73 research outputs found

    Speech perception under adverse conditions: Insights from behavioral, computational, and neuroscience research

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    Adult speech perception reflects the long-term regularities of the native language, but it is also flexible such that it accommodates and adapts to adverse listening conditions and short-term deviations from native-language norms. The purpose of this article is to examine how the broader neuroscience literature can inform and advance research efforts in understanding the neural basis of flexibility and adaptive plasticity in speech perception. Specifically, we highlight the potential role of learning algorithms that rely on prediction error signals and discuss specific neural structures that are likely to contribute to such learning. To this end, we review behavioral studies, computational accounts, and neuroimaging findings related to adaptive plasticity in speech perception. Already, a few studies have alluded to a potential role of these mechanisms in adaptive plasticity in speech perception. Furthermore, we consider research topics in neuroscience that offer insight into how perception can be adaptively tuned to short-term deviations while balancing the need to maintain stability in the perception of learned long-term regularities. Consideration of the application and limitations of these algorithms in characterizing flexible speech perception under adverse conditions promises to inform theoretical models of speech. © 2014 Guediche, Blumstein, Fiez and Holt

    Exploring or Avoiding Novel Food Resources? The Novelty Conflict in an Invasive Bird

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    For an animal invading a novel region, the ability to develop new behaviors should facilitate the use of novel food resources and hence increase its survival in the new environment. However, the need to explore new resources may entail costs such as exposing the animal to unfamiliar predators. These two opposing forces result in an exploration-avoidance conflict, which can be expected to interfere with the acquisition of new resources. However, its consequences should be less dramatic in highly urbanized environments where new food opportunities are common and predation risk is low. We tested this hypothesis experimentally by presenting three foraging tasks to introduced common mynas (Acridotheres tristis) from environments with low and high urbanization levels from Australia. Individuals from the highly urbanized environments, where mynas are both more opportunistic when foraging and less fearful to predators, resolved a technical task faster than those from less urbanized environments. These differences did not reflect innovative ‘personalities’ and were not confounded by sex, morphology or motivational state. Rather, the principal factors underlying differences in mynas' problem-solving ability were neophobic-neophilic responses, which varied across habitats. Thus, mynas seem to modulate their problem-solving ability according to the benefits and costs of innovating in their particular habitat, which may help us understand the great success of the species in highly urbanized environments

    Rapid Change in Articulatory Lip Movement Induced by Preceding Auditory Feedback during Production of Bilabial Plosives

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    BACKGROUND: There has been plentiful evidence of kinesthetically induced rapid compensation for unanticipated perturbation in speech articulatory movements. However, the role of auditory information in stabilizing articulation has been little studied except for the control of voice fundamental frequency, voice amplitude and vowel formant frequencies. Although the influence of auditory information on the articulatory control process is evident in unintended speech errors caused by delayed auditory feedback, the direct and immediate effect of auditory alteration on the movements of articulators has not been clarified. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: This work examined whether temporal changes in the auditory feedback of bilabial plosives immediately affects the subsequent lip movement. We conducted experiments with an auditory feedback alteration system that enabled us to replace or block speech sounds in real time. Participants were asked to produce the syllable /pa/ repeatedly at a constant rate. During the repetition, normal auditory feedback was interrupted, and one of three pre-recorded syllables /pa/, /Φa/, or /pi/, spoken by the same participant, was presented once at a different timing from the anticipated production onset, while no feedback was presented for subsequent repetitions. Comparisons of the labial distance trajectories under altered and normal feedback conditions indicated that the movement quickened during the short period immediately after the alteration onset, when /pa/ was presented 50 ms before the expected timing. Such change was not significant under other feedback conditions we tested. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: The earlier articulation rapidly induced by the progressive auditory input suggests that a compensatory mechanism helps to maintain a constant speech rate by detecting errors between the internally predicted and actually provided auditory information associated with self movement. The timing- and context-dependent effects of feedback alteration suggest that the sensory error detection works in a temporally asymmetric window where acoustic features of the syllable to be produced may be coded

