41 research outputs found

    A new species of cosmocercoides (Nematoda; cosmocercidae) and other helminths in leptodactylus latrans (anura; leptodactylidae) from Argentina

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    Cosmocercoides latrans n. sp. (Cosmocercidae) from the small intestine of Leptodactylus latrans (Anura: Leptodactylidae) from Northeastern Province of Buenos Aires, Argentina is described. The new species can be distinguished from their congeners by a combination of the characters, among which stands out the number of rosette papillae, the lack of gubernaculum and the presence of lateral alae in both sexes. There are over 20 species in the genus Cosmocercoides, and Cosmocercoides latrans n. sp. represents the third species from the Neotropical realm and the second for Argentina. Additionally, seven previously known taxa are reported; Pseudoacanthocephalus cf. lutzi, Catadiscus uruguayensis, Rauschiella palmipedis, Aplectana hylambatis, Cosmocerca parva, Schrankiana sp. and Rhabdias elegans; providing literature records and information on distribution and host-parasite relationships.Fil: Draghi, Regina. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Drago, Fabiana Beatriz. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentina. Provincia de Buenos Aires. Gobernación. Comisión de Investigaciones Científicas; ArgentinaFil: Lunaschi, Lía Inés. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo. División Zoología Invertebrados; Argentin

    Autothermal reforming of palm empty fruit bunch bio-oil: thermodynamic modelling

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    This work focuses on thermodynamic analysis of the autothermal reforming of palm empty fruit bunch (PEFB) bio-oil for the production of hydrogen and syngas. PEFB bio-oil composition was simulated using bio-oil surrogates generated from a mixture of acetic acid, phenol, levoglucosan, palmitic acid and furfural. A sensitivity analysis revealed that the hydrogen and syngas yields were not sensitive to actual bio-oil composition, but were determined by a good match of molar elemental composition between real bio-oil and surrogate mixture. The maximum hydrogen yield obtained under constant reaction enthalpy and pressure was about 12 wt% at S/C = 1 and increased to about 18 wt% at S/C = 4; both yields occurring at equivalence ratio Φ of 0.31. The possibility of generating syngas with varying H2 and CO content using autothermal reforming was analysed and application of this process to fuel cells and Fischer-Tropsch synthesis is discussed. Using a novel simple modelling methodology, reaction mechanisms were proposed which were able to account for equilibrium product distribution. It was evident that different combinations of reactions could be used to obtain the same equilibrium product concentrations. One proposed reaction mechanism, referred to as the ‘partial oxidation based mechanism’ involved the partial oxidation reaction of the bio-oil to produce hydrogen, with the extent of steam reforming and water gas shift reactions varying depending on the amount of oxygen used. Another proposed mechanism, referred to as the ‘complete oxidation based mechanism’ was represented by thermal decomposition of about 30% of bio-oil and hydrogen production obtained by decomposition, steam reforming, water gas shift and carbon gasification reactions. The importance of these mechanisms in assisting in the eventual choice of catalyst to be used in a real ATR of PEFB bio-oil process was discussed

    Emerging issues and questions on peripartum depression prevention, diagnosis and treatment: a consensus report from the cost action riseup-PPD

