916 research outputs found

    Intra-Operative Assessment of Sentinel Lymph Nodes in Breast Cancer

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    Lymph node status remains an important prognostic indicator for survival in breast cancer. Sentinel lymph node biopsy has become the standard method of assessment of clinically node negative breast cancers. Economic implications as well as patient related factors have lead to the development a number of intra-operative techniques. Review of the emerging trends in the last 4 years show that although routine histological examination remains the gold standard in most centres intra-operative assessment remains the most favourable, timely and cost-effective option to analyse sentinel nodes. Molecular techniques appear to be far more superior to other histological tests such as Frozen Section or Touch Imprint Cytology. Emerging research suggests that molecular techniques can be used to predict the presence of non sentinel node metastasis

    Patient and Public involvement in research From tokenistic box ticking to valued team members

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    This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, which permits use, sharing, adaptation, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, as long as you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons licence, and indicate if changes were made. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material. If material is not included in the article's Creative Commons licence and your intended use is not permitted by statutory regulation or exceeds the permitted use, you will need to obtain permission directly from the copyright holder. To view a copy of this licence, visit http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated in a credit line to the data.Background Patient and public involvement (PPI) in research envisages a relationship built throughout the lifespan of a research project between academics, clinicians and PPI colleagues in order to inform, plan, execute and, in due course, disseminate and translate research. To be meaningful, all stakeholders need to actively engage in this exchange of expertise. However, despite some funders requiring PPI plans to be included in grant applications, there remains a gap between what is expected and what is delivered. Main body As an exemplar, we reflect on how, in the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUKCAR), we set out to create a supportive, organised environment with the overarching value of ‘keeping patients at the heart of everything we do’. The key has been in planning and creating a suitably funded organisational infrastructure with dedicated PPI researchers along with the development of and expectation to abide by an agreed set of norms and values. Specifically, expecting AUKCAR PhD students and early career researchers to engage with PPI has established a working mode that we hope will last. Regular interactions and proactive Patient Leads increase PPI network cohesion. Conclusion With adaptation, the AUKCAR PPI model can be translated to international contexts.TJ is the Patient and Public Involvement research fellow for the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research and the NIHR Global Health Research Unit on Respiratory Health (RESPIRE). TJ is part funded by Asthma UK as part of the Asthma UK Centre for Applied Research (AUK-AC-2018-01). RESPIRE is funded by the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) (16/136/109) using UK aid from the UK Government to support global health researc

    Photodynamic Therapy in Primary Breast Cancer

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    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a technique for producing localized necrosis with light after prior administration of a photosensitizing agent. This study investigates the nature, safety, and efficacy of PDT for image-guided treatment of primary breast cancer. We performed a phase I/IIa dose escalation study in 12 female patients with a new diagnosis of invasive ductal breast cancer and scheduled to undergo mastectomy as a first treatment. The photosensitizer verteporfin (0.4 mg/kg) was administered intravenously followed by exposure to escalating light doses (20, 30, 40, 50 J; 3 patients per dose) delivered via a laser fiber positioned interstitially under ultrasound guidance. MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) scans were performed prior to and 4 days after PDT. Histological examination of the excised tissue was performed. PDT was well tolerated, with no adverse events. PDT effects were detected by MRI in 7 patients and histology in 8 patients, increasing in extent with the delivered light dose, with good correlation between the 2 modalities. Histologically, there were distinctive features of PDT necrosis, in contrast to spontaneous necrosis. Apoptosis was detected in adjacent normal tissue. Median follow-up of 50 months revealed no adverse effects and outcomes no worse than a comparable control population. This study confirms a potential role for PDT in the management of early breast cancer

    Compliance of smokeless tobacco supply chain actors and products with tobacco control laws in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan: protocol for a multicentre sequential mixed-methods study

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    Introduction: South Asia is home to more than 300 million smokeless tobacco (ST) users. Bangladesh, India and Pakistan as signatories to the Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) have developed policies aimed at curbing the use of tobacco. The objective of this study is to assess the compliance of ST point-of-sale (POS) vendors and the supply chain with the articles of the FCTC and specifically with national tobacco control laws. We also aim to assess disparities in compliance with tobacco control laws between ST and smoked tobacco products. Methods and analysis: The study will be carried out at two sites each in Bangladesh, India and Pakistan. We will conduct a sequential mixed-methods study with five components: (1) mapping of ST POS, (2) analyses of ST samples packaging, (3) observation, (4) survey interviews of POS and (5) in-depth interviews with wholesale dealers/suppliers/manufacturers of ST. We aim to conduct at least 300 POS survey interviews and observations, and 6-10 in-depth interviews in each of the three countries. Data collection will be done by trained data collectors. The main statistical analysis will report the frequencies and proportions of shops that comply with the FCTC and local tobacco control policies, and provide a 95% CI of these estimates. The qualitative in-depth interview data will be analysed using the framework approach. The findings will be connected, each component informing the focus and/or design of the next component. Ethics and dissemination: Ethical approvals for the study have been received from the Health Sciences Research Governance Committee at the University of York, UK. In-country approvals were taken from the National Bioethics Committee in Pakistan, the Bangladesh Medical Research Council and the Indian Medical Research Council. Our results will be disseminated via scientific conferences, peer-reviewed research publications and press releases

