216 research outputs found

    Perfect Fluid Quantum Anisotropic Universe: Merits and Challenges

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    The present paper deals with quantization of perfect fluid anisotropic cosmological models. Bianchi type V and IX models are discussed following Schutz's method of expressing fluid velocities in terms of six potentials. The wave functions are found for several examples of equations of state. In one case a complete wave packet could be formed analytically. The initial singularity of a zero proper volume can be avoided in this case, but it is plagued by the usual problem of non-unitarity of anisotropic quantum cosmological models. It is seen that a particular operator ordering alleviates this problem.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures; Accepted for publication in Gen Relativ Gravi

    Dilaton Quantum Cosmology with a Schrodinger-like equation

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    A quantum cosmological model with radiation and a dilaton scalar field is analysed. The Wheeler-deWitt equation in the mini-superspace induces a Schr\"odinger equation, which can be solved. An explicit wavepacket is constructed for a particular choice of the ordering factor. A consistent solution is possible only when the scalar field is a phantom field. Moreover, although the wavepacket is time dependent, a Bohmian analysis allows to extract a bouncing behaviour for the scale factor.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures in eps format. Minors corrections, new figure

    Modeling the quantum evolution of the universe through classical matter

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    It is well known that the canonical quantization of the Friedmann-Lema\^itre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) filled with a perfect fluid leads to nonsingular universes which, for later times, behave as their classical counterpart. This means that the expectation value of the scale factor (t)(t) never vanishes and, as tt\to\infty, we recover the classical expression for the scale factor. In this paper, we show that such universes can be reproduced by classical cosmology given that the universe is filled with an exotic matter. In the case of a perfect fluid, we find an implicit equation of state (EoS). We then show that this single fluid with an implict EoS is equivalent to two non-interacting fluids, one of them representing stiff matter with negative energy density. In the case of two non-interacting scalar fields, one of them of the phantom type, we find their potential energy. In both cases we find that quantum mechanics changes completely the configuration of matter for small values of time, by adding a fluid or a scalar field with negative energy density. As time passes, the density of negative energy decreases and we recover the ordinary content of the classical universe. The more the initial wave function of the universe is concentrated around the classical big bang singularity, the more it is necessary to add negative energy, since this type of energy will be responsible for the removal of the classical singularity.Comment: updated version as accepted by Gen. Relativ. Gravi

    The Statistical Mechanics of Horizons and Black Hole Thermodynamics

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    Although we know that black holes are characterized by a temperature and an entropy, we do not yet have a satisfactory microscopic ``statistical mechanical'' explanation for black hole thermodynamics. I describe a new approach that attributes the thermodynamic properties to ``would-be gauge'' degrees of freedom that become dynamical on the horizon. For the (2+1)-dimensional black hole, this approach gives the correct entropy. (Talk given at the Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Seoul, February 1996.)Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    The Origin of Black Hole Entropy in String Theory

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    I review some recent work in which the quantum states of string theory which are associated with certain black holes have been identified and counted. For large black holes, the number of states turns out to be precisely the exponential of the Bekenstein-Hawking entropy. This provides a statistical origin for black hole thermodynamics in the context of a potential quantum theory of gravity.Comment: 18 pages (To appear in the proceedings of the Pacific Conference on Gravitation and Cosmology, Seoul, Korea, February 1-6, 1996.

    Noncommutative cosmological models coupled to a perfect fluid and a cosmological constant

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    In this work we carry out a noncommutative analysis of several Friedmann-Robert-Walker models, coupled to different types of perfect fluids and in the presence of a cosmological constant. The classical field equations are modified, by the introduction of a shift operator, in order to introduce noncommutativity in these models. We notice that the noncommutative versions of these models show several relevant differences with respect to the correspondent commutative ones.Comment: 27 pages. 7 figures. JHEP style.arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1104.481

    Stability analysis and quasinormal modes of Reissner Nordstr{\o}m Space-time via Lyapunov exponent

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    We explicitly derive the proper time (τ)(\tau) principal Lyapunov exponent (λp\lambda_{p}) and coordinate time (tt) principal Lyapunov exponent (λc\lambda_{c}) for Reissner Nordstr{\o}m (RN) black hole (BH) . We also compute their ratio. For RN space-time, it is shown that the ratio is λpλc=r0r023Mr0+2Q2\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}}=\frac{r_{0}}{\sqrt{r_{0}^2-3Mr_{0}+2Q^2}} for time-like circular geodesics and for Schwarzschild BH it is λpλc=r0r03M\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}}=\frac{\sqrt{r_{0}}}{\sqrt{r_{0}-3M}}. We further show that their ratio λpλc\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}} may vary from orbit to orbit. For instance, Schwarzschild BH at innermost stable circular orbit(ISCO), the ratio is λpλcrISCO=6M=2\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}}\mid_{r_{ISCO}=6M}=\sqrt{2} and at marginally bound circular orbit (MBCO) the ratio is calculated to be λpλcrmb=4M=2\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}}\mid_{r_{mb}=4M}=2. Similarly, for extremal RN BH the ratio at ISCO is λpλcrISCO=4M=223\frac{\lambda_{p}}{\lambda_{c}}\mid_{r_{ISCO}=4M}=\frac{2\sqrt{2}}{\sqrt{3}}. We also further analyse the geodesic stability via this exponent. By evaluating the Lyapunov exponent, it is shown that in the eikonal limit , the real and imaginary parts of the quasi-normal modes of RN BH is given by the frequency and instability time scale of the unstable null circular geodesics.Comment: Accepted in Pramana, 07/09/201

    Quasi-Normal Modes of Stars and Black Holes

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    Perturbations of stars and black holes have been one of the main topics of relativistic astrophysics for the last few decades. They are of particular importance today, because of their relevance to gravitational wave astronomy. In this review we present the theory of quasi-normal modes of compact objects from both the mathematical and astrophysical points of view. The discussion includes perturbations of black holes (Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstr\"om, Kerr and Kerr-Newman) and relativistic stars (non-rotating and slowly-rotating). The properties of the various families of quasi-normal modes are described, and numerical techniques for calculating quasi-normal modes reviewed. The successes, as well as the limits, of perturbation theory are presented, and its role in the emerging era of numerical relativity and supercomputers is discussed.Comment: 74 pages, 7 figures, Review article for "Living Reviews in Relativity