70 research outputs found

    Омелян Антонович – громадський діяч, дослідник, меценат (до 100-річчя від дня народження) (Public Figure, Researcher, and Philanthropist Omelan Antonovych (on the Occasion of His 100th Birthday Anniversary))

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    У статті, присвяченій пам’яті відомого мецената, громадського діяча у США та Україні, висвітлено деякі маловідомі сторінки його життя, громадської і дослідницької діяльності на основі документів особистого архіву Омеляна і Тетяни Антоновичів у відділі рукописів Львівської національної наукової бібліотеки ім. В. Стефаника (The article is dedicated to the memory of the well-known Antonovych Foundation creator, as well as public activist in the US and Ukraine Omelan Antonovych. The author states that Antonovych personal documents reveal some unknown facts about his public and research activity which was not described in his two books of Memoirs (1999, 2003). Omelan Antonovych was an active member of the Foreign Representation of the Ukrainian Supreme Liberation Council, the Prolog Research and Publishing Corporation, the Ukrainian Association of Washington State, DC, etc. He found and selected German archival official documents about OUN that were published in the 21st volume of Litopys UPA (Toronto, 1991). His life is an example of selfless service to Ukrainian people and Ukraine. The personal archive of Dr. Omelan Antonovych and his wife prof. Tatiana Terlecka are kept in Vasyl Stefanyk Lviv National Scientific Library of Ukraine

    Листування д-ра Володимира Горбового з діаспорою (на матеріалах відділу рукописів ЛННБ України ім. В. Стефаника) (Correspondence of Volodymyr Horbovyi and the Diaspora (Based on the Materials of the Manuscripts Department of Lviv National Vasyl Stefanyk Scientific Library of Ukraine))

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    Автором досліджено листування відомого діяча д-ра В. Горбового із представниками української діаспори, яке є цінним джерелом до вивчення історії контактів між діаспорою та українцями УРСР. В. Горбовий – в минулому адвокат у відомих політичних процесах проти членів ОУН 1935-36 рр., був у 1949 р. засуджений МДБ СРСР до 25 років таборі, з яких був звільнений у 1971 р. На основі епістолярію розглянуто особливості встановлення контактів, надання матеріальної допомоги діаспорою для колишній політв’язнів та вояків УПА. З’ясовано широке коло адресатів В. Горбового, визначено перспективи подальшого пошуку листів між діячем та закордонними українцями у вітчизняних та зарубіжних архівах. (The author focuses attention on the correspondence of Volodymyr Horbovyi with representatives of the Ukrainian diaspora. This correspondence is a valuable source to study the history of contacts between the diaspora and the people of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. Volodymyr Horbovyi was a lawyer in political cases against the members of the Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists (OUN) in 1935�36. In 1949, he was sentenced to 25 years in prison by the Ministry of State Security of the USSR and was released in 1971. The article analyses the features of establishing the social contact, providing material assistance from the diaspora to former political prisoners and warriors of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. The article clarifies a wide range of addressee of Horbovyi, defines prospects of further examination in national and foreign archives of letters between the Ukrainian and foreign representatives.

    Архів проф. Олександра Вороняка у фондах відділу рукописів Львівської національної наукової бібліотеки України ім. В. Стефаника (Prof. Oleksandr Voronyak’s archive in the Manuscript Department of the Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv)

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    У статті подано аналіз документів особистого архіву професора Католицького Університету Америки Олександра Вороняка (1918–1995), що зберігається у відділі рукописів ЛННБ України ім. В. Стефаника (The article gives analysis of personal papers of Catholic University of America’s professor Alexander Woroniak (1918–1995) which are kept in the Manuscript Division of the Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv

    Українська справа у ВашинҐтоні в роки холодної війни (з архівних документів відділу рукописів ЛННБ України імені Василя Стефаника) (Ukrainian Cause in Washington During Cold War (From the Archival Documents of the Manuscript Division of the Vasyl Stefanyk National Scientific Library of Ukraine in Lviv))

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    В статті розглядається діяльність української громади Вашинґтона, УККА та його голови Л. Добрянського, їх співпраця з обома Палатами Конґресу США на підтримку української справи на основі архівних матеріалів з фонду меценатів О. і Т. Антоновичів, які вперше вводяться до наукового обігу. (The article examines activities of the Ukrainian community in Washington in the 1950s and the 1960s. The relevant historical materials kept in the archives of Omelan and Tetiana Antonovych are submitted for scientific circulation for the first time. The papers relate to the activities of the Association of Ukrainians in Washington, headed by O. Antonovych, and of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, headed by L. Dobriansky, as well as to their cooperation with the US Congress in support of the Ukrainian cause. The Ruthenians (Ukrainians) were already mentioned in the Senate document of the 61st US Congress in 1911. After the Second World War, the Ukrainian question came up on the agenda in connection with the formation of the United Nations. The center of Ukrainian political emigration has moved to the US. At that time L. Dobriansky kept continuous contacts with members of the Congress. In 1959 both Houses of the Congress passed the Captive Nations Week Resolution submitted by L. Dobryansky. On June 7, 1960 the House of Representatives decided to issue the brochure known as “Europe’s Freedom Fighter. Taras Shevchenko. 1814– 1861 as an official House document”. On June 27, 1964 President D. Eisenhower inaugurated the monument to Taras Shevchenko in Washington, DC. The US Congress celebrated the anniversary of the proclamation of Ukraine’s independence on January 22, 1918 on annual ceremonial meetings with prayers for free Ukraine delivered by the Ukrainian priests. The US Senators and Representatives regularly included statements and letters from the Ukrainian organizations in the Congress Records)