    X-Linked Immunodeficient Mice With No Functional Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Are Protected From Sepsis-Induced Multiple Organ Failure

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    We previously reported the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors ibrutinib and acalabrutinib improve outcomes in a mouse model of polymicrobial sepsis. Now we show that genetic deficiency of the BTK gene alone in Xid mice confers protection against cardiac, renal, and liver injury in polymicrobial sepsis and reduces hyperimmune stimulation (“cytokine storm”) induced by an overwhelming bacterial infection. Protection is due in part to enhanced bacterial phagocytosis in vivo, changes in lipid metabolism and decreased activation of NF-κB and the NLRP3 inflammasome. The inactivation of BTK leads to reduced innate immune cell recruitment and a phenotypic switch from M1 to M2 macrophages, aiding in the resolution of sepsis. We have also found that BTK expression in humans is increased in the blood of septic non-survivors, while lower expression is associated with survival from sepsis. Importantly no further reduction in organ damage, cytokine production, or changes in plasma metabolites is seen in Xid mice treated with the BTK inhibitor ibrutinib, demonstrating that the protective effects of BTK inhibitors in polymicrobial sepsis are mediated solely by inhibition of BTK and not by off-target effects of this class of drugs

    Building the Field of Health Policy and Systems Research: An Agenda for Action

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    In the final article in a series addressing the current challenges and opportunities for the development of Health Policy and Systems Research (HPSR), Sara Bennett and colleagues lay out an agenda for action moving forward

    Whole home exercise intervention for depression in older care home residents (the OPERA study) : a process evaluation

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    Background: The ‘Older People’s Exercise intervention in Residential and nursing Accommodation’ (OPERA) cluster randomised trial evaluated the impact of training for care home staff together with twice-weekly, physiotherapist-led exercise classes on depressive symptoms in care home residents, but found no effect. We report a process evaluation exploring potential explanations for the lack of effect. Methods: The OPERA trial included over 1,000 residents in 78 care homes in the UK. We used a mixed methods approach including quantitative data collected from all homes. In eight case study homes, we carried out repeated periods of observation and interviews with residents, care staff and managers. At the end of the intervention, we held focus groups with OPERA research staff. We reported our first findings before the trial outcome was known. Results: Homes showed large variations in activity at baseline and throughout the trial. Overall attendance rate at the group exercise sessions was low (50%). We considered two issues that might explain the negative outcome: whether the intervention changed the culture of the homes, and whether the residents engaged with the intervention. We found low levels of staff training, few home champions for the intervention and a culture that prioritised protecting residents from harm over encouraging activity. The trial team delivered 3,191 exercise groups but only 36% of participants attended at least 1 group per week and depressed residents attended significantly fewer groups than those who were not depressed. Residents were very frail and therefore most groups only included seated exercises. Conclusions: The intervention did not change the culture of the homes and, in the case study homes, activity levels did not change outside the exercise groups. Residents did not engage in the exercise groups at a sufficient level, and this was particularly true for those with depressive symptoms at baseline. The physical and mental frailty of care home residents may make it impossible to deliver a sufficiently intense exercise intervention to impact on depressive symptoms

    Post-operative volumes following endoscopic surgery for non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas are predictive of further intervention, but not endocrine outcomes

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    Background Transsphenoidal surgery (TSS) remains the treatment of choice for non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas (NFPMA). The value of measuring tumour volumes before and after surgery, and its influence on endocrine outcomes and further treatment of the residual or recurrent tumour are unknown. Methods Data from patients who underwent endoscopic TSS for a NFPMA (2009–2018) in a UK tertiary centre were analysed for pre- and post-operative endocrine and surgical outcomes. Results Of 173 patients with NFPMA, 159 (61% male) were treatment naïve. At presentation, 76.2% (77/101) had ≥1 pituitary axis deficit. Older age (p = 0.002) was an independent predictor for multiple hormonal deficiencies. Preoperative tumour volume did not correlate with degree of hypopituitarism. Postoperative tumour volume and extent of tumour resection were not predictive of new onset hypopituitarism. Hormonal recovery was observed in 16 patients (20.8%) with impaired pituitary function, with the greatest recovery in the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis (21.2%, 7/33). A larger residual tumour volume was predictive of adjuvant radiotherapy (3.40 vs. 1.24 cm3, p = 0.005) and likelihood for repeat surgery (5.40 vs. 1.67cm3, p = 0.004). Conclusion Pre- and post-operative NFPMA volumes fail to predict the number of pituitary hormone deficits, however, greater post-operative residual volumes increase the likelihood of further intervention to control tumour growth