17 research outputs found

    The Functions of Auxilin and Rab11 in Drosophila Suggest That the Fundamental Role of Ligand Endocytosis in Notch Signaling Cells Is Not Recycling

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    Notch signaling requires ligand internalization by the signal sending cells. Two endocytic proteins, epsin and auxilin, are essential for ligand internalization and signaling. Epsin promotes clathrin-coated vesicle formation, and auxilin uncoats clathrin from newly internalized vesicles. Two hypotheses have been advanced to explain the requirement for ligand endocytosis. One idea is that after ligand/receptor binding, ligand endocytosis leads to receptor activation by pulling on the receptor, which either exposes a cleavage site on the extracellular domain, or dissociates two receptor subunits. Alternatively, ligand internalization prior to receptor binding, followed by trafficking through an endosomal pathway and recycling to the plasma membrane may enable ligand activation. Activation could mean ligand modification or ligand transcytosis to a membrane environment conducive to signaling. A key piece of evidence supporting the recycling model is the requirement in signaling cells for Rab11, which encodes a GTPase critical for endosomal recycling. Here, we use Drosophila Rab11 and auxilin mutants to test the ligand recycling hypothesis. First, we find that Rab11 is dispensable for several Notch signaling events in the eye disc. Second, we find that Drosophila female germline cells, the one cell type known to signal without clathrin, also do not require auxilin to signal. Third, we find that much of the requirement for auxilin in Notch signaling was bypassed by overexpression of both clathrin heavy chain and epsin. Thus, the main role of auxilin in Notch signaling is not to produce uncoated ligand-containing vesicles, but to maintain the pool of free clathrin. Taken together, these results argue strongly that at least in some cell types, the primary function of Notch ligand endocytosis is not for ligand recycling

    The Effects of Tamoxifen on Plasma Lipoprotein(a) Concentrations: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

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    Introduction: Tamoxifen is a selective estrogen receptor modulator widely used in the treatment of breast cancer. Tamoxifen therapy is associated with reduced circulating low-density lipoprotein cholesterol and increased triglycerides, but its effects on other lipids are less-well studied. Aims: We aimed to investigate the effect of tamoxifen on circulating concentrations of lipoprotein(a) (Lp(a)) through systematic review and meta-analysis of available randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies. Methods: This study was registered in the PROSPERO database (CRD42016036890). Scopus, Medline and EMBASE were searched from inception until 22nd March 2016 to identify studies investigating the effect of tamoxifen on Lp(a) values in humans. Results: Meta-analysis of 5 studies with 284 participants suggested a significant reduction of Lp(a) levels following tamoxifen treatment (weighted mean difference [WMD]: -3.53 mg/dL, 95% confidence interval [CI]: -6.53, -0.53, p=0.021). When studies were categorized according tamoxifen dose, there was a significant effect in the subset of studies with administered doses ≥20 mg/day (WMD: -5.05 mg/dL, 95% CI: -7.86, -2.23, p<0.001), but not in the subset with doses <20 mg/day (WMD: -1.41 mg/dL, 95% CI: -5.13, 2.31, p=0.458). With respect to duration of treatment, a greater effect was observed in subgroup of studies administering tamoxifen for <12 weeks (WMD: -4.01 mg/dL, 95% CI: -7.84, -0.18, p=0.04) versus the subgroup of studies lasting ≥12 weeks (WMD: -2.48 mg/dL, 95% CI: -5.50, 0.53, p=0.107). Conclusions: Meta-analysis suggested a significant reduction of Lp(a) levels following tamoxifen treatment. Further well-designed trials are required to validate these results

    Drosophila Ndfip is a novel regulator of Notch signaling

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    In the Drosophila wing, the Nedd4 ubiquitin ligases (E3s), dNedd4 and Su(dx), are important negative regulators of Notch signaling; they ubiquitinate Notch, promoting its endocytosis and turnover. Here, we show that Drosophila Nedd4 family interacting protein (dNdfip) interacts with the Drosophila Nedd4-like E3s. dNdfip expression dramatically enhances dNedd4 and Su(dx)-mediated wing phenotypes and further disrupts Notch signaling. dNdfip colocalizes with Notch in wing imaginal discs and with the late endosomal marker Rab7 in cultured cells. In addition, dNdfip expression in the wing leads to ectopic Notch signaling. Supporting this, expression of dNdfip suppressed Notch+/− wing phenotype and knockdown of dNdfip enhanced the Notch+/− wing phenotype. The increase in Notch activity by dNdfip is ligand independent as dNdfip expression also suppressed deltex RNAi and Serrate+/− wing phenotypes. The opposing effects of dNdfip expression on Notch signaling and its late endosomal localization support a model whereby dNdfip promotes localization of Notch to the limiting membrane of late endosomes allowing for activation, similar to the model previously shown with ectopic Deltex expression. When dNedd4 or Su(dx) are also present, dNdfip promotes their activity in Notch ubiquitination and internalization to the lysosomal lumen for degradation