19,831 research outputs found

    Theoretical study of the decay-out spin of superdeformed bands in the Dy and Hg regions

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    Decay of the superdeformed bands have been studied mainly concentrating upon the decay-out spin, which is sensitive to the tunneling probability between the super- and normal-deformed wells. Although the basic features are well understood by the calculations, it is difficult to precisely reproduce the decay-out spins in some cases. Comparison of the systematic calculations with experimental data reveals that values of the calculated decay-out spins scatter more broadly around the average value in both the AA \approx 150 and 190 regions, which reflects the variety of calculated tunneling probability in each band.Comment: 6 pages 4 figures (30 PS files). To appear in Proc. of NS2000 (Nuclear Structure 2000) conf., at MSU, 15-19 Aug., 200

    High-K Precession modes: Axially symmetric limit of wobbling motion

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    The rotational band built on the high-K multi-quasiparticle state can be interpreted as a multi-phonon band of the precession mode, which represents the precessional rotation about the axis perpendicular to the direction of the intrinsic angular momentum. By using the axially symmetric limit of the random-phase-approximation (RPA) formalism developed for the nuclear wobbling motion, we study the properties of the precession modes in 178^{178}W; the excitation energies, B(E2) and B(M1) values. We show that the excitations of such a specific type of rotation can be well described by the RPA formalism, which gives a new insight to understand the wobbling motion in the triaxial superdeformed nuclei from a microscopic view point.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures (Spelling of the authors name was wrong at the first upload, so it is corrected

    Cluster Property and Robustness of Ground States of Interacting Many Bosons

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    We study spatial correlation functions of local operators of interacting many bosons confined in a box of a large, but volume V, for various `ground states' whose energy densities are almost degenerate. The ground states include the coherent state of interacting bosons (CSIB), the number state of interacting bosons (NSIB), and the number-phase squeezed state of interacting bosons, which interpolates between the CSIB and NSIB. It was shown previously that only the CSIB is robust (i.e., does not decohere for a macroscopically long time) against the leakage of bosons into an environment. We show that for the CSIB the spatial correlation of any local operators A(r) and B(r') (which are localized around r and r', respectively) vanishes as |r - r' | \sim V^{1/3} \to \infty, i.e., the CSIB has the `cluster property.' In contrast, the other ground states do not possess the cluster property. Therefore, we have successfully shown that the robust state has the cluster property. This ensures the consistency of the field theory of bosons with macroscopic theories.Comment: We have replaced the manuscript in order to update the reference list and to fix typos. (5 pages, no figures) In the final manuscript, a few sentences have added for more detailed explanation. Journal PDF at http://jpsj.jps.or.jp/journal/JPSJ-71-1.htm

    Stability of quantum states of finite macroscopic systems against classical noises, perturbations from environments, and local measurements

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    We study the stability of quantum states of macroscopic systems of finite volume V, against weak classical noises (WCNs), weak perturbations from environments (WPEs), and local measurements (LMs). We say that a pure state is `fragile' if its decoherence rate is anomalously great, and `stable against LMs' if the result of a LM is not affected by another LM at a distant point. By making full use of the locality and huge degrees of freedom, we show the following: (i) If square fluctuation of every additive operator is O(V) or less for a pure state, then it is not fragile in any WCNs or WPEs. (ii) If square fluctuations of some additive operators are O(V^2) for a pure state, then it is fragile in some WCNs or WPEs. (iii) If a state (pure or mixed) has the `cluster property,' then it is stable against LMs, and vice versa. These results have many applications, among which we discuss the mechanism of symmetry breaking in finite systems.Comment: 6 pages, no figure.Proof of the theorem is described in the revised manuscrip

    Spreading Width for Decay out of a Superdeformed Band

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    The attenuation factor F responsible for the decay out of a superdeformed (SD) band is calculated with the help of a statistical model. This factor is given by 1/F = (1 + Gamma(down) / Gamma(S)). Here, Gamma(S) is the width for the collective E2 transition within the superdeformed band, and Gamma(down) is the spreading width which describes the mixing between a state in the SD band and the normally deformed (ND) states of equal spin. The attenuation factor F is independent of the statistical E1 decay widths Gamma(N) of the ND states provided that the Gamma(N) are much larger than both Gamma(down) and Gamma(S). This condition is generically met. Previously measured values of F are used to determine Gamma(down).Comment: Submitted to Physical Review Letter

    An AC electric trap for ground-state molecules

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    We here report on the realization of an electrodynamic trap, capable of trapping neutral atoms and molecules in both low-field and high-field seeking states. Confinement in three dimensions is achieved by switching between two electric field configurations that have a saddle-point at the center of the trap, i.e., by alternating a focusing and a defocusing force in each direction. AC trapping of 15ND3 molecules is experimentally demonstrated, and the stability of the trap is studied as a function of the switching frequency. A 1 mK sample of 15ND3 molecules in the high-field seeking component of the |J,K>=|1,1> level, the ground-state of para-ammonia, is trapped in a volume of about 1 mm^3

    Shape coexistence in Lead isotopes in the interacting boson model with Gogny energy density functional

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    We investigate the emergence and evolution of shape coexistence in the neutron-deficient Lead isotopes within the interacting boson model (IBM) plus configuration mixing with microscopic input based on the Gogny energy density functional (EDF). The microscopic potential energy surface obtained from the constrained self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov method employing the Gogny-D1M EDF is mapped onto the coherent-state expectation value of the configuration-mixing IBM Hamiltonian. In this way, the parameters of the IBM Hamiltonian are fixed for each of the three relevant configurations (spherical, prolate and oblate) associated to the mean field minima. Subsequent diagonalization of the Hamiltonian provides the excitation energy of the low-lying states and transition strengths among them. The model predictions for the 0+0^{+} level energies and evolving shape coexistence in the considered Lead chain are consistent both with experiment and with the indications of the Gogny-EDF energy surfaces.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl