2,556 research outputs found

    Certificação e selos de qualidade asseguram requisitos na produção.

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    Em 2011, o Committee on Fisheries (Cofi) da Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) comitê de pesca da FAO, órgão da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) aprovou o documento que contém as Diretrizes Técnicas para Certificação da Aquicultura, visando ao desenvolvimento, à organização e à implementação de regimes confiáveis de certificação de aquicultura. Os países signatários deverão internalizá-lo e usá-lo como base para adaptar ou criar as normas relacionadas ao tema. O documento abrange questões de saúde e bem-estar animal, segurança alimentar, integridade ambiental e aspectos socioeconômicos

    A model for the onset of transport in systems with distributed thresholds for conduction

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    We present a model supported by simulation to explain the effect of temperature on the conduction threshold in disordered systems. Arrays with randomly distributed local thresholds for conduction occur in systems ranging from superconductors to metal nanocrystal arrays. Thermal fluctuations provide the energy to overcome some of the local thresholds, effectively erasing them as far as the global conduction threshold for the array is concerned. We augment this thermal energy reasoning with percolation theory to predict the temperature at which the global threshold reaches zero. We also study the effect of capacitive nearest-neighbor interactions on the effective charging energy. Finally, we present results from Monte Carlo simulations that find the lowest-cost path across an array as a function of temperature. The main result of the paper is the linear decrease of conduction threshold with increasing temperature: Vt(T)=Vt(0)(14.8kBTP(0)/pc)V_t(T) = V_t(0) (1 - 4.8 k_BT P(0)/ p_c) , where 1/P(0)1/P(0) is an effective charging energy that depends on the particle radius and interparticle distance, and pcp_c is the percolation threshold of the underlying lattice. The predictions of this theory compare well to experiments in one- and two-dimensional systems.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figures, submitted to PR

    Chironomidae (Diptera, Insecta) do reservatório de Furnas (MG) e sua relação com a qualidade da água.

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    Resumo: Com a crescente expansão da criação de peixes em tanques rede advinda da prática da aquicultura, alterações na qualidade da água e em todo o ecossistema relacionado podem ocorrer. Sabe-se que a ocorrência de larvas de certas espécies da família Chironomidae (Diptera) associada a variáveis físicas e químicas da água pode ser adotada como indicador de impactos. Este trabalho teve como principal objetivo levantar a fauna de Chironomidae presente na área profundal do entorno de tanques rede no Reservatório de Furnas (MG) e determinar sua relação com a qualidade da água. O sedimento de fundo foi coletado com o auxílio de uma draga de Ekman-Birge, em tréplicas, em seis pontos com 16 m de profundidade em média, sendo um ponto localizado em área sem produção aquícola e os demais em pontos com produção. Após a coleta, as amostras foram triadas em laboratório utilizando-se microscópio estereoscópico e as larvas foram montadas em lâmina para identificação taxonômica em nível de gênero. Ao todo, 765 indivíduos foram identificados, sendo em sua maioria da subfamília Chironominae. Os indivíduos foram enquadrados em grupos tróficos funcionais, onde se encontrou uma maior abundância de indivíduos coletores catadores indicando alta concentração de matéria orgânica no sistema. Abstract: With the increasing expansion of fish farming in cages arising from the practice of aquaculture, changes in water quality and all related ecosystem may occur. It is known that the occurrence of larvae of certain species of the family Chironomidae (Diptera) associated with physical and chemical parameters can be adopted as an indicator of impacts. This study aimed to raise the Chironomidae fauna present in the deep area around cages in Furnas Reservoir (MG) and to determine its relationship with water quality. The bottom sediment was collected with the aid of an Ekman-Birge dredge in rejoinders in six points of 16 m deep on average, with a point located in an area without aquaculture and other on points with production. After collection, the samples were screened in the laboratory using a stereoscopic microscope and larvae were mounted on slides for taxonomic identification at genus level. In all, 765 individuals were identified, mostly subfamily Chironominae. Individuals were classified into functional feeding groups, where they found a greater abundance of individuals collectors gatherers indicating high concentration of organic matter in the system

    Basketball game-related statistics that discriminate between teams season-long success

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    The aim of the present study was to identify the game-related statistics that discriminate between season-long successful and unsuccessful basketball teams participating in the Spanish Basketball League (LEB1). The sample included all 145 average records per season from the 870 games played between the 2000-2001 and the 2005-2006 regular seasons. The following game-related statistics were gathered from the official box scores of the Spanish Basketball Federation: 2- and 3-point field-goal attempts (both successful and unsuccessful), free-throws (both successful and unsuccessful), defensive and offensive rebounds, assists, steals, turnovers, blocks (both made and received), and fouls (both committed and received). To control for season variability, all results were normalized to minutes played each season and then converted to z-scores. The results allowed discrimination between best and worst teams' performances through the following game-related statistics: assists (SC=0.47), steals (SC=0.34), and blocks (SC=0.30). The function obtained correctly classified 82.4% of the cases. In conclusion, season-long performance may be supported by players' and teams' passing skills and defensive preparation