6 research outputs found

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1987 - CV'87

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    Trend study on changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Work, income versus leisure / job satisfaction, pressure of work / satisfaction with life, prosperity / social contacts / mass-media, exposure to news and politics / prosperity, materialism / attitude towards consumer credit / expected developments in society / conservatism / need for higher tax-rates, higher public spendings / personal feelings, worries about life, health, politics, housing, family income / expected and desired development of personal incomes and social benefits / abuse of social securities / image of the unemployed and recipients of disablement insurance benefits, moonlighting / level of benefits, inequality of incomes / employee participation / fundamental rights of citizens / structure and aims of school system / freedom of speech, strike, demonstration etc. / religious dogmatism, conservatism, permissiveness / religion and politics, social life, organizations / perception of crime, alternative punishment / student participation / political left, right items, political efficacy, political interest, trust in politics / concern with environment, who is responsible / energy problem/ nuclear power / confidence in future of society / permissiveness towards various ways of social protest and counteractions from authorities / social contrasts / expected changes in society next 15 years / influence of unions and employers on national policy / doing domestic work, problems with it / perception of marriage: working women with young children, divorce, adoption, fidelity, education, standards and values / judgement of various forms of cohabitation / most appreciated qualities of men and women / image of the elderly / knowledge of aids, expected development, measures to stop aids / euthanasia / advices to friends with domestic problems / rights of homosexuals / equal rights for different social groups to housing, job, career / discrimination of ethnic groups / ( dis- )advantages of being unemployed / public versus individual spendings, responsibilities for education, social services, public transport, museums, health services / attitude towards ex-psychiatric patients / written questionnaire: most important personal qualities for success in life / relation between performance and payment, necessity of income differences, desired re-allocation of incomes, evaluation of tax rates / knowledge of actual incomes of different occupational groups / desired income levels for these groups / incompatible interests between different social groups / occupational career, comparison to father's career. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1981 - CV'81

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    Trend study of changes in general opinion and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population. Willingness to offer income for a shorter working-week / job pleasure, worries, future / satisfaction with present life / importance of and satisfaction with work and leisure / media exposure concerning news and politics / average time of watching tv / subscription to national newspaper / reading about crime in newspaper / present society, welfare and role of government / government should have more or less money for financing facilities / government measures concerning education/ low income groups/ housing/ pollution/ art/ married women/ ( foreign ) labourers/ young people / government spendings should increase or decrease / personal life worries/ fears/ loneliness and senselessness / satisfaction with housing/ health/ future/ marriage/ happiness/ income / economic situation, wages, social securities / abuse of social securities / income property differences and workers' participation / profits of commercial organizations / equal opportunities / opinions concerning elementary and secondary school / civil rights / view of life / religion / politics, school/ social organizations / important things in life / society transparency/ information about duties and rights/ just treatment / order and safety, crime / democratization and participation / taxes / demonstrations, strikes, squatting, police behaviour / nuclear energy and nuclear plants / energy problem / contrasting groups in society / measures for commercial organizations making losses firing personnel/ firing management/ cutting down wages/ state aid / influence of labour unions / political interest and participation / working mothers housekeeping / euthanasia / type of person that should get a house, be fired, be promoted first / married, unmarried/ foreign, Dutch/ young, old/ someone from Surinam, Dutch/ white, non-white/ big family, small family / non-whites as neighbours/ as colleagues/ at school / items on which respondent would cut down government spendings. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1979 - CV'79

