1,185 research outputs found

    Population Structure Of Jatropha And Its Implication For The Breeding Program

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    Jatropha (Jatropha curcas L.) has potential as an oilseed crop that requires the development of technology for its exploitation. The objective of this study was to assess the population structure and the genetic diversity in jatropha accessions at a global level using simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers. Jatropha accessions (N = 109) from 10 countries were genotyped using 10 SSR markers. The results showed a low level of genetic diversity among 92 accessions originating from India, Mozambique, Ethiopia, Tanzania, Brazil, Honduras, and Indonesia, which were grouped in one cluster. In contrast, accessions from Mexico and Costa Rica showed high level of genetic variability. These accessions may be used to increase the genetic diversity of jatropha in the breeding populations. The study also showed the need of collecting activity from the center of diversity (Mexico and Costa Rica) to aggregate the genetic diversity in the international collections of jatropha. © FUNPEC-RP.15

    A atribuição da família na construção da civilização do amor

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    En 2013, el cardenal Zenon Grocholewski (entonces prefecto de la Congregación para la Educación Católica) mencionó que el objetivo principal del documento Educar al diálogo intercultural en la escuela católica (2013) era la construcción de una civilización del amor. En 2017, la misma Congregación retomó el tema en la orientación Educar al humanismo solidario, donde afirma que la construcción de la civilización del amor es una prioridad que deben buscar tanto los profesionales de la educación como los que tienen esta tarea por vocación. Teniendo en cuenta la importancia de la vocación y la importancia de la familia en el proceso educativo, esta investigación se propone conocer cuál es el papel de la familia en la construcción de la civilización del amor. Para responder a esta pregunta, la tesis se ha dividido en tres partes dedicadas, respectivamente, a comprender: qué se entendía por civilización cristiana en la moral social católica preconciliar, en qué consiste el ideal social postconciliar de la civilización del amor y, finalmente, cómo establecer esta nueva visión de la sociedad. En esta última parte se presenta la propuesta de que la construcción de la civilización del amor consiste en el proceso de santificación de las relaciones sociales, a imagen de la sociedad universal sobrenatural de relaciones santificadas. El papel de la familia católica en este proceso se resume en la educación de los hijos para una vida cristiana plena.In 2013, Cardinal Zenon Grocholewski (then prefect of the Congregation for Catholic Education) mentioned that the main objective of the document Educating to Intercultural Dialogue in Catholic school (2013) was the construction of a civilization of love. In 2017, the same Congregation took up the theme again in the orientation Educating to fraternal humanism, where it affirms that the construction of the civilization of love is a priority to be pursued by both education professionals and those who have this task by vocation. Taking into account the importance of vocation and the importance of the family in the educational process, this research set out to know what the role of the family in the construction of the civilization of love is. To answer this question, the thesis was divided into three parts dedicated, respectively, to understanding: what was understood by Christian Civilization in pre-conciliar Catholic social morality, what the post-conciliar social ideal of the Civilization of Love consists of and, finally, how to establish this new vision of society. In this last part of the thesis, the proposal that the construction of the civilization of love is the process of sanctification of social relations is presented, as the image of the supernatural universal society of sanctified relationships. The role of the Catholic family in this process is summarized as the education of children for the full Christian life

    Spin-phonon coupling in the incommensurate magnetic ordered phase of orthorhombic TmMnO<sub>3</sub>

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    International audienceThe search for materials with strong magnetoelectric coupling has been intense since interesting properties were discovered in the perovskite TbMnO 3. Among the manganese-based perovskite family (RMnO 3), magnetic and electric orders coexist in the orthorhombic phase of the distorted perovskite TmMnO 3. The antiferromagnetic phase induces ferroelectricity, leading to type-II multiferroic behavior. Although the temperature-dependent behavior of the Raman-active phonons of other members of the orthorhombic RMnO 3 family was already reported, little information about orthorhombic TmMnO 3 has been published. In this paper, bulk samples of orthorhombic TmMnO 3 were obtained through HPHT treatment. Structural and magnetic properties of the synthesized samples were analyzed for phase con rmation. Temperature-dependent Raman spectra of bulk orthorhombic TmMnO 3 revealed weak spin-phonon coupling in the incommensurate antiferromagnetic ordered phase around 44 K. Raman spectra are also sensitive to the magnetic transition from the incommensurate to Etype antiferromagnetic phase, where the frequency renormalization due to the spin-phonon coupling vanishes. This feature shows the existence of an orbital-spin-phonon coupling based on the magnetic ordering of the lowtemperature phase