    How a slow-ovipositing parasitoid can succed as a biological control agent of the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus: implications for future classical and conservation biological control programs

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    [EN] Phenaccocus peruvianus Granara de Willink (Hemiptera: pseudococcidae) is an invasive mealybug that has become a pest of ornamental plants in Europe and has recently been detected in California, USA. In this work, we studied the tritrophic interaction among this mealybug, its main parasitoid Acerophagus n. sp. near coccois (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) and tending ants to disclose the success of this parasitoid controlling P. peruvianus. Acerophagus n. sp. near coccois accepted mealybugs for parasitism regardless of their size but did not hostfeed. We recorded three active defenses of P. peruvianus. Host handling time-consuming process that required more than 30 min. Tending ants, Lasius grandis (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), reduced the time spent by parasitoids in a patch and disrupted oviposition attempts. The low numbers of ants tending mealybugs colonies in Spain and France could explain why this parasitoid, with a long handling time, is an efficient biological control agent for P. peruvianus.Beltrà Ivars, A.; Soto Sánchez, AI.; Tena Barreda, A. (2015). How a slow-ovipositing parasitoid can succed as a biological control agent of the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus: implications for future classical and conservation biological control programs. BioControl. 60(4):473-484. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10526-015-9663-6S473484604Arakelian G (2013) Bougainvillea mealybug (Phenacoccus peruvianus). Factsheet 2013. County of Los Angeles. Department of agricultural commissioner/weights and measures, USABartlett BR (1961) The influence of ants upon parasites, predators, and scale insects. Ann Entomol Soc Am 54:543–551Bartlett BR (1978) Pseudococcidae. In: Clausen CP (ed) Introduced parasites and predators of arthropod pests and weeds: a world review, 1st edn. Agricultural Research Service USDA, Washington, USA, pp 137–170Barzman MS, Daane KM (2001) Host-handling behaviors in parasitoids of black scale, Saissetia oleae (Homoptera: Coccidae): a case for ant-mediated evolution. J Anim Ecol 70:237–247Beltrà A, Soto A, Germain JF, Matile-Ferrero D, Mazzeo G, Pellizzari G, Russo A, Franco JC, Williams DJ (2010) The Bougainvillea mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus, a rapid invader from South America to Europe. Entomol Hell 19:137–143Beltrà A, Garcia-Marí F, Soto A (2013a) Seasonal phenology, spatial distribution, and sampling plan for the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). J Econ Entomol 106:1486–1494Beltrà A, Tena A, Soto A (2013b) Fortuitous biological control of the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus in Southern Europe. BioControl 58:309–317Beltrà A, Tena A, Soto A (2013c) Reproductive strategies and food sources used by Acerophagus n. sp. near coccois, a new successful parasitoid of the invasive mealybug Phenacoccus peruvianus. J Pest Sci 86:253–259Berlinger MJ, Golberg AM (1978) The effect of the fruit sepals on the citrus mealybug population and on its parasite. Entomol Exp Appl 24:238–243Blumstein DT, Daniel JC (2007) Quantifying behavior the JWatcher way. Sinauer Associates Inc., Sunderland, UKBoavida C, Ahounou M, Vos M, Neuenschwander P, van Alphen JJM (1995) Host stage selection and sex allocation by Gyranusoidea tebygi (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the mango mealybug, Rastrococcus invadens (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Biol Control 5:487–496Bokonon-Ganta AH, Neuenschwander P, van Alphen JJM, Vos M (1995) Host stage selection and sex allocation by Anagyrus mangicola (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of the mango mealybug, Rastrococcus invadens (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Biol Control 5:479–486Bugila AAA, Franco JC, Borges da Silva E, Branco M (2014a) Defense response of native and alien mealybugs (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae) against the solitary parasitoid Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae). J Insect Behav 27:439–453Bugila AAA, Branco M, Borges da Silva E, Franco JC (2014b) Host selection behavior and specificity of the solitary parasitoid of mealybugs Anagyrus sp. nr. pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera, Encyrtidae). Biocontrol Sci Techn 24:22–38Bynum EK (1937) Pseudococcobius terryi Fullaway, a Hawaiian parasite of Gray Sugarcane mealybug in the United States. J Econ Entomol 30:756–761Cadée N, van Alphen JJM (1997) Host selection and sex allocation in Leptomastidea abnormis, a parasitoid of the citrus mealybug Planococcus citri. Entomol Exp Appl 83:277–284Clausen CP (1924) The parasites of Pseudococcus maritimus (Ehrhorn) in California (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea). Part II. Biological studies and life histories. UC Pub Entomol 3:253–288Daane KM, Barzman MS, Caltagirone LE, Hagen KS (2000) Metaphycus anneckei and Metaphycus hageni: two discrete species parasitic on black scale, Saissetia oleae. BioControl 45:269–284Daane KM, Bentley WJ, Walton VM, Malakar-Kuenen R, Millar JC, Ingels CA, Weber EA, Gispert C (2006) New controls investigated for vine mealybug. Calif Agric 60:31–38Daane KM, Sime KR, Fallon J, Cooper ML (2007) Impacts of Argentine ants on mealybugs and their natural enemies in California’s coastal vineyards. Ecol Entomol 32:583–596De Farias AM, Hopper KR (1999) Oviposition behavior of Aphelinus asychis (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae) and Aphidius matricariae (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) and defense behavior of their host Diuraphis noxia (Homoptera: Aphididae). Environ Entomol 28:858–862Dorn B, Mattiacci L, Bellotti AC, Dorn S (2001) Host specificity and comparative foraging behavior of Aenasius vexans and Acerophagus coccois, two endo-parasitoids of the cassava mealybug. Entomol Exp Appl 99:331–339Eisner T, Silberglied RE (1988) A chrysopid larva that cloaks itself in mealybug wax. Psyche 95:15–20Flanders SE (1963) Predation by parasitic Hymenoptera, the basis of ant-induced outbreaks of a host species. J Econ Entomol 56:116Foldi I (1983) Structure et fonctions des glandes tégumentaires de cochenilles Pseudococcines et de leurs secretions. Ann Soc Entomol Fr 19:155–156Foldi I (1997) Defense strategies in scale insects: phylogenetic inference and evolutionary scenarios (Hemiptera, Coccoidea). In: Grandcolas P (ed) The origin of biodiversity in insects: phylogenetic tests of evolutionary scenarios, 1st edn. Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France, pp 203–230Godfray HCJ (1994) Parasitoids: behavioral and evolutionary ecology. Princeton University Press, Princeton, USAGonzález-Hernández H, Johnson MW, Reimer NJ (1999) Impact of Pheidole megacephala (F.) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) on the biological control of Dysmicoccus brevipes (Cockerell) (Homoptera: Pseudococcidae). Biol Control 15:145–152Gross P (1993) Insect behavioral and morphological defenses against parasitoids. Annu Rev Entomol 38:251–273Gullan PJ (1997) Relationships with ants. In: Ben-Dov Y, Hodgson CJ (eds) Soft scale insects—their biology natural enemies and control, 1st edn. