12,487 research outputs found

    Systemic Mastocytosis - a Diagnostic Challenge

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    Mastocytosis refers to a group of disorders characterized by the infiltration of clonally derived mast cells to the skin or extracutaneous tissues resulting in a heterogeneous clinical picture. It is a rare hematologic disorder in all its forms. The exact incidence is unknown; it affects patients of any age and males and females equally. Its molecular pathogenesis is incompletely understood. The clinical features of mastocytosis result from both chronic and episodic mast cell mediator release, signs and symptoms arising from diffuse or focal tissue infiltration, and, occasionally, the presence of an associated non-mast cell clonal hematologic disease. The histopathologic analysis is essential for definitive diagnosis but there is no curative treatment. The authors report a clinical case of a 72-year-old woman with no history of allergies, with bicytopenia, weight loss, and diffuse axial osteolytic lesions. This is a rare clinical case of aggressive systemic mastocytosis for which palliative treatment can improve survival and quality of life. A brief review of the literature about this pathology is also included

    Quantification of respiratory parameters in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy

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    Dysfunction affecting cardiac or pulmonary systems has been postulated as a major factor in sudden death in epilepsy (SUDEP). Whilst the majority of studies of cardiorespiratory function have focused on changes during seizures, here we investigate whether epilepsy influences basal respiratory parameters in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) during the interictal period. Spirometry was performed in 10 females and 10 males. Measurements of Vital Capacity (VC), Forced Vital Capacity (FVC), Forced Expiratory Volume in the first second (FEV1) and ratios of FEV1 to FVC (FEV1/FVC) were obtained, and these values were analyzed as percentages of predicted values. None of the patients had chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and no significant alterations in respiratory function tests were found among these patients. No association between seizure frequency, antiepileptic drugs and SUDEP could be found in this study. Although the study did not identify any specific respiratory abnormality in TLE patients during the interictal period, re-evaluation of clinical data on pulmonary disorders in people with epilepsy should be better investigated

    Antagonizing the spindle assembly checkpoint silencing enhances paclitaxel and Navitoclax-mediated apoptosis with distinct mechanistic

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    Antimitotic drugs arrest cells in mitosis through chronic activation of the spindle assembly checkpoint (SAC), leading to cell death. However, drug-treated cancer cells can escape death by undergoing mitotic slippage, due to premature mitotic exit. Therefore, overcoming slippage issue is a promising chemotherapeutic strategy to improve the effectiveness of antimitotics. Here, we antagonized SAC silencing by knocking down the MAD2-binding protein p31comet, to delay mitotic slippage, and tracked cancer cells treated with the antimitotic drug paclitaxel, over 3 days live-cell time-lapse analysis. We found that in the absence of p31comet, the duration of mitotic block was increased in cells challenged with nanomolar concentrations of paclitaxel, leading to an additive effects in terms of cell death which was predominantly anticipated during the first mitosis. As accumulation of an apoptotic signal was suggested to prevent mitotic slippage, when we challenged p31comet-depleted mitotic-arrested cells with the apoptosis potentiator Navitoclax (previously called ABT-263), cell fate was shifted to accelerated post-mitotic death. We conclude that inhibition of SAC silencing is critical for enhancing the lethality of antimitotic drugs as well as that of therapeutic apoptosis-inducing small molecules, with distinct mechanisms. The study highlights the potential of p31comet as a target for antimitotic therapies.The authors gratefully acknowledge CESPU—Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, which financed this work under the projects “ComeTarget_CESPU_2017” and “ComeTax”. Ana C. Henriques acknowledge FCT-Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia for financial support (Grant SFRH/BD/116167/2016)

    COVID-19 Infection Triggered Juvenile Systemic Lupus Erythematosus-Like Disease

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    Follicular Fluid redox involvement for ovarian follicle growth

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    As the human ovarian follicle enlarges in the course of a regular cycle or following controlled ovarian stimulation, the changes in its structure reveal the oocyte environment composed of cumulus oophorus cells and the follicular fluid (FF).In contrast to the dynamic nature of cells, the fluid compartment appears as a reservoir rich in biomolecules. In some aspects, it is similar to the plasma, but it also exhibits differences that likely relate to its specific localization around the oocyte. The chemical composition indicates that the follicular fluid is able to detect and buffer excessive amounts of reactive oxygen species, employing a variety of antioxidants, some of them components of the intracellular milieu.An important part is played by albumin through specific cysteine residues. But the fluid contains other molecules whose cysteine residues may be involved in sensing and buffering the local oxidative conditions. How these molecules are recruited and regulated to intervene such process is unknown but it is a critical issue in reproduction.In fact, important proteins in the FF, that regulate follicle growth and oocyte quality, exhibit cysteine residues at specific points, whose untoward oxidation would result in functional loss. Therefore, preservation of controlled oxidative conditions in the FF is a requirement for the fine-tuned oocyte maturation process. In contrast, its disturbance enhances the susceptibility to the establishment of reproductive disorders that would require the intervention of reproductive medicine technology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    H-Ferritin Is Essential for Macrophages' Capacity to Store or Detoxify Exogenously Added Iron

