511 research outputs found

    A Comparative Analysis of Rate of Convergence For Linear And Quadratic Approximations in N-R Method

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    Ndash Raphson (N-R) Method is commonly used in the solution of algebraic equations and transcendental equations. Using Taylorrsquos theorem for expansion of functions, generally expansion is truncated as linear approximation. In this research work, expansion of function is truncated as quadratic approximation and then a comparative analysis was done for linear and quadratic approximations.nbs


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    Nutritious diet (Ahara) or we can say balanced diet is the key to follow the first principle of Ayurveda or in order to maintain a healthy life. In Ayurveda Acharya Charak has mentioned regular intake of food articles belongs to different categories of food. Acharya Charak has classified Ahara (diet) in twelve categories. Among these, Shukadhanya is the first one. In modern literature, Shukadhanya has been classified in monocotyledons and energy giving food. Energy giving food mainly includes cereal groups like wheat, rice, maize (corn), oats, Jowar, Ragi, and Bajra. Ancient Acharyas has mentioned some Shukadhanya dravyas with their gunas (qualities) like Shashthika, Vrihi (variety of rice), Yava, wheat, which play an important role in prevention of diseases. These Dravyas are Sheeta (cold in potency), Swadu (sweet in taste), Swadu Vipaka (Sweet in digestion). They are said to be Vatavardhak, Alpavarchasa, Brinhana, Shukrala and Mutral. In modern literature, Shukadhanya Varga has been classified in cereal group. Cereals are enriched with niacin, iron, riboflavin, and thiamine, and most cereals have abundant fibre content, especially barley, oat, and wheat. Cereals also have soluble bran that aids in lowering blood cholesterol level and helps in preventing heart diseases. This article is an attempt to analyze the Shukadhanya Varga mentioned in Ayurveda on a scientific basis

    Comparative and Analytical Study towards Mitigation of Gray hole Attacks in VANET

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    Vehicular Adhoc Network is a type of (MANET) Mobile Adhoc Network that enables vehicles on the road to intelligently interact and communicate with other vehicle and road side infrastructure unit. It is prone to several type of attacks and one such attack is Grayhole attack. Gray hole attack is one of the attack on routing specification in which malicious node selectively drops packets coming from the source. Due to lack of security in Adhoc on Demand Distance Vector (AODV) routing protocol, Grayhole attack disrupts the performance of network and render communication impossible. This paper reviews various attacks in VANET including Grayhole attack on AODV routing protocol and provides a survey of existing defence approaches to mitigate them

    Improved Survival with the Patients with Variceal Bleed

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    Variceal hemorrhage is a major cause of death in patients with cirrhosis. Over the past two decades new treatment modalities have been introduced in the management of acute variceal bleeding (AVB) and several recent studies have suggested that the outcome of patients with cirrhosis and AVB has improved. Improved supportive measures, combination therapy which include early use of portal pressure reducing drugs with low rates of adverse effects (somatostatin, octerotide or terlipressin) and endoscopic variceal ligation has become the first line treatment in the management of AVB. Short-term antibiotic prophylaxis, early use of lactulose for prevention of hepatic encephalopathy, application of early transjugular intrahepatic portasystemic shunts (TIPS), fully covered self-expandable metallic stent in patients for AVB may be useful in those cases where balloon tamponade is considered. Early and wide availability of liver transplantation has changed the armamentarium of the clinician for patients with AVB. High hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) >20 mmHg in AVB has become a useful predictor of outcomes and more aggressive therapies with early TIPS based on HVPG measurement may be the treatment of choice to reduce mortality further


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    The people working in big private companies may be considered as corporate workers. Due to changed lifestyle of the official workers, they commonly face psychological stress. This stress is mainly caused by the internal pressure to achieve success in goals. Stress may be considered as a major reason in lowering the body’s own resistance power and as a result may develop physical and mental ailments. Majority of official workers are prone to lifestyle disorders due to poor eating habits, load of work, physical inactivity and wrong body postures. Ayurveda can do very much in this field. In Ayurveda, where stress is known as Sahasa, Acharya Charak has advised to avoid Sahasa as it adversely affects the body. In Ayurveda ancient Acharyas has mentioned some Ayurvedic preparations and daily lifestyle regimen which can be helpful in lifestyle modification of corporate workers. Among these, Abhyanga, yoga exercises and Pranayam play a very important role. Therapeutically, Nasya Karma, and Shirodhara are helpful in reducing the symptoms of lifestyle disorders. Some Ayurvedic preparations has been described by the ancient Acharyas like Shankhapushpi, Bramhi, Jatamansi, Sarasawatarishta, Ashwagandha. This article is an attempt to analyze the lifestyle modifications for corporate workers with the help of Ayurveda, meditation, yoga, physical exercises and balanced diet together play an important role in rejuvenating the health of an individual on physical, mental and emotional level with a combination of benefits like Panchkarma therapy, herbal medicines, good Dinacharya and nutritious diet

    Drug Related Hypertension: A Review on an Unappreciated Cause of Blood Pressure Increase

