13 research outputs found

    Industry agglomeration, sub-national institutions and the profitability of foreign subsidiaries

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    This study investigates the impact of agglomeration and its interaction with subnational institutions on the profitability of multinational enterprises (MNEs) subsidiaries operating in an emerging economy. We argue that in an emerging economy like China, competition in product and factor markets is more intense between foreign firms than between foreign and domestic firms owing to market segmentation. Consequently, agglomerating with other foreign firms has negative impact on the profitability of foreign subsidiaries. In contrast, foreign firms agglomerating with domestic firms may reap gains owing to less competition and improved access to local resources and knowledge. We find that these effects are more pronounced to domestic-market-oriented foreign firms. Furthermore, sub-national institutions moderate the above relationships. Our arguments are supported by the empirical analysis based on a comprehensive dataset of foreign firms operating in China over the period of 1999-2005

    Science Parks and Local Knowledge Creation: A Conceptual Approach and an Empirical Analysis in Two Italian Realities

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    This paper aims to measure the effectiveness of science parks in fostering knowledge transfer processes at local level. Although many empirical studies have focused on the ability of Science Parks to undertake knowledge-related tasks, we argue that little is known about the ability of Science Parks to perform gatekeeping functions and support of socialised processes of knowledge creation at local level. Our conceptual assumption is that the capacity of Science Parks to foster bridging and networking mechanisms among economic actors increases when firms are characterised by high absorptive and relational capacity. The empirical analysis provides prima facie evidence that Science Parks play a role in creating relationships among local actors while they poorly perform their gatekeeping function

    Análise da adequação do curso de administração da UNOESC na perspectiva da teoria de marketing

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    Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, Centro Sócio-Econômico.Análise da formação profissional em administração proporcionada através da Unoesc, verificando a existência de adequação em relação ao mercado de trabalho e as perspectivas da profissão de administrador na região de Videira, SC. Pesquisa de marketing aos egressos do curso entre 1990 a 1998 e aos dirigentes de empresas, identificando deficiências na formação profissional em administração, e habilidades necessárias ao exercício profissional de administrador