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    Macrophages are central cells both in the immune response and in iron homeostasis. Iron is both essential and potentially toxic. Therefore, iron acquisition, transport, storage, and release are tightly regulated, by several important proteins. Cytosolic ferritin is an iron storage protein composed of 24 subunits of either the L- or the H-type chains. H-ferritin differs from L-ferritin in the capacity to oxidize Fe2+ to Fe3+. In this work, we investigated the role played by H-ferritin in the macrophages' ability to respond to immune stimuli and to deal with exogenously added iron. We used mice with a conditional deletion of the H-ferritin gene in the myeloid lineage to obtain bone marrow-derived macrophages. These macrophages had normal viability and gene expression under basal culture conditions. However, when treated with interferon-gamma and lipopolysaccharide they had a lower activation of Nitric Oxide Synthase 2. Furthermore, H-ferritin-deficient macrophages had a higher sensitivity to iron-induced toxicity. This sensitivity was associated with a lower intracellular iron accumulation but a higher production of reactive oxygen species. These data indicate that H-ferritin modulates macrophage response to immune stimuli and that it plays an essential role in protection against iron-induced oxidative stress and cell death.Tis work was fnanced by FEDER - Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional funds through the COMPETE2020 - Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through FCT - Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Ensino Superior in the framework of the project PTDC/IMI-MIC/1683/2014 (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016590). PFO and MGA acknowledge FCT for the Investigador FCT 2015. We thank the valuable collaboration of the following i3S Scientifc Platforms: Cell Culture and Genotyping Core Facility (CCGen), [Histology and Electron Microscopy Service (HEMS), and BioSciences Screening], member of the PPBI (PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122)], Animal Facility, and Flow Cytometry Unit (TraCy). We acknowledge Lukas Kuhn (Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, Lausanne, Switzerland) for kindly providing the frst breeding pairs of Fth1−/− mice. Te authors also acknowledge Marisa Castro, from Departamento de Biologia Molecular from ICBAS, Clara Bento, from i3S, and Edgar Pinto from LAQV – REQUIMTE for technical assistance at diferent stages of the project

    Leg Ulcer. Conservative Treatment

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    Durante um período de 16 anos foram estudados, de forma prospectiva, 202 doentes portadores de insuficiência venosa crónica complicada de úlcera de perna, totalizando 257 úlceras. Este conjunto constitui uma série homogénea, em que foi sempre mantida a mesma orientação diagnóstica e terapêutica, quer médica, quer cirúrgica. Foi definido como objectivo a cura da úlcera em ambulatório, com tratamento conservador. O tratamento cirúrgico definitivo, quando indicado, é preferencialmente executado em diferido, após a cura da úlcera. Dos 202 doentes incluídos inicialmente no estudo, 166 mantiveram-se até à cura ou durante um período de tratamento prolongado. Nos doentes que se mantiveram no estudo foi obtida uma taxa de curas de 91%, o que está acima dos resultados habitualmente reportados na literatura internacional. Salienta-se a importância do controlo directo de todo o tratamento pelo médico responsável

    HELLP Syndrome a Severe Form of Preeclampsia: a Comparative Study of Clinical and Laboratorial Parameters

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    The objective of this study was to compare clinical, laboratorial, maternal and perinatal results between HELLP Syndrome and severe Preeclampsia. An observational study comparing women with HELLP Syndrome (n=71) to women with severe preeclampsia (n=253) was done. The authors analyzed the early course of the pathologies and the outcomes in both groups. HELLP syndrome occurred in 28% of all the cases and was more frequent at gestational age before 32 weeks (n=39 – 55%) than severe preeclampsia (n=108 - 42%), with more newborns weighting less than 1500g (27 – 38.6% vs 65 – 25.6%; p=0.036). Thrombocytopenia below 100 000/μL (aOR, 2.14; 95% CI, 1.49 – 3.06) and LDH>1 000 UI/L (aOR: 5.17; 95% CI 2.19 – 12.16) were risk factors for HELLP. Maternal morbidity (eclampsia, abruptio placentae, and acute renal failure) was similar in both cohorts; eight stillbirths (6 in severe preeclampsia and 2 in HELLP Syndrome) occurred. There were no maternal deaths. In conclusion, in this study the authors confirmed that HELLP Syndrome is a severe form of preeclampsia with an earlier presentation in pregnancy, worst laboratorial findings and more prematurity rates