    Evolution of the spin dynamics in the van der Waals system M2M_{\text{2}}P2_{\text{2}}S6_{\text{6}} (M2\boldsymbol{M}_{\text{2}} = Mn2_{\text{2}}, MnNi, Ni2_{\text{2}}) series probed by electron spin resonance spectroscopy

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    In this work we report a detailed ESR spectroscopic study of the single-crystalline samples of the van der Waals compounds M2M_{\text{2}}P2_{\text{2}}S6_{\text{6}} (M2M_{\text{2}} = Mn2_{\text{2}}, MnNi, Ni2_{\text{2}}), performed at an excitation frequency of 9.56 GHz, in a broad range of temperatures above the magnetic order, and at different orientations of the magnetic field with respect to the sample. Analyzing temperature and angular dependences of the resonance field and of the linewidth of the Mn2_2P2_2S6_6 compound we have observed a significant change of the spin dynamics from the dominance of the 3D-like fluctuations close to the magnetic order to a relative increase of the 2D-like spin fluctuations at higher temperatures. Such a behavior, which is opposite to the development of the low-D signatures in the previously studied Cr2_{\text{2}}Ge2_{\text{2}}Te6_{\text{6}} compound, can be explained by the difference in the type of magnetic order in Mn2_2P2_2S6_6 and Cr2_{\text{2}}Ge2_{\text{2}}Te6_{\text{6}}. On the other hand, MnNiP2_2S6_6 compound exhibits angular dependences of the linewidth typical for the system with 3D-like spin correlations in the whole measurement temperature range, however the 2D-like correlations can be seen in the temperature dependences of the resonance field and the linewidth. Ni2_2P2_2S6_6, in turn, does not show any 2D signatures. This suggests that varying the Ni content in (Mn1x_{1-x}Nix_x)2_2P2_2S6_6 one can control the exchange interaction, possibly also in the third dimension

    Magnetic anisotropy and low-energy spin dynamics in the van der Waals compounds Mn2_{2}P2_{2}S6_{6} and MnNiP2_{2}S6_{6}

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    We report the detailed high-field and high-frequency electron spin resonance (HF-ESR) spectroscopic study of the single-crystalline van der Waals compounds Mn2_{2}P2_{2}S6_{6} and MnNiP2_{2}S6_{6}. Analysis of magnetic excitations shows that in comparison to Mn2_{2}P2_{2}S6_{6} increasing the Ni content yields a larger magnon gap in the ordered state and a larger g-factor value and its anisotropy in the paramagnetic state. The studied compounds are found to be strongly anisotropic having each the unique ground state and type of magnetic order. Stronger deviation of the g-factor from the free electron value in the samples containing Ni suggests that the anisotropy of the exchange is an important contributor to the stabilization of a certain type of magnetic order with particular anisotropy. At temperatures above the magnetic order, we have analyzed the spin-spin correlations resulting in a development of slowly fluctuating short-range order. They are much stronger pronounced in MnNiP2_{2}S6_{6} compared to Mn2_{2}P2_{2}S6_{6}. The enhanced spin fluctuations in MnNiP2_{2}S6_{6} are attributed to the competition of different types of magnetic order. Finally, the analysis of the temperature dependent critical behavior of the magnon gaps below the ordering temperature in Mn2_{2}P2_{2}S6_{6} suggests that the character of the spin wave excitations in this compound undergoes a field induced crossover from a 3D-like towards 2D XY regime

    Water-soluble saponins accumulate in drought-stressed switchgrass and may inhibit yeast growth during bioethanol production

