100 research outputs found

    Ensinar a sociologia na França. Uma prática pedagógica entre reflexividade e restrições

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    A questão pedagógica na universidade é identificada entre a indiferença, por um lado, e a institucionalização em serviços dedicados e dispositivos periféricos, por outro. Este artigo propõe uma terceira via, que consiste em internalizar a reflexão pedagógica no centro das aulas temáticas para torná-la uma dimensão essencial e legítima da profissão de professor(a)-pesquisador(a). Com base na auto-análise de suas práticas de ensino em duas universidades, Delphine Serre mostra como a sociologia pode ser um recurso para criar, ministrar e avaliar cursos. Ela explica primeiro os dois princípios pedagógicos, inspirados no trabalho sociológico, que norteiam suas práticas: a de uma "pedagogia envolvente" e de uma "pedagogia racional". Em seguida, mostra como mobiliza a prática reflexiva da sociologia e suas ferramentas (questionários, observações) para melhor adequar as lições ao público. Por fim, expõe os limites que se impõem a essa reflexividade pedagógica, devido às condições materiais e institucionais que caracterizam o trabalho de professores(as) e pesquisadores(as). Longe de promover uma enésima inovação pedagógica, o artigo pretende ser uma contribuição modesta, baseada em uma experiência pessoal, para colocar em evidência uma reflexividade educacional comum que foi prejudicada por reformas recentes no ensino superior.Palavras-chave: Ensino de sociologia. Pedagogia racional. Desigualdades das condições de estudo. Pedagogia universitária. Avaliação de aulas pelos alunos. Condições de trabalho dos professores-pesquisadores

    Mild forms of hypophosphatasia mostly result from dominant negative effect of severe alleles or from compound heterozygosity for severe and moderate alleles

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mild hypophosphatasia (HPP) phenotype may result from <it>ALPL </it>gene mutations exhibiting residual alkaline phosphatase activity or from severe heterozygous mutations exhibiting a dominant negative effect. In order to determine the cause of our failure to detect a second mutation by sequencing in patients with mild HPP and carrying on a single heterozygous mutation, we tested the possible dominant effect of 35 mutations carried by these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We tested the mutations by site-directed mutagenesis. We also genotyped 8 exonic and intronic <it>ALPL </it>gene polymorphisms in the patients and in a control group in order to detect the possible existence of a recurrent intronic mild mutation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We found that most of the tested mutations exhibit a dominant negative effect that may account for the mild HPP phenotype, and that for at least some of the patients, a second mutation in linkage disequilibrium with a particular haplotype could not be ruled out.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Mild HPP results in part from compound heterozygosity for severe and moderate mutations, but also in a large part from heterozygous mutations with a dominant negative effect.</p

    A new murine model of osteoblastic/osteolytic lesions from human androgen-resistant prostate cancer

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    BACKGROUND: Up to 80% of patients dying from prostate carcinoma have developed bone metastases that are incurable. Castration is commonly used to treat prostate cancer. Although the disease initially responds to androgen blockade strategies, it often becomes castration-resistant (CRPC for Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer). Most of the murine models of mixed lesions derived from prostate cancer cells are androgen sensitive. Thus, we established a new model of CRPC (androgen receptor (AR) negative) that causes mixed lesions in bone. METHODS: PC3 and its derived new cell clone PC3c cells were directly injected into the tibiae of SCID male mice. Tumor growth was analyzed by radiography and histology. Direct effects of conditioned medium of both cell lines were tested on osteoclasts, osteoblasts and osteocytes. RESULTS: We found that PC3c cells induced mixed lesions 10 weeks after intratibial injection. In vitro, PC3c conditioned medium was able to stimulate tartrate resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP)-positive osteoclasts. Osteoprotegerin (OPG) and endothelin-1 (ET1) were highly expressed by PC3c while dikkopf-1 (DKK1) expression was decreased. Finally, PC3c highly expressed bone associated markers osteopontin (OPN), Runx2, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), bone sialoprotein (BSP) and produced mineralized matrix in vitro in osteogenic conditions. CONCLUSIONS: We have established a new CRPC cell line as a useful system for modeling human metastatic prostate cancer which presents the mixed phenotype of bone metastases that is commonly observed in prostate cancer patients with advanced disease. This model will help to understand androgen-independent mechanisms involved in the progression of prostate cancer in bone and provides a preclinical model for testing the effects of new treatments for bone metastases