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    Trend study of changes in general opinions and attitudes of ( parts of ) the Dutch population / willingness to offer income for a shorter working week / job satisfaction, worries, future/ satisfaction with education / satisfaction with present life / importance of and satisfaction with work and leisure / media exposure concerning news and politics / average time of watching tv / subscription to a national newspaper / idea of what welfare means / present welfare in the Netherlands and in own family / opinion about borrowing money from a bank and about payment by instalments / satisfaction with present society in the Netherlands / government should have more or less money to finance public facilities / measures of government concerning facilities for pupils who have difficulties making their homework at home/ study grants for children from low income groups / good and cheap housing / minimum wages / free education until 18 / pollution / compulsory education until 18 / subsidies for art / day nurseries for children from working mothers / various taxes / government spendings should increase or decrease / personal life worries/ fears/ enough leisure/ feelings of loneliness and senselessness / measures for commercial organizations making losses / firing personnel/ firing management/ cutting down wages/ state aid / satisfaction with housing/ health/ happiness/ marriage/ education/ income/ social securities / opinions about maximum wages/ abuse of social benefits/ income differences/ property differences/ participation of labourers in management / not being entitled to financial aid/ work with future/ as much education as wanted/ comfortable housing situation / one has to be free to demonstrate/ criticize royal family/ strike for wages/ refuse military service/ squat buildings for a just cause/ freedom of speech and press / view of life / religion and political and social organizations / most important things in life / society transparency/ information about duties and rights/ just treatment / most important problems in society / energy problem and measures for economization / participation in educational system and in local and provincial politics / opinions on differences in social status/ emancipation of labour class/ abortion/ emancipation of women/ work, leisure/ forced measures of government concerning energy economization/ taxes/ ways of protesting / type of person that should get a house first, should be fired first, should be promoted first: married, unmarried/ foreigner, Dutch/ young, old/ man, woman/ someone from Surinam or Holland/ white, non-white/ big family, small family / attitudes on man and society / political interest, preference, participation / membership of union / working mothers / euthanasia / non-whites as neighbours / politics mainly a man's business / again personal feelings and behaviour worries, happiness, temper, nightmares, coping with problems, decision making/ boasting, being polite, gossiping, talking about something without knowledge, opinions about other people, answering personal letters, declaring goods at border. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1988 - CV'88

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    The international part of this study contains questions about aspects of family life/ the national part contains questions about many social and cultural aspects of life. International part of the study: attitude towards several aspects of marriage, a working wife, ( number of ) children and divorces. National part of the study: several aspects of living situation: household composition, housing situation, presence of shops, post office, school, pub or doctor in the direct surroundings of the house / satisfaction with living: quarter, neighbours, contacts with other people in the quarter / consumption of durables / working situation: employment, working environment noise, stench, heavy physical work, monotonous work, tempo / attitude towards work and self realization / volunteer work / detailed account of leisure time activities / financial position / moving / stressful events / health: several disorders and handicaps / medical consumption / absenteeism / medical insurance / number of visits to the doctor and hospital last year / use of social services / happiness / income and education / number of holidays last year, holidays abroad, holidays out of Europe / political preference, interest and involvement / political opinion about education, environment, distribution of incomes, social security benefits, participation / r's expectations about economy one year later / preparedness for reduction of working hours / difference between income of employment and social security benefits. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ housing situation/ household characteristics/ characteristics of parental family/household/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ consumption of durables/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    Culturele Veranderingen in Nederland 1958-1975 - CV'58'75

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    Visits to and from family, friends, neighbours / attitude towards other people / holiday spending / interest in radio / tv / newspapers / job satisfaction / aspirations / attitude towards present prosperity / expectations about future ( 2000 ad ) / wishes and opinions on existing society / tasks of government / personal life situation / anxieties / worries / neuroticism / satisfaction / opinions on social welfare facilities and the income distribution / attitude towards having a say in matters / rights / freedom and equality as basic values / ideology ( liberalism, conservatism, socialism ) and its meaning / religion and religious attitude and ideology / attitude towards society / anomy / political alienation / image of own party and motives to vote for it / political preferences / opinion on government / sense of political efficacy / perception of political parties as problem solvers / opinion on trade unions / moral libertarianism / traditionalism / conventionality / class consciousness / sense of local political efficacy / democratic ethos / opinions on taxation / attitude to social actions and protest / political information / opinion on environmental pollution / authoritarianism / dogmatism / self-description in ideological terms / actual and desired power structure / antagonistic groups / political participation / attitude towards aid to developing countries / attitude in the field of marriage, family, sexuality. Background variables: basic characteristics/ place of birth/ residence/ household characteristics/ occupation/employment/ income/capital assets/ education/ social class/ politics/ religion/ readership, mass media, and 'cultural' exposure/ organizational membership. The data- and documentation files of this dataset can be downloaded via the option Data Files

