6,305 research outputs found

    Rotating Neutron Stars in a Chiral SU(3) Model

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    We study the properties of rotating neutron stars within a generalized chiral SU(3)-flavor model. The influence of the rotation on the inner structure and the hyperon matter content of the star is discussed. We calculate the Kepler frequency and moments of inertia of the neutron star sequences. An estimate for the braking index of the associated pulsars is given.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Good capitalism, bad capitalism, and the economics of growth and prosperity

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    RESUMEN Many books take off from one core idea. This book is built on two. The first notion is that capitalism is not a monolithic form of economic organization but rather that it takes many forms, which differ substantially in terms of their implications for economic growth and elimination of poverty. The implicit assumption underlying the idea of a ho mogenous capitalism, the notion that all capitalist economies are funda mentally the same, reflects something of the mentality common during the cold war when two superpowers, representing two great ideologies, were struggling for the hearts and minds of peoples of the world. On the one side were countries like the United States, whose economies rested on the foundation of the private ownership of property, and on the other were communist or socialist societies, whose economies essentially did not. This distinction seemed to divide the two economic systems, and not much thought was given to the possibility that there is much more to capitalism

    A practical guide for the study of human and murine sebaceous glands in situ

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    The skin of most mammals is characterised by the presence of sebaceous glands (SGs), whose predominant constituent cell population is sebocytes, that is, lipid-producing epithelial cells, which develop from the hair follicle. Besides holocrine sebum production (which contributes 90% of skin surface lipids), multiple additional SG functions have emerged. These range from antimicrobial peptide production and immunomodulation, via lipid and hormone synthesis/metabolism, to the provision of an epithelial progenitor cell reservoir. Therefore, in addition to its involvement in common skin diseases (e.g. acne vulgaris), the unfolding diversity of SG functions, both in skin health and disease, has raised interest in this integral component of the pilosebaceous unit. This practical guide provides an introduction to SG biology and to relevant SG histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, with emphasis placed on in situ evaluation methods that can be easily employed. We propose a range of simple, established markers, which are particularly instructive when addressing specific SG research questions in the two most commonly investigated species in SG research, humans and mice. To facilitate the development of reproducible analysis techniques for the in situ evaluation of SGs, this methods review concludes by suggesting quantitative (immuno-)histomorphometric methods for standardised SG evaluation

    Gravitational Lensing by Power-Law Mass Distributions: A Fast and Exact Series Approach

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    We present an analytical formulation of gravitational lensing using familiar triaxial power-law mass distributions, where the 3-dimensional mass density is given by ρ(X,Y,Z)=ρ0[1+(Xa)2+(Yb)2+(Zc)2]ν/2\rho(X,Y,Z) = \rho_0 [1 + (\frac{X}{a})^2 + (\frac{Y}{b})^2 + (\frac{Z}{c})^2]^{-\nu/2}. The deflection angle and magnification factor are obtained analytically as Fourier series. We give the exact expressions for the deflection angle and magnification factor. The formulae for the deflection angle and magnification factor given in this paper will be useful for numerical studies of observed lens systems. An application of our results to the Einstein Cross can be found in Chae, Turnshek, & Khersonsky (1998). Our series approach can be viewed as a user-friendly and efficient method to calculate lensing properties that is better than the more conventional approaches, e.g., numerical integrations, multipole expansions.Comment: 24 pages, 3 Postscript figures, ApJ in press (October 10th

    Proposal for a CFT interpretation of Watts' differential equation for percolation

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    G. M. T. Watts derived that in two dimensional critical percolation the crossing probability Pi_hv satisfies a fifth order differential equation which includes another one of third order whose independent solutions describe the physically relevant quantities 1, Pi_h, Pi_hv. We will show that this differential equation can be derived from a level three null vector condition of a rational c=-24 CFT and motivate how this solution may be fitted into known properties of percolation.Comment: LaTeX, 20p, added references, corrected typos and additional content

    First empirical evaluation of the link between attachment, social cognition and borderline features in adolescents

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    OBJECTIVE: Several developmental models of borderline personality disorder (BPD) emphasize the role of disrupted interpersonal relationships or insecure attachment. As yet, attachment quality and the mechanisms by which insecure attachment relates to borderline features in adolescents have not been investigated. In this study, we used a multiple mediational approach to examine the cross-sectional interplay between attachment, social cognition (in particular hypermentalizing), emotion dysregulation, and borderline features in adolescence, controlling for internalizing and externalizing symptoms. METHODS: The sample included 259 consecutive admissions to an adolescent inpatient unit (Mage=15.42, SD=1.43; 63.1% female). The Child Attachment Interview (CAI) was used to obtain a dimensional index of overall coherence of the attachment narrative. An experimental task was used to assess hypermentalizing, alongside self-report measures of emotion dyregulation and BPD. RESULTS: Our findings suggested that, in a multiple mediation model, hypermentalizing and emotion dysregulation together mediated the relation between attachment coherence and borderline features, but that this effect was driven by hypermentalizing; that is, emotion dysregulation failed to mediate the link between attachment coherence and borderline features while hypermentalizing demonstrated mediational effects. CONCLUSIONS: The study provides the first empirical evidence of well-established theoretical approaches to the development of BPD

    Rotational quenching of CO due to H2_2 collisions

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    Rate coefficients for state-to-state rotational transitions in CO induced by both para- and ortho-H2_2 collisions are presented. The results were obtained using the close-coupling method and the coupled-states approximation, with the CO-H2_2 interaction potential of Jankowski & Szalewicz (2005). Rate coefficients are presented for temperatures between 1 and 3000 K, and for CO(v=0,jv=0,j) quenching from j=140j=1-40 to all lower jj^\prime levels. Comparisons with previous calculations using an earlier potential show some discrepancies, especially at low temperatures and for rotational transitions involving large Δj|\Delta j|. The differences in the well depths of the van der Waals interactions in the two potential surfaces lead to different resonance structures in the energy dependence of the cross sections which influence the low temperature rate coefficients. Applications to far infrared observations of astrophysical environments are briefly discussed.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure