792 research outputs found

    Ser professor universitário em tempos de mudança : a profissão acadêmica e suas reconfigurações

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    Tese de doutoramento, Educação (Administracão e Política Educacional), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2011The Thesis focuses on the analysis of the academic profession under the influence of the government policies for Higher Education and it is theoretically streamlined in the framework of Sociology of Higher Education and Sociology of the Professions The main aim is to describe and analyze the reconfiguration of the academic profession over the on going scenario of changes in Higher Education. The study is based on two fundamental premises: firstly the reconfiguration of the academic profession under the influence of policies and secondly, university teachers, as important social actors in policy implementation, are not passive individual. By giving voice to teachers, the study focuses on understanding how they experience changes in academic work and respond to the policies, what strategies they adopt to deal with constraints, their modes to be in the profession, the dilemmas they face and the strategies they use to respond. The documental research was focused on documents related to Higher Education, the Bologna Process, International Reports, documents guiding the policies of Higher Education in Brazil and Summary on Higher Education Census in Brazil, to capture their ideas-force on the changes in the university world, in special the ones relating to university teachers’ work. The empirical research was conducted in universities located in the Brazilian Amazon with the application of mixed methods of methodological approaches, with a sequential exploratory strategy in two phases: semi-structured interviews and a survey questionnaire. The empirical evidence suggests that university teachers have relative control over their work, find ways to practice the profession and reconcile their interests with the demands of academic work. Although the constraints stemming from the policies in academic work and working conditions, they would remain in the profession, they use strategies to deal with the impacts of policies. Despite these evidences, academic profession has many complex faces and deal with ambiguous challenges that are reshaping or reconfiguring the academic work and profession. The reconfiguration is contradictory and the responses ambivalent.A Tese tem como foco de análise o estudo da profissão acadêmica face às políticas de educação superior e está situada em um quadro teórico com as principais referências da Sociologia da Educação Superior e da Sociologia das Profissões. Tem por objetivo descrever e analisar a reconfiguração da profissão acadêmica no quadro das mudanças em curso na educação superior. O estudo parte de duas premissas fundamentais: da reconfiguração da profissão acadêmica sob a influência das políticas e a premissa de que os professores, como atores sociais importantes na implementação das políticas, não são meros receptores passivos. Ao dar voz aos professores, o estudo foca a compreensão de como vivenciam a profissão e respondem às políticas, quais estratégias adotam para lidar com os constrangimentos delas oriundos, bem como seus modos de estar na profissão, os dilemas que enfrentam e suas estratégias de ação. A pesquisa documental foi centrada em documentos relacionados à Educação Superior, ao Processo de Bolonha, Informes e Relatórios Internacionais, documentos orientadores das políticas e sinopses sobre Educação Superior no Brasil, na perspectiva de captar suas ideias-força sobre as transformações no mundo universitário, em especial nas questões relativas ao trabalho dos professores. A pesquisa empírica foi realizada em universidades situadas na Amazônia brasileira, com abordagem metodológica de métodos mistos, em estratégia exploratória sequencial, com entrevistas semi-estruturadas e inquérito por questionário. O estudo conclui que os professores têm controle relativo sobre seu trabalho e encontram modos de exercer a profissão e conciliar seus interesses com as demandas do trabalho acadêmico. Embora sob os constrangimentos decorrentes das políticas no trabalho acadêmico e nas condições de trabalho, permaneceriam na profissão, reinterpretam as políticas e adotam comportamento estratégico ao utilizar os meios para lidar com os impactos das políticas. Apesar dessas evidências a profissão acadêmica tem muitas e complexas faces e lida com desafios ambíguos que a estão reconfigurando. A reconfiguração é contraditória e as reações são ambivalentes

    Metabolic Diseases: a differential diagnosis of primary progressive multiple sclerosis

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    Objectives: The overall aim of our research project is to develop a Next Generation Sequencing strategy to identify metabolic disorders in 104 patients with a presumptive diagnosis of primary progressive MS.We would like to thank to MERCK, SA and NORTE2020 (NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000014) for funding this Project.N/

    O trabalho do gestor na escola pública: numa perspectiva democrática

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    This is a work done in two public schools in the municipality of São José da Lagoa Tapada PB. The purpose of this study was to analyze the type and participation of school management in its different segments, our study was developed through a bibliographical research with qualitative nature, and data collection through questionnaires and observations, the subjects involved in our research were the managers of the two schools as well as students and teachers, we try to identify how is the appointment of the professional for this function, we investigate if the training of the manager is related to its practice and what implications this offers in the field of work. This is how we structure our work: The introduction where the democratic management theme is presented, emphasizing its social importance, as well as the objectives proposed for the study, the first and second chapter comprises the theoretical framework grounding our work in the light of important theorists and in followed by the third chapter with methodological procedures.Nosso estudo aconteceu em duas escolas públicas no município de São José da Lagoa Tapada PB. Teve como objetivo analisar o tipo e a participação da gestão escolar em seus diferentes segmentos, nosso estudo foi desenvolvido por meio de uma pesquisa bibliográfica com natureza qualitativa, e coletas de dados através de questionários e observações, os sujeitos envolvidos em nossa pesquisa foram os gestores das duas escolas bem como alunos e professores, procuramos identificar como é feita a nomeação do profissional para esta função, investigamos se a formação do gestor está relacionado à sua prática e quais implicações isto oferece no campo de trabalho. Assim estruturamos nosso trabalho: A introdução, onde o tema gestão democrática é apresentado, ressaltando sua importância social, bem como os objetivos propostos para o estudo, o primeiro e segundo capítulos compreende o referencial teórico, fundamentando o nosso trabalho sob a luz de importantes teóricos e em seguida o terceiro capítulo com os procedimentos metodológicos

    The Effect of Nanomaterials on DNA Methylation: A Review

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    ReviewThis article belongs to the Special Issue Interaction of Nanomaterials with Biological Systems: In Vitro and In Vivo Studies.DNA methylation is an epigenetic mechanism that involves the addition of a methyl group to a cytosine residue in CpG dinucleotides, which are particularly abundant in gene promoter regions. Several studies have highlighted the role that modifications of DNA methylation may have on the adverse health effects caused by exposure to environmental toxicants. One group of xenobiotics that is increasingly present in our daily lives are nanomaterials, whose unique physicochemical properties make them interesting for a large number of industrial and biomedical applications. Their widespread use has raised concerns about human exposure, and several toxicological studies have been performed, although the studies focusing on nanomaterials’ effect on DNA methylation are still limited. The aim of this review is to investigate the possible impact of nanomaterials on DNA methylation. From the 70 studies found eligible for data analysis, the majority were in vitro, with about half using cell models related to the lungs. Among the in vivo studies, several animal models were used, but most were mice models. Only two studies were performed on human exposed populations. Global DNA methylation analyses was the most frequently applied approach. Although no trend towards hypo- or hyper-methylation could be observed, the importance of this epigenetic mechanism in the molecular response to nanomaterials is evident. Furthermore, methylation analysis of target genes and, particularly, the application of comprehensive DNA methylation analysis techniques, such as genome-wide sequencing, allowed identifying differentially methylated genes after nanomaterial exposure and affected molecular pathways, contributing to the understanding of their possible adverse health effects.This research received funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT/MCTES) under the project ToxApp4NanoCELFI (PTDC/SAUPUB/32587/2017) and projects UIDB/00009/2020 and UIDP/00009/2020 (ToxOmics).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Construcción del formulario de evaluación de la competencia del autocuidado en la persona con ostomía de eliminación intestinal

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    Background: An intestinal stoma implies multiple and significant changes that tend to be overcome through the development of ostomy self-care skills. The identification of the patient’s specific needs during this adaptation process will help nurses’ decisionmaking and contribute to a rigorous nursing diagnosis process, thus improving the quality and continuity of care delivery to this population group. Objectives: To develop an instrument for assessing the self-care competence of the person with an intestinal stoma. Methodology: Methodological study consisting of the development of a form. Content validity was ensured by expert review using a focus group. The form was applied to a convenience sample of 180 participants. Results: A form was developed with 45 measurement indicators divided into 6 domains. It showed very good internal consistency (overall Cronbach’s alpha > .90) and solid content validity. Conclusion: The form proved to be a reliable and easy to use method to assess the development of self-care competence in people with an intestinal stoma.Enquadramento: A criação de uma ostomia intestinal impõe à pessoa múltiplas e significativas mudanças que tendem a ser superadas através do desenvolvimento da competência de autocuidado ao estoma. Conhecer as necessidades específicas da pessoa a vivenciar este processo de adaptação auxiliará na tomada de decisão dos enfermeiros, imprimindo maior rigor ao processo de diagnóstico de enfermagem, com repercussões na melhoria e na continuidade da assistência a este grupo populacional. Objetivos: Construir um instrumento de avaliação da competência de autocuidado na pessoa com ostomia intestinal. Metodologia: Estudo metodológico que consistiu na construção de um formulário. A validade de conteúdo foi garantida pela avaliação de peritos através de um focus group. O formulário foi aplicado a uma amostra de conveniência de 180 participantes. Resultados: Formulário com 45 indicadores de medida, agrupados em 6 domínios, apresentando muito boa consistência interna (alfa de Cronbach global > 0,90) e reconhecida validade de conteúdo. Conclusão: O formulário construído mostrou ser fidedigno e de fácil aplicação na avaliação do desenvolvimento da competência de autocuidado à pessoa com ostomia intestinal.Marco contextual: La creación de una ostomía intestinal impone al paciente múltiples y significativos cambios, que tienden a superarse a través del desarrollo de la competencia del autocuidado del estoma. Conocer las necesidades específicas de la persona que vive este proceso de adaptación ayudará en la toma de decisiones de los enfermeros y exigirá un mayor rigor en el proceso del diagnóstico de enfermería, lo que repercutirá en la mejora y la continuidad de la asistencia a este tipo de pacientes. Objetivos: Construir un instrumento de evaluación de la competencia del autocuidado en el paciente con ostomía intestinal. Metodología: Estudio metodológico que consistió en construir un formulario. La validez del contenido la garantizó un grupo de expertos a través de un focus group. El formulario se aplicó a una muestra de conveniencia de 180 participantes. Resultados: Formulario con 45 indicadores de medida, agrupados en 6 dominios y que presentan muy buena consistencia interna (alpha global>0,90) y validez de contenido reconocida. Conclusión: El formulario construido demostró que es fidedigno y de fácil aplicación en la evaluación del desarrollo de la competencia del autocuidado de la persona con ostomía intestinal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Changes associated with Na,K-ATPase in brain, kidney, heart and liver of the spontaneously diabetic Goto-Kakizaki rat

