upon several variables that depict internal company features, external factors, and stakeholders pressures. This work discusses these issues using data collected in 2007 from shoe companies selected for in-depth personal interviews and site visits in two different Brazilian states. The empirical results demonstrate that proactive approaches seem clear in companies influenced by stakeholders’ pressure. This is the central determinant factor and it is argued that all the other variables affect either the intensity of this pressure or the company’s capacity to perceive it. All the factors identified herein should be taken into account, at least as control variables, in those studies aiming at explaining and contextualizing environmental strategies.Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los factores que las empresas llevan a adoptar conductas preventivas ambientales, específicamente el estudio de la industria del calzado a partir de cinco casos en la industria. Tomando como punto de partida el modelo de González-Benito y González-Benito (2006), se argumenta, a través de este trabajo, la proactividad medioambiental se puede expresar mediante diversas prácticas y estrategias ambientales. La adopción de estas estrategias está influida por una serie de variables divididas en: factores externos, las características organizativas y la presión de grupos de interés (stakeholders). Este estudio evalúa estas variables en las empresas de la industria del calzado. Para ello, se realizó una investigación exploratoria cualitativa a través de entrevistas y visitas a plantas de producción en cinco empresas establecidas en dos Estados. Llegamos a la conclusión de que la presión de los grupos de interés es el factor determinante en las actitudes y estrategias de gestión, definiendo la adopción de prácticas ambientales en las empresas encuestadas. En este sentido, las estrategias ambientales varían debido a la importancia percibida por las empresas como a las demandas de las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, todas las otras variables se deben tomar en consideración, al menos como variables de control en los estudios que tratan de explicar y contextualizar estrategias ambientales.Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar o arcabouço teórico sobre os fatores determinantes para a proatividade ambiental nas empresas. Tomando como ponto de partida o modelo de González-Benito e González-Benito (2006), o trabalho argumenta que a proatividade ambiental pode ser expressa por diversas práticas ambientais e estratégias. A adoção destas estratégias é influenciada por um conjunto de variáveis divididas em: fatores externos, características organizacionais e pressão dos stakeholders. O trabalho avalia estas variáveis em empresas do setor calçadista. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa por meio de entrevistas e visitas as plantas produtivas em cincos empresas instaladas em dois estados brasileiros. Conclui-se que a pressão dos stakeholders é o fator determinante nas atitudes gerenciais e estratégicas, definindo a adoção de práticas ambientais nas empresas pesquisadas. Neste sentido, as estratégias ambientais variam em função da importância percebida pelas firmas quanto às exigências dos stakeholders. Entretanto, todas as outras variáveis devem ser levadas em consideração, pelo menos como variáveis de controle nos estudos que busquem explicar e contextualizar as estratégias ambientais.DOI:10.5585/riae.v11i2.180

    A Review of Environmental Factors Determining to Proactivity: The Case of the Footwear Industry

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo revisar o arcabouço teórico sobre os fatores determinantes para a proatividade ambiental nas empresas. Tomando como ponto de partida o modelo de González-Benito e González-Benito (2006), o trabalho argumenta que a proatividade ambiental pode ser expressa por diversas práticas ambientais e estratégias. A adoção destas estratégias é influenciada por um conjunto de variáveis divididas em: fatores externos, características organizacionais e pressão dos stakeholders. O trabalho avalia estas variáveis em empresas do setor calçadista. Foi realizada uma pesquisa exploratória qualitativa por meio de entrevistas e visitas as plantas produtivas em cincos empresas instaladas em dois estados brasileiros. Conclui-se que a pressão dos stakeholders é o fator determinante nas atitudes gerenciais e estratégicas, definindo a adoção de práticas ambientais nas empresas pesquisadas. Neste sentido, as estratégias ambientais variam em função da importância percebida pelas firmas quanto às exigências dos stakeholders. Entretanto, todas as outras variáveis devem ser levadas em consideração, pelo menos como variáveis de controle nos estudos que busquem explicar e contextualizar as estratégias ambientais.DOI:10.5585/riae.v11i2.1807Este artículo tiene como objetivo analizar los factores que las empresas llevan a adoptar conductas preventivas ambientales, específicamente el estudio de la industria del calzado a partir de cinco casos en la industria. Tomando como punto de partida el modelo de González-Benito y González-Benito (2006), se argumenta, a través de este trabajo, la proactividad medioambiental se puede expresar mediante diversas prácticas y estrategias ambientales. La adopción de estas estrategias está influida por una serie de variables divididas en: factores externos, las características organizativas y la presión de grupos de interés (stakeholders). Este estudio evalúa estas variables en las empresas de la industria del calzado. Para ello, se realizó una investigación exploratoria cualitativa a través de entrevistas y visitas a plantas de producción en cinco empresas establecidas en dos Estados. Llegamos a la conclusión de que la presión de los grupos de interés es el factor determinante en las actitudes y estrategias de gestión, definiendo la adopción de prácticas ambientales en las empresas encuestadas. En este sentido, las estrategias ambientales varían debido a la importancia percibida por las empresas como a las demandas de las partes interesadas. Sin embargo, todas las otras variables se deben tomar en consideración, al menos como variables de control en los estudios que tratan de explicar y contextualizar estrategias ambientales.This paper reviews literature in order to identify the determinant factors of companies’ environmental proactivity. According to Gonzalez-Benito and Gonzalez-Benito (2006), environmental proactivity demands three practices: planning and organization, operation, and communication. Environmental strategies go on to comment upon several variables that depict internal company features, external factors, and stakeholders pressures. This work discusses these issues using data collected in 2007 from shoe companies selected for in-depth personal interviews and site visits in two different Brazilian states. The empirical results demonstrate that proactive approaches seem clear in companies influenced by stakeholders’ pressure. This is the central determinant factor and it is argued that all the other variables affect either the intensity of this pressure or the company’s capacity to perceive it. All the factors identified herein should be taken into account, at least as control variables, in those studies aiming at explaining and contextualizing environmental strategies