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 351–373Gullan PJ, Kosztarab M (1997) Adaptations in scale insects. Annu Rev Entomol 42:23–50Hcidari M, Jahan M (2000) A study of ovipositional behavior of Anagyrus pseudococci a parasitoid of mealybugs. J Agric Sci Technol 2:49–53Honda JY, Luck RF (1995) Scale morphology effects on feeding behavior and biological control potential of Rhyzobius lophanthae (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). Ann Entomol Soc Am 88:441–450Joyce AL, Hoddle MS, Bellows TS, Gonzalez D (2001) Oviposition behavior of Coccidoxenoides peregrinus, a parasitoid of Planococcus ficus. Entomol Exp Appl 98:49–57Karamaouna F (1999) Biology of the parasitoids Leptomastix epona (Walker) and Pseudaphycus flavidulus (Brèthes) and behavioural interactions with the host mealybug Pseudococcus viburni (Signoret). Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, UK, p 333Karamaouna F, Copland MJ (2000) Oviposition behavior, influence of experience on host size selection, and niche overlap of the solitary Leptomastix epona and the gregarious Pseudaphycus flavidulus, two endoparasitoids of the mealybug Pseudococcus viburni. Entomol Exp Appl 97:301–308Klotz JH, Hansen L, Pospischil R, Rust M (2008) Urban ants of North America and Europe. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, USAMailleux AC, Deneubourg JL, Detrain C (2003) Regulation of ants foraging to resource productivity. P R Soc Lond B Bio 270:1609–1616Majerus ME, Sloggett JJ, Godeau JF, Hemptinne JL (2007) Interactions between ants and aphidophagous and coccidophagous ladybirds. Popul Ecol 49:15–27Mgocheki N, Addison P (2009) Interference of ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) with biological control of the vine mealybug Planococcus ficus (Signoret) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae). Biol Control 49:180–185Moore D (1988) Agents used for biological control of mealybugs (Pseudococcidae). Biocontrol News Inf 9:209–225Paris CI, Espadaler X (2009) Honeydew collection by the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus versus the native ant L grandis. Arthropod Plant Interact 3:75–85Pekas A, Tena A, Aguilar A, Garcia-Marí F (2011) Spatio-temporal patterns and interactions with honeydew-producing Hemiptera of ants in a Mediterranean citrus orchard. Agric Forest Entomol 13:89–97Pennacchio F, Strand MR (2006) Evolution of developmental strategies in parasitic Hymenoptera. Annu Rev Entomol 51:233–258Pijls JW, Hofker KD, Staalduinen MJ, van Alphen JJM (1995) Interspecific host discrimination and competition in Apoanagyrus (Epidinocarsis) lopezi and A(E) diversicornis parasitoids of the cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti. Ecol Entomol 20:326–332Robert Y (1987) Dispersion and migration. In: Minks AK, Harrewijn P (eds) Aphids—their biology, natural enemies and control, 1st edn. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 299–313Sandanayaka WRM, Charles JG, Allan DJ (2009) Aspects of the reproductive biology of Pseudaphycus maculipennis (Hym: Encyrtidae), a parasitoid of obscure mealybug, Pseudococcus viburni (Hem: Pseudococcidae). Biol Control 48:30–35Sarkar D (2008) Lattice: multivariate data visualization with R. Springer, New York, USASime KR, Daane KM (2014) Rapid, non-discriminatory oviposition behaviors are favored in mealybug parasitoids when Argentine ants are present. Environ Entomol 43:995–1002Tena A, Garcia-Marí F (2008) Suitability of citricola scale Coccus pseudomagnoliarum (Hemiptera: Coccidae) as host of Metaphycus helvolus (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae): Influence of host size and encapsulation. Biol Control 46:341–347Tena A, Hoddle CD, Hoddle MS (2013) Competition between honeydew producers in an ant–hemipteran interaction may enhance biological control of an invasive pest. Bull Entomol Res 103:714–723The R Core Team (2011) R: a language and environment for statistical computing. R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austriavan Driesche RG, Belloti A, Herrera CJ, Castello JA (1987a) Host preferences of two encyrtid parasitoids for the Columbian Phenacoccus spp. of cassava mealybugs. 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    Sexually Selected Infanticide in a Polygynous Bat

