80,543 research outputs found

    Irreversible processes and the accelerated-decelerated phases of the Universe

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    A model for the Universe is proposed where it is considered as a mixture of scalar and matter fields. The particle production is due to an irreversible transfer of energy from the gravitational field to the matter field and represented by a non-equilibrium pressure. This model can simulate three distinct periods of the Universe: (a) an accelerated epoch where the energy density of the scalar field prevails over the matter field, (b) a past decelerated period where the energy density of the matter field becomes more predominant than the scalar energy density, and (c) a present acceleration phase where the scalar energy density overcomes the energy density of the matter field.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Brazilian Journal of Physic

    Discrete and continuous symmetries in multi-Higgs-doublet models

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    We consider the Higgs sector of multi-Higgs-doublet models in the presence of simple symmetries relating the various fields. We construct basis invariant observables which may in principle be used to detect these symmetries for any number of doublets. A categorization of the symmetries into classes is required, which we perform in detail for the case of two and three Higgs doublets.Comment: 13 pages, RevTex, references adde

    Search for Associations Containing Young stars (SACY): Chemical tagging IC 2391 & the Argus association

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    We explore the possible connection between the open cluster IC 2391 and the unbound Argus association identified by the SACY survey. In addition to common kinematics and ages between these two systems, here we explore their chemical abundance patterns to confirm if the two substructures shared a common origin. We carry out a homogenous high-resolution elemental abundance study of eight confirmed members of IC 2391 as well as six members of the Argus association using UVES spectra. We derive spectroscopic stellar parameters and abundances for Fe, Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Ni and Ba. All stars in the open cluster and Argus association were found to share similar abundances with the scatter well within the uncertainties, where [Fe/H] = -0.04 +/-0.03 for cluster stars and [Fe/H] = -0.06 +/-0.05 for Argus stars. Effects of over-ionisation/excitation were seen for stars cooler than roughly 5200K as previously noted in the literature. Also, enhanced Ba abundances of around 0.6 dex were observed in both systems. The common ages, kinematics and chemical abundances strongly support that the Argus association stars originated from the open cluster IC 2391. Simple modeling of this system find this dissolution to be consistent with two-body interactions.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figs, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Leptonic Invariants, Neutrino Mass-Ordering and the Octant of θ23\theta_{23}

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    We point out that leptonic weak-basis invariants are an important tool for the study of the properties of lepton flavour models. In particular, we show that appropriately chosen invariants can give a clear indication of whether a particular lepton flavour model favours normal or inverted hierarchy for neutrino masses and what is the octant of θ23\theta_{23}. These invariants can be evaluated in any conveniently chosen weak-basis and can also be expressed in terms of neutrino masses, charged lepton masses, mixing angles and CP violation phases.Comment: 10 pages, no figure

    Characterizing Weak Chaos using Time Series of Lyapunov Exponents

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    We investigate chaos in mixed-phase-space Hamiltonian systems using time series of the finite- time Lyapunov exponents. The methodology we propose uses the number of Lyapunov exponents close to zero to define regimes of ordered (stickiness), semi-ordered (or semi-chaotic), and strongly chaotic motion. The dynamics is then investigated looking at the consecutive time spent in each regime, the transition between different regimes, and the regions in the phase-space associated to them. Applying our methodology to a chain of coupled standard maps we obtain: (i) that it allows for an improved numerical characterization of stickiness in high-dimensional Hamiltonian systems, when compared to the previous analyses based on the distribution of recurrence times; (ii) that the transition probabilities between different regimes are determined by the phase-space volume associated to the corresponding regions; (iii) the dependence of the Lyapunov exponents with the coupling strength.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Non-Factorizable Phases, Yukawa Textures and the Size of sin (2 beta)

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    We emphasize the crucial r\^ ole played by non-factorizable phases in the analysis of the Yukawa flavour structure performed in weak bases with Hermitian mass matrices and with vanishing (1,1)(1,1) entries. We show that non-factorizable phases are important in order to generate a sufficiently large sin2β\sin 2 \beta . A method is suggested to reconstruct the flavour structure of Yukawa couplings from input experimental data both in this Hermitian basis and in a non-Hermitian basis with a maximal number of texture zeros. The corresponding Froggatt--Nielsen patterns are presented in both cases.Comment: 15 pages, 3 figure