586 research outputs found

    Hybrid Qubit gates in circuit QED: A scheme for quantum bit encoding and information processing

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    Solid state superconducting devices coupled to coplanar transmission lines offer an exquisite architecture for quantum optical phenomena probing as well as for quantum computation implementation, being the object of intense theoretical and experimental investigation lately. In appropriate conditions the transmission line radiation modes can get strongly coupled to a superconducting device with only two levels -for that reason called artificial atom or qubit. Employing this system we propose a hybrid two-quantum bit gate encoding involving quantum electromagnetic field qubit states prepared in a coplanar transmission line capacitively coupled to a single charge qubit. Since dissipative effects are more drastic in the solid state qubit than in the field one, it can be employed for storage of information, whose efficiency against the action of an ohmic bath show that this encoding can be readily implemented with present day technology. We extend the investigation to generate entanglement between several solid state qubits and the field qubit through the action of external classical magnetic pulses.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure

    Non-Gaussian states for continuous variable quantum computation via Gaussian maps

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    We investigate non-Gaussian states of light as ancillary inputs for generating nonlinear transformations required for quantum computing with continuous variables. We consider a recent proposal for preparing a cubic phase state, find the exact form of the prepared state and perform a detailed comparison to the ideal cubic phase state. We thereby identify the main challenges to preparing an ideal cubic phase state and describe the gates implemented with the non-ideal prepared state. We also find the general form of operations that can be implemented with ancilla Fock states, together with Gaussian input states, linear optics and squeezing transformations, and homodyne detection with feed forward, and discuss the feasibility of continuous variable quantum computing using ancilla Fock states.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    The Higgs boson in the MSSM in light of the LHC

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    We investigate the expectations for the light Higgs signal in the MSSM in different search channels at the LHC. After taking into account dark matter and flavor constraints in the MSSM with eleven free parameters, we show that the light Higgs signal in the gammaγgamma\gamma channel is expected to be at most at the level of the SM Higgs, while the hbbˉh\rightarrow b\bar{b} from W fusion and/or the hττˉh \rightarrow\tau\bar\tau can be enhanced. For the main discovery mode, we show that a strong suppression of the signal occurs in two different cases: low MAM_A or large invisible width. A more modest suppression is associated with the effect of light supersymmetric particles. Looking for such modification of the Higgs properties and searching for supersymmetric partners and pseudoscalar Higgs offer two complementary probes of supersymmetry.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Entanglement degradation of a two-mode squeezed vacuum in absorbing and amplifying optical fibers

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    Applying the recently developed formalism of quantum-state transformation at absorbing dielectric four-port devices [L.~Kn\"oll, S.~Scheel, E.~Schmidt, D.-G.~Welsch, and A.V.~Chizhov, Phys. Rev. A {\bf 59}, 4716 (1999)], we calculate the quantum state of the outgoing modes of a two-mode squeezed vacuum transmitted through optical fibers of given extinction coefficients. Using the Peres--Horodecki separability criterion for continuous variable systems [R.~Simon, Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 84}, 2726 (2000)], we compute the maximal length of transmission of a two-mode squeezed vacuum through an absorbing system for which the transmitted state is still inseparable. Further, we calculate the maximal gain for which inseparability can be observed in an amplifying setup. Finally, we estimate an upper bound of the entanglement preserved after transmission through an absorbing system. The results show that the characteristic length of entanglement degradation drastically decreases with increasing strength of squeezing.Comment: Paper presented at the International Conference on Quantum Optics and VIII Seminar on Quantum Optics, Raubichi, Belarus, May 28-31, 2000, 11 pages, LaTeX2e, 4 eps figure

    Continuous Variable Quantum Cryptography using Two-Way Quantum Communication

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    Quantum cryptography has been recently extended to continuous variable systems, e.g., the bosonic modes of the electromagnetic field. In particular, several cryptographic protocols have been proposed and experimentally implemented using bosonic modes with Gaussian statistics. Such protocols have shown the possibility of reaching very high secret-key rates, even in the presence of strong losses in the quantum communication channel. Despite this robustness to loss, their security can be affected by more general attacks where extra Gaussian noise is introduced by the eavesdropper. In this general scenario we show a "hardware solution" for enhancing the security thresholds of these protocols. This is possible by extending them to a two-way quantum communication where subsequent uses of the quantum channel are suitably combined. In the resulting two-way schemes, one of the honest parties assists the secret encoding of the other with the chance of a non-trivial superadditive enhancement of the security thresholds. Such results enable the extension of quantum cryptography to more complex quantum communications.Comment: 12 pages, 7 figures, REVTe