    qq-Classical orthogonal polynomials: A general difference calculus approach

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    It is well known that the classical families of orthogonal polynomials are characterized as eigenfunctions of a second order linear differential/difference operator. In this paper we present a study of classical orthogonal polynomials in a more general context by using the differential (or difference) calculus and Operator Theory. In such a way we obtain a unified representation of them. Furthermore, some well known results related to the Rodrigues operator are deduced. A more general characterization Theorem that the one given in [1] and [2] for the q-polynomials of the q-Askey and Hahn Tableaux, respectively, is established. Finally, the families of Askey-Wilson polynomials, q-Racah polynomials, Al-Salam & Carlitz I and II, and q-Meixner are considered. [1] R. Alvarez-Nodarse. On characterization of classical polynomials. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 196:320{337, 2006. [2] M. Alfaro and R. Alvarez-Nodarse. A characterization of the classical orthogonal discrete and q-polynomials. J. Comput. Appl. Math., 2006. In press.Comment: 18 page

    Pericardial adipose tissue, cardiac structures, and cardiovascular risk factors in school-age children

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    Aims We examined the associations of pericardial adipose tissue with cardiac structures and cardiovascular risk factors in children.Methods and results We performed a cross-sectional analysis in a population-based cohort study among 2892 children aged 10 years (2404 normal weight and 488 overweight/obese). Pericardial adipose tissue mass was estimated by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and indexed on height 3 . Left ventricular mass (LVM) and left ventricular mass-to-volume ratio (LMVR) were estimated by cardiac MRI. Cardiovascular risk factors included android adipose tissue percentage obtained by Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, blood pressure and glucose, insulin, cholesterol, and triglycerides concentrations. Adverse outcomes were defined as values above the 75 percentile. Median pericardial adipose tissue index was 3.6 (95% range 1.6-7.1) among normal weight and 4.7 (95% range 2.0-8.9) among overweight children. A one standard deviation (1 SD) higher pericardial adipose tissue index was associated with higher LMVR [0.06 standard deviation scores, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.02-0.09], increased odds of high android adipose tissue [odd ratio (OR) 2.08, 95% CI 1.89-2.29], high insulin concentrations (OR 1.17, 95% CI 1.06-1.30), an atherogenic lipid profile (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.11-1.33), and clustering of cardiovascular risk factors (OR 1.56, 95% CI 1.36-1.79). Pericardial adipose tissue index was not associated with LVM, blood pressure, and glucose concentrations. The associations showed largely the same directions but tended to be weaker among normal weight than among overweight children.Conclusion Pericardial adipose tissue is associated with cardiac adaptations and cardiovascular risk factors already in childhood in both normal weight and overweight children.Developmen

    Predictive Value of Ov16 Antibody Prevalence in Different Subpopulations for Elimination of African Onchocerciasis

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    The World Health Organization currently recommends assessing elimination of onchocerciasis by testing whether Ov16 antibody prevalence in children aged 0-9 years is below 0.1%. However, the certainty of evidence for this recommendation is considered to be low. We used the established ONCHOSIM model to investigate the predictive value of different Ov16-antibody prevalence thresholds in various age groups for elimination of onchocerciasis in a variety of endemic settings and for various mass drug administration scenarios. According to our simulations, the predictive value of Ov16 antibody prevalence for elimination depends highly on the precontrol epidemiologic situation, history of mass drug administration, the age group that is sampled, and the chosen Ov16-antibody prevalence threshold. The Ov16 antibody prevalence in children aged 5-14 years performs best in predicting elimination. Appropriate threshold values for this age group start at 2.0% for very highly endemic areas; for lower-endemic areas, even higher threshold values are safe to use. Guidelines can be improved by sampling school-aged children, which also is operationally more feasible than targeting children under age 10 years. The use of higher threshold values allows sampling of substantially fewer children. Further improvement can be achieved by taking a differentiated sampling approach based on precontrol endemicity