    Le 'bébé superbe'. La construction de la déviance corporelle par les professionnel(le)s de la petite enfance

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    : Le signalement d'enfant 'en danger'

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    La "judiciarisation" en actes

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    Reporting children « in danger ». In the 1990s, the number of children « in danger » (as defined by para. 375 of the Code Civil) reported to the courts rose. This phenomenon, known in French as « judi ciarisation » - or increasing recourse to the courts to settle problems - is clear from the analysis of the practices of social workers who turn to the justice system in the framework of their mission of «child protection». The constitution of « child abuse » as a social problem in the 1980s and the changes in the juridical field concerning the duty to notify have transformed social workers' perception of their responsibility and their mission to protect children. The new social logics stemming from decentralization enable us to understand how these changes were passed on by the institutions employing social workers and, in some services, came to make such reporting a criterion for evaluating their work. This ethnographic study, carried out in the social services of an academic establishment, shows how such structural changes have had practical repercussions on working conditions and have prompted some agents to a greater recourse to the justice system.La « judiciarisation » en actes. Au cours des années 1990, le nombre de « signalements » d'enfants « en danger » (selon l'article 375 du Code civil) envoyés au Parquet a augmenté. On peut rendre compte de ce phénomène souvent qualifié de «judiciarisation» à partir de l'analyse des pratiques des travailleurs sociaux qui recourent à la justice dans le cadre de leur mission de « protection de l'enfance ». La constitution de la « maltraitance » comme problème social au cours des années 1980 et les transformations dans le champ juridique concernant l'obligation de signalement ont, en effet, changé la perception que les travailleurs sociaux ont de leur responsabilité et de leur mission de protection de l'enfance. Les nouvelles logiques bureaucratiques consécutives à la décentralisation permettent de comprendre comment ces transformations ont été relayées au sein des institutions employant les travailleurs sociaux et ont conduit, dans certains services, à faire du signalement une norme d'évaluation du travail. L'enquête ethnographique dans un service social scolaire montre finalement comment ces transformations structurelles ont eu des répercussions pratiques sur les conditions de travail et ont pu inciter certains agents à un recours accru à la justice.Actas de la « judicialización ». Durante la década de 1990 aumentó en Francia el numero de « denuncias judiciales » en relación con casos de niños « en peligro » (según el articulo 375 del Código Civil) presentadas ante la Fiscalia. Es posible dar cuenta de este fenómeno -a menudo calificado de « judicialización »analizando las prácticas de los trabajadores sociales que recurren a la justicia en el marco de su misión de « protección a la infancia ». Durante el decenio de 1980 se empezó a considerar que el « maltrato » constituye un problema social; asimismo, se produjeron transformaciones en el campo jurídico, referidas a la obligación de denunciar el maltrato ante la justicia. Consecuentemente se modificó la percepción de los trabajadores sociales acerca de su responsabilidad y su misión de protección a la infancia. Los nuevos postulados burocráticos generados por la descentralización permiten comprender de que manera esas transformaciones se aplicaron en las instituciones que emplean a trabajadores sociales y de que manera, en ciertos servicios, llevaron a hacer de la denuncia judicial una norma de evaluación laboral. El estudio etnográfico reali zado en un servicio social escolar muestra finalmente cómo las mencionadas transformaciones estructurales han tenido repercusiones prácticas en las condiciones de trabajo y han llegado a incitar a ciertos agentes a recurrir con mayor frecuencia a la justicia.Serre Delphine. La "judiciarisation" en actes . In: Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales. Vol. 136-137, mars 2001. Nouvelles formes d'encadrement. pp. 70-82