66,705 research outputs found

    Sterile neutrino dark matter, CDMS-II and a light Higgs boson

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    We add a singlet right handed neutrino plus a charged and a neutral singlet scalars to the standard model. This extension includes a discrete symmetry such that we obtain a heavy sterile neutrino which couples only to the electron and the new scalars. In this sense the singlet neutrino does not mix with ordinary ones and thus has no effect on Big Bang Nucleosynthesis. However, such sterile neutrino can be in equilibrium with electroweak particles in the early Universe due to its couplings to electrons and also because the Higgs boson mixes with the singlet scalars. We obtain that the sterile neutrino constitutes a dark matter candidate and analyze its direct detection in the light of current experiments. Our results show that if such a sterile neutrino is realized in nature, and CDMS-II experiment confirms its positive signal, dark matter demands a rather light Higgs boson with new Physics at some 500 GeV scale.Comment: 16 pages, 13 figures, uses axodraw.st

    Effective thermal dynamics following a quantum quench in a spin chain

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    We study the nonequilibrium dynamics of the Quantum Ising Model following an abrupt quench of the transverse field. We focus on the on-site autocorrelation function of the order parameter, and extract the phase coherence time τQϕ\tau^{\phi}_Q from its asymptotic behavior. We show that the initial state determines τQϕ\tau^{\phi}_Q only through an effective temperature set by its energy and the final Hamiltonian. Moreover, we observe that the dependence of τQϕ\tau^{\phi}_Q on the effective temperature fairly agrees with that obtained in thermal equilibrium as a function of the equilibrium temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Nonlinear c-axis transport in Bi_2Sr_2CaCu_2O_(8+d) from two-barrier tunneling

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    Motivated by the peculiar features observed through intrinsic tunneling spectroscopy of Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} mesas in the normal state, we have extended the normal state two-barrier model for the c-axis transport [M. Giura et al., Phys. Rev. B {\bf 68}, 134505 (2003)] to the analysis of dI/dVdI/dV curves. We have found that the purely normal-state model reproduces all the following experimental features: (a) the parabolic VV-dependence of dI/dVdI/dV in the high-TT region (above the conventional pseudogap temperature), (b) the emergence and the nearly voltage-independent position of the "humps" from this parabolic behavior lowering the temperature, and (c) the crossing of the absolute dI/dVdI/dV curves at a characteristic voltage V×V^\times. Our findings indicate that conventional tunneling can be at the origin of most of the uncommon features of the c axis transport in Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta}. We have compared our calculations to experimental data taken in severely underdoped and slightly underdoped Bi2_2Sr2_2CaCu2_2O8+δ_{8+\delta} small mesas. We have found good agreement between the data and the calculations, without any shift of the calculated dI/dV on the vertical scale. In particular, in the normal state (above TT^\ast) simple tunneling reproduces the experimental dI/dV quantitatively. Below TT^\ast quantitative discrepancies are limited to a simple rescaling of the voltage in the theoretical curves by a factor \sim2. The need for such modifications remains an open question, that might be connected to a change of the charge of a fraction of the carriers across the pseudogap opening.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    Regular string-like braneworlds

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    In this work, we propose a new class of smooth thick string-like braneworld in six dimensions. The brane exhibits a varying brane-tension and an AdSAdS asymptotic behavior. The brane-core geometry is parametrized by the Bulk cosmological constant, the brane width and by a geometrical deformation parameter. The source satisfies the dominant energy condition for the undeformed solution and has an exotic asymptotic regime for the deformed solution. This scenario provides a normalized massless Kaluza-Klein mode for the scalar, gravitational and gauge sectors. The near-brane geometry allows massive resonant modes at the brane for the ss state and nearby the brane for l=1l=1.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures. Some modifications to match the published version in EPJ

    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid.

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    Growth of seven perennial plant species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid. Abstract - Measuring plant height (y) and canopy diameter (x) in trees may not be an easy task, but stem diameter (z) can be more easily evaluated. This work's objective was two-fold: evaluate the growth of species adapted to the Brazilian Semi-Arid Region in the first two years of age, and obtain linear equations to estimate y and x from z, in those species. A random block design with four replications was employed. The values for x, z, and y were measured biannually from October/2003 to March/2005. Prosopis juliflora and Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia showed the highest stem diameter and plant height values, respectively, and both showed the highest canopy diameter. In the equations to estimate plant height from the stem diameter the value of the coefficient of determination (R2) ranged from 0.76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). In the equations that allowed to estimate the crown diameter from the stem diameter the R2 value ranged from 0.70 (Leucaena leucocephala) to 0.92 (Azadirachta indica). Crescimento de sete espécies vegetais perenes adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro. Resumo - A mensuração da altura da planta (y) e do diâmetro da copa (x) em árvores pode não ser tarefa fácil, mas o diâmetro do caule (z) pode ser avaliado mais facilmente. Este trabalho teve por objetivos avaliar o crescimento de espécies adaptadas ao Semi-Árido brasileiro, nos primeiros dois anos de idade, e obter equações lineares para estimar y e x a partir de z, nessas espécies. Utilizou-se o delineamento de blocos ao acaso com quatro repetições. Os valores de x, z e y foram medidos semestralmente de outubro/2003 a março/2005. Prosopis juliflora e Mimosa caesalpiniaefolia apresentaram os maiores diâmetros do caule e altura da planta, respectivamente, e ambas apresentaram o maior diâmetro da copa. Nas equações para estimar a altura da planta a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor do coeficiente de determinação (R2) variou de 0,76 (Tamarindus indica and Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Prosopis juliflora and Azadirachta indica). Nas equações que permitiram estimar o diâmetro da copa a partir do diâmetro do caule, o valor de R2 variou de 0,70 (Leucaena leucocephala) a 0,92 (Azadirachta indica)