227 research outputs found

    Psychometric study of the social support satisfaction scale in people with pulmonary tuberculosis

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    Objective: to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Social Support Scale in people with pulmonary tuberculosis. Method: methodological study developed in two stages: content validation of the items; and assessment of the psychometric properties of the Scale. Data were collected between October 2020 and January 2021 in a sample of 204 individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis in Pulmonary Diagnostic Centers in Northern Portugal. Results: The validated scale has α-Cronbach’s coefficient of 0.91, keeping the 15 items. There was a different distribution of items within the subscales, designated as: “Satisfaction with family” (α-Cronbach=0.94) now includes seven items; “Satisfaction with friends” α-Cronbach =0.85) includes only four items; “Social activities” (α-Cronbach=0.86) and “Intimacy” (α-Cronbach =0.77) go from three and four items of the original scale to two items each. Conclusion: the version of the Satisfaction with Social Support Scale can be a resource for planning nursing care for people with pulmonary tuberculosis.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    Objective: to evaluate the psychometric properties of the Satisfaction with Social Support Scale in people with pulmonary tuberculosis.Method: methodological study developed in two stages: content validation of the items; and assessment of the psychometric properties of the Scale. Data were collected between October 2020 and January 2021 in a sample of 204 individuals with pulmonary tuberculosis in Pulmonary Diagnostic Centers in Northern Portugal.Results: The validated scale has a-Cronbach’s coefficient of 0.91, keeping the 15 items. There was a different distribution of items within the subscales, designated as: "Satisfaction with family" (a-Cronbach=0.94) now includes seven items; "Satisfaction with friends" a-Cronbach =0.85) includes only four items; "Social activities" (a-Cronbach=0.86) and "Intimacy" (a-Cronbach =0.77) go from three and four items of the original scale to two items each.Conclusion: the version of the Satisfaction with Social Support Scale can be a resource for planning nursing care for people with pulmonary tuberculosis.

    Linking information systems team resilience to project management success

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    Team resilience is a critically essential contributor to team effectiveness. However, the impact of team resilience on project management success has been little studied. This article aims to investigate the influence of team resilience on project management success in the context of information system projects. Using a quantitative study, we show that there is a significant positive relationship between project team resilience and project management success. As a result of this finding, we stress the importance of developing actions to promote team resilience to increase the likelihood of project management success, particularly in unstable environments.This work was been supported by FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope (UIDB/00319/2020)

    Avaliação da resposta sísmica de edifícios sitos em solos brandos estratificados

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    O Eurocódigo 8 exige um estudo mais aprofundado da resposta dinâmica de solos brandos classificados como tipo S1, tendo em vista o dimensionamento de edifícios. Neste trabalho apresenta-se uma metodologia visando a avaliação da segurança, ou o dimensionamento, de edifícios construídos sobre solos brandos estratificados. A metodologia proposta baseia-se nas velocidades das ondas de corte VS, obtidas de estudos geofísicos/geotécnicos, realizados in situ, tal como é proposto na parte 5 do EC8. A amplificação dinâmica das vibrações, em resultado dos contrastes das impedâncias dos diversos estratos, é obtida admitindo a propagação unidimensional das ondas sísmicas VS, na vertical, a partir do substrato rochoso. A resposta superficial é quantificada com base na análise não linear da coluna de solo sobre o substrato rochoso. A acção sísmica é caracterizada com base em vários acelerogramas “strong motion”, registados noutros países, em afloramentos rochosos, multiplicados por um factor de escala. Os factores de escala são obtidos de modo a que o espectro de resposta médio se ajuste ao espectro objectivo do EC8 (solo tipo A). A análise sísmica da estrutura do edifício é realizada com o espectro de resposta médio, que é obtido tendo em conta as funções de transferência determinadas para o terreno em estudo. Aplica-se a metodologia proposta a um caso de estudo no Algarve

