16 research outputs found

    1-year tolvaptan efficacy in ADPKD

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    Autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD) develops into end-stage kidney disease by 65 years of age in an estimated 45%-70% of patients. Recent trials revealed that tolvaptan inhibits disease progression both in early-stage or late-stage ADPKD ; however, stratified analysis showed a difference of favorable factors correlated with tolvaptan efficacy between early-stage and late-stage ADPKD. Thus, we examined the efficacy of tolvaptan in ADPKD with a wide range of estimated glomerular filtration rates (eGFR). We enrolled 24 patients with eGFR 35.3 (28.0-65.5) ml / min / 1.73m2 and evaluated treatment effect as ΔΔeGFR (ml / min / 1.73m2 / year) or ΔΔtotal kidney volume (TKV) (% / year) that was calculated as post-treatment annual change - pre-treatment annual change. Pre ΔeGFR was significantly low in eGFR responders, defined as ΔΔeGFR > 0 ml / min / 1.73m2 / year. In eGFR responders, pre ΔeGFR, post ΔeGFR, eGFR, TKV, and proteinuria were significantly correlated with ΔΔeGFR. In TKV responders defined as ΔΔTKV > 5 % / year, we identified hypertension history, proteinuria, TKV, and post ΔTKV as significantly correlated factors with ΔΔTKV. In conclusion, pre ΔeGFR may be a predictive factor of therapeutic efficacy on kidney function. Tolvaptan may have greater efficacy in early-stage ADPKD with rapid GFR decline or with well-controlled blood pressure

    Antidepressant-like effect of centrally acting non-narcotic antitussive caramiphen in a forced swimming test

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    Recently, we reported that a centrally acting non-narcotic antitussive (cough suppressant drug),tipepidine produces an antidepressant-like effect in the forced swimming test in rats. Becausepharmacological properties of tipepidine apparently differ from those of typical antidepressantsdeveloped to date, we speculated that caramiphen, another centrally acting antitussive, has anantidepressant-like effect. That effect of caramiphen was studied in rats using the forced swimming test. Caramiphen at 20 and 40 mg/kg i.p. significantly reduced immobility. At 40 mg /kg i.p., it increasedclimbing behavior. Even at 40 mg /kg, this drug had no effect on locomotor activity. Results suggestthat a centrally acting antitussive possessing inhibition of GIRK channels has an antidepressant-likeeffect