    The variability of isokinetic ankle strength is different in healthy older men and women

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    Context: In the elderly, weak lower limb muscles impair functional tasks' performance. Objective: To evaluate the healthy elderly's ankle dorsiflexion and plantarflexion maximum torque and its variability in two sets of 5 RM isokinetics evaluation. Method: 50 women (68.0 ± 4.6 years old) and 50 men (72.7 ± 8.5 years old) did two sets of ankle plantar flexor and dorsiflexor isokinetic tests at 30°/s. Peak torque, total work, and coefficient of variation were analyzed. Results: Men did the strongest plantarflexion torque (p < 0.05) and dorsiflexion torque (p < 0.05); their highest peak torque occurred at set 2 (p < 0.05), while the largest plantarflexion torque variability (p < 0.05), dorsiflexion torque variability (p < 0.05), and the largest plantarflexion torque variability occurred at set 1 (p < 0.05). Men did the highest plantarflexion and dorsiflexion total work (p < 0.05) at set 2 (p < 0.05). Conclusion: Older men are stronger than older women. The torque variability, in men, was higher during the first set, suggesting an adaptation to the isokinetics evaluation. Clinicians and researchers should consider that different muscles might need different numbers of sets and trials to measure their maximal muscle strength

    Selection of okra parents based on performance and genetic divergence

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    A total of 200 okra accessions with wide variability and a potential for genetic improvement were stored in the Vegetables Germplasm Bank of the Federal University of Viçosa (UFV-BGH) in Viçosa, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The objective of this work was to select parents by genetic divergence and behavior per se in 70 okra accessions from the BGH-UFV by quantitative and qualitative descriptors of economic interest. Analysis of individual and combined variance, by clustering of means by Scott-Knott test, of the accessions by Tocher’s method and selection based on qualitative descriptors and behavior per se using the methodology of sum of inverted positions was made. The variability of the characteristics of the accessions as verified by the Scott-Knott test formed different groups and subgroups by Tocher’s method. Fifteen accessions were selected with the qualitative descriptors, and based on the sum of inverted positions for quantitative descriptors the BGH-132, BGH-547, BGH-693, BGH-740, BGH-961, BGH-7863, BGH- 7865, BGH-3196 and BGH-4890 okra accessions were selected as potential parents.Key words: Abelmoschus esculentus (L.) Moench, germplasm bank, genetic resource, genetic improvement

    Invasion origin, rapid population expansion, and the lack of genetic structure of cotton bollworm (Helicoverpa armigera) in the Americas

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    In 2013, Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) was officially declared as present in Brazil and, after two years, the species was detected in the Caribbean and North America. Information on genetic features and accurate distribution of pests is the basis for agricultural protection policies. Furthermore, such knowledge is imperative to develop control strategies, understand the geographical range, and genetic patterns of this species in the Americas. Here, we carried out the widest sampling of H. armigera in the South American continent and Puerto Rico, after we estimated the diversity, demographic parameters, and genetic structure. The Internal Transcribed Spacer 1 (ITS1) nuclear marker was used to investigate the presence of putative hybrids between H. armigera and H. zea, and they were observed at a frequency of 1.5%. An ABC analysis, based in COI gene fragment, suggested Europe as the origin of South America specimens of H. armigeraand following a movement northward through the Caribbean. Three mtDNA genes and three nDNA markers revealed high genetic diversity distributed without the defined population structure of H. armigera in South America. Most of the genetic variation is within populations with a multidirectional expansion of H. armigera among morphoclimatic regions. High genetic diversity, rapid population expansion, and hybridization have implications for pest management since they suggest that adaptive alleles are spread through wide areas in South America that favor rapid local adaptation of H. armigera to new and disturbed environments (e.g., in agricultural areas)9137378CAPES - Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal e Nível SuperiorCNPQ - Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoFAPESP – Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa Do Estado De São Paulo2014/10504-9; 2014/11495-3; 2015/02079-9; 2018/04478-6140866/2016-7; 309167/2015-900

    Performance Variability In Line-drill Test In Adolescent Basketball Players

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    The practice of basketball during adolescence increases the body size and functional performance. Basketball involves short-time maximum effort for changes of direction, which use anaerobic metabolism and agility. Objective: To examine the variation in performance in the Line-drill Test in adolescent basketball players (n=59, age 9-15 years) in relation to the stage of somatic maturity (estimated age of peak growth velocity [PGV]) and the variation in body size. Methods: We considered chronological age, estimated time for the age of PGV by the maturity offset protocol, height and body mass measured by anthropometry, and performance in the Line Drill Test. Proportional allometric models were used to control the variation associated with the body size, chronological age, and maturity of inter-individual variation in the Line-drill Test. Results: We found a high negative linear relationship between performance in the Line-drill Test and chronological age (r=-0.64, 95% IC-0.77 - -0.46, p<0.01). The relationship between performance on the Line-drill Test and the time until the age of PGV proved to be non-linear, indicating slowdown in performance variation, approximately from the age of PGV and one year after the predicted PGV. The allometric models showed a negative relationship between body size and performance in the Line-drill Test. The amplitude of variance explained in the proportional allometric models ranged from 0.28 to 0.48. Negative exponents of small magnitude were observed for chronological age and the indicator of maturity being, however, significant and with reduced amplitude (-0.05 to -0.06) Conclusion: The use of allometric models to control the influence of body size can potentially help to understand the development of agility performances in adolescent basketball players.22644544