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    Background: Developing economically viable pathways to produce renewable energy has become an important research theme in recent years. Lignocellulosic biomass is a promising feedstock that can be converted into second-generation biofuels and bioproducts. Global warming has adversely affected climate change causing many environmental changes that have impacted earth surface temperature and rainfall patterns. Recent research has shown that environmental growth conditions altered the composition of drought-stressed switchgrass and directly influenced the extent of biomass conversion to fuels by completely inhibiting yeast growth during fermentation. Our goal in this project was to find a way to overcome the microbial inhibition and characterize specific compounds that led to this inhibition. Additionally, we also determined if these microbial inhibitors were plant-generated compounds, by-products of the pretreatment process, or a combination of both. Results: Switchgrass harvested in drought (2012) and non-drought (2010) years were pretreated using Ammonia Fiber Expansion (AFEX). Untreated and AFEX processed samples were then extracted using solvents (i.e., water, ethanol, and ethyl acetate) to selectively remove potential inhibitory compounds and determine whether pretreatment affects the inhibition. High solids loading enzymatic hydrolysis was performed on all samples, followed by fermentation using engineered Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Fermentation rate, cell growth, sugar consumption, and ethanol production were used to evaluate fermentation performance. We found that water extraction of drought-year switchgrass before AFEX pretreatment reduced the inhibition of yeast fermentation. The extracts were analyzed using liquid chromatography–mass spectrometry (LC–MS) to detect compounds enriched in the extracted fractions. Saponins, a class of plant-generated triterpene or steroidal glycosides, were found to be significantly more abundant in the water extracts from drought-year (inhibitory) switchgrass. The inhibitory nature of the saponins in switchgrass hydrolysate was validated by spiking commercially available saponin standard (protodioscin) in non-inhibitory switchgrass hydrolysate harvested in normal year. Conclusions: Adding a water extraction step prior to AFEX-pretreatment of drought-stressed switchgrass effectively overcame inhibition of yeast growth during bioethanol production. Saponins appear to be generated by the plant as a response to drought as they were significantly more abundant in the drought-stressed switchgrass water extracts and may contribute toward yeast inhibition in drought-stressed switchgrass hydrolysates

    High temperatures and low soil moisture synergistically reduce switchgrass yields from marginal field sites and inhibit fermentation

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    ‘Marginal lands’ are low productivity sites abandoned from agriculture for reasons such as low or high soil water content, challenging topography, or nutrient deficiency. To avoid competition with crop production, cellulosic bioenergy crops have been proposed for cultivation on marginal lands, however on these sites they may be more strongly affected by environmental stresses such as low soil water content. In this study we used rainout shelters to induce low soil moisture on marginal lands and determine the effect of soil water stress on switchgrass growth and the subsequent production of bioethanol. Five marginal land sites that span a latitudinal gradient in Michigan and Wisconsin were planted to switchgrass in 2013 and during the 2018–2021 growing seasons were exposed to reduced precipitation under rainout shelters in comparison to ambient precipitation. The effect of reduced precipitation was related to the environmental conditions at each site and biofuel production metrics (switchgrass biomass yields and composition and ethanol production). During the first year (2018), the rainout shelters were designed with 60% rain exclusion, which did not affect biomass yields compared to ambient conditions at any of the field sites, but decreased switchgrass fermentability at the Wisconsin Central–Hancock site. In subsequent years, the shelters were redesigned to fully exclude rainfall, which led to reduced biomass yields and inhibited fermentation for three sites. When switchgrass was grown in soils with large reductions in moisture and increases in temperature, the potential for biofuel production was significantly reduced, exposing some of the challenges associated with producing biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass grown under drought conditions

    Predictors of enhancing human physical attractiveness: Data from 93 countries

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    People across the world and throughout history have gone to great lengths to enhance their physical appearance. Evolutionary psychologists and ethologists have largely attempted to explain this phenomenon via mating preferences and strategies. Here, we test one of the most popular evolutionary hypotheses for beauty-enhancing behaviors, drawn from mating market and parasite stress perspectives, in a large cross-cultural sample. We also test hypotheses drawn from other influential and non-mutually exclusive theoretical frameworks, from biosocial role theory to a cultural media perspective. Survey data from 93,158 human participants across 93 countries provide evidence that behaviors such as applying makeup or using other cosmetics, hair grooming, clothing style, caring for body hygiene, and exercising or following a specific diet for the specific purpose of improving ones physical attractiveness, are universal. Indeed, 99% of participants reported spending >10 min a day performing beauty-enhancing behaviors. The results largely support evolutionary hypotheses: more time was spent enhancing beauty by women (almost 4 h a day, on average) than by men (3.6 h a day), by the youngest participants (and contrary to predictions, also the oldest), by those with a relatively more severe history of infectious diseases, and by participants currently dating compared to those in established relationships. The strongest predictor of attractiveness-enhancing behaviors was social media usage. Other predictors, in order of effect size, included adhering to traditional gender roles, residing in countries with less gender equality, considering oneself as highly attractive or, conversely, highly unattractive, TV watching time, higher socioeconomic status, right-wing political beliefs, a lower level of education, and personal individualistic attitudes. This study provides novel insight into universal beauty-enhancing behaviors by unifying evolutionary theory with several other complementary perspectives