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    Blood pressure elevation is known to be a determining risk factor for cardiovascular disease and mortality. Although blood pressure increase has many causative factors, numerous drugs have also been reported to increase blood pressure. Drugs are often overlooked as a reason of hypertension. A few medications that usually help to reduce blood pressure may increase blood pressure paradoxically or may lead to blood pressure elevation on discontinuation due to a rebound effect. Detailed evaluation of patient’s medical therapy may help to identify the culprit drug. Discontinuation of the causative agent is recommended once the drug induced hypertension has been identified. The present review summarizes the therapeutic agents that can induce hypertension and would allow the clinician to recognize this entity and to take the appropriate therapeutic measures

    Sinomenine inhibits microglial activation by Aβ and confers neuroprotection

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    Abstract Background Neuroinflammation is an important contributor to the development of neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer's disease. Thus, there is a keen interest in identifying compounds, especially from herbal sources, that can inhibit neuroinflammation. Amyloid-β (Aβ) is a major component of the amyloid plaques present in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients. Here, we examined whether sinomenine, present in a Chinese medicinal plant, prevents oligomeric Aβ-induced microglial activation and confers protection against neurotoxicity. Methods Oligomeric amyloid-β was prepared from Aβ(1-42). Intracellular reactive oxygen species production was determined using the dye 2',7'-dichlorodihydrofluorescin diacetate. Nitric oxide level was assessed using the Griess reagent. Flow cytometry was used to examine the levels of inflammatory molecules. BV2-conditioned medium was used to treat hippocampal cell line (HT22) and primary hippocampal cells in indirect toxicity experiments. Toxicity was assessed using MTT reduction and TUNEL assays. Results We found that sinomenine prevents the oligomeric Aβ-induced increase in levels of reactive oxygen species and nitric oxide in BV2 microglial cells. In addition, sinomenine reduces levels of Aβ-induced inflammatory molecules. Furthermore, sinomenine protects hippocampal HT22 cells as well as primary hippocampal cells from indirect toxicity mediated by Aβ-treated microglial cells, but has no effect on Aβ-induced direct toxicity to HT22 cells. Finally, we found that conditioned medium from Aβ-treated BV2 cells contains increased levels of nitric oxide and inflammatory molecules, but the levels of these molecules are reduced by sinomenine. Conclusions Sinomenine prevents oligomeric Aβ-induced microglial activation, and confers protection against indirect neurotoxicity to hippocampal cells. These results raise the possibility that sinomenine may have therapeutic potential for the treatment of Alzheimer's diseases as well as other diseases that involve neuroinflammation.</p

    Functional outcome of percutaneous screw fixation of intra-articular calcaneum fractures

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    Background: The treatment of displaced calcaneum fractures has been a subject of intense discussion. Displaced intra-articular calcaneum fractures gives poor result with conservative treatment and requires reduction and internal fixation for favourable long term results. Open procedures are more prone to complications regarding wound healing. Percutaneous fixation offers a middle pathway in treating simpler variety of displaced calcaneal fractures. The aim of the study was to access the functional outcome of intra articular fracture calcaneum managed with closed reduction by Essex-Lopresti technique and percutaneous screw fixation.Methods: This study was done in department of Orthopaedics Jhalawar medical college and SRG Hospital Jhalawar, Rajasthan from January 2015 to January 2018. 26 intra-articular calcaneal fractures treated with closed reduction and percutaneous screw fixation under image intensifier.Results: 25 cases evaluated (one patient had lost follow-up), all fractures were united, average time of union was 8 weeks. The mean AOFAS score was 80 (range from 45 to 96), 9 patients had excellent, 12 patients had good, 3 patients had fair and one patient had poor result for that subtalar arthrodesis was done after one year of follow-up. Average Bohler’s angle 24.5 and Gissane angle was 120 degree. No clinically significant varus or valgus in any case (less then 5 degree).Conclusions: Treatment of intra-articular fractures of calcaneum is challenging but close reduction and internal fixation with 6.5 cannulated cancellous screws yields favorable outcome in majority of cases


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    Most of the people have become used to spicy fast food day by day. This has taken human being far away from the nature. Nowadays alcohol consumption is also increasing day by day. Ayurvedic texts has mentioned hepatocellular jaundice as Kamala. Ancient Acharyas has also mentioned “kamali tu virechanama” as Chikitsa Sutra for Kamala. Patient was treated with an integrated approach of Ayurvedic treatment including Virechana Karma (purgation) and Shaman Chikitsa. Due to frequently intake of Pittakara Aahara (spicy and hot food), it leads to vitiation of Pitta Dosha and Virechana (purgation) is the first line of treatment for Pittadushti. Due to Ushna, Laghu, Rruksha Guna, and having Tikta -Katu Rasa of Patola, Amrita, Kutaki (ingredients of internal medication) enhances digestive capacity by hepato-protective action and Pittasaraka guna. Ayurvedic line of management i.e. Virechana therapy and Shamana Chikitsa are successful in Kamala by removing toxic waste from the body, and by correction of Agni (digestive fire). In our ancient classics, single drug along with compound drug have been mentioned in Kamala. These drugs have Kamalahara properties. These Ayurvedic formulations relieve the symptom of Daurbalya (weakness), Kshudha mandya (Appetite loss), Pitamutrata (yellow discolouration of urine), Hrullasa (nausea) and Udarshoola. Also these drugs reduce bile in blood circulation and normalize the other blood parameter. Here a case report of a 50 Years male was having Kamala (hepatocellular jaundice) who was treated with some Ayurvedic herbs and Virechana like Panchakarma and get effectively result with Ayurvedic management