    The teas of Portuguese centenarians

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    Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Introduction: Medicinal plants traditional consumption habits, can contribute to longevity. Methods: A sample of 253 centenarian individuals in Portugal, both sexes, median age 100 years, was studied, to verify past habits in relation to medicinal-interest plants use. It was compared with a control group median age 67 year, with a reduced theoretical probability of reaching 100 years. Results: Among the 8 most cited plants, in decreasing frequency order, in centenarian's group: Lemon-balm, barley, lemon-verbena, orange (leaf-flower), linden, whig-plant, pennyroyal and mount-carqueja (Pterospartum-tridentatum); in the control group: Lemon-balm, lemonverbena, chamomile, linden, prince-herb, green-tea, lemon-tea and minttea. Whereas 28% of the control subjects reported not using infusion plants, in the centennial group, only 9.1% reported not routinely use them (χ2¼30,42, po0.001). Among the 8 plants most marked by the centenarians that were not mentioned by the controls, they include barley, whig-plant, pennyroyal and mount-carqueja. Conclusion: the high antioxidant power associated with the use of plants by centenarian individuals, determined by anti-free radical's activity, lipoperoxidation inhibition and antitumor potential, may have contributed to their exceptional longevity.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Impacto Económico e Social da Sinistralidade Rodoviária em Portugal

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    Silva, C. M., Bravo, J. M., Gonçalves, J. (2021). Impacto Económico e Social da Sinistralidade Rodoviária em Portugal. Lisboa: CEGE - Centro de Estudos de Gestão do ISEG e Autoridade Nacional de Segurança Rodoviária (ANSR). Acesso: http://www.ansr.pt/Documents/Impacto_Economico_Social_Sinistralidade_Rodoviaria.pdfpublishersversionpublishe

    Development of a Framework for Managing Capacities and Schedules in Industrialization Projects: a case study in the automotive domain

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    ICOPEV2018: 4th International Conference on Production Economics and Project Evaluation | 20 Set. - 21 Set. 2018The behaviour of the current competitive markets makes project management one of the distinctive factors in companies’ success. Its practices have revealed to be crucial in deadlines accomplishment, costs reduction, quality requirements satisfaction, among other benefits. This research was developed as a case study in an automotive company with the aim of developing a framework for visual management of capacities in industrialization projects to tackle overload situations of project managers. The model developed considers industrialization project management a standard process that usually calls for a tipical set of activities, whose duration and effort are defined according to project complexity. The proposed activity scheduling process results from an adaption of Heuristic based Priority Rules, aligned with the problem specifications


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    Objetivo: descrever a construção social do conceito social da tuberculose pulmonar que, na pesrpetiva de enfermeiros, emerge de conceitos alicerçados no estigma. Método: estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, com 12 enfermeiros de centros de diagnóstico pneumológico do Norte de Portugal. Dados colhidos nos meses de novembro de 2020 e janeiro de 2021 por entrevista semiestruturada, posteriormente analisados pela metodologia de análise de conteúdo. Resultados: dos discursos dos participantes emerge o conceito da tuberculose pulmonar. O entendimento da doença está envolto de mitos e tabus, com prognóstico sombrio, causa medo de contágio, de morte, pavor, vergonha, afastamento, isolamento social e negação da doença. Entre enfermeiros, falar de tuberculose é tema a evitar, é área que causa confusão e medo. Considerações finais: a conceção da palavra tuberculose persiste enraizada em conceitos e preconceitos. O estigma social permanece na sua essência e faz perpetuar o seu conceito negativo, até à atualidade. Descritores: Tuberculose Pulmonar. Pesquisa Qualitativa. Estigma Social. Enfermagem


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    Objetivo: evaluar las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala de Satisfacción con el Apoyo Social en personas con tuberculosis pulmonar.Método: estudio metodológico desarrollado en dos etapas: validación del contenido de los ítems; y evaluación de las propiedades psicométricas de la Escala. Los datos se recogieron entre octubre de 2020 y enero de 2021 en una muestra de 204 individuos con tuberculosis pulmonar en centros de diagnóstico pulmonar del norte de Portugal.Resultados: La escala validada tiene un coeficiente de a-Cronbach de 0,91, manteniendo los 15 ítems. Se encontró una distribución diferente de los ítems dentro de las subescalas, a saber: "Satisfacción con la familia" (a--Cronbach=0,94) incluye ahora siete ítems; "Satisfacción con los amigos" (a--Cronbach=0,85) incluye sólo cuatro ítems; "Actividades sociales" (a-Cronbach=0,86) e "Intimidad" (a--Cronbach=0,77) pasan de tres y cuatro ítems de la escala original a dos ítems cada uno.Conclusión: la versión de la Escala de Satisfacción con el Apoyo Social puede constituirse en un recurso para la planificación de los cuidados de Enfermería a personas con tuberculosis pulmonar