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    Background: Peripartum depression [PPD] is a public health problem which has been widely studied. Nonetheless, study findings and clinical guidelines for PPD treatment differ among countries and the condition is still underdiagnosed and undertreated, suggesting the importance of a global understanding of PPD. The RiseupPPD Cost Action aims to establish a Pan-European and multidisciplinary network of researchers dedicated to the global understanding of PPD. Methods: A literature search was performed in different databases (e.g., Medline, PsychInfo) including a combination of terms related with PPD diagnosis, prevention, treatment and cost-effectiveness of its management. A narrative synthesis of the literature, together with a critical overview of the current issues/questions to be addressed within the topic of PPD were performed. Results: Emerging issues include challenges regarding definition and timing of PPD; heterogeneity in severity, timing of onset and assessment tools; comparative effectiveness of preventive and treatment interventions; help seeking for PPD; improving health professional's awareness of PPD; and cost-effectiveness of PPD management. Limitations: The main limitation is the non-systematic nature of the literature search. Conclusions: The Riseup-PPD network will deal with these challenges through four lines of action: (1)provide an updated and comprehensive synthesis of existing knowledge that can contribute to inform clinical recommendations and guidelines for PPD management; (2) clarify inconsistent findings concerning diagnosis, prevention and treatment of PPD; (3) develop new lines of research in the field of PPD; and (4) develop international recommendations for PPD diagnosis, prevention and treatment, ultimately influencing maternal mental health policymaking at global and local levels.This paper is based upon work from the COST Action Riseup-PPD CA 18138 and was supported by COST under COST Action Riseup-PPD CA18138.0F18-4278-46B8 | Ana Dias da FonsecaN/

    Indicadores de cuidados para o corpo que pro-cria: ações de enfermagem no pré-trans e pós-parto - uma contribuição para a prática de enfermagem obstétrica Indicadores de cuidados para el cuerpo que procrea: acciones de enfermería en el pre, trans y post-parto - una contribuición para la práctica del oficio de enfermero en obstetricia Care indicators for the body that procreates: nursing actions before, during and after delivery - a contribution to obstetrical nursing practice

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    Este estudo é o resultado de dinâmicas entendidas como Cenas de Produção Estética feitas com 28 profissionais de ensino e de serviços de enfermagem para responder a questão: o que se produz sobre o corpo em trabalho de parto quando cuidamos dele no pré, trans e pós - parto? Os objetivos do estudo, que é de natureza qualitativa, foram identificar e discutir as ações nestes momentos em que o corpo da mulher dá origem a uma outra vida. Três categorias surgiram como resultado: 1) O cuidado do corpo em trabalho de parto a (in)devida invasão e a violência velada; 2) O (des)cuidado do corpo que (ex)pulsa outro corpo a invasão e a violência mostrada; 3) O (des)cuidado do corpo vazio: "cansaço e solidão" "a violência do abandono". Estas categorias apontam que existem cuidados para esta clientela como cuidados para a saúde os quais devem evitar a violência sobre o corpo da mulher em processo de parto.<br>Este estudio es el resultado de dinámicas comprendidas como Escenas de Producción Estética hechas con 28 profesionales de la enseñanza y de servicios de enfermería para responder a la cuestión: ¿Lo qué se produce sobre el cuerpo en trabajo de parto cuando prestamos cuidados antes, durante y tras el parto? Los objetivos del estudio, del tipo cualitativo, fueron identificar y discutir las acciones en estos momentos en que el cuerpo de la mujer da origen a una otra vida. Tres categorías surgieron como resultado: 1. El cuidado del cuerpo en trabajo de parto: la (in)debida invasión y la violencia velada; 2. El (des)cuidado del cuerpo que (ex)pulsa otro cuerpo: la invasión y la violencia mostrada; 3. El (des)cuidado del cuerpo vacío: "cansancio y soledad" "La violencia del abandono". Estas categorías apuntan que existen cuidados a la salud de esta clientela, que deben evitar la violencia sobre el cuerpo de la mujer en proceso del parto.<br>This study results from dynamics seen as Scenes of Esthetical Production, which were accomplished with 28 nursing teaching and service professionals to answer the question: what is generated about the body in labor when we take care of it before, during and after delivery? A qualitative study was realized, which aimed to identify and discuss the actions accomplished at these moments during which the woman's body gives rise to another life. Three categories emerged: 1) The care of the body in labor: the (un)due invasion and concealed violence; 2) the (lack of) care for the body that (ex)pulses another body: the invasion and the expressed violence; 3) the (lack of) care for the empty body: "fatigue and solitude" "the violence of the abandonment". These categories indicated that there are forms of delivering care to this clientele's health, which should avoid violence against the woman's body in labor