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    Alterations in Na,K-ATPase activity, in isoenzyme expression and/or number of units of the pump present in the plasma membrane have been associated with diabetes. These changes were described in different organs and tissues such as brain, heart, kidney, among others, and may result from altered insulin levels. However, the vast majority of studies were conducted in animal models of chemically induced diabetes, which are not consensual models for type 2 diabetes (T2D). The major goal of this work was to investigate putative modifications in Na,K-ATPase enzymatic activity or expression in brain, kidney, heart and liver in T2D. The Goto-Kakizaky rat (GK) strain was used as a model of spontaneously developed T2D, and Wistar rats as controls. Na,K-ATPase activity was assessed by the hydrolysis of ATP (Pi formed in the presence/absence of ouabain was measured using a colorimetric assay) and the isoenzymatic expression by Westernblot. A decrease in Na,K-ATPase activity in renal and cardiac tissues from GK comparatively to controls (55.7% and 77.5%, respectively) was observed. The pump activity was similar in liver and brain tissues. In renal tissue, expression of α1-Na,K-ATPase was similar between GK and controls but α2- was 2.3x higher and α3- was detected only in GK. Contrastingly a decreased expression of α1- (49.5%) and α2-isoforms (67.6%) was found in cardiac tissue. Despite similar Na,K-ATPase activity in liver and brain tissues, α1-isoform expression was decreased (33.9%) in the liver from GK while in the brain an increase of α1-isoform (~2x) together with a decrease of α2-isoform (14.0%) expressions were observed. It is unclear, except maybe for cardiac tissue where lower expression is potentially underlying the diminished pump activity in GK, whether the changes in isoenzyme expression is a key factor for differential Na,K-ATPase activity. Being responsive to complex regulation, other regulatory mechanisms may contribute to the impaired activity observed in kidney and heart. These results have uncover changes in Na,K-ATPase activity and/or enzymatic expression in GK brain, kidney, heart and liver that may contribute to the undesirable conditions associated with T2D. This work highlight the relevance of further investigation about Na,K-ATPase regulation and role in physiopathology of T2D

    Preliminary feasibility study for the use of an adsorption/bio-regeneration system for molinate removal from effluents

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    This work studies the feasibility of the use of a combined physical-biological remediation procedure for treatment of effluents contaminated with molinate, where the herbicide is removed through adsorption and biodegraded in a subsequent stage, with the regeneration of the adsorbent. In order to select the most adequate absorbent for molinate, different materials were tested, namely pine bark, activated carbon and resin Amberlite XAD-4. Activated carbon and resin Amberlite XAD-4 were the most efficient on the removal of molinate from solutions, although the activated carbon used proved not to be bio-regenerable. It was also observed that factors such as temperature, pH, and conductivity did not affect significantly molinate adsorption onto resin Amberlite XAD-4. Resin Amberlite XAD-4 was successfully bio-regenerated, being observed that biodegradation was mainly dependent on spontaneous desorption of the molinate. After bio-regeneration, the resin could be re-utilised as adsorbent

    La evaluación de la actitud de los futuros profesionales hacia la Estadística: un análisis multivariante.

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar las actitudes de los alumnos (futuros profesionales) con respecto a la Unidad Curricular de Estadística, en una muestra de 108 alumnos pertenecientes a la Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão de Bragança (Portugal). Este estudio se aplicó a alumnos de los Cursos de áreas de estudio de ciencias empresariales e ingeniería. Se identificaron las actitudes positivas o negativas de los alumnos hacia la Estadística, en los diferentes componentes de la actitud estudiados y que se basaron en: afectivo, cognitivo, valor y dificultad. Se aplicó una encuesta mediante un cuestionario, con una escala de actitudes hacia la Estadística. Para el análisis de los datos se tomó como base un análisis descriptivo y también una técnica estadística multivariante, el Análisis Factorial. Los resultados indican una actitud positiva de los encuestados hacia la Estadística, a nivel global. En los diferentes componentes, se verificaron actitudes favorables en los componentes afectivos, cognitivo y valor. El componente dificultad presenta una actitud desfavorable. Se cree que el presente estudio puede servir de referencia para comparar otras áreas de estudio, pudiendo incluso servir de base comparativa para otros estudios que se puedan realizar en contextos y momentos diferentes