    International Social Survey Programme: Environment II - ISSP 2000

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    Einstellung zum Umweltschutz. Präferierte staatliche Maßnahmenzum Umweltschutz. Themen: Privates Unternehmertum als beste Möglichkeit zur Lösung derökonomischen Probleme; Verantwortung der Regierung zur Verringerung derEinkommensdifferenzen bei den Bürgern; Postmaterialismus-Index;perzipierte Wissenschaftsgläubigkeit der Bevölkerung; Bewertung vonWissenschaft (Skala); erwartete Lösung der Umweltschutzprobleme durchdie Wissenschaft; Sorge um die Zukunft der Umwelt; Heiligkeit der Natur;Umweltzerstörung und modernes Leben; Einschätzung der Auswirkung desPopulationszuwachses auf der Erde; übertriebene Umweltempfindlichkeit;Beurteilung des Gegensatzes von Umweltschutz und ökonomischem Wachstum;Einstellung zu Tierversuchen in der Pharmazie; ökonomisches Wachstumgefährdet die Umwelt; Bereitschaft zu höheren Preisen bzw. höherenSteuern oder zur Akzeptanz von Einschnitten beim Lebensstandardzugunsten des Schutzes der Umwelt; Partizipation anumweltschutzrelevanten Aktivitäten; Selbsteinstufung der Beteiligung amUmweltschutz; Wichtigkeit von Umweltschutz; Einschätzung der Bedeutungeines eigenen Beitrags zum Umweltschutz; übertriebene Darstellung derUmweltgefährdung in der Öffentlichkeit; Kenntnis der Wirkungsweise vonAntibiotika auf Bakterien und Viren; Verständnis der Evolutionstheorie;Chemikalien als Ursache für Krebs; Kenntnisse der Gefährlichkeit vonRadioaktivität; Kenntnis der Ursache für den Treibhauseffekt; empfundeneGefährdung der Umwelt allgemein und für den Betroffenen selbst durchAutoabgase; Luftverschmutzung durch Industrieabgase; Einstufung derUmweltgefährdung durch Pestizide und Chemikalien in der Landwirtschaft,durch Wasserverschmutzung durch die Erwärmung der Atmosphäre(Treibhauseffekt) und durch Genmanipulation bei Nutzpflanzen; staatlicheIntervention und Rolle der Wirtschaft beim Umweltschutz; Bewertung desEinsatzes von Staat, Industrie und Bevölkerung für die Umwelt;Einstellung zu internationalen Abkommen und den Bemühungen ärmererLänder zum Schutz der Umwelt; Auswirkungen von Umweltschutz auf dieWirtschaftsentwicklung; Wahrscheinlichkeit eines Atomunfalls; Vertrauenin Glaubwürdigkeit von Umweltinformationen verschiedener Institutionen;eigene Beteiligung am Recycling; Häufigkeit des Verzichts auf das Autoaus Umweltgründen; Mitgliedschaft in einer Umweltschutzorganisation;eigene umweltpolitische Aktivitäten durch Beteiligung anUnterschriftslisten, Geldspenden sowie Beteiligung an Demonstrationen. Demographie: Alter; Geschlecht; Zusammenleben mit einem Partner;Familienstand; Bildung; Beschäftigungsstatus; Beruf (ISCO-Code);Beschäftigung im öffentlichen Sektor; Wochenarbeitszeit; Einkommen desBefragten; Haushaltseinkommen; Vorgesetztenfunktion;Haushaltsgröße; Haushaltstypologie; Ortsgröße; Region;Religionszugehörigkeit; Kirchgangshäufigkeit; Selbsteinschätzung derSchichtzugehörigkeit; Gewerkschaftsmitgliedschaft; Parteipräferenz; in einigen Ländern: ethnische Zugehörigkeit des Befragten