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    Background: Adult individuals of many species kill unrelated conspecific infants for several adaptive reasons ranging from predation or resource competition to the prevention of misdirected parental care. Moreover, infanticide can increase the reproductive success of the aggressor by killing the offspring of competitors and thereafter mating with the victimized females. This sexually selected infanticide predominantly occurs in polygynous species, with convincing evidence for primates, carnivores, equids, and rodents. Evidence for bats was predicted but lacking. Methodology/Principal Findings: Here we report the first case, to our knowledge, of sexually selected infanticide in a bat, the polygynous white-throated round-eared bat, Lophostoma silvicolum. Behavioral studies in a free-living population revealed that an adult male repeatedly attacked and injured the pups of two females belonging to his harem, ultimately causing the death of one pup. The infanticidal male subsequently mated with the mother of the victimized pup and this copulation occurred earlier than any other in his harem. Conclusions/Significance: Our findings indicate that sexually selected infanticide is more widespread than previously thought, adding bats as a new taxon performing this strategy. Future work on other bats, especially polygynous species in the tropics, has great potential to investigate the selective pressures influencing the evolution of sexually selecte

    Oxidative Stress Mediates Physiological Costs of Begging in Magpie (Pica pica) Nestlings

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    [Background] Theoretical models predict that a cost is necessary to guarantee honesty in begging displays given by offspring to solicit food from their parents. There is evidence for begging costs in the form of a reduced growth rate and immunocompetence. Moreover, begging implies vigorous physical activity and attentiveness, which should increase metabolism and thus the releasing of pro-oxidant substances. Consequently, we predict that soliciting offspring incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress, and growth rate and immune response (processes that generate pro-oxidants substances) are reduced in order to maintain oxidative balance. [Methodology/Principal Findings] We test whether magpie (Pica pica) nestlings incur a cost in terms of oxidative stress when experimentally forced to beg intensively, and whether oxidative balance is maintained by reducing growth rate and immune response. Our results show that begging provokes oxidative stress, and that nestlings begging for longer bouts reduce growth and immune response, thereby maintaining their oxidative status. [Conclusions/Significance] These findings help explaining the physiological link between begging and its associated growth and immunocompetence costs, which seems to be mediated by oxidative stress. Our study is a unique example of the complex relationships between the intensity of a communicative display (begging), oxidative stress, and life-history traits directly linked to viability.GM-R was supported by the Spanish Government (Ministerio de Ciencia y Tecnología, “Juan de la Cierva” program), and TR was supported by the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC; Proyectos Intramurales Especiales)

    Primate responses to changing environments in the anthropocene

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    Most primates have slow life-histories and long generation times. Because environmental change is occurring at an unprecedented rate, gene-based adaptations are unlikely to evolve fast enough to offer successful responses to these changes. The paper reviews the most common types of habitat/landscape alterations, the extent of human-primate interactions, and the impact of climate change. It demonstrates how understanding behavioural flexibility as a response to environmental change will be crucial to optimize conservation efforts by constructing informed management plans. Comparisons across species, space, and time can be used to draw generalizations about primate responses to environmental change while considering their behavioural flexibility

    Birds in the playground: Evaluating the effectiveness of an urban environmental education project in enhancing school children's awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards local wildlife.

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    Children nowadays, particularly in urban areas, are more disconnected from nature than ever before, leading to a large-scale "extinction of experience" with the natural world. Yet there are many potential benefits from children interacting with nature first-hand, including via outdoor learning opportunities. Urban environmental education programmes typically aim to increase awareness and knowledge of local biodiversity and to promote positive attitudes and behaviour towards the environment. However, limited research has been conducted evaluating to what extent these interventions achieve their goals. Here, we explore and assess the influence of a six-week bird-feeding and monitoring project conducted within school grounds ("Bird Buddies") on individual awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards birds by primary school children. This initiative was conducted across eight (sub-)urban primary schools within Brighton and Hove (UK), with 220 participating children (aged 7 to 10). Via pre- and post-project questionnaires, we found evidence for enhanced awareness of local biodiversity, alongside significant gains in both bird identification knowledge and attitudes, which were greatest for children with little prior exposure to nature. Many children expressed a keenness to continue improving the environmental value of their school grounds and to apply elements of the project at home. Student project evaluation scores were consistently positive. Mirroring this, participating teachers endorsed the project as a positive learning experience for their students. One year after the project, several schools were continuing to feed and watch birds. Collectively, the findings from this study highlight the multiple benefits that can be derived from engagement with a relatively short outdoor environmental activity. We therefore believe that such interventions, if repeated locally/longer term, could enhance children's experience with nature in urban settings with combined positive environmental impact

    Phonemes:Lexical access and beyond

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