    No extension of quantum theory can have improved predictive power

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    According to quantum theory, measurements generate random outcomes, in stark contrast with classical mechanics. This raises the question of whether there could exist an extension of the theory which removes this indeterminism, as suspected by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen (EPR). Although this has been shown to be impossible, existing results do not imply that the current theory is maximally informative. Here we ask the more general question of whether any improved predictions can be achieved by any extension of quantum theory. Under the assumption that measurements can be chosen freely, we answer this question in the negative: no extension of quantum theory can give more information about the outcomes of future measurements than quantum theory itself. Our result has significance for the foundations of quantum mechanics, as well as applications to tasks that exploit the inherent randomness in quantum theory, such as quantum cryptography.Comment: 6 pages plus 7 of supplementary material, 3 figures. Title changed. Added discussion on Bell's notion of locality. FAQ answered at http://perimeterinstitute.ca/personal/rcolbeck/FAQ.htm

    General framework for estimating the ultimate precision limit in noisy quantum-enhanced metrology

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    The estimation of parameters characterizing dynamical processes is central to science and technology. The estimation error changes with the number N of resources employed in the experiment (which could quantify, for instance, the number of probes or the probing energy). Typically, it scales as 1/N^(1/2). Quantum strategies may improve the precision, for noiseless processes, by an extra factor 1/N^(1/2). For noisy processes, it is not known in general if and when this improvement can be achieved. Here we propose a general framework for obtaining attainable and useful lower bounds for the ultimate limit of precision in noisy systems. We apply this bound to lossy optical interferometry and atomic spectroscopy in the presence of dephasing, showing that it captures the main features of the transition from the 1/N to the 1/N^(1/2) behaviour as N increases, independently of the initial state of the probes, and even with use of adaptive feedback.Comment: Published in Nature Physics. This is the revised submitted version. The supplementary material can be found at http://www.nature.com/nphys/journal/v7/n5/extref/nphys1958-s1.pd

    Quantum optical coherence can survive photon losses: a continuous-variable quantum erasure correcting code

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    A fundamental requirement for enabling fault-tolerant quantum information processing is an efficient quantum error-correcting code (QECC) that robustly protects the involved fragile quantum states from their environment. Just as classical error-correcting codes are indispensible in today's information technologies, it is believed that QECC will play a similarly crucial role in tomorrow's quantum information systems. Here, we report on the first experimental demonstration of a quantum erasure-correcting code that overcomes the devastating effect of photon losses. Whereas {\it errors} translate, in an information theoretic language, the noise affecting a transmission line, {\it erasures} correspond to the in-line probabilistic loss of photons. Our quantum code protects a four-mode entangled mesoscopic state of light against erasures, and its associated encoding and decoding operations only require linear optics and Gaussian resources. Since in-line attenuation is generally the strongest limitation to quantum communication, much more than noise, such an erasure-correcting code provides a new tool for establishing quantum optical coherence over longer distances. We investigate two approaches for circumventing in-line losses using this code, and demonstrate that both approaches exhibit transmission fidelities beyond what is possible by classical means.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Classical communication and non-classical fidelity of quantum teleportation

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    In quantum teleportation, the role of entanglement has been much discussed. It is known that entanglement is necessary for achieving non-classical teleportation fidelity. Here we focus on the amount of classical communication that is necessary to obtain non-classical fidelity in teleportation. We quantify the amount of classical communication that is sufficient for achieving non-classical fidelity for two independent 1-bit and single 2-bits noisy classical channels. It is shown that on average 0.208 bits of classical communication is sufficient to get non-classical fidelity. We also find the necessary amount of classical communication in case of isotropic transformation. Finally we study how the amount of sufficient classical communication increases with weakening of entanglement used in the teleportation process.Comment: Accepted in Quantum Info. Proces

    Free randomness can be amplified

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    Are there fundamentally random processes in nature? Theoretical predictions, confirmed experimentally, such as the violation of Bell inequalities, point to an affirmative answer. However, these results are based on the assumption that measurement settings can be chosen freely at random, so assume the existence of perfectly free random processes from the outset. Here we consider a scenario in which this assumption is weakened and show that partially free random bits can be amplified to make arbitrarily free ones. More precisely, given a source of random bits whose correlation with other variables is below a certain threshold, we propose a procedure for generating fresh random bits that are virtually uncorrelated with all other variables. We also conjecture that such procedures exist for any non-trivial threshold. Our result is based solely on the no-signalling principle, which is necessary for the existence of free randomness.Comment: 5+7 pages, 2 figures. Updated to match published versio