764 research outputs found

    Surveyor ejecta detector model ML 256-1 and 185-1 and Surveyor ejecta detector ground support equipment model ML 260-1 Final engineering report

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    Engineering analyses on Surveyor lunar dust particle detector instrumentation, and ground support equipmen

    Vortex Tubes in Turbulence Velocity Fields at Reynolds Numbers 300-1300

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    The most elementary structures of turbulence, i.e., vortex tubes, are studied using velocity data obtained in a laboratory experiment for boundary layers with microscale Reynolds numbers 295-1258. We conduct conditional averaging for enhancements of a small-scale velocity increment and obtain the typical velocity profile for vortex tubes. Their radii are of the order of the Kolmogorov length. Their circulation velocities are of the order of the root-mean-square velocity fluctuation. We also obtain the distribution of the interval between successive enhancements of the velocity increment as the measure of the spatial distribution of vortex tubes. They tend to cluster together below about the integral length and more significantly below about the Taylor microscale. These properties are independent of the Reynolds number and are hence expected to be universal.Comment: 8 pages, to appear in Physical Review

    Lithium Diffusion & Magnetism in Battery Cathode Material LixNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2

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    We have studied low-temperature magnetic properties as well as high-temperature lithium ion diffusion in the battery cathode materials LixNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 by the use of muon spin rotation/relaxation. Our data reveal that the samples enter into a 2D spin-glass state below TSG=12 K. We further show that lithium diffusion channels become active for T>Tdiff=125 K where the Li-ion hopping-rate [nu(T)] starts to increase exponentially. Further, nu(T) is found to fit very well to an Arrhenius type equation and the activation energy for the diffusion process is extracted as Ea=100 meV.Comment: Submitted to Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2014

    Magnetic Order in the 2D Heavy-Fermion System CePt2In7 studied by muSR

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    The low-temperature microscopic magnetic properties of the quasi-2D heavyfermion compound, CePt2In7 are investigated by using a positive muon-spin rotation and relaxation (?muSR) technique. Clear evidence for the formation of a commensurate antiferromagnetic order below TN=5.40 K is presented. The magnetic order parameter is shown to fit well to a modified BSC gap-energy function in a strong-coupling scenario.Comment: Accepted in Journal of Physics: Conference Series (2014

    Identification and functional analysis of pistil self-incompatibility factor HT-B of Petunia

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    Gametophytic self-incompatibility (GSI) in Solanaceae, Rosaceae, and Plantaginaceae is controlled by a multiallelic S-locus. The specificities of pistil and pollen are controlled by separate S-locus genes, S-RNase and SLF/SFB, respectively. Although the S-specificity is determined by the S-locus genes, factors located outside the S-locus are also required for expression of GSI. HT-B is one of the pistil non-S-factors identified in Nicotiana and Solanum, and encodes a small asparagine/aspartate-rich extracellular protein with unknown biochemical function. Here, HT-B was cloned from Petunia and characterized. The structural features and expression pattern of Petunia HT-B were very similar to those of Nicotiana and Solanum. Unlike other solanaceous species, expression of HT-B was also observed in self-compatible Petunia species. RNA interference (RNAi)-mediated suppression of Petunia HT-B resulted in partial breakdown of GSI. Quantitative analysis of the HT-B mRNA accumulation in the transgenics showed that a 100-fold reduction is not sufficient and a >1000-fold reduction is required to achieve partial breakdown of GSI

    Nodal Landau Fermi-Liquid Quasiparticles in Overdoped La1.77_{1.77}Sr0.23_{0.23}CuO4_4

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    Nodal angle resolved photoemission spectra taken on overdoped La1.77_{1.77}Sr0.23_{0.23}CuO4_4 are presented and analyzed. It is proven that the low-energy excitations are true Landau Fermi-liquid quasiparticles. We show that momentum and energy distribution curves can be analyzed self-consistently without quantitative knowledge of the bare band dispersion. Finally, by imposing Kramers-Kronig consistency on the self-energy Σ\Sigma, insight into the quasiparticle residue is gained. We conclude by comparing our results to quasiparticle properties extracted from thermodynamic, magneto-resistance, and high-field quantum oscillation experiments on overdoped Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta}.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Origins of large critical temperature variations in single layer cuprates

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    We study the electronic structures of two single layer superconducting cuprates, Tl2_2Ba2_2CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} (Tl2201) and (Bi1.35_{1.35}Pb0.85_{0.85})(Sr1.47_{1.47}La0.38_{0.38})CuO6+δ_{6+\delta} (Bi2201) which have very different maximum critical temperatures (90K and 35K respectively) using Angular Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy (ARPES). We are able to identify two main differences in their electronic properties. First, the shadow band that is present in double layer and low Tc,max_{c,max} single layer cuprates is absent in Tl2201. Recent studies have linked the shadow band to structural distortions in the lattice and the absence of these in Tl2201 may be a contributing factor in its Tc,max_{c,max}.Second, Tl2201's Fermi surface (FS) contains long straight parallel regions near the anti-node, while in Bi2201 the anti-nodal region is much more rounded. Since the size of the superconducting gap is largest in the anti-nodal region, differences in the band dispersion at the anti-node may play a significant role in the pairing and therefore affect the maximum transition temperature.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures,1 tabl

    Effects of sports participation on psychiatric symptoms and brain activations during sports observation in schizophrenia

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    Weight gain has been identified as being responsible for increased morbidity and mortality rates of schizophrenia patients. For the management of weight gain, exercise is one of the most acknowledged interventions. At the same time, exercise and sports have been recognized for their positive impact on psychiatric symptoms of schizophrenia. However, the neurobiological basis for this remains poorly understood. We aimed to examine the effect of sports participation on weight gain, psychiatric symptoms and brain activation during sports observation in schizophrenia patients. Thirteen schizophrenia patients who participated in a 3-month program, including sports participation and 10 control schizophrenia patients were studied. In both groups, body mass index (BMI), Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale (PANSS), and brain activation during observation of sports-related actions measured by functional magnetic resonance imaging were accessed before and after a 3-month interval. BMI and general psychopathology scale of PANSS were significantly reduced in the program group but not in the control group after a 3-month interval. Compared with baseline, activation of the body-selective extrastriate body area (EBA) in the posterior temporal-occipital cortex during observation of sports-related actions was increased in the program group. In this group, increase in EBA activation was associated with improvement in the general psychopathology scale of PANSS. Sports participation had a positive effect not only on weight gain but also on psychiatric symptoms in schizophrenia. EBA might mediate these beneficial effects of sports participation. Our findings merit further investigation of neurobiological mechanisms underlying the therapeutic effect of sports for schizophrenia